MlAMMMMit Review Up A4 Beer Vote May A regular riveting of the town council was held on Monday night April with Mayor Rose and all of councilpresent A very large- amount of business was dealt with ranging in importance from the hearing of delegations to the of a junk nuisance and a bylaw authorizing the taking of a vote on liquor and beer stores Reeve Cook reviewed the work of the North York health unit stating that it was provid ing excellent services Sports and Publicity Councillor Jim Murray pre- chairman of the planning board was ent to hear the reading of cor respondence in which his board requested the sum of being included in the town budget for its use in and a further letter suggesting new legislation to supercede the bylaw recently rescinded for setback building on street A deputation consisting of Mr Mr Ward Mr Wright and Mr Hoffman was present to appeal that the present name of Leper street be changed Jo that of Hill View Road Councillor Davis said his un derstanding was that the street was named after an old Aurora family but to his best know ledge there were no members surviving The representations of Mr Kinnear were accepted and the new name approved by council Mr V Smith represented a delegation composed of Mr Adams and Mrs Gerrbw con cerning the future condition of the tennis courts Mr Smith said that if the tennis courts were put into good shape a greater membership would re sult and the development of the courts be good for the town The matter was turned over to the property committee for attention Oarage Mr Wilson requested the permission of council to reside in garage accommodation while his house was being built at the corner of George and Welling ton The request prompted considerable discussion Councilor Tucker took the view that to grant such permis sion would provide loopholes arid leave themselves wide open while DeputyReeve Murray thought that such a concession would provide a temporary con venience while a home was be ing established J Councillor Murray pointed out that the application was not hi accordance with the bylaws which the had assisted in putting through council while Councillor shared the opinion tfte depu tyreeve that the concession would in the building of a new home Councillor King thought the applicant should have been present to explain the position to council It was finally agreed to accede to the applicants rev quest limiting it to a period of months and subject to the applicant entering into air agreement with council that building of the new home would be completed in the period stat ed Councillors Murray and Tucker voted against the motion on the grounds that it was in troducing an undesirable pre cedent Water Overflow Mr on behalf of the Hill View Road formerly Leper street residents renewed the former request made to council that steps be taken in regard to the overflow of water and ask ed what council was going to do about it Mr Hoffman suggested that the aggrieved resident form themselves into a committee and bring suggestions to council and this was accepted Mr Karl Stewart and Mr Ralph appeared In protest against a taxi licence having been granted to K David without the matter been brought to council Mayor Rose pointed but that Mr Davis had held such a licence over a number of years not for genera passenger uses but for the convenience of a very clientele Mr Stewart pointed but that a taxi licence was a very valu able thing and should not be granted without he closest in vestigation it should not in any Circumstances be possible for any holder of such licence to sell it Mayor Rose assured the dele gation that their interests as taxi owners providing a service for the town would ho carefully safeguarded by council pointing out that no taxi licence could legally be sold Mr Adair supported by Mr Baldwin and Mr nave a detailed report to council on the now Parks The board was asking for the sum of and the supplying of a man to look after the parks The mayor complimented Mr Adair on the report presented and it was agreed to advertise for a suitable man to take care of the work that would be sched uled by the Parks board York County Mayor Rose gave council a comprehensive report on York county hospital in which ho covered many interesting details concerned with plana to heavy deficits Aurora News Page J SINCLAIR Editor PAGE NINE THURSDAY THE TENTH DAY OF APRIL NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO r it LLi a report of the sports and publicity committee of which he is chairman and reference to the work of the rink provided a subject of prolonged discus sion The report affirmed that the work at the arena would be done better if the recrea tion tor looked after it instead of other time being di vided up in recreation activities Councillor Tucker said that percent the managers time should be given to the arena At present too much of his time was being given to recreation commission work Councillor Jones said the manager gave his lime to the recreation commission in sum mer when there was little do ing at the rink Councillor Murray took the view that the manager was more of a recreation than an arena man At this point Mayor Rose said he would like to pay a due tri bute to Mrs Perryment for her excellent voluntary services at the swimming classes The work she was doing was purely volun tary Hoard Under fire Counciiior Murray said that the manager did not work at nights at the arena leaving as sistants and Patrick in charged Be was of the opinion thai night work at the arena was the most important and that the manager should be In full charge then Mayor Rose expressed surprise that the manager was not in at tendance at the arena at night whereupon Councillor Jones asked why they were discussing such matters in council Why doesnt the arena board look af ter these matters asked Mr Jones Murray did not the manager was properly directed and stated that he came with high recommend ations It could be that he was more of a recreation than a ice Councillor Tucker said it was tip to council to instruct its boards CGouncHIor said the fink was in a deplorable condi tion a leaking roof that let water through- He demanded that the arena board go down and do some work Inactive Board Murray said the arena board was not active and he was not satisfied with the manner in which matters had been handled in the past His colleague Councillor Tucker had recently been appointed treasurer and found that no book entries had been made from July tip to February when he took over The roof had been leaking for two years and the chairman of the board didnt know of it- Machinery was left unguarded to the extent that It was a danger hazards What was needed an active board Councillor said money was spent on the front part of the rink while the moneymak ing part was neglected DeputyReeve Murray did not think enough money had been put into the rink to make a good Job of if Tucker said he wished to disassociate himself from some of Councillor Mur rays remarks adding that he thought the board had tried to do the best it Other Bflsiness Bylaws Etc The application of the plan ning board for vas handed over Cook as chairman of the finance committee for consideration and a report A a Ikjuor and beer vote Introduced voting to take place on Tuesday May Cook said it was the very first time in his municipal career that a petition for a vote did not first of all have to come before council and Councillor protested against the town having to pay the costs of the vote did not consider that was to the town Councillor King introduced a bylaw for the purpose of licen cing hawkers and pedlars Councillor Davis brought up question of a nuisance junk yard on street in regard to which Councillor Tucker add that he had also had com plaints Council directed that the of fenders bo requested to cease the nuisances complained of failing which a bylow would be passed to enforce compliance Council adjourned shortly af ter midnight A review of council business will bo given in our Council Sidelights in our issue of April MODERATE DRINKERS OPPOSE OUTLETS the liquor and beer campaign are causing an injury to the town of Aurora which will take years to wipe out Before the issue is settled many hard words may have been spoken and friendships ended All these possibilities have arisen from the activities of a few anonymous citizens intent on getting something that had not entered the heads of the majority of the citizens 7 w It seems more than coincidental that what is hap pening in Aurora is simultaneously happening in other parts of Ontario It might appear that these events are being worked out to a carefully planned pattern No demand from the citizens of Aurora for liquor and beer outlets was ever heard and those who are most vocally opposed to them issue is apparently inescapable are those drink when they want one Tlie most positive opposi tion we have so far heard against these outlets being installed in town emanates not only from the people but from those who could be described as model- ate drinkers Of course the temperance people are profoundly opposed to the proposals and that was to bo expected What was not apparent Was the strong feeling on the part of the moderate drinkers against changing the way of life which Aurorians have known the past years It is from these citizens that strong is being heard daily against outlets in Aurora They want Aurora kept the way it is bad Tiie liquor and beer committee having anonymously laid its unhealthy egg its members dispersed to take stock of events To sell the egg to the surprised citizens of Aurora the committee and workers set about getting papers signed mostly by handpicked supporters This preliminary work concluded tlie voters will be asked on Tuesday hatch the egg The citizens of Aurora have been pushed into a situation not of their choosing It is a situation that will cost the town a lot of dollars The liquor board has ordered a vote for May In our innocence we had supposed that the Aurora town council was the chief executive body for the municipality We have- learned otherwise We have learned that the liquor board at the direction of a few hundred more or less handpicked voters not the town council orders the citizens around The liquor board will not pay the cost of a new voters list Nor will the anonymous liquor and beer committee pay the cost of a new voters list and the costs arising from the vote on May 27 The citizens of Aurora the great majority of whom never asked for a vote will pay these costs We were informed that the petition for a vote was sent to the liquor board on March 21 It did not take the liquor board very long to reply for the direction from that body to the town clerk to take a vote was dated March 20 A small number of people appear to be in a heck of a hurry to get a stockpile of liquor and beer bottles installed in Aurora J BATTERING ON CLOSED DOORS A good deal of our time is spent in battering oil closed doors to get them opened so that the ratepayers can see what is going on inside the buildings maintained by their Some progress has been made and we have plenty of time to continue the barrage in the public interest We do not readily give up Take the Arena for example In the public interest we published several contributions from Mr Swindle in which he charged that general slackness and incompetency had characterized committee management It was out of a sense of frustration as he stated that he resigned from the board of management on which he had served for two years Although we offered full space for the publication of rebuttals on the part of those who felt themselves affronted by Mr Swindles observations nut one word have we been asked to print It is therefore a reason able presumption that what Mr Swindle charged can not be rebutted It is high time that the citizens had full informa tion on what is happening to their investment They got nothing last year but an unsigned financial statement which Mr Swindle challenged is our intention to press for full information on the rink To WHAT THEY ARE SAYING Ret Comm Financial Shows Fine Progress Made Banner Smothers Vital News THEATRE AURORA MANAGER TEL Friday and Saturday April 1112 MOVIE WE RECOMMEND FOR THE FAMILY The financial statement of the Aurora Recreation Commission for the year is published this week under the authorizing signatures of the chairman Don Glass and the secretarytreasurer Mr Bell and approved by the town auditor This is a peak financial statement in the history of this very fine local organization and reflects great credit on all concerned in it- The commission is made up of Mrs Roy of Spruce street telephone as an ad ditional social correspondent for Aurora and district- She will be glad to receive social news and reports of interesting Aurora events v Mrs Fier heller has taken members representing numer ous town organizations as well as two members of the town council Councillors and Murray It is presided over by an able and enthusiastic chair man and ail these factors ex plain why the work of the com mission has continued to grow in importance and community usefulness The financial statement show ing the handling of funds ex ceeding embraces a wide scope of activities among them craft instruction playgrounds and baseball minor hockey swimming classes art classes woodworking and pic nics These names suggest a tremendous amount of work on the part of the commission that cannot be enumerated or put down on paper No financial rewards accrue to any members of the commission who give their time and thought to promoting the activities of this community organization without reward or thought of re word Their reward consists only in the knowledge that they are helping to increase the general happiness of the older people in the community and lo give joy to the children through the pro vision of playgrounds and to increase their knowledge and future usefulness as citizens through the provision of artistic and educational pursuits We take our hat off to the Aurora Commission May its work more and more pros per In New Home The are 1 shed in their new location in j the south portion of the store on street The set ting is a very attractive one with decorations all brilliantly new with while and green shades predominating At the rear of what can only he described as salon- 1 ike prem ises there is a fine lawn which one reaches through doors eon- tain ing French windows of bev elled glass The lawn is now beginning to assume a surface of green verdure with White- law robins hopping around Half of the premises consists of a panelled room once the sittingroom of the Petersons and later the persona offices of Mr Peterson The whole of the premises dating back for about ICO years were overhauled and remodelled by Mr Peterson some years ago Mr and Mrs have been the recipients of innumer able good wishes from their Au rora and countryside friends and distant friends and they say the change they have made has given them a new lease on life With good wishes came quels of flowers from Mr and Mrs Charles Peterson the Board of Trade and Aurora News Page We hope they will bo carrying on a prosperous business for years to come By the way Mr will continue to sell our paper ami to accept adver tisements as heretofore Mrs heller Mi Comi a very active part in United church activities over a period many years At present she is the president of the choir and among other positions she has held are vicepresident of the Friendship convener of the Evening Auxiliary- arid for several years she was superin tendent or the Junior depart ment of the Sunday school We arc sure that Mrs Fier- enrollment on the cor responding staff of our paper will give her many friends great pleasure New Aurora Club The first regular meeting of the Aurora New Canadians club was a great success as many as being present on Thursday evening April 3 at Cousins Appropriately enough the unexpectedly large attend ance was composed of newcom ers from England Czechoslova kia Holland and Hungary Al so present wore a number of na tiveborn Canadians The meeting was largely of a social gettogether character and a number of games were much enjoyed At the conclu sion of the proceedings the la dies served an excellent supper It is propose to hold nomin ations for offices in the club at its next meeting to be fol lowed by arrangements for a summer program Square dance groups and alley bowling will be proposed and national groups to promote national dances to take place at the Jar vis farm will be under considera tion The now club has certainly gotten off to a good start Kink Treasurer It has not we believe been previously reported that Coun cillor Ralph Tucker replaced Mr Stoddart as treasurer of the rink committee Mr has continued as secre tary of the committee With reference to the 5 grant from the Agricultural de partment for the Arena Mem orial which Councillor Jim Mur ray brought to the notice of council it should in fairness to all concerned be recalled that Mr F Swindle in his last contribution to Aurora News Page referred to this matter It could be that if Mr Swindle had not resurrected this substantial matter from the oblivion into which it had fallen through the neglect of the old council and the Arena Board it would have remained Mr Swindles articles dynamized some action As we have mentioned in an editorial this week arena mat ters are of urgent town import ance and a comprehensive re port be forthcoming at an early date Old Buildings Speaking of old buildings the Aurora Now Page is pleased premises occupied by MrRoU- announce the appointment of Continued Page Council King township council will be forwarded to the depart bylaws regarding subdivision plans and a road improvement area in the Holland Marsh at the monthly meeting held In the township office on April Father McOoeys subdivision fifth line will be recommended to the registrar of North York providing he supplies the neces sary bills of sate and the re quired Father Mc- explained that property in this subdivision had been sold before the planning bylaw went Into effect Eight lots had been deeded and six were taken by signed agreements It was on behalf of the latter that he re quested council to authorize registry of deeds Recommendation of acceptance of planning and develop ment for a subdivision belong ing to Miss I known as part of the east half of lot concession providing she pro vides the necessary services this part of her subdivision which borders on the highway In tile John Dew subdivision near King lots extending back of the approved lots facing King will be recommended for approval with the stipulation that Mr Dew install waterworks and streets He has indicated his intention to comply with these requirements The lots of the subdivision bordering the north side of King were earlier approved by the planning board ainst At 3 pm on Sunday April some 3540 representative and enthusiastic Aurora In the town hall to discuss the coming vote on the approval or otherwise of a liquor store and a beer warehouse The provincial regulations re garding such a vote were tils cussed and the meeting decided to organize a Citizens Commit tee for a negative vote on the subject J lias been appointed manager for the neg ative side are the names of those who 4 signed the official document Crawford Rose MD pale King Vivian Wilcox J Baldwin Marshall Rank A Fisher Myrtle Young Linton J Henderson Helen Clark Duckworth J Knowlcs Harrison linage R K J lelgh Moddle Francis A Cook J Don Glass Os borne C Copland Oliver John J Buchanan The the following officers and chairman committees as an executive chairman J deputy chairman Glass treasurer and chairman of the financial committee Smith sec Lubbock Chairman organization com mittee E J chairman committee Mrs Harold Clark chairman membership committee I Watts chairman speakers com mittee A N Fisher chairman publicity committee Clarke At the close of the meeting it collection was taken among some of those present and over SCO was subscribed as a beginn ing of funds for the use of the committee The chairman of each com mittee was asked to select com members Any citizen of Aurora who would like to work on any of these committees should phone such committee chairman w mi- fum tfB- r it ft iftW tot Mfedi SNA VMA Ho I TV AKtFIUILllUa mi HGH LASSIE Plus Disney Cartoon and News Serial No 2 Showing at Friday and pm Saturday Matinee Monday Tuesday J ftPrJ April hmS rj v I ft pair WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON APRIL 2 PM MW w KIDS WEDNESDAY mi lit tfJjWlTj P Friday Saturday April Clark Gable Rkartb MoAtaftaa Across TheWWe Missouri TECHNICOLOR PICK SUSAN HAYWAID AN AMfWCAN IN PARIS r