Eta and Express April A MESSAGE TO THE OF ABOUT PARKERS RADIO PROGRAM due to unforeseen circumstances newmarket was not called on the Mother Parkers Radio Program saturday april as planned f L ITS A Womans World But will be called this Saturday April 19 with a Jackpot of sure to have a package of mother parkers Tea or Tea Bags or a can of Mother Parkers Coffee or Jar of Coffee Bags in your home your phone may ring giving you an opportunity to win a Jackpot Prize MOTHER FUR JACKETS WITH LATEST STYLES FOB RESTYLING COAT STORAGE OVER 25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE CLOSE TO HOME U By Caroune Ion Last week we were steeped in Canadians We are conscious of our Canadian heritage We are aware of awakened interest rfic people in the arte and letters m music in the teaching irf and fine workmanship We are awakened to the panor amic wonders of this country of there was a talk on drama both legitimate as such as weaving or journalism or any of the vast number of subjects available to them they are enriching their lives and Canadian culture through their fresh enthusiasm coupled with seen in our theatres and canned as we receive It by radio It was given at the Arts and Letters club Toronto by CBC drama producer Andrew Allen Speak ing on culture in Great Britain since the war years Mr Allen brought in many references to professional theatre groups the straw hat circuit and radio in Canada- He said that it was very signi ficant that last season the stock companies played to large aud iences rather than to empty hams He commented on the fact that such a group had gath ered that evening to hear him speak and enter into the lengthy discussion period which followed Little theatre members associat ed under the Central Ontario Drama league with their friends filled the auditorium asked questions listened as com pletely fascinated to all that was said and went home en thused Mr Allen spoke of Lister Sin clairs play Socrates and the excellent reception it had receiv ed He said that new writers were needed and that in radio they attempted to give every en couragement to the Canadian Birthday wishes are extended artist whether he be script writ- this week to SWINDLE Attended by many guests the marriage of Miss Audrey Joan Swindle daughter of Mr and Mrs- Thomas Swindle to Mr William John Bavins son of Dr and the late Dr Clifford all of Aurora took place in the United church in Aurora Rev Howey per formed the ceremony with Mr Harris at the organ and Mrs Jean as soloist The bride wore a gown of snowdrop white and net over heavy satin featuring a moulded basque long tight sleeves and a round neckline set off by a sheer yoke and tiny scalloped collar A tapered lace fell over the very full gathered net skirt which ended in a chapel train Her veil fell from a bonnet brim of net technical skills And then as if an icing were satin and her flowers were needed for this concoction of Canadiana we were thrilled once again with the wonders which are our country The Royal Journey was outstanding not only as the pictorial recording of the visit to Canada of Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of It presented an enticing travelogue of our mag nificent country Our only wish was that it could have been lengthened by another hour to have shown in more de tail the spots touched in the royal visit But at that wo re turned home freshly imbued with the immensity of this nation conscious of its physical and ec onomic wealth as well as its un tapped resources of native talent IMIMIIIIW CLUB white gardenias and carnations in cascade effect Given in marriage by her fa ther the bride was attended by Mrs Jackie Johnson matron of honor Mrs Donna Miss Jean Mrs June Swindle and Miss Elizabeth They wore grey net over flame coral satin with braided caught with red carnations at the back and carried cascades of red car nations and tulips Mr Donald Brown was best man and the ushers were Messrs Emerson Jennings Wal ter Swindle David and Robert Thomas At the reception held at the the brides mother received in a gown and hat of soft blue with corsage of pink roses The grooms mother chose a navy taffeta gown with white accessories and corsage of white lilacs On their return from the United States Mr and Mrs Devins will live in Aurora Thorn if 1 Furs YONGE ST AT0 HIGHWAY THOSE nothing like Coke join your gay circle of friends Serving CocaCola serves hospitality adds to the occasion Bottle Carton Mh1 faff end Plus Unit canUct with BEVERAGES LTD PHONE IfXBlllIKiH musician composer actor or playwright This same interest in things Canadian was seen last week when a responsive and enthus iastic audience gathered at the Area High school for the last in the Canad ian Concert Association series Two young Canadian artists of exceptional talent were heard in recital Combined with their sensitive interpretative powers was a sincerity of approach and outstanding stage presence As one member of the local concert association executive said Our aim in establishing the series was twofold First to provide Canadian artists with audiences in their own and second to bring Canadian musical talent to Newmarket We agree wholehearted that in both these objectives they have succeeded For no artist could have complained about the enthusiasm given each guest per former at this seasons concerts Many in this district have had three musical evenings which they would otherwise have been unable to enjoy Institute of Technol ogy is feeling the pressure of in creased interest in the crafts by Canadians of all ages A friend who visited the institute recent ly said that so many are apply ing for instruction in weaving that the number of looms is being doubled Visiting the arts and weaving departments a from town saw that one of the finest woven articles on display was a couch throw the work of Mrs Bales Cor- St First they visited the drafting room where the weavers work out their designs at the drafting tables These are then carried to the looms where- under their imaginative interpretations the designs are translated into the reality beautiful materials The students are taught to do everything independently with free rein being given to encour age creative ability They de sign the hassock or foot stool Make the piece of furniture in the wood working shop Design their material weave it and then upholster the article Personality plays a great part in weaving as in ail crafts One person takes a colour and is tin- able do anything with it- An other using the same colour pro duces something very beautiful Here at Institute is seen a reawakening the need or fine craftsmanship Here the opportunity is being provid ed for Canadian young people for self expression in distinctly Canadian ways Whether they choose one of the cottage arts Hope United church was the harmonizing blue and Smith Elgin Mills years old on Friday Apr 11 Bill Newmarket years old on Friday Apr Kenneth Walter Stiles New market year old on Friday Apr Norman Kay Newmar ket 14 years old on Saturday Apr and Clark Brooks lon years old on Saturday Apr is v Jean Newmarket 13 years oh on Saturday Apr John Douglas Hope Newmarket years old on Sat urday Apr and Barbara Pollock Newmarket years old on Sat urday Apr Keith Edward Wright Aurora years old on Sunday Apr Shirley Dennis Aurora 8 years old on Monday Apr Joan Lillian Kes wick years old on Monday Apr iiVV Sherwood Newmarket years old on Monday Apr 14 Tommy Peregrine years old on Tuesday Apr 15 James William Eves Newmarket years old on Tues day Apr Wendy Newmarket years old on Wednesday Apr 10 Allan Boyd It It Newmar ket years old oh Wednesday Apr Gale Ann Knurs Newmarket 0 years old on Wednesday Apr Hi Donald Edward Glenn New market years old on Wednes day Apr Mildred Keswick years oh on Wednesday Apr George Newmarket It years old on Thursday Apr Audrey Sheridan Newmarket years old on Thursday Apr Please send in your name ad dress age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Ex press birthday club scene of the first wedding in years Saturday April when a double ring ceremony was performed for the marriage of Eleanor Goldie Phillips daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Edgar Phil lips and niece of Mr and Mrs Crook of Hope to John Arthur Howard son of Mr and Mrs John Nimmo of j veiling costume Standards of snapdragon and white carnations decorated the setting when Mr Crook gave his niece in mar riage The bride was gracefully gowned in white satin with figured lace over net made with Chinese neckline lace bodice and long lace sleeves The full length skirt was styled with panels of lace and net Her finger tip tulle veil fell from a lace cap and her shower bou quet was arranged with white sweetpeas and red roses circled with hyacinth brides sister Mrs Allan Jones was matron of honor wearing orchid taffeta made with matching lace overtrim on part of the skirt She wore a matching taffeta headpiece and carried orchid peach and pink carnations The bridesmaids were Mrs Bruce Phillips the brides sis terinlaw and Miss Jean her cousin Their gowns were styled alike in soft green strap less taffeta with short jackets short sleeves and match ing long gloves They wore matching crown caps with pleated edges and carried or chid yellow carmine chrysan themums and carnations The junior bridesmaids were Carol Ball and Phillips love ly in their long yellow taffeta gowns matching headbands with roses and spring flower nose gays The groomsman was Robert of Toronto and the ushers were the grooms cousin Stew art of and Reginald of Toron to uncle of the groom After the ceremony a was held at Maple Masonic hall where the brides mother received in navy blue pleated crepe navy accessories and crimson corsage The grooms mother wore navy with matching hat trimmed with pink roses and corsage of red and white roses Mrs Crook the brides aunt chose lime green black acces sories ami corsage of yellow roses After the wedding sup per the bride donned her tra il navy blue WHY A N MONTREAL soonest mended be true But when I get started on my favorite topic PUDDINGS its to get slopped For theres so much to say about Puddings and all of it good Youll see what mean very first time you try JeU0 Puddings Youll be raving about their tempting home-made- tasting flavor And the variety of flavor too Four JellO Pudding flavors and three wonderful Tapioca Pudding flavors Alt are as economical as can be to serve cost you only about a serving Youll discover countless ways to serve Puddings in nourishing milkrich family and in different desserts for guests- Let A Spring Day Catch You With The Blue Chase them sway with a glass of SAL I before breakfast And youll Sal ful family laxative for over CO years Another beauty Sal is that you can use it safely merely as a refresher in the morning or at night when your feels the need of a more thorough remedy So next time youre shopping ask for a of and ccf the box top or label your name and to me Barbara Brent Crescent St Montreal end fend you a size jar of MUM Cream Heres A Word youll use again ami again if your feet are a problem to yow Its the new wonder ingredient in Com and Callus Plasters It took ten years of scientific research by BlueJay to develop and it was well worth the effort For now PhonfHum is effective in f of the cases tested works faster 0 get rid of corns and Thats why so many folks are saying the best news in years for people with foot trouble Ask your druggist today for BlueJay Corn Plasters with the new wonderworking Youll be thrilled by its speedy relief J After The Ball Is its fun to have the crowd in for a lata evening snack sandwiches coffee and cake And youll usually find its the cake that adds the finish ing touch especially when your rake is fluffy ami light moist ami delicious the kind of cakes you have with SWANS DOWN FLOUR Swans Down cakes are tempting and mouth Swans Down Cake Flour IS specially made for better cakes It is sifted and resifted until times as fine as ordinary flour Remember men love Swam cakes and the girls bake them King The vows were performed by the uncle of the groom Rev Alexander minister of St Andrews Presbyterian church and Rev Percy J Lambert minister of Hope church Mrs Gordon was organist and the soloist was They are making their home Miss Joan Scott of Toronto concession King tailored suit navy accessories and white hat with navy trim A large shoulder corsage of pale blue and white carnations com pleted her attire The happy couple motored to Detroit and other cities in the United States returning through Niagara Falls on Youre Had Any Valuables Stolen Or through hie its such unhappy experience But I do know one way to avoid it So simple so and so inexpensive just store your possessions in a Safety TO at OF Thru when you go visiting for a or a week you ran perfectly relaxed in the that theyre safe as can be I hud my Safety posit a wonderful aid to my of mind Why not gather your valuable paper and keepsakes together today and take them down to vour neighborhood branch the It takes just minutes to relit a Safety Deposit Box and costs than two cents a day USE ERA AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS TO TURK ARTICLES YOU NO LONGER NEED INTO CASH NOW j VAq SUPER WASHABIE w i aw I 3- as velvet tough as rubber newest miracle of research J Sf0 pt i-rj- DAVIDSON Aurora United church was the setting the wedding of Carol- Underbill daughter of Mrs Underbill and the late Eugene Underbill and Dr Jack Willis Davidson Toronto son of Mrs Cecil Rev Harvey officiated against white snapdragons stocks and carnations Willis was organist and June Kowakhuk sung The bride given in marriage by her uncle Dr Frederic Un derbill wore a gown of net over white faille and crinoline The strapless bo dice was in lace and the short slurred jacket featur ed a portrait neckline A match ing lace Juliet cap held her fin gertip veil of French tulle illu sion and she carried lily of the valley and gladioli petals Jeanne maid of honor and bridesmaids Eva Lu cas and June Caulficld were gowned alike in ballerinalength blue point over net and faille They wore matching hats trimmed with violet ribbon and carried nosegays of violets pink roses and sweet peas Dr James was groomsman and Eugene Raymond Dr Edward and Dr Frederic ush ered At the Legion Hall tbe brides mother received in blue lace and crepe with navy accessories and a corsage of orchids assist ed by the grooms mother in French champagne luce and sheer with pink orchids For their honeymoon to Geor gia the bride travelled in a while suit with a yellow straw hat black accessories and red velvet top coat They will make 9 mm SVil Vdv how lo YES Sticr comes ready to use It needs no primer or under- coaler applies easily perfectly on wallpaper paint plaster or wood It dries evenly shower itan wh Hash a Super din luddiui away wear It ran gallon oil point thai with On Wnrti malt your com a- am tot look and Ilk h fvamI on AMAZE YOU fully in minutes has no offensive coat covers most surfaces Made by the makers of and 725 PER 220 P QUART Canada Company Ltd The low Brother Company Ltd Um all 3 of these great home decorating aid The MartinSenour Company ltd The Company of Canada ltd tt