V -vrr- ij and April ftfj Newmarket Era Express Thursday April 1953 I PROCLAMATION DAYLIGHT April to Whereas the by resolution adopted on April has authorized to Issue a proclamation the to observe a period of Daylight Saving for the current year commencing at oclock on Sunday April and continuing until 2 oclock on Sunday Septem ber To carry out this request the Town Council it will be necessary that all CLOCKS AND WATCHES BE ADVANCED ONE HOUR AT OCLOCK AM ON SUNDAY APRIL The Council most respectfully asks the hearty cooperation of all citizens in making a success of this movement for the public benefit Proclaimed pursuant to the instructions of the Council this day of April JOSEPH VALE Mayor GOD SAVE THE QUEEN VIBRATED Cement Blocks and plain Abo Styles of Blocks PINE ORCHARD CEMENT BLOCK CO Mount Albert ATTENTION FARMERS CANADA PACKERS LTD Is now contracting cucumbers for the 1952 season OUR PRICE for cucumbers IS UP this year and there are SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR DELIVERY For your contract or for more information aboutthis PROFITABLE CASH CROP Phone write or see W ADAMS Newmarket phone Is FOR RADIATOR SERVICE Phone 1245 Newmarket ROWLANDS UPTODATE EQUIPMENT PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE SPHEiSDEES J2rV m tI We- carry a complete NO 11 FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Specially designed for tractors Two position axle mounting with roller bearing Shields to protect moving parts capacity Available in hitch if required Guaranteed for one season against defective material or workmanship SALES AND SERVICE ZEPHYR Mrs Chns Pickering who baa been staying in Toronto spent the weekend here The Misses Horner of Toronto and Hamil ton respectively spent the week end at their home here Mr Rod of Toronto visited his mother and family oil Sunday- Mr and Mrs Cecil Harrison and family spent Sunday in To ronto with Mr Bar then Mr Frank Harrison This held their annual meeting and election of offi cers in the community ball Wednesday Special services were held in the United church oft Good Fri daymorning and were well at tended by members of the and the United Mission churches Rev Mr was the speaker- Miss Marion J Newmarket spent Good Fri day at her home here A number from here attended the funeral of the late Bain The commun ity extend their sincere sympa thy to the bereaved family Mr and Donald Black- stock and son of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs I Law The Sacrament of the Lords Supper was observed in the United church last Sundayeven ing The choir rendered splen did music The theme of the sermon delivered by Mr thdrii- was If ye die shall live again A threeact play Aaron Slick of Crick being spon- sored by the Zephyr- United church choir and will pre sented in the community hall Zephyr on Friday evening Apr This play is the work of the young group bridge Mr John Morrison who spent the winter with his sis ter Mrs A left last Thursday for St Marys arid thence to his home- in Minne apolis Mr and Mrs Terry rick of Montreal spent the holiday with Mr and Mrs Dewey Gra ham and family Queensville News Mrs vlftHliSg let Miss loyci Kyle Mr Murray and Miss lilt upending holiday hi Washington -vv- Cam Johnson and of spent rt her parent Mt MrisiFraitH KaVnftafiliiV Miss Is the holiday with Mr and Mrs J li of Is visiting her daughter family X A shower for Mr and Sm Louise Morton Was j hold pi Saturday at- the home of Mrs Levi Mr arid Mrs visit ed Mrs Agnes Loke of and mer resident here how of on Good Friday Mrs A J Milne is visiting her daughter in Belleville the United on Sunday of the service in Church at am April Hie Evening Auxiliary Easter thankoffering service will be held on Tuesday night April at In the United Church Huston of tor la Square te the guest speaker yiUbc giving an on his work among the Indians of Canada KeswlcH arc guests this meeting Everyone Is invited to be Tuesday night In Keswick Memorial Centre Mrs A Is holding a recital of he York County Music I entries from her htral schools pupils of Hillside school are entering a chorus arid several Parents and friends to hear this PLEASAKTVILLE The roads are in a terrible condition from the fourth east to Cedar Valley People are leaving cars at the corner of and walking a few miles in some cases- f ThevfYork and Toronto Roads erected signs the- road the number is eight Mr and Ms frank daughter of Burlington had Sunday dinner with Mrs Toole Master- Bili Sheridan of is spending a few days With his grandparents Mr and and Mrs liNicol and little daughter Aurora and arid Sheridan of Newmarket were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs and had Tuesday dinner at the home of Mrs Last- Thursday Mr and Mrs Gordon of Mount Albert I held a reception at their home ANSNORVELD of Hol land conducted the Easter ser vices at the Christian Reform church here Mr lias returned home after being in a Toronto hospital for treatment Mr and Mrs J Hall and drri of Hamilton spent the Eas ter weekend with Mr arid Mrs VanDyken Mr and Mrs S ac companied Mrs Chris of Bradford and Mr and Mrs John have left for New York City spend a Miss Jean Cunningham of is spending the Easter holidays at her home Mr- and Mrs Leonard Milne a Mr and Mrs Tom of Toronto spent the Easter weekend with Mrs Frank Milne Mrs Frank Milne returned to Toronto with her son on Sunday to spend week there Mr and Mrs Geo of were visitors of Mr and Mrs Bob Lei Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Kayariagh were Mr arid Mrs P Stephenson of Mont real Mrs Leila arid Mrs Norm Smith of Toronto arid Mrs Ruth Ve wish a speedy recovery for Rev E V Warren who had an operation Newmarket hos pital on Mr arid Mrs movctl into their new home on Good Friday A shower for Mr Fred Coates arid Miss Doro thy Fox was held on Monday night at the home of Mr and Mis Roy Dr and Mrs Walker and children of visitel Dr Walkers sister Mrs Well- man and family on Sunday The Gideons will he in charge On rilght April for a recent bride and groom at the National Film will again be showing films in Hillside school is welcome i Mr Bolton of is spending his three holi day Vith His mother Mrs Bolton Mr and Mrs Bruce nee Louise Morton Those who at tended from this district were and Mr Ira Morton also Mr arid Mrs A Richardson and David of Aurora Congratulations to Mr and Mr and Mrs Fred osier Sheridan on the their aunt Mrs Albert Milne and also called on other relativos Easter visitors of Mrs Bol ton were Mr and Mrs Prentice and family of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Howard Bolton arid daughter of Gilford Miss Kathleen Mitchell of Tor onto and of St Thomas spent Easter with their parents Mr and Mrs J Mitchell Plan- to attend the special euchre in Sharon hall on Wed nesday night April the auspices of the Womens Institute Wish to an error In our last weeks is Mr Marritt not who is in bed because of a heart condition rival of another son on Sunday April a brother for Verna John Lloyd and Audrey Mrs Sheridan and Miss Mary Sheridan spent a few days this week at the home of Mr Tetnperanceville Mis Frank accom panied her sister niece and ne phew on a trip to Florida leav ing on Sunday morning They expect to be away for two weeks We wish a speedy recovery to Master Roger McClure and Mr who are both under the doctors care- KETTLEBY The fourth line euchre club closed a very enjoyable season with an oyster supper at the Mr Fred Gibson who was bad- oyster supper at me injured in an accident of Mr and Mrs Howard months ago had his cast put on n Thursday evening this week and is still a in York County hospital New- market lis many friends wish continued improvement for him Mount Albert News Wesley United church held their special Easter service on Sunday April at Rev Moddle gave an inspiring Easter message Under the di rection of Mr George Richard son as organist the choir ren dered special music and -Temperance- United united with Wesley church for their special Good Friday services- Special music was the combined throe choirs About young people gath ered at Wesley church on Thurs day evening when the Centre North Presbytery their banquet and their yearly business session A splen did program followed Mis Maureen Starr spent a I icy days with her grandparents Mr and Mrs ton last Mi Clayton Martha Carolyn and are sperid- the Easter holidays with Mrs parents Mr and Mis J of Stratford in any people are waiting to mm People Door comedy being on the Vandorf Womens In stitute that it has boon decided to the play for two nights There are no tickets for- Fri day night but there are still tickets and scats for Saturday night April The play starts at sharp Master David of To- spending the Easter holidays with his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Donald las- sett The regular meeting of the Collie arid Shetland Sheepdog of Canada was held at the home of the April Hiat Van 18 members present and a pleasant evening was enjoyed by all DAVIS DR line of genuine ALLAN CO PI ION m foflrtdas performance of the Seats available for SATURDAY APRIL Hall 8 JO pm Admission Miss Hayes spent several days in Toronto this week Mr and Mrs Ronald May were Easter visitors with Mr and Mrs Watts Mr and Mrs Gordon Knott spent the Easter holidays visit ing friends St Catharines Niagara Falls and Mrs Wright and Meyer of Perry Sound and Mrs and Cathie of were Kaster visitors or their parents Mr and Mrs Stiver Mr and Mrs New market and Air and Mrs Arnold of spent Sunday with Air and Mrs George Hie Mount Albert hockey hoys will sponsor a in the town hall on M when Keswick Dramatic Club will present When the Carnival Comes Town not miss this concert and a chance to help the hoys The rally for tills will be held in the United church oil Saturday April when they will ha ye an allday meeting and Mrs Mrs Carol Toron to were Sunday visitors at the home Mrs and Tommy returned home with them to spend a few days Mrs Walsh was a delegate at ihu A eon Ion at Con Hall In Toronto on Tuesday Wednesday of I his Mr- and Mrs Frank I leather Ann Louise and Mr Mrs Pearson of spent Sunday the Mr and Mrs I Pearson vices oh Sunday were attended the lliiltini in- spue of had and ill is vas the close of the weeks held each hy Sinister The choir sang from Handels I know that my and Tin also Christy Is under llieir leader Mr rice Mi a lid Mrs Trevor of day with Mr anil Mrs J M Kt and Muriel and If Mr and Mrs John and family Sunday flt home of Mr arid Miss palsy Watts now of le is I for the hoi 1 days of also faster fwllll Mr and Mfty Mr Mrs pone and to withMrs rnoUior Mr arid Mrs and Her- nle of ftftil Mrs Kad- of Victoria and Miss Eva of Kingston Foster with Sin clair Mrs W Jack ie and Mrs Shields to Place on Good Friday and retianttl on Saturday children stayed to spend the holidays with their grandmother Mrs Easter visitors of the Misses Brooks and Miss Oldhoni were Mrs Laura Trumbley and Glad ys of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Dave Brooks of Port Carting Miss has return ed from Toronto to make her home in Mount Albert and will travel bus to her position in Toronto Mrs Allison Betty of Toronto have the holiday with Mr and Mrs Allison Another box of clothing and bedding has been sent from the community to the Churchs overseas work This is the box and still the need is real Donations may he left at Theakers- store Mr John Arnold has purchased a tot from Mrs Clement on North St and is citing ready to build a house The firemen were called out one morning last week to the top of the hill where Mr was afire Mi and Mrs Harold Hayes of port were at the home of their Miss Hayes were 52 present to par take of the oysters and pie and ice cream Following the sup per nine tables of played The prizewinners were- Mrs Howard Black and Mrs Bruce Judge mens Archie and El wood Davis Sylvia Greciisides and Donald The high counts for the season went to Mrs Judge and Percy Cor by Russell Shipley thanked the host and hostess of the evening on behalf of those present also those who donated oysters prizes and ice cream Mr and Mrs J Riddle nib to on Satur day Mr Kenneth is vis iting with Mr and Mrs Bernard Sutton of Sudbury Mr find Mrs Edgar Black Mr and Mrs Norman and visited with Mr ami Mrs Robert Carson on Sunday HOPE Mrs Armour and Bill Anriour Kitchener visited Mr and Mrs Archie Dike lust Friday Mr and Mrs supper oil Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ransom Aurora Shields returned home on Saturday from the Sick Childrens Hospital Torontoand is much improved Miss Helen Shields visited Jeanne on Monday oven Betty and Jack are spending their Faster holidays with Mr and Mrs Jack Harmon Mrs entertained ATI EGOS Members of the l6L took do i to the and Blue Lodge oh Saturday This act of was star led by tin late Mr W Taylor and has been continued each year since Ids death Newmarket on Sunday Dean spent the week end with Mrs Kthel Case New- market Mr ami Mrs Ransom have moved to A anna FLASH EVEN BETTER NEWS THAN MR ABBOTTS BUDGET FROM APPLIANCES NO TAX SAVE NO TAX SAVE WE STILL OFFER YOU FOR YOUR OLD STOVE JON THIS SPACESAVING DELUXE BEACH RANGE ACT NOW LIMITED STOCK SALES AND GUARANTEED SERVICE Phone Next to Lohiaws Main St Newmarket Come today and let us tell you the latest news on the lowest priced tractor of its kind In Canada Theres a great new engine that pro vides greater power and lugging plus amazing fuel economy And of course the one and only Ferguson System gladly bring a new Ferguson to your farm for a demonstra tion Why not arrange for this now be glad you did ARTS Garage Co Ml FERGUSON TRACTOR AND SYSTEM IMPLEMENTS 4 5U a I lK An4 now oil it ilVifto4Kood l Ik h oil fmQ fa tat wy to 1 HtlM fif J WW- f mmm CKHMOtO l W