Pages from the Editors Notebook Canadians reversed the usual procedure over the Easter weekend and instead of play ing host to the visiting Am ericans donned their best duds and flocked to the States the comparatively una role of guests what is most delightful this fact is that the visits encouraged by the level of the Canadian currently two cents more valu able than the dollar Nothing has so burgeoning spirit of CM adian nationalism than phenomenal rise of the dollar Even if we too sure pi the wherefores of currency stand the fact that our dollar is now superior to- that our neighbor is a source of lasting joy and not a little smugness We were told however by travellers from this district that the people in the Slates are not yet convinced of worth of Canadian money and- still regard it with some Ah well We can ford to be generous After all the revitalized dollar is proof of all the virtues we have somewhat selfconsciously pro- claimed in the past as for all our faults V And while we are ill realms of high finance we ret mark here upon the fines cot- lection at Monday nights Lions club meeting Fines are levied on members for all manner of infringements real and imag ined the total contributing to wards the clubs welfare work Mondays fines totalled 242 plus one blue button Needless to say the button has provoked serious specula tion We sec by the morning news paper news of import there is some fear that Van couver Islands famed sea mooter A fisher- isalWeigfiihglcr sdand long ii jiist be that this is- that has been Vancouvers stock id for last- several ftpweyerV- regardless- of the identity of the mohstety We are sure that Caddy will per sist in the folk lore of the west c6ast For one thing Caddys supporters wilt insist that their never be size- Only one Heavens And the detractors will say but then there are no actors of Caddy on the west coast All consider themselves ifeestf fiends and fellow soul of the beast whatever it is But Just in case the ele- is the sea monster ip have claimed to- see the westerners are not com- at loss Theres still said to be si monster by the of Ogopogo in the Lakes Over- in England we see that a woman teacher applied ifbr a football referees license but was turned down The football association wasnt hav ing any We dont want women con trolling men on the sporting field the objection went They control us at home At last a blow struck for the equality of the male sex and pares Serving Aurora end rural of North York Niwmarbf Era Express very Thursday at Main St Newmarket or Newmarket Era and Express limited Subscription tor two years for year in advance Single copies are 5c each Member or Class A Weekties of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers y John I V K- V Sports Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger ii Sob Printing and mm edit PAGE FOUR THURSDAY THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF APRIL NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO m From the Files of is mi A smart social function of last week was Mrs J i Hoi- tea on Friday aft which was attended by more than ladies The house was prettily decorated ttilh spring flowers the tea room being especially gay in a color scheme of rose arid or chid Mrs William of Aurora received with the hos tess Cedar Valley Our boys arc getting their cars ready for Easter Sunday and the girls their Easter bonnets beautiful moonlight evening and the mildness of the brought big crowd down town last Saturr day evening Easter lilies are plentiful this Water and light are being in- stalled in Mr Fred Bowsers new house on Joseph Avel New hardwood floor at the King George hotel and other improvements For some time the choir of Trinity United church have been practising on sacred cantata entitled The Crucifixion which is to be presented in the auditorium of the church on the evening of Good Friday The annual At Home of the Newmarket a Bowling club will take place in the Oddfellows hall on Friday Apr Cards at sharp followed by dancing to the music of orchestra There is quite a lot of talk in favor of daylight saving in town for July and August Just an ordinary market last Saturday Butter was on the upgrade and eggs firm po tatoes easy Dressed chickens lb carrots basket butter lb There was fair attendance at the assembly hall of the high school last Friday night to see the Aurora young people put on a play entitled The Path Across the Hilt which was carried out very satisfac tory APRIL Oyer took tea at the Me thodist school room last day night and the scholars en joyed it immensely The asphalt walk on Prospect Avenue has stood the winter admirably It looks as if more of this walk would be prefer able to the rickety plank walks on some of the side streets Messrs and have fixed their barbershop up in great style this week The patrons will hardly know the glace Mount Albert Some of our noisy boys made the third at- tempt to charivari Mr J Sib- ley of the Centre who was recently married The noise they made was distinctly heard in the vilage two mites -away- An interesting event took place on Friday at the resi dence of Mr Albert Stephens on the second concession of Whitchurch when the centen ary of the acquisition of the properly of the grandfather of the present owner in 1802 was fitly celebrated A large num ber of friends gathered to take part in the ceremonies Mr and Mrs Stephens received a number of gifts among them being a handsome easy chair and an address from their children A very satisfactory meeting of the directors of the North York Fall Fair was held in the fire hall last Monday after noon When a large portion of the prize list was revised and a special committee appointed to complete the work The piano tuner is in Holland Landing this week The Newmarket Baseball club and supporters are re quested to attend a meeting for election of officers and general business in the fire hall on Wednesday night The first two weeks of April have been a check upon the rapid progress of the last two weeks of March It is to be hoped the weather will march on again WRONG WAY CONFLICT IN CAMPAIGNS m m m A I TheNemibi campaign for funds has riot yet reached its objective of The Ontario Society for Crippled Children Easter Seal campaign sponsored locally by the Newmarket Lions has riot reached last years total do riot have national or provincial figures on these funds so that there is no way of knowing whether Newmarket is an exception or simply a reflection of a We are pretty sure however that one difficulty has been the conflict in dates of the two campaigns Confronted with a request for help two worthy organizations thin a few dayspf each other the contributor was more inclined to split his original contribution between the Wo than he was to double it But that is not the whole Within a few weeks the Salvation Army another worthy organ will begin its annual appeal for funds and after it who knows what other groups both national and local all worthwhile will present their requirements to the public We know that national organizations determine the dates for their Campaigns for funds by factors of little importance to Newmarket and district Fund organi sers must concern themselves with the larger picture But the fact remains as long as there is a conflict in dates or a too frequent appeal all funds are going to suffer What is the answer We do not know A form of social tax has been suggested with the government turning over the total for division among public service organizations Some large firms from the weekly paycheques of their employees a sum of the em ployees choice for such contributions Many funds are grouped within the Community Chest There are other possibilities None of them however are generally applicable all of them have some fault which makes them a second choice to present methods In Newmarket itself he re are almost weekly appeals of one sort or another for local projects It is a constant drain which in time becomes irritating While it might be impractical to attempt any sort of local regulation of provincial and national campaigns for funds certainly some form of regulation could be worked out for local funds We would suggest a local commun ity chest with one annual campaign It would not be difficult to set an objective which would include ail actual and potential appeals additionally such a fund would serve as an emergency fund for unexpected re quirements CANADIAN GOVERNORGENERAL fa Canadas first nativeborn governorgeneral is comfortably installed in and has even been photographed in color by Life Magazine so that unoffi cial endorsement of the United States may be considered granted But the questions raised by the appointment am still unsettled The King branch of the Womens Institute at a recent meeting a resolution in wh ich was voiced the fear that the appointment of a Canadian may become simply a political appointment ami nothing more There is unfortunately some basis for this doubt The appointments of lieutejiantgoveniors by the pro vinces have not always made outside the political arena Human nature being what it is it is too to hope for that the federal will continue to an exception For all that Englands of governors- general always been a ha one But thou the prestige of the rone was never higher nor were the members of the Royal fariiily more in the a feet ions of people The one incou rages the appointment a Canadian the- discourages it But if Canada fe of its main the ian Appointment is necessary and in the long view it j an bo with whatever gangers A lottery has proposed us one way to bolster York County Hospitals serious financial position There is much to favor the Certainly a lot tery would meet with general popularity if the number of sweepstake tickets sold for the Irish hospitals is any indication Hut we at longrange value of such a method of fund raising Isnt it about time wo stopped kidding ourselves pill be sugarcoated hospital badly needs funds That in itself should warrant popular public support There is a growing belief that the only way to earn public support for even the worthiest of causes is by a slick selling campaign lavish use of publicity gim micks and plenty of pretty girls Any campaign for needs an honest presentation of the facts and a little persuasion but have we deteriorated to such an extent that we cannot give to charitable causes with out a highpowered display We are convinced that in the end such campaigns defeat themselves There is a limit to even a press agents imagination But there no limit to the hard work of a doortodoor canvass backed by a clearcut presentation of the facts The public contrary to the general belief has a mind of its own If people want to take a chance with their dollars on a sweepstakes or lottery let them go ahead with it but never let us fool that a contribution to the hospital and the purchase of a lottery ticket are the same charitable act If the hospital plans a public campaign for funds let those in charge prepare an honest campaign based on straightforward fact If the people of this district are convinced that it is a worthwhile undertaking they will support the hospital If there is a public demand for lotteries or sweepstakes let them be organized But lets not confuse the two WELFARE SPENDING Despite the millions spent on providing welfare services of one sort or another it was apparently im possible for the King township relief officer to locate a place for an aged bedfast patient within the county Mr Arthur Moody told the council that the hospital and nursing homes were too crowded for one more bedfast patient and there were no individuals prepared to take him It is a contradictory state of affairs that this should be so despite a welfare program inferior to none And there is no indication that the case cited above is an exception There are many in similar circumstances in the county Mr Moodys problem points up a basic fact that no matter how much is spent on welfare services of one sort or another hospitals rest homes etc it is practi cally impossible to provide for every sort of situation Indeed there are so many gaps in the program for com plete stale welfare services that one wonders if the time has not come to review what lias been undertaken and what has been planned in the light of a few basic truths One of those truths is that the need for welfare services has been greatly aggravated by the breakup of the family unit There was a time when the care of the old shared equally with the care of the young when the average home was shared by not just two genera- lions parents and children but by three generations plus assorted aunts uncles and cousins v Such a family unit is impossible in the homes today- It would be interesting to know whether such homes are dictated by the cost of building materials or by the desire of to limit their families to themselves and their children Either way we believe that some of Canadas welfare money might be better spent encour aging the large family unit than in looking after the castoffs from he small family We are by no means in complete agreement with recent criticisms of Canadas foreign policy by members of the opposition parties but there is no doubt that Canadas foreign policy experts are not doing all that can be done to establish the cause of democracy in inchs minds There more to the cold war than the muster ing of arms and the purchase of allies by gifts Canadas minister for foreign Lester Pearson is gen erally accepted as a man of talent and ability and his awareness of the factoid which govern international affairs has been invaluable to Canada- We do not think however tot Mi Pearson as much more than a He lias not introduced into Canadian foreign policy the breadth of vision and grand concept which is necessary if the are to appeal minds well as their instinct for a a and the hunger in their v bellies y Canada must do inore simply rationalize we have in this country mi untapped of inspiration which utilized beld all men as the ultimate ideal of reputation gives us licehsetp speak far wo have offeree little else material its We can offer more but first we arise above our own i not mentor of people the state is their infrinttmrit on righto In it not the of state assume the of those activities which rest on choice As were he- Inij hew to equip fortes for frffotn the life went on at a steely hum at camp till of life pvople were busy at Otto- tier and finding they could buy as of ciaU contemplating a new of excayatioh machine mado in Italy for airports Typical of thousands of daily on in the capital this was merely a small item The purchasers wrote out tender sfHicificatioa for gold plated bearings and specially created platinum lever han dles This was an important machine to last years building an The fact that they a cheaper Canadianmade machine and the fact parts for maintenance might be hard get or out of supply in a year were just- a couple of minor eccentricities of government purchasing that go along with tihe government- business of course Meanwhile out at airport a contractor fied a knoll that he had level- off a few months ago On his report he classified the subsoil into granite and charg ed a couple more bucks per yard moved and cashed in on an extra 10000 And what government official would bo ther to go out and inspect the material moved Well Downs is a long way from the government engineers office and it would take too much time Meanwhile out at military camp Captain Bill chewed on his soggy cigar and shoxed his hat back on his head as he barked a crisp order to an army crane operator Twentyfive kitchen stoves six tons of structural steel a some camp shower units and an oak office desk for a headquarters office were load ed Onto freight cars Frank you might as well drive the crane on board too shouted the captain And I so the train load of supplies moved off to a good buyer down the line and Captain Bill tabulated up the pro- fit he would put away for his I own personal retirement fund Selling camp supplies is a good business Captain thought to himself Your favorite correspondent just flew back from this week after doing a re roundup on the big in- up at IeterWah military- A ring of offi cers has been suspected of con ducting colossal thefts on a tworyear plait basis and on a freights train scale Taxpayers are up in arms Bold dramatic and sensational though these crimes by high- riding adventurous colorful military robbers may be they have certainly roused the tax payers wrath far more than the- legitimate ones in Otto- or 6h the construction Jobs throughput Canada Granted these army feSows have had far more and their schemes much more in the open than the civil service sort Sieve trtat they are no more guilty than some civil contrac tors and government agents Your onthespot reporter help but admire the thought arid planning that went into this army work We feel that if as much initiative and planning were used in some authorized military fairs this country might be further ahead many ways We feel that the plot in this affair rates percent above the imagination of the best writer r by Dairy Farmer The Top Six rtcries The governments new floor for beef of cents a pound for top grade beef at stock yards has been in force now for quite a few days It is one of those supreme achievements in political thinking It is the universal solution for everybodys trouble and at the same time it has ho meaning that any- body could benefit from It is something for everybody and nothing for anybody First the governments says the floor is cents for top grade beef This is a pretty fair sort of a floor being only about six or seven cents below the price paid by US buyers at the time of the embargo Considering the further increase in the value of the Canadian dollar since then it may be a half cent more It is still below the present price so that the consumer can hope that the present price Which is un doubtedly increasing lion will not go up It is to be paid at the stock yards which would imply that there will be free bidding oh the existent supply on a free market it is to be valid for two months only suggesting that since there have been so far no outbreaks and the spring break up is now under way the US market should be open to us again Neither is this price high enough to encourage sudden marketing and thus flood cool er capacityAnd finally it is a reasonable return for those Who have been running an or dinary farm family size beef business and takes granted the fact that the big beef man made enough money the last few years that one years mod erate loss wont put him out of business So far so good The only catch is that the government didnt bother explaining what top grade beef was hive beef is graded by the buyers argument the commis sion mans argument and a general looking and poking THE OLD HOME TOWN with In other words it is based on such thing all de pending on the expert eye as fleshing too patchy not well enough covered and so on but nothing that can be defined In other words there may and may not be such thing as top grade beef is no assurance that of head of cattle run in a one single animal will grade top It be- top on the butchers counter in the packers cooler or on the restaurant table but not- at the Yards This will mean one thing and thing only that is for all purposes except it the real floor price below 25 cents Also that the top grade beef should be one that comes from the Federation and is directed to the minister We think ail parties concern ed with the present situation either as producers or as offi cialsrealize that there had to be a floor price but we also think that there should have been some arrangements which would have made the floor solid and not something so in tangible It was also obvious that a floor had to be lower than prices at the time of the embargo But it should have been more realistic and less po litical the days go by and there is more arid nuue hope that the disease is not spreading there is more and more hope that conditions could be normal be fore the end of the year May be some of our worst fours need not come true and maybe the dislocation and the losses suf fered by the industry and by livestock men in general will not be as disastrous as they could have been Maybe we said But it would be well to it would be well to re member what it all could have amounted to and our organ izations should demand a more active and energetic attitude on the part of those responsible for the health of our livestock By STANLEY