ffgSS April OS Ow readers write editor fee the to Gome to little chil dren and purchase your navy blue gabardine trench coats fully satin lined for boys size tofix At il The Editor Your column The Top Six Inches sometimes gladdens and sometimes saddens me and occasionally he makes me mad but Dairy Farmer al ways makes me think J Now Im not going to say in what class his current reference to the of the 8hour day farm goes but it forcibly reminded me of a couple of related points in reading of recent days Canadian agriculture produces abundantly and has for years so much so that no person even thinks of food short age being a problem in this country A plentiful supply is taken for granted This agri cultural abundance is being pro duced on a longhour day and a longwork Consequent ly agriculture is exchanging in News Of The News for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately The branch will meet at the home of Mrs Ian on Wednesday April 23 There will be the annual election of officers so please lets have a good attendance Motto What kind of Institute would our In stitute be if every member was like me by Mrs G Boynton Roll call will be to pay fees Conveners are asked to please have their reports ready for this meeting Hostesses are Mrs John Ash and Mrs A Smith Good news came to King City branch when it was learned that Miss Anna P Lewis provincial director of Institutes will be present at the district annual meeting of Centre York on May at King United church Mrs C Gormley dis trict president made the an nouncement at the branch meet ing at the home of Mrs Stanley the marketplace products of its Hunter April It was agreed BO 70hour week for ordcr 20 institute crest pins goods and services produced on to sold lo memD in time for wearing at the A Ac companying these will be the SMALL BOYS LONG PANTS AND TO YEARS 495 services a 40hour week these circumstances prices of most farm products to day should be regarded as mod erate If 40hour week were practical on the farm and far mers demanded it as others have done the price of staple food products would have to be per haps 20 to percent higher than at present with all other facts remaining as they ore Hannam president C royal purple ribbon worn with relations meet with the Aid on May to acquaint that organ ization how mony is raised by King Mrs Specht reported on the latest step of King Com Association toward a community hall See Kin News Mrs Austin Rumble gave a pep talk regarding preparations for the district annual luncheon May She expects every member will be on hand the previous night to arrange tables etc Miss Lily Anderson will assist Mrs Rumble Members will be given free lunch that day Mrs P and Mrs Williams will report this meeting to the branch In her address on Home Mrs said the home is made up of simple things that last We should learn to live within our means accept our lot and be contented Officers were reelected with the exception of Miss Doris Pat- ton who has been secretary- treasurer for six years the time limit for that office A vote of thanks to her was moved by the pin until May 31 the time Laura Rolling Mrs Dork of expiration of the official mourning period for the late King George Mrs Baycroft reported that eight district branches had con tributed 95 toward a tractor fund for Greece A resolution for presentation at the annual district meeting Sir I was a farmer pointed out that while the ap- up till I used to get up at pointment of a Canadian to the am seven days a week I had post of Governor General of dairy cows I produced milk I had to go out of doors to get my water chilly in the winter time I had to go out of doors to my bathroom cold in the Canada has honored a native son and honored Canadas citi zens it has broken a vital link with the motherland Apprehen sion was voiced that this change winter time I did not make bring about the entry of this any money I did not pay any high office into the political income tax existed But to day Now I work in the city and live in it I pay 200 in income tax and I am very glad to do it I start work at am and finish work at pm I sleep in an Saturday and Sunday mornings I turn a tap and have hot or cold water in door I open a door and have a heated bathroom with hot and cold water It is grand to live in the city and pay income tax Signed OldTime Farmer P now get paid for my work Letter in Montreal Star Feeder I arena as an issue of politics Af ter some discussion the resolu tion carried Standing committee reports were heard with interest and favorable comment by Mrs These were given by Mrs Aubrey Campbell Miss Lily Anderson Mrs Mrs J P Mrs E Roll ing Unavoidable absence of Mrs Jackson postponed her report on citizenship and education A timely subject was present ed by president Mrs A Jar- vis who outlined a description of the type of book which could Era and Express classifieds be used as the branch Tweeds- book The table of will assume this of fice assisted by Mrs Geo Bill ings Other officers are Mrs past Mrs J Kyle pres Mrs A 1st vicepres Mrs A Rumble 2nd vicepres Mrs Gordon Walls district director Mrs C Stewart directors Lily Anderson Mrs J Grew Mrs Roy Mrs Stan Hunter auditors Mrs- Raw- lings and Miss Conven ers are being appointed by the executive this week bring resu3ts BOYS AND GIRLS WOOL FLANNEL SIZES TO 3 SIZES TO SIZES TO heavy duty overalls Double stitched seams Blbiront Hammer strap Ruler r A REGULAR VALUE UP to SIZES to ONLY THURS APR WHETHER YOU Require pair or a dozen pairs stock up for the summer YES J ITS REAL VALUE 298 PANTS BOYS CHILDREN 11 YOUNG MENS TAILORED FORM FITTING OVERALL PANTS J LEGS MENS TO BOYS ft I wing the old remedy with a it KitLny Pith help itemize norm help work belter play better can feoend on tame con tents style of writing special kinds of covers etc were men tioned Emphasizing the import ance of collecting and making notations of authentic historical data pertinent to the district a tentative committee was named to receive material and making a beginning on the project They are Mrs L Roiling con vener Mis Mrs president and the historical research convener with others to be added Mrs Ivan reporting for York County Hospital Aid asked that the convener of community activities and public on THIS BEAUTIFUL FT ouse rator LB FROZEN FOOD COMPARTMENT DOOR RACKS DOUBLE FOR GARDEN FRESH VEGETABLES UNIT SEALED FOR LIFE 5YEAR GUARANTEE LIBERAL TRADEIN ALLOWANCE PHONE NEXT TO branch met in the hall on Tuesday April with members three visitors and two children present The motto was answered by Mrs Ormsby Smith After a brief business session election of officers was held hon pros Mrs Ross Stiles president Mrs Anderson vicepres Mrs Sedore Mrs Morton dist director Mrs E Winch pianist Mrs Smith Press secretary Mrs Kay Sunshine com Mrs Herb Crit tenden Mrs Mainprise Mrs Stephens Mrs B Davidson and Mrs Stiles auditors Mrs and Mrs Smith At the close of the election with Mrs Anderson in the chair the following program was given Mrs Kay save current events Mrs Noble our guest speaker read a very interesting letter from Mrs Corps whose husband teaches in a train school in Nor thern Ontario From it we learned much about the customs of this section of our province Mrs O Smith sang a beauti ful solo accompanied by Mrs Johnston at the piano After the singing of the National An them a dainty lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs Mundy and Mrs Horner Aurora branch regular meet ing will be held on Thursday April 24 at 230 at the home of Mrs J Brooks Well ington St Roll call Renew your mem bership This meeting is the annual election of officers- Members please note change of place of meeting Lakeside branch meeting is taking place April 29 at pm in Keswick Memorial Hall Will the kindly take notice of the change of date for this month only the meeting being held one week later than previ ous Shoes Heavy spring chores call for SUmAn work shoes everyday service long wear and maximum foot speci ally treated to resist farmyard acids Cult in and for with r Morrisons Mens Wear PHONE 158 MAIN ST NEWMARKET A few changes are noted in the slate of officers of for the coming year Re turned to office are Mrs Norman Miss Boys Mrs Bath sccXreas Miss Helen Hunter for the fifth term Mrs Marvin Hunter is the new assistant secretary dis trict director Mrs Boh directors Mrs Clyde Cairns and Mrs George Forester Sunshine fund Mrs Lawrie Boys who has charge of boxes for the sick and the bank book for new babies pianist Miss auditors Miss and Mrs Hunter Standing committee conveners are agriculture and Canadian industries Mrs Pearson Smelt and Mrs Black citi zen and education Mrs Scott and Mrs Archie McDon ald historical research and cur rent events Mrs Lome Scott ami Mrs home economics and health Miss Boys and Mrs Marshall community activities and public relations Mrs Fred OBrien and Mrs Boys lunch com Mrs Mrs Glass Mrs and Mrs Win Ham- Giving annual reports were home economics and health Mrs Marshall McMurchy historical research Mrs community activities and public relations Mrs OBrien The fund organized for the renovation of institute hall stands at 890 Three years ago the Institute set up the fund with from the treasury Since that time has been raised Recently the lighting system was altered and repairs were made to the roof- The HOLT Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Milton Gibney and Judy Thompson attended the sil ver wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Win J Uxbridge on Sunday Apr Congratulations are being ex- tended to Mr and Mrs Earl Stickwood on the birth oi a son on Friday Apr also to Mr and Mrs Henry Harrison on the birth of a daughter on Saturday Apr Mr and Mrs Hunt Taylor and Roger Roches Point Mr and Mrs Lome Gibney Toronto were visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Don Thompson on Sun day Mr and Mrs Milton attended the birthday party for Linda Shaw Sharon on Monday evening Mr and Mrs Horton Toronto were weekend guests at the home of Mrs Hoover David Couch has accepted a position with Coca Cola Co Mr and Mrs Stewart and Hale are spending the Easter holidays at their cottage Lake Keswick News Miss Myrtle Lloyd of Toronto spent the Easter weekend visit ing her cousin Miss Van- Norman Miss Mary McLennan of Tor onto spent Saturday as guest of Miss B Terry Mr and Mrs Freeman Rye and family with some young friends all of Toronto spent Good Fri day at their Keswick Beach cot tage Mr and Mrs Frank Kay Sut ton West had tea Friday even ing with Mr and Mrs Norman Kay Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr and Mrs Claude in their recent bereave ment Mr Reg Denny and friend of Hamilton spent Saturday even ing with Mr and Mrs Geo Wil kinson Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Selby Fairbarn were Mr and Mrs Kydd Mr and Mrs Fred and boys of Toronto Mr and Mrs James Wight and Mr and Mrs Kyle and baby of Keswick Mr and Mrs of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Cecil Dont forget the play to be held in Beihaven hall Friday evening April to be pre sented by the Keswick Drama tic club the Dizzy Dozen under the auspices of Wo mens Institute Mrs Freeman Stephens and Anne spent a few days in Toron to with relatives While there she attended the fun parade and received many lovely prizes Mr and Mrs Norman King and Floyd visited her father and aunt Mr Phillips and Mrs Master at on Fri day Sorry to hear that Mrs Rob ertson is on the sick list and wish her a speedy recovery Miss Margaret Terry Mrs Jim Davidson and son James of To ronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Walter Terry Miss Gibson entertain ed some little friends at her ninth birthday party on April Mr and Mrs Jack McFadden and Johnny and Miss Feme of Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs B Hendricks and Mr Frank Johnny is spending part of the Eas ter holidays with Gary Hend ricks Mr and Mrs Bill Porter and Mrs Porters parents Mr and Mrs James Barron who are visiting from Vancouver were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Robert Barron at Mrs Edgar Dennis and Miss Louie Newton left Thursday to spend a week in Ottawa Mrs Dennis is visiting her son and Miss Newton is visiting a niece Mr and Mrs Ernest Cook Allen and Donald of St Thomas and Mr John of To ronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Cook and Mrs W Cook Mr Edgar Dennis spent Sat urday afternoon visiting with Mr Frank HOLLAND LANDING The Holland Landing Home and School Association held their general meeting on Mon day April The meeting open ed with the secretarys and treasurers reports Mrs C Bonncll gave a short talk about the Cubs She intro duced Mr A scout master of Sutton who gave on interesting talk on Cubs and Scouts The speaker was thank ed by Mr A Foster Mr then showed three short films Lunch was served Miss Belle of Niagara Falls was a guest at the home of her aunt Miss Lynn for the Easter holiday Mr and Mrs moved to their new home last Friday and Saturday Mr and Mrs Grant of Toronto were at home for Easter Easter Sunday was a rainy day but in spite of this many enjoyed the Easter services in both chur ches At the Christian church Rev Serrick gave the Easter message A solo was given by Miss Serrick and a violin solo by Miss Terry Holy Communion was at the close of the service It was an inspiring service Mr Mann was at home from Detroit for the Easter week end Guests of Mr and Mrs Mace for Easter were their two daugh ters Mrs Patrick and Mrs and families of Toronto Mr and Airs Fred Weddet of Queensville visited at the home of Mr and Airs George White on Sunday Mr and Mrs Hennessey and family of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Hopkins Miss Florence Waldon and Mr and Mrs S Harron of Toronto spent Easter with Mr and Mrs Waldon Miss Ruth Mary Winch of Ni agara Falls is spending the Eas ter holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs Perry Winch Mr and Mrs Earl of Newmarket visited Mr and Mrs Barton Ward on Sunday Mr Morton of Toronto spent Easter with his sister Mrs Winston and Mr Master Billie Bosworth of Newmarket spent a few days last week visiting his grandpar ents Mr and Mrs Fred Peel SHARON Mr and Mrs Donaldson spent the long weekend with Mr and Mrs Gait Donaldson at Ot tawa Mr and Mrs Alan Shaw enter tained at a family party on Eas ter Sunday Mr and Mrs Howard Fry and Douglas Mr and Mrs Donald Smith Nicky and Danny all of Newmarket wore Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs E Fry Misses Jean Nicklin and May Stevens of Toronto spent the long holiday weekend at their respec tive homes Miss Ethel Shaw and Miss Marcillcnc Barnes of Grand Rap ids Mich also Mrs Shaw of Hamilton were weekend guests of the Shaw families Choose From Canadas Most Complete Range of- TRACTORS and POWER MOWERS I Tractor lwwnMowrToro I I I I AND IAWN SCHOMBERG Mrs Wm and grand son Kenneth are vis iting Mr and Mrs Bernard Sut ton at Sudbury for the Easter week Mr and Mrs Ken Leonard spent Sunday in Toronto with the hitters mother Mrs J who is in the hospital and at time of writing is pro gressing favorably Mr and Mrs Allan Brown of St Catherines spent the week end with Mrs Ed Ferguson Dr and Mrs Abbott of spent Easter with Rev and Mrs Abbott here Misses Bertha Dixon Elsie Sutton Shirley and spent Eas ter weekend at their parental homes Mr and Mrs K Bradley of Port visited with the parents Mr and Mrs Smith Dixon over the weekend MOUNT PLEASANT The Womens Guild which had to be postponed will be held on Tuesday Apr at the home of Mrs Killcnat Our sympathy goes out to Mr and Mrs Claude on the sudden death of their son Gar field Mr and Mrs J motor ed to Georgetown on Sunday Mr Peter Stephens spent Eas ter Sunday with his parents Mr and Mrs Bert Stephens Mr and Mrs and Mr Flem ing Young of Newmarket spent Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs Davidson Mrs Bernard Davidson re turned from hospital last Thurs day and is feeling much better branch would like renovations on a larger scale before too long It is interesting to note that the bill of sale for the purchusc of the lumber used to build the hull in has been preserved and forms part of the research work toward the book STAN TROYER The Garden Tractor Stan OAK RIDGES ONTARIO Phone King and Happiness have more in common than an initial letter When you feel really well you are happy But when you are under par physically everything seems to go wrong Better see your the first sugges tion of illness and of course bring his prescript tons to us for our prompt and careful compounding HARVEY LANES Drug Store Main St Newmarket PRESCRIPTIONS TAXI FOR PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE P H ONE 1 0 36 NEWMARKET ST AT GIVE YOUR CAR THE NEW LOOK WITH THE HOT SPRAY METHOD OF AUTO RE FINISHING DROP IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER ST PHONE NEWMARKET FREE WITH EVERY OUTFIT THURS APRIL AND ONLY Special liens Industrial whipcord uniforms Ideal for garage men service stations transport service taxi movers Hat shirt pants jacket Complete Outfit OR CAN BE BOUGHT SEPARATELY S c NONOILY STAIN RESISTANT WRINKLE RESISTANT DURABLY WATER REPELLENT RESISTS FOOD FRUIT JUICE SOFT DRINKS ICED COFFEE ICED TEA BEER SHERBET VEGETABLES JAMS HONEY VINEGAR MOST INKS URINE BLOOD OT MUD SOILING AUTO SPLASHES IS BELIEVING OOPS A SPILL OR A SPLASH Dont worry Just blot or wipe with damp cloth No stain fab resist most nonoily stain makers guard against CAUGHT IN THE RAIN You are safe fabrics arc durably waterrepellent need no re- will even after repealed dry cleaning A money saver THE MIRACLE OF PROCESSING CUTS DOWN CLEANING AND PRESSING BILLS UNISEC PROCESSED SELL to FOR MEN ALL COLORS ALL STYLES At H V fr