En mA It IN I CLEARING OUT No Seconds No Substandard WBLDBSST NYLONS Price up to 98c each GOTHIC each 29c yd Reg yd No Ironing GOELPH YARN AND PLY Unshrinkable percent Nylon Dry MAIN ST NEWMARKET r EDITIONS OF AND STAR At Approximately 730 pm Dally Also complete line of magazines cHjd pocket books tobaccos groceries lunches fish and chips sundries and ice cream at CORNER CUPBOARD Phone 1299 Newmarket THE ENTIRE NEW COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FRIGIDAIRE CYCLAMATIC REFRIGERATOR THE FIRST COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC DEFROSTING REFRIGERATOR WITH NO GADGETS HEATERS OR CLOCKS FOR DEFROSTING CONTROL ST PHONE NEWMARKET USE ERA AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS IN TURNIN6 UNWANTED ARTICLES INTO CASH Grandpa Did Not Know The Answer He shivered in a house with no insulation The modern way is to insulate the house with mineral rock wool REDUCES FIRE HAZARD CUTS FUEL BILLS REDUCES DECORATING COSTS The outlay Is recovered and lasting comfort Is obtained for further information and an estimate at cost to vou write or call ALLAN West Newma Phone Social Miss Dora accom panied by Miss Marshall of Brampton is on a months visit Florida visiting St Petersburg Miami Beach and other points Miss Little is spending her holidays in Phoenix Ariz the guest her cousin Miss Marion Bailey tLMr and Mrs Roy and Rodney of Windsor visited and Mrs Walter Hall at Easier Mr- and Harold Jones and Linda Ottajvere guests for the Easter weekend at the home of Miyand Kenneth Mr ijiSfd Mrs Norman Hughes ami children To ronto visited on Saturday with their parents and Hughes and Mrs iiaiwyiIviMldw the weekend in town the guests of Mr and Mrs William Mr and Mrs Walter Collins have returned home after spend ing six months at Tampa Mr and Mrs John and son Barry of Gait were weekend guests Mr and Walter Richard Coles is spending his Easter holidays with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Harper Price- Herman spent last week at home re turning to Arnprior on Easter Monday Mr and Mrs Stanley Miller accompanied by Misses and Frances MillerV left on Fri day for Greensville South Caro lina where they will visit With Mr and Mrs James Lewis Mrs Bert Scott visited last week in Toronto the guest of her sisters White there at tended the Shirley Old Girls School banquet on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Jack Holly Weston visited Mr and Mrs El gin Perrin on Easter Monday Miss Carol Morton Sutton is spending her Easter holidays with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Ernest Morton Mr and Mrs Leslie Taylor David Karen and Terry To ronto visited oh Saturday with Mr and Mrs Walter Ronald Ottawa visited his grandparents Mr and Mrs Alex Hughston last week Miss Jenny is a guest this week of Miss Elva Mr and Mrs William Dob- son Sr and Mr William Dob- son Jr Toronto spent Saturday at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Hope and family Mr and Mrs Bert Coles spent Easter with Mr and Mrs Harper Price Mr and Mrs Ethan Morton Sutton visited Mr and Mrs Ernest Morton on Easter Mrs Carl Moore and baby Constance Toronto are spend ing a few weeks with her mo ther Mrs Herman Mr and Mrs Nick Koshel Toronto visited on Good Friday I with Mr and Mrs William 1 v Miss Louie Newton spent the Easter holidays with Mr and Richard Jordan Ottawa Master Clare terdown spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Clare Norman Park Robert arid Nancy Ruth spent the holiday weekend in Roches ter j- Misses Shirley and Marian Gibson are at the home of Mrs Geo Keay William and Mr and Mrs Eddie Wright man and family visited Mr ami Mrs Hill last Friday- Mr and Mrs Bert spent the Easter holidays with Mr and Mrs Johnny Campbell Hamilton Mr and Mrs Carl Archibald and family Toronto visited Mr and Mrs fried Hoover last Fri day evening The Common Bound By CohiUe ORATORIO AND CONCERT DEBUT Should Norman leave Newmarket be tbt and with music lovers in Newetiefe- thing that will linger and studying and yesriniis at Auditorium to Handers Messiah joined the large crowd who one climbs one of the great making their way mountains of sacred music and hall Denise who lobici attaining its peak in over the taffeta was- as excited as itii Her debut one are I rditt of We Boris master J On the Good dayf the senior choir of Trinity Presented the Easter portion of the Jsiessiati a large and appreciative au dience asked the congregation join in the singw of hymn the Passion Chorale r after which the choir rendered Be hold the Lamb of follow ed by the aria HeWas so fitting for Good Friday arid siing with tenderness and Jack- spn And through arias recita tives and choruses soloists arid choir were swept along in the grand onward surge of the music to the fitting finale in Worthy is the Vera Brown in How Beau tiful are the Feet excelled her self and who can listen to- I Know That My Redeemer Oft CHATEAU CHEESE CHRISTIES Gold Medal Sodas Veictikbs I and Bates among the many noted musicians present for it was a critical as well as ciative audierice J It was a varied and fitted to show the ar tistry of the performer With Kenneth Mills one can see that piano is passionhe touches it with touch of a J lover whether it- be the caressing vel vety touch that made his Chopin nocturne sing or the strong touch that brought out the agitato the Moon light Sonata with such telling v Moonlight Sonata V The two the Chopin etude showed mas tery of technique and a purity of articulation that were outstand ing When the artist started the first movement of the Moonlight Sonata 1 wondered if it were going to be too then eth unmoved Elizabeth heres where aristry came Beer sang with fine in time and place and live feeling bringing out the saw only a- moonlit lake where rockfirm faith on which it is Archie I used to spend our longago summers I heard the In the aria If Be For Us again saw the Alice gave her listeners reflected in the magnificent and dramatic Kenneth Mills made a of a truth that can stand em- phasis in this day and genera tion Donald tenor in the very exacting and demanding recitatives and which con front a tenor did some very fine work I thought his interpreta tion of v Shalt Them outstanding where all were good Kenneth Morton baritone did excellent work in the bass solos and I thought that in The Trumpet Shall Sound especially he did work of which he might well be Accompaniment The soloists inspired the choir to live up to them while under neath outstanding supporting inspiring was the magnificent organ accompaniment often wonder if we fully appreciate what such an accompaniment means to soloist or choir if we had to do with one less inspir ed we would know And another milestone in choir history is past Kehnem Mills Pianist When we received an to fee present at the Toronto debut of Kenneth Mills we were delighted We had met him as teacherTand and when one does that lie has gone far- In his dramatic and colorful rendering of the Brahms- Bal lade Edward I was reminded irresistibly of James of Lord Randall Both depicted despair heard it on the piano as the voice The lwo one of Chopin and one of Brahms al though as different in concep tion as the two composers were different in disposition and out look were played with a purity of tone a And in some cases an elfish gaiety that was lovely The Hungarian Rhapso dy No was played with Slavic abandon intensity and yet with a crystal clarity of tone that brought another picture be fore us peasants dancing stamping singing all the gaiety and the peculiar sad ness and untamedhess that is a rhapsody There were two other things that we who listened to Ken neth Mills will not for get his marvellous lefthand work and his pedal control Kenneth Mills has what I would call interpretive genius what we saw we knew he he will give us new light on had a genius for teaching So on Saturday evening Apr we started out blithely to pick up Hilda Frances and to take the bus for Toronto The rain poured down but it would have taken more than that dampen our enthusiasm- We got the more When with a bang one of tires depart ed this life We telephoned for a taxi and took up the interrupt ed journey while a good Sam aritan in the shape of Norman promised that our car would get us home many both arid lit tleknown piano works the light that can only come from a knowledge and su premo love of ones A pleasant little incident end- our evening When we went to congratulate the artist of the evening he had his picture tak en with Denise another pre view the artist at the beginning of a brilliant career and the tiny artist of tomorrow What mattered the snow and slush of the homeward had ah unforgettable evening The Womens Missionary Cir cle Christian Baptist church Newmarket will meet oh April at oclock in the Sunday school roorri Mrs J will lie guest speaker Wrs who her husband has spent a number of In India WiJI speak on the work of the Baptist church in India Invitations been ex tended to the ladles of the Bap- list churches In Aurora and King to meet with the Newmarket for this special program All ladies interested in Indian j missions are urged to attend Please note change of time Mrs Prank Toronto Mrs Tom Allison and Mrs Bob Richmond Hid and Mrs Hoy Gibson attended the wedding of their niece at Kitchener on Saturday Help Big Factor lii j- j FOB V VKR Misses Mii Wood tin and Fern register ed nurses have resigned from the nursing staff of York County hospital and are leaving on Sun day Apr 20 for Vancouver BC ATTENTION of the Softball Club oil Hies- day April at In the Newmarket Town Hail This will lie an meeting and all in terested are attend Speaking at a meeting of the ScoutGuide Mothers Auxiliary on Monday April Scout Mas- ster Lothian gave a report on his troops activities for the past year Mr Lothian said that five boys had become Kings arid two boys had earned Bushmans thong The Boy ScoutWolf Cub apple day in the autumn Was the most successful held in Newmarket and 371 was raised Regular paper salvage collections throughout the year help to sup plement the ScquVs funds Other activities the year confined to indoor programs principally because the troop was ready for out door work But in the near troop plans more out door activities is where belongs At present the troop is made up of three boys working for their tenderfoot tests in ten derfoot class secondclass scouts six scouts two King scouts and four aspiring King scouts As well crew has formed by the bWer who have continued to render service to the scout as instructors In becoming a scout Lothian explained a boy promise On my honor This has great meaning to the ado iescent more than to an adult Scouting is definitely carried In to classrooms and Scouts Honor is recognized by teachers in school Mothers can help to en courage this attitude promises to do his best to do his duty to God and the Queen Religious sects are not recognized in scouting for it Is completely Each boy is to follow the of the religion in which he was raised and to re spect the religious beliefs of others who differ with him If duly- to God- is properly per formed then duty to the Queen will naturally follow scout continues in his promise to help other people If properly organized scouts could be of great service to Newmar ket They could aged peo ples shopping run errands op erate library service for shut- ins and many tasks Mo could Help by making suggestions the boys of ways in which they can uphold their promise and be of service to the community If the scout is encouraged to take his law seriously it fol lows that the boy will be hon orable loyal useful and help ful friendly courteous con siderate of animals obedient cheerful under thrifty and clean hi thought word and Mr Lothian closed talk with a pi appreciation for the older scouts without whose It would have been iitifepte continue With little adult assistance they kept the troop intact Mr Lothian a plea for more adult interest Only adequate adult assistance and leadership insure ef ficient operation of scout troop J MB GRAVY TIM CTJH JAR or Junior Foods BROWNED IN TIHJ in 2 15FL TINS MR SPICE CAKE MIX GRIMSBY Sweet Mixed Pickles 29 39 Eol AG Beit two QUAtlTY BUNCH CARROTS RIPE POUND CALIFORNIA CRISP igi i tendir FRESH CORN ASPARAGUS 5 2 3 GOOD SIZE BOS LARGE GOOD COBS 29 29 pound 29e RENNIE SEEDS higher SEEDS EVERGREEN LAWN SEED 55 95 HUMAR SO- HOME SIZE IBS v g 5 5 10f EC A MB EfOBIN HOOD CAKE 31 CHOCOLATE COTTAGE BRAND L0BLAWS BREAD WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT LOAF SLICE LOAF Flour HOOD FLOUR BAR SWIFTS ATLMER MIXED MARGARINE DOMESTIC SHORTENING K POWDER CREAM VANILLA CUSTARD POWDER SAVOY MARROWFAT PEAS CUBES CARTON TIN CARTOK SPECIAL CAKE A Th I 11 PLAIN CHEESE fiCUBE PKG I LB TIN ZLB QUEEN ANNE ONEPOUND ft- BOX A LOBLAW CONTROLLED PRODUCT MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR ORANGE PEKOE TEA Fancy Sauerkraut Evaporated Milk MINUTE OATS D SMITH TOMATO KETCHUP BAQ TIN PKG 61 TURKISH Natural Cookina Figs 25 RIGHTS Rod Pitted Cherries TREAT GREEN GAGE PLUMS choc DILL SICKLES 41 jJittJliiGB SUGAR PUFFS 2 29 RENNET POWDERS fi8J GLT0E LIQUiEf 25 15 INMOST MAM ICE CREAM RICH You A WATTS OD OX LARGE ITU oz TIN 2700SHEET ROLLS SOCIETY TOILET TISSUE 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