AURORA NEWS FRONT PAGE SECOND SECTION Number of Copies Printed This Week J- OF NORTH YORK YEAR EXPRESSHERALD YEAR NO 19 NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY MAY 1952 SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS EACH fab ft Si J Extensive damage was done to store of Arthur Green In King City yesterday afternoon She flames gutted the twostorey cement block section of the build ing the rear of the store frit eluding a storeroom and two furnished living places The fire was fought by King volunteer firemen under George Brown and volunteer brigades from Aurora and Maple Con tents of the store were carried out during the fire by hard work volunteers and stored in the home of Mrs Robb and In Armstrongs Garage But goods in storage were lost com pletely as were the contents of the living quarters fire was discovered by Mr Green who fought it with a fire extinguisher He was joined by men from two nearby garages who brought extinguishers with them The fire had too strong a hold King volunteer firemen had one hose hooked up but because they had no booster pressure wasnt strong enough Estimates of the loss were not available at press time Mrs Ross Chapman clerk in the store saved all the clothes which had been brought back from the cleaners as well as the store eat which she locked in Mrs home J King residents pointed out that this was the third serious fire in the last two weeks or sv Last year there had been two public meetings to consider the purchase of more fire fighting equipment but nothing ever came of It Happy Hunters Shots To Open Deer Season a Zone 2 deposit the colors before the Newmarket Legion padre Rev Father J at a drumhead service Sunday morning held in conjunction with the zone convention held here Father address was devoted to respect and allegiance to the civil laws of a nation as necessities of good citizenship as well as devotion to Goo Besides representatives of Legion branches fromGravenhurst to Toronto the convention parade included the Newmarket Citizens Band and the 2nd Signal Regiment Trumpet from Toronto EraExpress photo Proposals of the department of lands and forests for an open deer season in this district next fall did not receive a warm wel come from King East bury or township coun cils Whitchurch council refer red the question to the Whit church Conservation Club but it was hot anticipated that the pro posal would be welcomed there either The major objection to the pro posal for an open season is fear of the damage to life limb and property if this area is opened to deer hunters Hunters have not the happiest reputation in the district where reports of wild shooting disregard of farmers property and instances of out right theft of poultry by socalled duck hunters are common East Gwillimbury voiced the farmers fears when council said that if there was an open season it should be after Dec when farm livestock is indoors and only shotguns should he permit ted More than one choice heifer has been mistaken for a deer by triggerhappy hunters King township was downright skeptical of the claims of the de partment that deer have become numerous to the point where they cause extensive property dam age Reeve Elton Armstrong said he had not seen a deer for two years Other council mem bers reported seeing one or two They are not doing any harm The farmers are not complain ing said the reeve Kings opinion was that an open season was simply not neces sary In Whitchurch deer have been seen with some frequency and not long ago there was a report of a small herd in the central part of the township But again the general feeling was that the deer were not so numerous or doing enough harm New Board Stalemate ointment Replacement T Another stalemate was reached by the Newmarket public school board last night over the appointment of a new board member to replace retiring member Chair man Herbert Atkins who is moving to Mrs Stella Cwrtis was elected new chairman of the board With one em absent tiring member He said that through illness four members were left on the board at the reg ular meeting last night and the vote was split 22 for two dif ferent candidates J name was pro posed on a motion by Mrs could be taken as a precedent by the Newmarket board It was pointed out that prob ably two new members were heeded It was understood that Mr Perks would have to give up school board activities under doc- to warrant the greater risk of an proposed open season A Bailantrae man not long ago reported being held at gunpoint while socalled hun ters took his ducks There have been numerous other instances of trespassing and disregard of far mers rights On Sunday a house dog came home to die in a Cedar Valley home with a bullet hole in it Best and Mrs Stella Curtis Mrs tors orders Mrs Curtis said that since the board had received Of Legion TICKET REFUNDS Those with rush seats for the Newmarket Lions minstrel show who were unable to get seats on Friday night may get refunds on their tickets if they present them to Bests Drug Store be fore Tuesday morning Mayor Joseph Vale welcomed delegates to the Canadian Le gions semiannual District conference in Newmarket last mayor spoke at a noon banquet at which over delegates sat down to lunch in the town hall the privileges of his office was the opportunity to extend an official welcome to the delegates said the mayor COMING THURSDAY MAY Bingo under the auspices of the Aurora Canadian Legion Ladies Auxil iary in the Legion Hall at pm games specials THURSDAY MAY Annual blossom tea in Christian Bap tist Sunday School rooms from to pm Homemade baking candy and aprons Tea FRIDAY MAY Final mon aster bingo Sponsored by St Johns church Newmarket arena pm in prizes Admission cents FRIDAY MAY of small tractors sponsor ed by Newmarket Horticultural Society on gardens of Mr and Mrs Harry Davis Queen St VLA subdivision pm Pub- lie welcome In event of rain demonstration on Saturday May at pm FRIDAY SATURDAY MAY and Dancing recital New market Town hall under direc- Ubn Mrs Charles Gordon sored by Recreation commission Tickets available from pupils Adults children MONDAY MAY 12The market Branch of the is presenting a wallpaper style show through the courtesy of Stephens and Son in the town hall at pm Several valuable prizes to ho drawn Ad- mission Proceeds in aid of rest room TUESDAY MAY Show and dance in Holland Landing Com hall Calgary Range show at J pm Dancing pm Admission SI com plete WEDNESDAY MAY in Newmarket Legion hall at ixin games cards Jackpot numbers Share- extra games THURSDAY MAY sale of good used clothing white elephant table- at the Market Square Newmarket under the auspices of York County Hospital Womens Aux iliary Phone regarding pickup of donations FRIDAY MAY Toronto Milk Produced Association District wilt meet in Cooks- town Town hall at rum Kenton Marketing special sneaker- MAY the Blood of at the I International Dog Show at Svtirora Armouries Open to pm Admission Jrv Annual iaiitlirne to Mr Kidd entrance sponsors I Horticultural soc iety Public welcome AY MAY Niagara Falls Tickets ale See Cecil Andrews DRIES WIN OUT- A proposal to permit the re tail sale liquor arid beer hi was voted down- oh Wednesday The village will remain dry GO percent majority was lost by S3 votes on the ballot for establishment of liquor stores and by 72 votes on the ballot for brewers retail stores The popular vote was as fol lows For liquor stores 5S0 against For brewers re- aft stores against It was a heavy vote with Mary Thorn who will celebrate her 0th birthday in August or phone Newmarket WEDNESDAY MAY Piano recital by the pupils of Mae Pat terson in the New market High School auditorium at THURSDAY MAY Play An Old Fashioned Mother presented by the Cookstown players in Kettleby United Church hail at pm under the auspices of the Admission adults children SATURDAY MAY Giant fireworks display and carnival town park Aurora Races for boys and girls Good prizes Amateur wrestling Refresh ments games and bingo Valu able lucky draw prices Admis sion including ticket on the draw Children free THURSDAY MAY Whit- church Township Sundayschool Association will hold its annual convention at Christ ian Church commencing at am All officers and teachers of the district are urged to at tend THURSDAY FRIDAY MAY Mother and Daugh ter banquets Brownies and Guides Newmarket Scout pm Auspices Guide association ScoutGuide Moth ers auxiliary to cater FRIDAY MAY Firemens monster bingo and old time dance lie Iri the Newmarket Memorial 100 Jackpot Door prize spec- Admission Dont this Uniform THURSDAY JUNE tea and bake sale at the of Mrs A McCaffrey lfrie Ave Jyimtkfefi by JUNK Reserve this ecltal and vocal the studios of Mrs George Andrews Church Newmar ket sponsored by the choir rf JUNE Public Schools Festival In the Mi Watch for further EUCHRE EVERY WED DAY at In Roches Memorial Club Admission Every Thursday 6 admission Every Pt pictures admis sion EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT euchre every Saturday Time pm In North MemHr Centre EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Dance to Jack Giles and his or chestra pm New Inn Bradford Ladles safety program Launched by cubs I speak with absolute sincerity when I say that we welcome you here today The mayor said he was not familiar with the Le gions business agenda for the day but suggested that the need for lowrental housing be dis cussed Following the luncheon the delegates discussed district busi ness It was pointed out at that time that while it was a Legion gathering the business consider ed was directed at improving the welfare of ail veterans to the luncheon the delegates paraded to the market square for a drumhead service conducted by Rev J After the service the delegates paraded by the Newmarket Post Constable New- Office where S of the Ontario the salute with A inaugurated a safety program for the 1st Newmarket Cub Pack Won Tuesday night A film pointing out the results of traffic carelessness and show ing off was shown to the cubs and Constable spoke on safety rules a bicycle on a highway lie also told of a fatal accident near Newmarket where a persons life could have been saved if caution had been used Books and pamphlets were is sued to cubs who will use them throughout the month of May in their safety prograrn Leaders and cubs expressed thanks to Constable Police Chief and Mr for their help and interest in the program Of Don Valley Don Valley Conservation Association is planning conservation tour this year oh- Sunday May 18 when a train with coaches will leave Station at 1 to arrive in- j Richmond- Hill about and Mount Albert at pm At Richmond Hill the pipe band play on the platform for a few minutes in r Mrt for the- fine welcome the of 1232 voters going to received at Richmond Hill the polls Oldest voter was Mrs last year Mount Albert there will be a parade from the train to the rear of the station where an official welcome will take place Chief Big White Owl will plant to open the associations Plant a Tree Week The pipe band and the brass on a motion by J Bell and George support ers of the motions each voted for their motions when it came to a vote supporters said that he would be willing to act as board member that he would be a capable member and that he had a sound business experience which would fit him for the job no notice of resignation from Mr Perks the board would wait until the next meeting for his deciding vote WORK UNDERWAY FOR NEW CHURCH On Friday April the first sot was turned by the pastor Rev A Yielding for the new Mr Bell admitted that he was church to be erected on St by the congregation of the Gospel Tabernacle The next was sure that he would be an day the excavation was under put in an embarrassing situation since he knew Mr and asset to the board On the other hand I believe Mrs Ion should be appointed since she was a candidate in the school board elections and re ceived over GOO votes from the people Although I believe Mr would be a good mem ber I have to go by the principles I believe in he said Mr Bell said that in similar situations on Toronto school boards the defeated candidate with the highest votes was al ways appointed to replace a re- way and now the walls are about to be erected The new church will accomo date about persons mid will also have a full size basement for Sunday School and young peoples meetings A specially outfitted room is planned for mothers and their babies or small children where by means of loud speakers the whole ser vice can he heard The front of the building wit be in stone work and the sides cement block and stucco Hulse Aurora provincial presi dent and Bert Hawker district Commander and Tom from the Newmarket branch sharing platform Seated at the head table were Paul Newmarket first vice Harry Glover past dis trict commander Fred Gardiner past president Newmarket Bob deputy district comman der Alex McLean district sports officer Bill Zone com mander E5 Col FitzGeratd past provincial commander Mayor Jos Vale T A proving president Harold Eaton Newmarket president and chair man of the luncheon Bert Haw ker district commander CoL Rev T J padre Ernie Taylor zone com mander Dr Ross district sec retary Tobey second vice president John Meyer press representative The luncheon was served by Page Col Masonic Tuscan Lodge No GUEST SPEAKER John A Meyer editor of the Era and Express was guest speaker at the meeting of the York Pioneer and Historical Society in Toronto on Tuesday this year to be sure and get their I night tickets early John Hamilton who has of the Optimist Club of Newmarket the past year has been named Lieuten ant Governor of Optimist Zone District an area which in cludes Toronto Peterborough arid Sudbury Mr Hamilton was born in Newmarket is the son of Mrs O P Hamilton formerly of Newmarket now living To ronto Ho attended Newmarket public and high schools and is purchasing agent for the band will parade to the Mount J Canadian Hoffman Machinery Albert park where a concert I Co Ltd He is a member of the will be given People from the areas about Richmond Hill and Mount Albert are invited to come to the station to take part in the ceremonies The association recommends that those taking the trip pack a picnic basket for either on the train or a Mount Albert and asks that the travellers wear colorful clothes Chief Big White Owl who will participate in the treeplanting ceremony is Jasper Hill ate editor of The Native Voice and ho will be wearing full In dian regalia Tickets may be purchased by mail by writing Fantasy Farm Pottery Road Toronto or tele phoning Max HO Last years trip to Richmond Hill was highly successful and the executive of the Don Valley Conservation Authority warns those who wish to take the trip Four Schools To Reach Capacity In e Need 3 Extra told members of the school board of stewards of Trinity board last night that figures United church arid a member of j which have been drawn up since Newmarket public schools will be crowded to capa city when school starts after the slimmer holidays next September The average mi in each class room is expected to be ami A Jackson supervising outside their neighborhood but principal of he public schools the new registration for the next term show that school attend ance will number assuming that all students arc promoted mm grade eight into high school The figure is more likely SALVATION ARMY CAMPAIGN STARTS The annual Salvation Army mll Rod Shield campaign this week in N and district JfS with an objective of The under the direction campaign is of chairman Little and vice chairman and treasurer Murray inures for September bear out the prediction of school hoards in past years who the Roberts manager of the of the Prince ion Bank Charles school A few years In Keswick the chairman is Mrs Percy and the treasurer is A Canvassing began this week under the direction of the chair man Mrs Arthur Sheridan Can Mr has that only the older grade pup ils will be Included in shifts ivhereby they will be made to walk farther to school He prescntcxt two different plans for distributing pupils to various schools Mo matter what system we use we arc going to need more teach ers on the staff next year Mr Jackson said extra rooms must be equipped as well pupils will be attending each school ago the board a depart ment of education official to make a survey of the town and he that there would he a particularly large increase in school population In the vassers wilt give official three to five years A iJ Jl Army receipts which are dc- ductable from income tax The Salvation Army maintains one of the most extensive welfare agencies in the country The Armys interest ranges from the care of unwed mothers and or phans to the maintenance of homes for the aged The Army officers maintain hostels for the homeless as well as providing the Armys services to those in need of them in the courts Although there were three rooms since the opening of the lnlncc Charles last year they will be filled ARCHERS TO MEET The junior section of New market Archery Club is holding a meeting at the Air Force hall on Friday night May at pm Anyone up to arid including 14 years of age in archery is urged to attend Qic meeting which will make plans for the archery sea son MILK PRODUCERS Tlie annual meeting of district COURT DISMISSES CHARGE William Harrison Aurora acquitted by Magistrate in court in Newmar ket on Tuesday on a charge of motor manslaughter was remanded until May on charges of dangerous driving and drunk driving The charges were laid follow ing the death of Norman Sheri dan Snowball who was killed on March 31 on the Aurora while walking home from Aurora Sheridan was believed struck by a car or truck which failed to stop It was charged that a veniele driven by Harri son had run over the ldy of Mr Sheridan as it lay on the Magistrate ruled Members of the Newmarket fire brigade look over litter of clothing shortly after they j evidence that a fire at the Master Tailors shop on Tim St after midnight last Thursday night Credit Sheridan was alive at the time has been given to the brigade for saying a block of stores They confined the flames to the tailor Harrisons vehicle drove over the shop where the entire contents including suits and coats was destroyed When firemen arrived body and so he had to dismiss flames were said to have shot ton feet into the street when they broke open the front door the manslaughter charge Police Chief James said the fire was starteo by a pressing iron which had been switched on arc seeking the motorist who mistakenly by the owner Photo by left Sheridan lying on the road in September each with nearly producers will be hold at pupils Mr Jackson said he worked the past three nights until am trying to work out a system whereby as many students as possible would be able to attend the school closest to their homos There will be some shifts made the town hall in on Friday May lyrc secretarymanager of the tan Milk Marketing ag ency will be the guest speaker He is expected to present an en couraging story to district farm ers milk marketing pupils must attend schools Bus Stolen For Night Journey To Lake Simcoe No A bus belonging to the New market bus lines was stolen on Main St and driven to Glen- wood Park between Miami Beach and Keswick early Wed nesday morning A mystery is unsolved no one knows who took the bus The bus was discovered by a resident at Glenwood Park at Wednesday morning who phoned Newmarket police It was parked in a lnneway and a milkman had to move it to drive his through the lane- way A large yellow school bus it was believed to have been stolen around am It had been parked on Main St and coowner of the bus lines phoned his partner Larry Needier and asked where the bus was Someone must have wanted a ride homo said Mr Needier He said he did not know if the driver had picked up any cash fares son the trip- It turned out that there was little inconvenience to the bus lines over the theft except that another bus had to bo used to pick high school students Wednesday morning A bus had to be sent to Keswick anyway to take a load of school children to at am Mr went to Park started up bus and picked up the load of students We werent even out the gas it takes to drive the bus to Kes wick said Mr Needier i K7i