QUESTIONS Continued from Page fled Dismissed turning to Mr Mr Murray then read a statement in the Banner which reported Mr as having said It was unfortunate that Mr Murray chose the way he did to bring his accusation out in council What accusation did asked Mr Murray you said could have damaged the town and lost it money replied Mr Of ford What things did say that could have damaged the town press that it did not refute some of the unfair unwarranted and unnecessary criticism What did you mean by that asked Mr Murray Mr admitted that on the evening when he made the statement he had not read cither life Banner or the New market Era but had heard others talking about was in Jhe 7 Asking the chairmans leave to speak the editor of Aurora News Page asked it were true he had not read Aurora News Page at the time he had criticized it Mr Steady man admitted that that was so Aurora News and lost it money livas born in Aurora and have been a tax- payer for many years Why and in to a further should J wish to damage if he had spoken under a it lose money misapprehension he Agreed that Mr said that he form- no done so his opinion on what he had Mr Murray said that the edi- in the press tor of Aurora News Page could Which press are you referring not refute something that his the editor of Aurora News paper had not published He said that it was the Arena board not the recreation tor and Arena manager that had to Page enquired of Mr Offord What read was in the Ban ner said Mr Offord adding that they dont think very much been under discussion and ofit at the rink after what it his charge that asmoke printed Mr Murray then made an acid comment that the whole Suggest Report thing was a smokescreen to conclusion of Mr cover up the real issues in trig questions and comments Arena board discussion at Corbett suggested that the press publish no report of what had taken place Page Thursday the day of May nineteen hundred and fiftytwo HAPPY IN THEIR NEW QUARTERS screen had been sent up to coyer the real issue under discussion Don Glass dissented the suggestion rtiaQiM Councillor Corbett and said that they could not tehe press what it should of should not publish press said had a perfect right to Other Statements Saying that he accepted Mr- thought it would be better no Offords assurance that he had to been misled by Banner reports Mr Murray said that he could understand why the Pur chase had felt agitated over what he had read There is a lot of difference he said between discussing what work a man should do and his ability to do what it thought fit unless it The Arena managers ability there were special had never been questioned in requesting an opposite council All he had questioned He did not consider that was whether the work was be- to the present situation divided up to the best inter- would advise that the- press of all concerned He was on choose its own course in the mat- council to look after the inter- However if someone felt of the ratepayers and he that he would like to second a would carry out his duties to motion on the lines of what Mr them Corbett had suggested he would Concerning Mr Stead- it to a vote man Mr Murray then read a As no member of the attributed to him insion voiced an support of Coun- Banner which reported that suggested motion Mr was disappointed the matter ended and the meet- in the Newmarket Era and Ex- adjourned BIG CHIEF LODGE FOR A DELIGHTFUL VACATION AMID BEAUTIFUL SURROUNDINGS OPENS FOR THE SEASON ON JUNE Write A Cody Or Phone 9065 Orillia Pictured in their new quarters in the new Au public school building are members of Miss Hutchinsons Kindergarten class They are front row left to right Neil Sisman Michael Bobby Geniole Billy Stone and Ross Dal ton In the background are left to right Sherry Scott Virginia Pat Paula Joan Walker and Linda Watson Below is shown the new wing which was added to the old high school building Era and Express photos Aurora Social News Congratulations are extended to Miss daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Clarence of Catharine Avenue on winning a top honor scholar ship as a registered nurse in St Josephs Hospital Toronto This scholarship will enable her to a years tuition in university Her graduation will take place on May 28 of the United church was held in the church parlors on Thursday afternoon The meeting was in charge of Mrs group Miss Fish played a piano solo Mr and Mrs David Johnson of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Johnsons parents Mr and Mrs J Knowlcs Mr Murray Oliver son of Mr and Mrs H Oliver of Spruce St was awarded second prize by the Canadian Display De signers and Builders Associa tion in their nationwide con test for a proposed scheme for a display booth to be used at the International Trade Fair To ronto Mrs is holding a tea at her home on Friday af ternoon May in aid of the cancer fund Mrs of Toronto will be the guest speaker The Canadian National Insti tute for the Blind held a very successful tag day on Saturday and a large sum of money was realized- Mrs James Brooks and her daughter Margaret held a mis cellaneous shower at their home on Friday night in honor of Miss Davidson whose mar riage takes place on May The Evening Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church was held at the home of Mrs George Ward on Monday evening Mr and Mrs James Emmons spent the weekend with Mr and Mr and Mrs Graham Mr Russell Toronto a former Aurora boy was to the Priesthood of the Ang lican Church by Most Reverend Walter Archbishop of Edmonton on May 4 in Christ Church Toronto g DANCING EVERY SATURDAY BEACH PARK North Shore VAN HIS ORCHESTRA DANCING EVERY SATURDAY Now accepting reservations for cabins and picnic ELLIS PRINGLE WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THAT DANCING WILL COMMENCE AT PARK J MAY ART WEST AND HIS ORCHESTRA yvr7 USE ERA AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS TO TURN ARTICL YOU NO LONGER NEED INT CASH NOTICE A Meeting Of THE WE VOTE NO will be held on Sunday Evening May 11 In TRINITY PARISH HALL All Interested Persons And Supporters Are Urged To Attend AURORA CITIZENS- ASSOCIATION WE VOTE NO County Hospital IN YOUR WILL I HUGH OIL BURNER SPECIALIST Cousins Drive Aurora Phone Aurora SE Bros Haulage 0 R Sand Gravel and Cinders PHONE AURORA 507W or 465M AURORA CITIZENS King Township Briefs Levy Approved Area ByLaw Approval by the provincial A bylaw setting up King department of highways has township school area No at been given to King township Kettleby received two readings council for an expenditure of at council on May The area on roads and which comprises four existing since Fifty percent of this school sections will be effective amount is granted In subsidy after Dec 25 I from the department The the request of Holland requested that the levy fanners approval was given for the appointment of a horse power machine with snow plow and wings figure quality m m in my for me is the answer be not exceeded New Road Cruder Selected Albert Vandyke to act as super- From eight tenders submitted visor of Marsh pumps in the on purchase of a new road j drainage system at cents per and maintenance machinery hour He has the privilege of the award was made to George naming his assistant at W Ltd of for pay per hour New pumps in the northwest currier of the Marsh are doing excellent work and residents are well pleased with the Job the reeve said VHIage Waterworks Pays Way King City a scheme is paying its way Stewart King town ship auditor council at meeting at In the revenue while operating coats were lea vi a excess of 1 A surplus of accrued over tvo years but because there were not enough funds in the waterworks to meet this expenditure the police vil lage had to dig Into its funds The first three of opera- inn are rosy after- that repairs can be expected Mr pointed out that the polite village carries no in surance covering all operations of the waterworks system lie he had seen no polities of liability insurance It was also pointed out by the reeve thai the owner of the sub division pays the cost of instal lation of waterworks Is rea sonable to assume that add ed In I he value of house would represent a fair price when the water service Is included in the I Auditor Present Report When Stewart King township auditor present ed accounts to council he said the financial at the municipality is and he found the books in good shape lie compared tax rolls and per centages of collections ending Dec 31 in 11142 to The lax levy in was while the figure was 18522482 Collections in were percent and in 1951 were percent of the total roll The Holland Marsh had its best years in 194546 and Us worst in 115051 The Marsh dropped 14 of its roll in in collections It takes three j years to clear off the load he stated The Aurora high school is iit the best shape of any school have commented the auditor Compared to the mill rate in some other schools Aurora if district is good said Reeve Arm strong A cheque for was given to the auditor for liis work oh township books and auditing King City waterworks statement which cost Seeks Improvement A letter from Mrs Harry Burns secretary of Womons Institute asked coun cil Id beautify the front of Ket cemetery The correspond ence pointed out that grading would be one way of improving the appearance of the grounds When a letter from Mrs Dave Glass of King City inquired about bicycle riding on the vil lage streets council asked the to refer her inquiry to the I lane commissioners where a is in effect in the village in that regard r 1 TUB LIQUOR INTERESTS want outlet in Aurora because they know it will increase sales and thereby profits All those outlets are as it were chain store operations By the law of averages the liquor outlets proposed for Aurora will take annually front Aurora residents alone the sum of l8o00000 and from the Aurora market area between ami or one quarter of a million dollars This is all cash business Will the local business and professional people be left holding the credit MANY OK BUSINESS PEOPLE do not want these outlets They see what will happen THE TEACHERS DOCTORS AND MINISTERS are generally agreed they do not want them because such stores would be a serious detriment to the welfare of children and youth NO HARDSHIP IS NOW IMPOSED on those who desire to secure liquor Alcoholic beverages may bo ordered and delivered AN AURORA CITIZEN SAID i drink sometimes more than I should Rut am to vote against beer and liquor outlets in Aurora if they were here be drinking more and more far more than I should VOTE NO In Township near Owen Sound signed a petition to have a license vote taken persons voted for the License Many in Aurora wlu signed the petition are also voting it Mb undo fiut CMCaf4 Sanitary Contractor Tanks Drains Cleaned and Repaired Richmond Vote NO J DON GLASS LUBBOCK ROD SMITH Chnirmnn Vice Chairman Treasurer w k