Newmarket Era and Express, 8 May 1952, p. 11

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The Evangeline Auxiliary of the of Trinity United church will on Tuesday May 13 at pm in the Sunday school room Mrs John and her committee will have charge of the program Slides will be shown on the study book entitled Lakes to Northern supply committee would like all articles for the bale to be brought to this meet ing JUNIOR LAMEST AID The Junior Ladies Aid Chris tian Baptist church Newmarket will meet at the home of Miss Eagle St on Tuesday May A full attendance is requested REV FRED BRECKON SPEAKS TO The April meeting of the Newmarket Home and School association was addressed by Rev Fred Christian Baptist church Newmarket He was introduced by Mrs J Rhodes religious education con vener who was in charge of the program Mrs Howard Morton presided Miss Helen Richardsons class from the Alexander school under the direction of Herman Fowler sang several choral se lections Included in their pro gram were two- original compo sitions the work of Mr Fowler Mrs Robert Morrison thanked the children and their teachers on behalf of the association The Alexander school won the attendance prize for the month Mrs Atkinson thanked Rev at the close of his thoughtprovoking speech CANDIES The BEST Main Street Phone EXTRA FILM STRIPS An additional of film strips have been purchased for use in the Newmarket public schools by the Newmarket Home and School association A film strip projector and films were provided by the association at an earlier date for the schools Newmarket Social News WALLPAPER WINDOW SHADES FLOGLAZE PAINT Main St LINOLEUM CHROME TRIM WALL TILE SEMITRIMMED WALLPAPERS Dont Fail To Attend The WALLPAPER Style Show SPONSORED BY ef Womens Institute Newmarket Town Hall Monday May 12 815pm MISS K APPLEBY will demonstrate how to apply wallpaper with many short cuts MISS FRANCES JAMES decorating counsellor will speak on dec orating with wall paper and will illustrate her talk with wall paper draperies and rug samples THERE WILL BE A QUESTION period at the end of the evening and door prizes will be presented THE FIRST SIX DOOR PRIZES Your choice from our stock or Studio Masterpiece wallpaper One room lot consisting of 12 rolls rolls ceiling and necessary borders THE SECOND SIX PRIZES Each person drawing a lucky ticket will receive a certificate entitling him to one quart of FloGlaze Paint or Enamel in any on of the 1322 colors shown in our Colorizer Album Tickets available from any member of the AND SON NEWMARKET PHONE 337 Mr and Mrs Bert at tended an ordination service at Christ church Deer Park To ronto on Sunday May when six young men were received into the priesthood of the Angli can church by the Most Lord Archbishop of Ed monton Among them was A Hooper Rev flooper will be posted to a mission in northern Saskatchewan Miss Vema Shier Toronto visited her parents Mr and Mrs- John Shier on Saturday Mr and Mrs E J Gait and Mr and Mrs Donald Dundas were weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Norman Mrs Toronto is visiting Mrs A Boyd Mr and Mrs Smith and daughter Sandra Birch Cliff were Sunday guests of Mr Smiths parents Mr and Mrs Leslie Smith Marilyn underwent an emergency appendectomy on Sunday May She is a patient at York County hospital where she is progressing satisfactorily Garry Proctor son of Mr and Mrs Howard Proctor has completed his fourth year in mechanical engineering at Uni versity of Toronto He will work during the summer months in the designing department A V Roe Mr and Mrs Russell Hughes and spent Sunday in Snowball the guests of Mr and Mrs William Gould Miss Ruth Graves Lome Park College Poet Credit will spend the Mothers Day week end at home with her parents Mr and Mrs Leslie Graves Mr and Mrs Charles Stuart Detroit were recent guests of Mr and Mrs George Stuart and family Mr and Mrs Lois and Elaine left on Tuesday for Vancouver BC where they plan to make their home Mrs William To ronto was a weekend guest at the home Mr and Mrs George Smith Mr and Mrs John Fletcher Mr and Mrs Walter Fletcher and Ronald Mr and Mrs Her bert Fletcher and Carolyn and Mr and Mrs John Shier and attended the wedding of Miss Marguerite Fletcher to Donald Gill in St Pauls United church Toronto on Saturday May Mr and Mrs P J Tod will spend the Mothers Day weekend in Kitchener with their son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs J A Tod and Ian The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday May Page I its a Caroline Ion The is famous the world over for being able to get its man Before long the North York Humane Society will have earned a similar reputation for stead fastness in the pursuits of its duty- When it comes to tracking down the owner of a lost animal they out- sleuth even Dick Tracy A short time ago a black and j dross had been obtained white husky dog was brought LOftLAWS GROUND PRIDE of into the Humane Societys ken nels in Newmarket You can imagine everyones amazement when it was learn that the dog bore a license from White Horse in the Yukon Territories But there it was The tag clearly said No 290 White Horse How could the dog have been lost in this district About this time Mrs Charles the societys secre tary began to take an interest in this intelligent animal She decided to telegraph in the chance that they could locale the owner in that- way For a time the Humane Society executive felt they were on the right trail wont be long now before youll bo with your rightful owner they reassured the husky who seem to be taking the escapade much better than his temporary benefactors Shortly an answer was receiv ed from giving the owners name as well the dogs Now they knew that No 2U0 was really You get much letter tail wags from a name than a number No self- respecting dog wants to be known as just a grouping of numerals on a license tig But after the first moments of exultation over their good news they realized hat the name of the owner is not loo much of a lead when no one knows his present address What Next The situation remained un changed for several days No matter where they inquired no We should have started this story with a Once upon a time for like all good stories it has a happy ending master was located The two were reunited and we can only hope that they will live hap pily ever alter- thanks to the North York Humane Society Appropriate to Week It seemed appropriate that during Be Kind to Animals Week May to that such a story should come to our at- tentton It illustrates the work the North York Humane Society will do to locate an animals owner In this case they had the tag oh which to work When they find an untagged stray the job is even more difficult but they try local society join with more than other animal wel fare organizations throughout Canada and the United States in observing this special week The event is designed to focus attention on the needs of animals both domestic and wild During the week an interest ing display will be presented in the window of Robert Yates former store Each day a dif ferent group of animals will be on show and members of the society will be there to answer questions regarding animal care and training and to tell of the work of the society The John Stallard Memorial shelter located at Main St North is open to the public daily During the weekdays children and adults can visit the shelter at hours to he announced Animals are available for further particulars regarding the- linn from the shelter owner could be unearthed The Mrs David Askew president society hadnt sufficient money of the society has said that loo to advertise in the dogs behalf few people really know what It did seem such a that their local humane society does a fine animal like couldnt be with his rightful master Why dont we write to the Small Types Club To ronto someone suggested is always find ing homes for kittens and pup pies Maybe lie can held lo cate our man So such a letter was written We were almost finished lunch it was six minute Ipono when we heard the North York Humane Like a willtrained po lice dog our oars pointed we were on the alert and with in terest we heard Byng tell the story of Smokey which until then was unknown to us Our curiosity was aroused We could hardly wait inquire from the society as to the results of the broadcast Would Smokeys owner be located Would it be possible to find another home for him if no further news It would be terrible if he had to be put to sleep Why this story had more interest drama and pathos than an entire weeks of Big Ma Smerkins or Life Can Be Miserable We didnt wait long for news At a corporal stationed at Camp Borden telephoned the Newmarket number Was just listening to Small Types doubt Hie sergeants favorite program and heard a bout His owner tea friend of mine and is now living in To- Pointing to the service of the Norih York Humane Society since its organization last year she said here in Newmarket we have a group who are giving willingly of their time and mon ey to maintain an adequate ani mal welfare program We think many more people should know what is being done INDIA MISSIONARY HEARD BY BAPTISTS Mrs J B was guest speaker at a meeting of the Wo mens Mission Circle Christian Baptist church on April Present were representatives from the mission groups of the Baptist churches at Aurora King and Mrs William presided Mrs Fred introduced Mrs McLaurin who with her husband Dr John McLaurin devoted rhany years to mission work in India Dr was born India his parents having gone there as mission aries in 1874 Mrs gave a compre hensive account of India its peo ples their living habits cloth ing customs and the climatic conditions She stressed the great need in India today for Christian help Workers who would continue the missionary endeavors were especially want- eel Mrs closed her talk by saying Now is India We must make in we must make our At ad- Midship to them felt Mrs Jones moved the vote of thanks the speaker on behalf of the members and their many guests Soloists were Mrs Lee and Mrs A social hour followed the business session when refresh ments were served HOLLAND LANDING Special Mothers Day service will be held in United Church on Sunday evening May 11 at pm Rev MacTavish the minister will speak A Pro Ant TIM BANANAS SELECTED QUALITY GOLDEN l- CALIFORNIA SWEET VALENCIA ORANGES SIZE 220 a SIZE TO FROM SIZE Ml 35 SIZE 29 GOOD SIZE mm SWEET NEW CROP LARGE SIZE CELERY HEARTS W ICEBERG IETTUCE Homes Gravee Browning GRANGE pure HEINZ KETCHUP VELVET or Pastry Flour MITCHELLS APPLE STOKELYS COIN CHOICE UNSWEtTtHtD CREAM PLAIN OR PIMENTO 2 BEECHWOOD BEEF a AYLMER DICED BEETS LIBBYS MIXED VEGETABLES JEWEL SHORTENING MONARCH MARGARINE McLarens 3 saluda orange pekoe tea COFFEE CL ARKS TOMATO JUICE QUAKER MUFFETS KRAFT Miracle French Tanqy Old White Cheese Primrose Sweet Mixed Pickles TREAT Green Gage Plums JAR BAG TINS TIN or TIN TIM in I LB TIN 28 44 21 31 31 37 25 61 COTTAGE LOBLAWS BREAD WHITE WHOLE WHEAT WHEAT UNSUCfD LOAF 15 SPECIAL WCTONS BISCUITS PINEAPPLE JAMS j- CHOICE HALVES BLUE LAKE- CHOICE CUT CHOICE AYLMER GREEN BEANS MILLERS Kosher DU1 Pickles CALIFORNIA Seedless Raisins NATURES BEST PEAS 2 NIBLETS Whole Kernel Corn 2 SUNCREST EVAPORATED MILK Merrie England JAM ffcS POUND 16FL JAR TIM TIN TIN MB BAG 13FL TINS TIN JAR 24 14 18 29 BATH SIZE WOODBURY FACIAL SOAP 2 2 4 BAR DEAL CAKES BEAUTY SOAP SUNLIGHT SOAP OTEXT01LET SOAP SURF FAB TOR FABULOUS SUDS E L FOR MARVELOUS SUDS SUPER SUDS I A CONCENTRATED TOILET PAPER 2 w 41 CAKES CAKIS LARGE LARGE LARGE LARGE LARGE IB 15 29 26 25 21 38 38 37 38 26 HIGHEST QUALITY A GOVERNMENT STANDARD Voaelablo 10c DAY QUEEN CHOCOLATES VLB BOX A SOCIETY DOG FOOD ROSS MILLER DOC ADDED CHLOROPHYLL TIN JACK Jttl MOT PEANUT JAR LEG BOAST SHANK HALF LB CHOICE 55 LB lb lb LB 55 LB 1 J DELICIOUS TASTY SLAW SIZE FOODS READY TO nuns nuns LB2 WAY It i

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