r 1 aim Mount Albert had a rush call for the to go to on Monday afternoon and were out in minutes alter receiv ing the call News Of The News for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately The Newmarket Era and ExpressThursday Slay 1952 IS JOT Fowler director music to the public schools gives a pointer in preparations for the school music festival to be held in June at the arena The students are from the grade eight class at Stuart Scott school Front row left to right are Willis Anna Morton Shirley Larry Proctor who walked into a door and has a black eye and Johnston Back row Francis Lewis and Barry Jones r ft J COMING TO NEWMARKET ON SATURDAY JUNE a Food and combined each with lEVfclCOLD temperature that keep all foods safe and good regard less of season or weather I Tak 7 minutes I find out about new and what will mean fa you Alto seethe new Master and Standard models priced from up BYERS sales service St Newmarket Phone Girl Visits UN Garden Tractor Man OAK RIDGES ONTARIO King NO GASH DOWN 7350 FOR YOUR OLD WASHER AS LOW AS PER WEEK J WHEN YOU BUY THIS DELUXE STAINLESS STEEL TUB TO P MAY 11 is your But lets not forget father Make him and you happy with this MOTHBTS DAY SPECIAL BUY percent Nylon Socks each pair for Morrisons Mens Wear a MAIN NEWMARKET PHONE 150 Miss Betty Scott grade student of Aurora high school had a thrilling experience when she had the honor to represent Aurora on the educational trip to United Nations New York city during the latter part of April She was one of a group of six representing some of York Countys high schools who travelled by airplane for a fiveday tour of the United Na tions headquarters The party and Mrs Hearson a teacher and the chap eron sat in on two sessions in the secretariat building where the commission on Human Rights was discussing the tech nical phraseology of the subject We were unable to appreciate the text of discussions as the commission kept referring to certain sections and what the different wordings implied said Betty I did however like seeing Mis Eleanor Roosevelt Mr and Mrs TV Coulter spent Saturday in Toronto Mrs Dixon Mr Roy Dixon and Mrs Elgin Hastings were in on Thursday tending the funeral of a sister of Mrs Dixon A business and devotional meeting of the W A was held on Monday at the home of Walter Thompson Plans- were made for baking sale sale work and afternoon tea Sat urday May Mrs Savage and family sail for England on Thursday We wish them a safe journey Mr Victor and Miss Bertha Thompson of Aurora were in town Saturday attend ing the funeral of the late Mrs Maude The Evening Branch of A held a meeting at the home of Mrs Walter Thompson oh Monday evening Plans were discussed for the bazaar and sale j of baking on May A miscellaneous shower was held in the basement of the j United church for Miss Blanche Watson The beautiful presents I she received show- how popular I she is in the community Out was sad- by the passing of two our residents Mrs Maud don and Mrs Wray We wish to extend our sympathy 16 the sorrowing families Mr and Mrs Crane of visited Mr and Mrs Wm Crane AURORA COUNCIL Continued from Page Streets overnight Mayor Hose said he would take the matter up with the chief of police A giving police powers to prosecute was passed fit the request of police according to I The reason they riled the was derelict cars from loft on the streets for days unit weeks at a time Councillor Murray said that council asked police to go I easy in the winter while lanes ami driveways were drifted with Councillor Tucker said he i thought the bylaw had passed facilitate show re- in the winter J Picking editor of the Aurora Banner extended an in vitation to members of council to attend a luncheon when the Central Ontario Press Associa tion Will be holding fin annual meeting in Aurora May The luncheon will be held in the basement of the Legion hall at the Banner acting as host The purpose of this is to pub licize Aurora and to show that it is not as black a town as we sometimes hear Haiti Col Pick- ing and observe her manner of speaking We used earphones and were impressed with the thoroughness and detailed study that goes into the problems that affect our lives and the way of living There were other places of interest to see that left the visit ing students wondering where the time went They climbed to the storey of the Empire State Building where the view was more wonderful than Betty had ever dreamed of They saw Times Square at night where one can see six show places on one side and four on the other The girls shopped on Fifth Ave where good clothes are highly priced and cheap things really look cheap according to Betty They were at Radio City and saw Singing in the Rain They talked to Vincent Lopez at Hotel Ta ft He wanted the Cu adjan girls to try one of his musical contests They didnt It was fun anyway At St Thomas Anglican Cath edral Betty and her chums wor shipped on Sunday They saw Rockefeller Centre and the Hay- it was a wonderful trip but I do not think I would like to live in New York city said The lakeside branch held its annual meeting on April The retiring president Mrs conducted the business ses sion and received the reports of the years activities from the con venors Roll call payment of dues followed New members took charge of the program and gave interesting readings The nominating convenor Mrs Gable handed the list of nom inees to Mrs Bains who took over the election of officers and paid worthy tribute to the retiring president Mrs Mahoney and the secretary Mrs Rye for their faithful service over the past year She welcomed the new presi dent Mrs A Pollock to the chair and offered a few timely remarks urging members to give constant support to their officers in the year ahead The officers arc pros Mrs P Mrs A Pollock first vice Mrs Alder second vice Mrs P Banks sec Mrs E Mace treas Mrs dis trict director White dir ectors Mrs Huntley Mrs J Hopkins Mrs S Arthurs pianist Mrs assist Mrs Pollard cards Mrs Harper flowers Mrs Hunt ley press Mrs P Banks Convenors of the standing com mittees Agriculture and Canadi an industry Mrs Carr citi zenship and education Mrs home economics and health Mrs P public relations and community activi ties Mrs Serrick The meeting closed with a so cial half hour and a vote of thanks was extended by Mrs Gable to the hostesses Mrs and Mrs Take Time to Remember Mother and take time to shop at The Zephyr WHS be held one week early on Wednesday May Please note change of date CHIROPRACTIC FOR He cause III practice of chiropractic emphasises the spine many people muter the impression that it of value only in cases of nerv ous disorders and Is not in dicated diseases which are apparently not of nervous origin tissues and or gans are dependent upon the Central Nervous System for their growth anil repair ami for out normal func tion The most common cause in infants for making Mother and Bad take their turns in walking the floor half the night Is the condition known as colic Frequently younger children uncover themselves through the night so that their legs and hacks become cold- This turn causes muscular contractions anil spinal distortions which irri tate nerves to the digestive system In removing these frritaUoas lie adjustments restore the normal secretion of gastric and digestive juic es If unchecked poor ami con stipation often develops Another very common con dition in childhood is or lied- wetting The great majority of child ren should be able to control the bladder at the age of hyp Very abnormal nerve simply to the bladder does not it to expand enough to bold the urine from the kidneys or it may bo sphinc ter control at fault One of a series or articles published in the public inter est to promote a thorough tin- or this branch of the healing art by Alt I AN J LOCK IK Doctor of St Newmarket PLAN FESTIVAL FOR RURAL SCHOOLS Rural schools in this district will he participating in a music festival in the Newmarket high school auditorium on Tuesday June at 8 pm The festival is under the direction of music su pervisor Armstrong of Zephyr Schools taking part will be junior and seniors S No East No East a S No East No Whitchurch lown and No I East and King Poplar Bank There will he choruses uni son two three and four part solos triple trios rhythm bands a dance and duels Is may be procured from the pu pils or teachers of any of the above mentioned schools The public is cordially invited to come The festival is noncompe titive Union Street branch met at the home of Mrs Ralph Thursday afternoon May with an attendance of 31 Mrs Frank Perry newly elected president occupied the chair Mrs Archie replied to the motto May is building her house with apple blossoms she is roofing over the glimmering rooms An excellent report of the years work was given by the secretary 728 was made and there is a balance of on hand A donation of 10 is being given to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind Tho custom of having a Sun shine Sister will be carried on again this year On special oc casions you remember her with a card and at the end of the year a gift not to exceed one dollar This exchange of gifts Will take place at the June meet ing- The district annual will be held at Mount Albert Wednes day May Mrs Oliver Dice- man was appointed as delegate The birthday box will be con tinued as last year each mem ber contributing A bus trip is being planned to Owen Sound for Institute mem bers sometime in Juno and a committee was appointed to look after the details Mrs gave inter esting current events A read ing Your wife is like that was given by Mrs David Eng lish Mrs Micks read an article on growing sweet peas Special tribute was paid to Mrs Archie past president who has given untiring leadership in our Institute during the past six years Miss Violet Micks read the address and Mrs made the presentation of a hammered aluminum tray The meeting closed with the Na tional Anthem followed By a dainty lunch DAY WELDREST HOSIERY DOESKIN GLOVES TOWEL SETS AND LINENS VISIT THE SILK and LINEN 91 MAIN SI PHONE KESWICK Mr and Mrs Malcolm Beam I of Hanover spent the weekend with her sister Mrs I and Mr Mr and Mrs Perry Winch Sr attended the ordination of their son Gordon in Toronto on Tues day Mr and Mrs Hud Fisher of To ronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Fred Peel Keswick United church was filled to capacity on Sunday morning for Communion service Nine people were received in church membership by let ter of transfer from other churches and four by confession of faith The Church St group of the United church held a fam ily supper last Friday evening in the Sunday school room About people attended and report a wonderful evening- On Tuesday afternoon Mr and Mrs Perry Winch attended the reception at Emmanuel given by principal and faculty for parents and friends of the graduating class In the evening hey attended I gra duation exercises held in St United church Mr Gordon Winch is a of the graduating class Mr and Mrs parents of Mrs Marshall crime his week to their home with Mr arid Mar shall and family Mrs Southampton cousin of Mrs Marshall is spending a few days with them Mary Winch and j Mr Gordon Wood Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Perry Winch REMEMBER MA ON MOTHERS DAY Sunday May 11 Eta ami Express classifieds will bring you the best results cause the most people read them The and Glengarry Highlanders are hav ing their fifth annual reunion in Cornwall this year June There are many old soldiers from the Glens In this area All enquiries concerning the reunion should be address ed to 1st Heunion Commit Highlanders The Arm ories Cornwall MASTER TAILORS AND CLEANERS WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT I are asked lei claims when store reopens or lo mail their chums direct lo the old address of Timothy St Newmarket All FOR AND CLOTH COATS IN FOR STORAGE ARE Master Tailors Cleaners Timothy St Newmarket DRESSES BLOUSES SLIPS PANTIES STOCKINGS PURSES AND MANY OTHER GIFTS for this week NYLON BLOUSES FROM 298 up DONT FORGET Fathers Day comes soon You can choose and hold any article on our lay away plan We carry a full line of Mens Wear SPECIAL THIS WEEK FOR MEN Summer Combinations short sleeves shod legs Reg for 99 Dry Goods V STORK AT OF US MAIN ST OPPOSITE NEWMARKET PHONE STORE your COAT with HARRYS FUUY GUARANTEED AND INSURED i