Pleasantville News There was a good congrega tion at the Union church on Sunday but room for plenty more Rev Daggett will be pleased to meet you Sunday school at am and service at eN Mrs Win Glover of To ronto was a Sunday guest at the home of her son Mr Glover and family Miss Dorothy of To ronto spent the weekend at the home of Mr Preston Guests for Sunday with Mrs and Mr J were Mr and Mrs of iSjada Mrs Elmer family Were Sunday visi tors of friends at is extended to in the death of brother at Selkirk and Roy Morley of SipuffviJIe Mr Elmer Johnson Miss Viola Johnson of Pleas- ftanlyille spent Sunday evening at home and Mrs Albert to the city on Sunday their new granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Brillinger Albert of gjfather of Mrs Carl Greenwood staying at the Greenwood pomp for an indefinite I Oak Ridges News New president of the Junior Farmers of Ontario is David of Milton He was elected at the annual conference of the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph AWNINGS Air conditioning that tod kind at low you get you pro- tea your boose with Awnings The design patterns and colors available assure you exterior charm and beauty Why not call as today no obligation for estimates Tent and Awning Co Bayfield St Tel 1314 Domestic and commercial CLARKS REFRIGERATION SERVICE Phone Button 31 Jacksons PL DEAD AND CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY FOR SANITARY DISPOSAL TELEPHONE COLLECT PHONE NEWMARKET AND TORONTO EM MIAMI BEACH The people of this community James Little is on the sick list are very sorry to hear that Mrs We all wish her a speedy very Master Gordon King had the misfortune while playing rugby fall and crack his right GORDON YOUNG and School Meet The Fathers Night program at j Oak Ridges Home and School meeting April arranged by Mr John Martin school princi pal was a pleasant surprise to the many who were present Martin spoke on ChildFa ther relationship Mr Anderson teaching staff spoke on and their hobbies pointing out that parents should encourage and keep their child ren interested in useful pastime the Both he and Mr Martin stress ed the fact that In too many cases children are not adequate ly supervised by parents and that too much is expected of teachers Most teachers are do ing a fine job during school hours but parents should coop erate by social edu cation after school hours they said Mr Anderson presented two folk dances by a group of boys to record and Mr Martin arranged a pantomime in which the boys acted out the folk song No John No Taking part were Donald Ash John Comfort David Harrison Ron Stephany John Gallacher Harry and Ernest Rule Mrs Stewart associa tionpresident chaired the open- part of the meeting and Mrs Harrison gave an excellent re port on the Home and School convention held in connection with the during Easter FARMERS AND OUTOFTOWN SHOPPERS COME TO RIVER DRIVE PARK miles north of Holland Landing on west side of the river to G B Thompsons Village to do your shopping Two stores to serve you at prices as good as town stores Chicken dinners pork chops etc at Lunch Bar No mechanical pick pockets no speed traps no police watching around the corner Come and he happy while you do your shopping at to shoulder We all wish Gordon a successful recovery We are all very sorry to hear I second dele- that Mr Oliver King has to explained another operation on his presentation of a convention which she had com piled during the sessions It was actually a record of news clip pings pictures etc which can be filed by the local association as a memo of the confer- right foot and is just waiting until there is a bed available in the hospital Mrs Hartie Clark visited Mr and Mrs Marvin Clark on Sun day Mrs Marvin Clark had her parents from Toronto spend the weekend with them We all wish Jersey school pu pils that are in the singing fes tival at this week every success and hope they bring back many prizes Mrs Florence Benton spent Mrs who is on the Oak school staff was also interested in the profession al aspects of the Ontario Educa tion Association First Birthday for Baby Garry Dawson child of Mr and Mrs Tony Lake Wilcox celebrated his birthday on Friday May when he was Sunday with Mr and Mrs Cecil a year old Among friends who McDonald Mrs Ida Miller spent Saturday night with Mr and Mrs Ches ter Miller and family Mr and Mrs Rodger Bounty of Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Herbert Sullivan We arc ail very sorry to hear that Mrs Oliver King sprained her right ankle We all her a speedy recovery Please dont forget the eu chres have started again in the called were Mr and Mrs Garry was having a dif ficult time sorting out his happy and unhappy moods as he is The Horticultural Society have a large membership of and are planning for good years work The old cemetery up on the hill will still he kept cultivated until In fit condition to he seeded with basement of St Pauls Anglican grass A spring flower show j church every Tuesday evening will be held about June 20 welcome v OUTSIDE AND LOOK At YOUR HOUSE what if needs NOW IS THE TIME to protect your house everything the can think with the kind of paint that has what it takes to grow old beautifully SWP has been the stan dard quality in house paint for years SWP House Paint is Woatheraled built to meet and lick every condition weather and wear paint is up against Paint now with SWP and have the beat looking homo in your neighborhood Ask your SherwinWilliams doaler to show you how SWP House Paint is Weatherated to clean itself and wear noons floor ft a to Inn and vt fax Flower Sunday will on seals are being given to school children Mr Johnson is spending a few with his daughter Mrs Cooper Mr A French is a visitor at the home of Mrs Mr and Mrs spent Sunday In Toronto at the home of their daughter Mrs Williams Mr and Mix Theaker i few clays on fishing I trip in the north country last I week Mr and Mrs Hayes Port Perry were Sunday visitors or their sister Miss Hayes Mrs Doug arrived home safely last week from her trip to her old home In She was away several months j ami had a lovely visit with old friends and relatives Mrs has arrived at her homo in Scotland and ex pects to lie away several months Mr and Mrs John Arnold spent the weekend in Toronto Mr Harold has his garage almost completed on j lot where he will build his homo Mr and Mrs Garry and Wayne spent weekend with relatives at How All dogs are to kept on leash now that the first of May Is here Sinclair attended a conference hold at ntielph for district presidents and secretaries of the Womens file school music festival for this area will he held In Mount Hall on Tuesday June It at pm Schools participat ing will ho Mount Alhert rooms Holt Franklin No and No Scott Tickets for the festival may be obtained from the pupils or the teachers of any of those schools The touchers are Miss Tola Campbell Mrs Ross Mrs Pearson Mr Dawson Mr Ferguson Mrs- Mr Jones lliero will ho choruses two part throe part and four part solos ducts hands folk dances Hie festival Is under the direction of Music Supervisor Mona Arm strong of Zephyr The public is cordially Invited Those who attended the sup per and concert in the United Church on Monday evening joyed a real treat The program put on by the Harden Choir of radio fame was all that one would want in fine talent and we do hope may be favored some future time as we were lucky do get them among their many en gagements The ladies of the A are grateful to oil who made the evening a success these days Mr and Mrs Bob Ash and spent the weekend visit ing relatives and friends in the Port Hope district Farewell Evening A gathering of friends and neighbors of Mr arid Mrs Frank met at the home of Mr and Mrs J A on Tuesday evening to wish them the best of luck as they move from Bond Ave to Highland Creek after residing at Oak Ridges for four years were present enjoying court whist and later making a pres entation as a token of pleasant friendship Mrs Bob Ash pre sented Mrs Stewardson with a pottery vase and her hus band with a set of crystal ash trays The will be greatly missed in this to which they had contribut ed talent and time Celebrates Birthday Durham of Oak Ridges and Mrs Howard Newmarket returned a week ago from Palm Beach where they holidayed three Mr celebrated his birthday on April 23 when his brother Dr J entertained guests for him at a fashionable Beach established friends in Florida where he had some years ago and where he spends his winters They saw Mr and Mrs Archie Cousins of Aurora Mr and Mrs Eves of Mr J of Aurora J wonderful time and motored to many in- flew south and met the party at 5J with Jackson- i Mr and Mrs Cook mo tored to Cherry Valley near recently to spend a few days with Mrs McQuoid a sis ter of Mr Cook In June an other sister Mrs Laura of Los Vegas California and her daughter Marion plan to visit the Cooks for a few weeks Mr Joe Wild wood Ave is repairing his Lake Wil cox home which had been dam aged by fire He is making a picture window on the south wall and reshingling the roof Mrs James Gilchrist Toronto has come back to her cottage on Wild wood Ave At present her husband is on a business trip to Montreal During the weekend her visitors were Mr and Mrs Charles Wright Mr Smith and Mrs Christiansen To ronto Garden Party Jane The Aurora membership of York County Hospital Auxiliary will hold a garden party on Fri day June at Glen Lonely the home of Mrs C Whitchurch township in aid of the auxiliary work Mrs Archie Cousins is chairman of the Au rora division which has over members The announcement was made at the monthly meet ing of the auxiliary at Newmar ket on Tuesday afternoon when Mrs J P of King told how King City W raises funds for the hospital aid and other community projects The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday May Page SUTHERLANDS CEMENT BLOCKS Plata and rock face Rock face silo blocks PHONE BRADFORD J SUTHERLAND Bond Head Ontario CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS BANK Branch DOUGLAS BROWN Manager Aurora Branch ALBERT Manager WORKING CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF IIFE SINCE OFF Now you can buy that stove washinq mach chrome furniture on easy payment plans NEW TERMS As low as down with 2 YEARS to pay SEE OUR GENERAL ELECTRIC TH0R GIBSON ADMIRAL d washing mach y i FURNITURE Phone Mali St Newmarket J J