n Era and ft May re For King The presence of Miss Anna P Mrs George Newmarket and Mrs A J put May hard- Lewis director Womens Insti tute branch and Home Econ omics Service for Ontario Will highlight the third district an nual meeting of Centre York at King United church Thursday May when the King City or ganization will be hostesses to branches of which the newest member is King Miss Lewis is widely known as a public speaker writer and for her leadership At the morn ing session she will speak on the new extension service for home- makers which is more localized in character than the former co operative program in home econ omics During the afternoon Miss Lewis will conduct a ques tion and discussion period on this subject She will also re port results of the quilt compe tition after judging the entries It is the district annual that produces the overall picture of branch progress and is brought larger executive bodies Rev closer to the workings of the minister of the United church will give the welcoming address replied by berg The secretarytreasurer Mrs Fred Hare of reports the district meeting and will summarize the amounts that have been raised by branch es for district and larger pro jects She will report the mem bership and financial standing of the district Mrs Ivan King town ship representative of York County Hospital Auxiliary wilt present her findings Institutes play an important role in the work of this organization The report of the nominating committee will be given by Mrs of Schomberg Af ter the president Mrs it Baycroft delivers her address after lunch reports of the conference will be pre sented by Mrs and Mrs Ed first president Mrs Charles federated director will speak on the workings of the provincial board council A resume of the Federation of Agriculture will be given by Mrs Ross Armitage White Mrs Ruth Clarke York and Peel home ec onomist will review Junior In stitute and club activities An exhibit of the Snowball history book will be presented by its convener The first annual conference was held at King City when Centre York was set up in with the division of North York into two separate districts NEWS The branch met on Wednesday April 30 at the home of Mrs Ross Chapman The president Mrs conducted the opening and also the routine business It was de cided to donate 10 to the Insti tute for the Blind Also it was decided to donate towards I i money This young bank depositor recently wrote to his bank manager made a goal of 1000 for this year It is two years since J opened the account with two dollars I owe thanks to you that I put away my hardearned money where it will benefit me si do not wish to touch it for the time being Building up a bank account means work and sacrifice But Canadians know the value of having savings handy in time of opportunity or need they maintain million savings accounts in the chartered banks almost twice as many as ten years ago At the same time bank staffs have almost doubled That and higher wages have increased bank payrolls almost three times- More people use the banks more people work for the banks than ever before This advertisement based cm an actual Setter is presented here by THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Federated Directors Spring At OAC The spring meeting the board of directors of the Feder ated Womens Institutes of On tario was held at the Ontario Agricultural College for three ays prior to the annual con ference of the Institute on May and 2 Mrs of Fort William the provincial president was in the chair Mrs said that some of the recognized leaders in world affairs arid peace movements believe the chief stumbling block and difficulty of this ago is that men and governments place too much emphasis on the material things instead of the spiritual aspects of life without enough emphasis on the magical force of brotherly love which is the heart beat of all religions Mrs reported that the out standing project of the year was the Tractor and Flour Fund for USE ERA AND EXPRESS REACH FOR UNWANTED IN TURNING WTO CASH I Tagjgsr PILLS andor cen tury Kidney Pills hate helped king horn backache by the kidneys Get Kidney Pills counter Look lor blue bos with the red You depend on Dodds jovimy hen hope fails the heavy heart knows where to turn For seventy years in Canada The Salvation Army has been the unfailing friend of those brought low misfortune or misdeed To these it offers help and hope- the opportunity to start anew on the road to happy and useful living The Army will mark its 70th Anniversary by a great expansion of its services It relies confidently on YOUR dollars help make this possible Greece for which over 7400 was collected and thus the institute was able to send a fullyequip ped tractor arid food to Athens Mrs R resolution convener reported that action had been taken with the Cana dian Food Processors Association in the request to have fruit vegetable juices unfrozen concentrated juices canned in small sized containers for the use of children and progress had been made with the Cana dian Retail Federation of Mer chants in having wire staple closings abolished on food par cels Three competi tions are being- held The his tory project will be judged by president of York Pioneers and Historical Society Miss Ethel Chapman and Mrs of The cultural project composed of an essay on the topic The Rural Home will be judged by Mrs George Ridley Caledonia Mrs Arthur Hamilton At wood Miss Ethel Chapmoi and Dr head of the Khglish de partment The handi craft project which is an quilt will be judged by Miss Audrey Sperice of the Branch Toronto Mrs Milton Weber Montrose Miss Carp and Mrs Ira Lowe Ida Mrs George Ridley Caledonia was appointed to the hoard of directors of the Miss Doris of has been appointor the new jun ior representative on the board of the FWXQ Mrs J Cullodi Brampton was pointed representative to the On tario Temperance Association and Mrs Charles Aghcw Wes ton to the newly formed pro vincial film library Miss Kathleen of who plans to enter Normal School this fall won the Dorothy Club Plans were discussed for the Conference of Associated Coun try Women of the World which will be held in Toronto in Miss Anna P Lewis director of the Womens Institute branch and home economics service re ported that the lias branches with over rnefn- and that 20 new Institutes were organized during the year Miss Lewis the ap pointment of Miss Ethel Chap man and Miss Jean Armour to the staff of the L branch Mrs J Thompson provincial convener of agriculture reported on the Conservation Council of Ontario Mrs Guild of was appointed house mother and reservation secretary for the 1 O holiday to held at the the of July it is planned also to hold a I holiday at ag ricultural school vice- the new drapes at York County hospital and to make five pairs of these drapes Mrs Kavanagh was ap pointed as the Institute repre sentative for the May meeting of the Hrjpital Auxiliary The election of officers follow ed Mrs Fred pres Mrs S Eyes 1st vice- pros Mrs 2nd Mrs J B 3rd vicepros Mrs Irwin sec- treas Mrs Ross Chapman as sist Miss F Cranley director Mrs Tommy Mil ler Branch directors Mrs Thompson Mrs Wright Mrs Pearson Mrs Ray Glass Blue Cross sec Mrs A J Milne ass it Mrs Dew pianist Mrs Smith assist pianist Mrs Eves auditors Mrs Pearson and Mrs Publicity Mrs Get Wei cards Mrs Irwin Mrs H Morton Mrs Wright and Mrs Wither Dew BIRTHDAY Birthday wishes are extended this week to Wayne Bruce Trusty Smiths Falls years old on Friday May Barbara and Bernard Taylor Kettfeby years old on Friday May Shirley Newmarket years old on Friday May Frank Aurora years old on Friday May Edward Silas Wilder Pot years old on Satur day May 3 Terry VanZant Newmarket years old on Saturday May Larry Thompson years old on Sunday May Donna Horner Sutton West years old on Sunday May Bobbie Aurora 14 years old on Sunday ftlay Lome Murray Burgess years on May 5 Richard Keswick years old on Monday May John Aubrey Watson New market years old on Tuesday May Barbara Ruth Newmarket years old on Wednesday May Lowell Keswick years old on Wednesday May Barry Alexander Newmarket years old on Wednesday May Charles Edgar Fleming Ket- years old on Thursday May Charles KetUeby years on Thursday May Send in your name address age and become a member of the Era and Express birthday club KETTLEBY Mr and Mrs J Edgar Black of Holland View Farm were hon ored on Sunday May at a din ner at Summit View in celebra tion of their wedding anni versary Present were Mrs Marchant and family Mr and Mrs Norman and family and Mr and Mrs Harry Dale of Tottenham Mr and Mrs Black came to Holland View Farm as a and the third generation of the Black and Stevenson ram lly to reside there- Following the tutting of the anniversary cake the bride and groom of years were presented with an electric tea kettle as a memento of the happy occasion ELECT OFFICERS At the annual meeting of the Newmarket branch of the On tario Registered Music Teachers Standing committees Association held the King and Canadian industries Mrs and Mrs Cun ningham and educa tion Mrs Thompson and Mrs S Eves historical research and current events Mrs J B ward and Mrs Pearson homo economics and health Mrs Howe and Mrs pub lic relations and community ac tivities Mrs and Mrs Warren resolutions Mrs Cole After singing The Queen a delicious lunch was the hostesses George hotel on May 1 the fol lowing officers were elected Mrs Fowler vice Rev Robert sec- Mr J Caldwell of the Newmarket high school staff was guest chairman for the meeting PUBLIC SCHOOLS J FESTIVAL Newmarket public schools will served by their annual musical fes tival in the memorial arena King City branch will have the pleasure of hearing Miss Blair Burrows describe how she built her famous House called on the crest of Velvet Hill concession in a picturesque wooded section home was made taken from the side of hill nearby and mixed with the water of the clear running stream Its walls are easily two feet thick and partitions are polished old hardwood There is a beautiful stone fireplace and flagstone floors under which is radiant early in June Some pupils will bo taking part and the pro gram as lined tip by Herman Fowler the music supervisor promises to he the best yet There will be choruses by a choir of from grades and a selected group from grade will do a 3part number and a chorus of grade pu pils will sing A novel feature will be folk dancing by grade pupils to music by the large chorus The Newmarket Citizens Band un der the baton William will present outstanding instru mental numbers and will also heating While the ana storey house has been up a number of years Miss Burrows had added other three selections rooms She was approached by Mrs Aubrey Campbell conven er of agriculture and Canadian industries for the past year who is arranging program at her home 5th line fur Tuesday night May She has also asked Miss Burrows to speak on gardening a subject site knows well The roll call will be garden- ing hints Mrs Austin Rumble will take the motto You are nearer to heart in a gar den than anywhere else on earth Mrs Harvey is preparing current events topics The Canadian industries section of the department will be turn ed over to Mr George Harvey who will show movies on Hydro The refreshment conuhiltee is Mrs Humble Mrs Mrs Duncan Thompson and Mrs Dave Glass langdons bus will leave Armstrongs corner at sharp- Final arrangements for the district on May will Ijo announced Rumble is the head convener of the local arrangements Miss Ander son luncheon Mrs Welts table arrangements Mrs J and Mrs Stewart registration and tickets SECRET AMAZES FRIENDS Oufoflfffeo certainly the show the other tiny when told my friends the secret of my washing the whitest in the swish Itcckitta Blue through the rinse Stud and out of the blue comes the whitest wash Iteekitts Blue coats so Utile and makes such a big difference heed a GALL 800 Taxi Stand Rear of Camerons Dairy Bar ELECTROLUX Airpurifier and Cleaner Sales and Guaranteed Floor Polishers and Commercial Units AUTHORIZED DEALER HERB HILL Eagle St Newmarket Ontario Telephone JJ PUNCHING is target shooters name for their sport now attracting mure and more fans every year This young marksman who may someday compete in the National Shooting Matches at Ottawa gets a few tips from an old hand Shooting enthusiasts Get cm young believe that boys should be carefully trained In the correct handling of firearms CONGRATULATIONS Miss Marguerite The happy young singer is this years win ning contestant on Sing ing Stars of Tomorrow This popular radio program gives young Canadian singers the chance to be heard by an audi ence of hundreds of thousands and to compete for musical awards worth over 5000 QUIZ PICTURE of the week is this strange object Insect Drift wood No but if youre a farmer you should recognize it Its a wheat seedling with a destructive fungus growth Fanners now apply modern dis infectants like Cetesan M to protect grains against many seed and diseases DM you know Over men and women from all walks of life and every province make up the CIL organization Their skills and talents ate used in more 200 job classifications ranging from stenographer to research chemist truck driver to plant manager CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED MONTREAL t BEAUTY FOR YOUR FLOORS NEW PATTERNS IN M Chairmen J O LITTLE MRS PERCY MAHONEY Newmarket and District objective the covering thats FAMOUS FOR LONG WEAR A Longwearing easy- cleaning Gold Seal looks lovelier over Bo to boo ho ShadowLeaf Duo- entirely now with Illusion and lha luxurylook of sculptured carpet it J A farm today it IT IT CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED Montr Alto maUrt of h of inducing beauty