TTvTo rrI SEE ALL TIE LATEST FAIN MACIiNElY DEVELOPMENTS AT OUR IN ACTUAL STRATI ON We extend a cordial invitation to all farmers in this district to attend JUNE 18 130 Restaurant CORNER OF THIRD COX AND DAVIS DR Sponsored WARD ALLAN CO FROM COAST TO COAST HARRIS OFFERS MOST ARE HERE AGAIN Make this the time to beautify your home Is easy too when you use right paint and equipment Use SPUED SATIN in its wide range of colors for easy application and good smooth cov erage FOR EXTERIOR AND BARN PAINTING USE COOP PAINTS FOR THE BEST RESULTS MILL 100 For Your Old Ice Box A A on a new 9 ft REFRIGERATOR valued Your old and as little cents a lay buys a modern ft with full width capacity of Tins is a famous unit with a 5year guarantee Clean linos efficient use of space ALL YOURS OH A GENEROUS TRADE VALUE OF OH YOUR OLD ICE BOX This offer restricted this ft model only AtSO AVAILABLE LEONARD I CUjCiJftlKj LEONARD Off Some models also available Terms down months fa pay Your old refrigerator or j part payment RADIO AND APPLIANCES 111 MAIN ST NEWMARKET Mount Pis The Mount A will hold thou mooting at of Mrs In Aurora on Wednesday is to name a talent in another parson Mrs will the devotional The program i in charge of Mrs lny ami the hostess is Hoy Hewlett The of are planning a garden party for Friday evening June It will lo held in the church Please keep this date in mind There will be an afternoon tea fit the home of Mrs CI Farm on Friday Juno It will be for the Newmarket Hospital Aid ami tickets are one dollar On Thursday evening of last week the neighbors and friends of Mr and Mrs Krn Harvey tendered them a farewell party at the home of Mr and Mrs George Barrett There were about guests on hands A program consisted of piano se lections by Miss Betty and Miss Joan Barrett a duet Mrs Fred Wilson and Helen Peterborough Mrs A Montgomery was a weekend visitor of lie I 8nti and family Hi Toronto Miss May spent the Weekend with her Hoy and Mrs They alt had Sunday dinner with hud Mrs Steve and family A IVrgtison Smith family reunion was lipid of Mr and Mrs- Wallace Soot Sunday There were guests and Included the following fami lies Mr and Mrs fieri Smith and family Ha Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Ferguson and family Saudford Mr and Mrs Ed Ferguson and family Mr and Mrs Wilfred Ferguson and family Mr and Mrs Ray Ferguson Wexford Mr and Mrs Hoy Smith and Shirley Mr and Mrs Leslie Smith and family Mr Herb Smith Mr Ross Smith and Miss Violet Robinson Teniperanceville Mr and Mrs George News Page in flmrHftty fifth dity of Jim hundred and Aurora j CONDITIONS AT ARENA fc Miss July daughter of Mr and Mrs Clarence of St Aurora who graduated from St Josephs Toronto oh May Miss won an alumni scholarship which entitles her to one years postgraduate eoiirse served to about ladies at the university to attend the tea to be held hi Mrs Wilcox The regular monthly- of tile InsUtute JicW oil tile United church parlors Mrs It district president installed the officers fur iVSfak Mrs It Jennings the ap pointed president then the chair the Mrs Klceii gave a on the cornrct to arrange flowers for a table centre Miss Lottie gave a number of readings and Mrs Young lead singsong Tea or On Bad itions At And Murray fc and accompanied by Mrs Allan Doner and several selections on the violin by Mr Meredith Ash accompanied by Mrs Ernest Stiles A presentation of an electric iron and toaster and a cup and saucer was made to the sinssong led by Mrs Kays port Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Bill Ash and family on Sat urday of last week Congratulations to Mr Mrs Howard Baker on the ar rival of their son at Newmarket hospital Saturday May Mo ther and baby are Church service for the months JAMBOREE CARNIVAL KING LEGION at KING CITY JUNE JUNE BINGO GAMES PRIZE DANCE 5 Admission Adults 35c as well as a leather wallet to of June July and August at Bruce They thanked everyone J Mount United church will very fittingly and a social hour be at with Sunday school followed Mr Farmer at am was the chairman Mr and Mrs Harvey moved to their new home in Newmarket on day May The Home and School Associa tion met in No on Friday evening May Convenors re ports were given and a piano was Born in Aurora she attended public and high school after- wards taking up studies for her the York Co it I tneetfme the ami Worded condemnation by Mtttfi- ticiun of forrit and MitiyBwroinr their about the A red description of conditions there Councillor Jim srrjrj5 if 5os anxious to On the c carter as a nurse known in her hometown and in Newmarket and the surrounding districts for her interest in many sports such as baseball basket ball and field and track having won many prizes state that he tint what to Anyone needing toKcn U for w is asked to gel in touch with Mrs Frank Underbill Juno whether members of council Mrs ChapeHo Dorothy War- fcnew T Lions Hall shape He said he had brought j they ftrnhfe AM up the condition of thft fcftr properly fcVi far hack as February hut preyed sand arena had so far made -A- arid W on in em sr srirt condition clouds of Murray have purchased the former Har- j home and will move in after I some renovating is done Mr and Mrs Lou Lehman donated to No Scholar ships were presented to Miss Chambers of SS No and to Mr Neil Rose of No Mr and Mrs Leigh The annual election of officers spent the weekend with Mr and j took place and we will publish Mrs Percy Edwards and family this list at a later date Snowball News obituary Robert away at his late residence she has had to return to the lhat CT1jiri Gurnett St Aurora on Sunday hospital in I on October one vhole May Born on the con- The Evening Auxiliary of the was to get action caused cession of West Gwillimbury in United church met in the parlors I ad Simcoe County on July on Tuesday June A bale to ee the rink wri the he late Mr Hayes farmed there clothing was packed at this j October e fcurt until when he moved to meeting for the Fred Victor Mis- noU co th board mt face Aurora and continued farming in Toronto Miss Carol to come to for front part on Wellington St West He Fish favored with a piano solo necessary jDeputyRaeve Stlurray va done had moved to Aurora in He was a member of the United church in too or a Not Ready Vet Mayor Rose said he had ked Miss daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Clifton Cop- son graduates with honors from Victoria College on Wednesday June Congratulations on such Mrs Adams of Midland spent the weekend with her son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Jack Adams also members of home to a worthy achievement Snow- Mr and Mrs Cutting bail should lie proud to have attended the picnic at one of their young girls enter a Stanley park Erin on Saturday field of good work will May A number of ladies from Councillor Tucker said it was rora attended lilac tea intention toard He is survived by his widow Son The Tearoom was the c Susan Robinson Hayes two beautifully decorated with dif- 1 ffr S Mr daughters and Isabel ferem shades of lilacs and a to council and was one son Gordon five grand- musical program he ready yet children and two sisters Mar- lowed This is now June and the and Isabel of Bradford The service was held at the Thompson Funeral Home Au rora on Wednesday May at pm Interment took place in Aurora cemetery The pail bearers were nephews of Mr and Mrs Hayes Elbert Hayes Win John Robinson Guy Corner yet It was at this point that boan and Mrs S Calhoun Crawford and family attended the j mayor saio exercises of their Councillor me plans and rne repair to Marguerite St on Tuesday afternoon publicity Councillor is spend the summer in doing child welfare work Mr- and Mrs Lome Graham of Aurora Mrs Mary Cunningham of Toronto had Monday night supper with Mrs Win Mrs Davison and daughter Mrs Walter of England are spending the summer with Mr and Mrs Davison and Sheila It lias been years since Mr Davison has seen his mother and sister Susan Blum brought a first prize ribbon from horse show on Saturday riding Miss Marilyn pony Teddy Congratulations Su san Thirty- one ladies of the vicin ity were entertained at Mrs Patricks home last Monday evening Mrs Morgan of Aurora demonstrated nylon She conducted three games of bingo which were won by Mrs Lloyd Fowler Mrs Clifton Copson and Mrs How ard Morning Lunch was serv ed by the hostess and Cooks town attended the fu neral A and will he Banting and Herbert Houston on Wednesday June It at pm at the home of Mrs Pat rick Mr and Mrs W Browne and daughter spent last weekend in London Mr and Mrs Bruce Judge of Kettleby Mr Bruce Patrick of Richmond Hill spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Herb Patrick Mrs Calvin Davis Mr and Mrs Arnold Bray and Carol spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Gould Mr and OBITUARY Mary Elizabeth Cook On May Mary Eliza both Cook passed away at the home of her daughter Mrs Geo Queens She Mrs Pete of was horn in June I Rill at Mis Verna I daughter of Mr of Aurora called on Mr and Mrs Gould on Sunday Dont forget our garden parly on June was changed from June Mr and Mrs Fred Bird of Brook tin spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Bert Smith Mr and Mrs orue and family spent Sunday with Mis mother Mrs Coo per of pleased to know that Mr B has recovered from his recent indisposition and is back to his store Miss Emily who has been on a visit to her parents Mr and Mrs Frank has returned to Vancouver The Evening Auxiliary of Presbyterian church was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs Stocks Mrs Williams of King was guest pm at was out of order gjui if the arena board i Tit municipal offices to discuss the head of the table for any sup- problems involved port he could tell them they would be coming to the wrong and Mrs Thomas la speaker June she married to Mis Steele Forest the Wilmot Cook She was a member of Earls- court United church Toronto place A tremendous attack had been made on Councillor Murray said the mayor by certain members of the board and not one word j of such criticism was true Set one single word of what Mr Murray said can be denied II On Saturday May the Achievement Day of the 1 makers clubs of the districts held in the town hall New market Members of the club of Misses Isabel i Florae and Until it J A i is proud of the accomplishment of our junior girls vhich has all been made possible by the capable leadership of Mrs Everett PlllJ- and her assistant Mrs John and I Irene were all cot to take part ill the judging and giving reasons on Cottons may he smart during the session Unfortunately Miss Barbara J lemma an employee of the Bank of Montreal Au- unable to be present Each of these received j their silver spoon for completing the project and Miss Isabel Ma- I shinier received her certificate for the completion of four units during membership of the day a skit on Views on Cottons May Be was given by the girts An attendance of day school on June at Sun- was The funeral service was held on May at the SI raster Funer al Home Toronto and Rev Warren conducted Ihe service Pallbearers were Frank Cook Alec Mustard Clarence Moulds Bob Brown J Hacklier Interment cemetery- guest of her soninlaw and daughter Dr and Mrs for a couple of weeks She is survived by her sons Congratulations to Mr and of To- Mrs Harry who vehemently to daughter Doris Mrs Geo wedding Queens ville four on June Their many Councillor Davis interjected brothers and five sisters friends will be glad to that he didnt think that Mr and Mrs are of the arena I in best of health hoard should be criticised in Mrs Grose formerly adding that he is now residing they were their her sister Miss at her apartment Eli wood Lodge Mrs Grose hud the ho tun of being the first in to was in the Grimsby Lions club Make It A Habit Meet Your Friends At The O HESS Drug Store Two Graduate Pharmacists St Aurora Tel Emergency Calls Tel VANDORF ringing in Wedding bolls are Miss June of An ion spent the weekend at the largest yet Mis of Mr and Mrs gave on The young people will meet on HUGH ft OIL fiURHER SPECIALIST Cousins Drive Aurora Aurora ti5uj PHONIC Friday evening at the church after hall practice Mm Christina sjicnl the with Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Collin Crawford Mm Louise Mr Bruce Bell Miss Hose Mary Wright and Miss Mary were all guests of Mr and Mrs Maurice Their on Carl also home Mr mid Mrs Phillips entertained Mr and Mrs Stan ley from on Sun day Mr and Mrs Nelson and Mr and Mix Alexandra and family were gueitii of Mr and rhonip- sViii Sunday Mrs- ins- tea to the Anglican church mi May On Monday June ran Sunday held a meeting at Mrs home Mr a Mrs Mac Kay McLean of Toronto spent the weekend Willi hitters parents Mr and Mrs A Mr and Mrs Waller Reeve and family of hill visited Mrs sislor Mrs John and Mr it win ami family on Friday Mr and Mrs Grant Mm ley and had tea with Mr and Mrs Hubert Carr Mr ami Mrs of Whitby visited on Sunday with Mr and Mis Clayton Mr and Mrs Ierry Webb and Mr and Mrs Stewart Webb of Toronto and friends of Chi cago were Sunday tea guests of Mr and Mrs Clare Powell VIJMATftl and plain fc PINE ORCHARD CIMINT BLOCK CO AJUft WILLOW Miss Margaret weekend witli her sis ter Mrs Ace Chapman and fam ily Flying and restaurant opened this weekend under luny for he season Mrs Bill Thomiisuu and fniu I a re lea on Friday for a months holiday In Montreal Crittenden a few of her girl friends mi her twelfth Friday After spending a in To ronto Miss Mary has reUirned home lira and Bring citation for good citizenship Among those entertaining in liunor of Miss Shirley whose in Mr J takes place on June 14 were Mrs a and saucer shower Sirs Gardi ner and Marjory a miscellaneous shower Mrs A Powell attended ike Sunday school convention Wlauhuicti at on Mr and Mis Charles la- bay gave a natty and dame at the Granite club Friday evening 3D their the itsi of graduating class of ore I to Abbey Hon and his orchestra supplied the at parly at club on Friday May Mr and Mrs II Teasdalo celebrated their wedding anniversary on Sunday June were mauled hi Miss Jane has passed her year at Toronto Nor mal School with n first class and lias accepted a school in Sutton Miss has year at Toronto Nor mal School and wilt lie teaching in year bride of wan feted with two showiif week and received many lovely gifts best Floors Like Sand j Mayor Hose said that it alleged that Mr had criticized arena man- Mr Perry Mr Mm- ray never criticized the manager in his the mayor to describe his per- inspection of the arena the mayor said it was necessary to j see the place in the daylight know what it looked like Ho approve of Mr Murrays that members of who had not inspected place should go there in the daytime and look it ver The now part building Stationery Wallpapers Select Range Greeting Cards etc Agent For Era Classified Ads St Aurora J WILLIS Hruggist The Store News agent Tobacconist etc Business Founded St Aurora Telephone For Friendly Personal Service At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE HI Aurora In Appreciation The Aurora Citizens Association We Vote No would like to all who helped in ihe recent Cam- To mention names would be out of the question we received so many generous donations of money time and effort We wish to commend the Members of the Aurora Committee and their Supporters for the clean straightforward Campaign thai they can ducted We congratulate Citizens of Aurora forgetting out and voting the large percentage of cast a true indication of an alive and To art Thank Yon and Best Wishes J Bastedo Chairman ViceChairman Harold Lubbock Secretary