-T- SAVINS laid Oven By Amra On liquor Ami Beer Outlets Vital To Other Districts v Aurora has given a lead to other municipalities Jit North York concerning liquor and beer stores and our feeling is that it will prove avery calming one When the proposition was suddenly s g on our citizens like A bolt from the blue it was claimed that some adjacent municipalities were attempting to jump the Ose municipality that the Morris extended his best wishes Aurora J G SINCLAIR Editor King Township Briefs office hall aurora TELEPHONE NINE THURSDAY THE FIFTH DAY OF JUNE NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO outlet sponsors had in was Newmarket They tried to use our very friendly neighbortown sort of bogey man to scare Aurora into thinking that it was a ques tion of first come first served that whichever of the two towns first got the outlets would settle the matter The outlet sponsors tried to work up a feeling that New market was trying to pull a fast one on Aurora and that no time to be lost in getting the Stores going here These rush tactics not only did not succeed but they were helpful in defeat ing the objective aimed at A Testing Ground Aurora was a testing ground Had a majority of the people to old and new members and hoped the club would enjoy a successful season Councillor Ralph Tucker on behalf of the Mayor and mem bers of council extended wishes for a good bowling season and was supported in his remarks by Councillor Dale King who said he wished it had been pos sible for him to join the club this year- Councillor Cliff chair man of the property committee came on the scene after the speechmaking was over but gave his good wishes to mem bers privately The Parks board has added to the amenities of the clubs grounds by having finelook ing spruce trees planted in for- here voted for the outlets there vacant spaces These is no knowing where the limit would have been struck A New market business man told us many weeks ago that he was sure there was no wish to have the outlets there But he added this If you people in Aurora were to vote for them which I hope you wont the whole pic ture could be altered overnight The answer that the majority of the citizens of Aurora have so wisely given to this controver sial question has we are cer tain saved this area of North York county from the opening of stores We believe we are likely to have peace in this area on this contentious question for some years to come Government Ownership There are two paragraphs in a letter sent out on Monday May the eve of the outlets vote by the rector of Trinity Angli can church the Rev K which deserve very close attention The first reads Our province makes the error of leaving this business so dangerous to many both young and old largely in the hands of a large private en terprise In Sweden it is better for there the government owns the business throughout The second sentence states need a better solution than that now being offered to us by the brewing profiteers We could properly vote for the ownership of the from start to finish by the government no advertising at all and with only one means of access name ly through direct home delivery so that no one could possess it outside the home I would vote for complete government oper ation I would not vote for what is simply the brewers so lution to a very big matter Their suggestions can be very dangerous for they have only one aim more profits Government ownership of the liquor and beer interests has been debated in the Old Coun try for as long as we can re member But there have been to many members of the House of Lords who were rich brewers prior to their elevation to the peerage that the question never got very far Ownership of the business by the government would mean that profits from it would come back to the people instead of going into the pockets of a few private individuals Incidentally we have heard many favorable comments on the various arguments put forward by the rector of Trinity during the recent campaign He has pleased a great many people by his logical ap proach to the question of the outlets Out of these debates one man has certainly emerged with a greatly increased stature as a leader and that man is Mr He approached all the ques tions from a practical not a par tisan attitude and in so his messages carried weight A modest man we know Mr as a very able shrewd and highly intelligent clergyman and citizen In a tough spot he is the sort of man we would like to have on our side And with these will close down on the subject which has been uppermost in the minds of citizens for nearly three months We frankly con fess to a sense of relief that the arguments are ended Season Opens The Aurora Lawn Bowling club officially opened its season on Wednesday evening May 28 with a good turnout of mem bers President of the club A have greatly improved the appearance of the grounds which Mr Tucker truly de scribed as a beautiful sotting The Green Light For many long years a sign has hung on Main street which read J Willis Soda Bar The other day we noticed men at work on ladders They were in stalling a new neon sign on the Willis store and it read Drugs It is an artistic addi tion to the advertising varieties seen on Main street The letter ing and the body of the sign are a vivid green encircled by a broad orangecolored border Lions Carnival The Aurora Lions club carni val fireworks display which were held over from May to Friday night May because of bad weather proved a great success very large crowds of children and adults being pres ent to enjoy the fun King City sent over a wrest ling club whose exposition prov ed a very attractive feature and besides the fireworks there were races for boys and girls bingo and refreshments Presidentelect MacGirr in charge of the arrange ments with Lion Ralph Tucker supervising the arrangements for the children They both in formed Aurora News Page that the event though postponed had exceeded expectations in the numbers present The lucky draw winners were Mrs A Murray Davenport Road Toronto whose ticket numbered won a clock radio while Barry Proctor of Aurora with ticket number won the electric kettle offered as second prize New Canadian Club We are advised that the next meeting of the New Canadian club will be held at Benny Alleys on Thursday June when it is hoped a large number of members will be present Fire on Kennedy SI The Aurora fire brigade was called into action around nine oclock Saturday night when the home of Mr J Kennedy caught fire in the basement When the fire was extinguished it was found that considerable smoke dam age had been caused throughout the home ft SUNNY ONT OldTimers Letter We received the other clay the following from a former resi dent of Aurora A friend took the trouble to semi me a rather ambitious is sue of the Aurora Banner of November purporting to tell of the past present and future of those dear hearts and lovely people that lived in my home town to quote the wellknown song The present and future may be fall to the merry but their past outside of eulogizing the Banner leaves much to he said As I lived there in the seventies and eighties 1 wonder why good old Dick Wells of the Queens Hotel the the and Button Hotels also should have been slighted Our department stores by land the elite on Nob we Hill Hilarys and Rob insons the industrial plants of the Wilkinsons and and Patterson drug stores The which in those days rather looked down its nose at the Banner Steven sons harness shop old G I In those days owned a goodly section of Aurora C Robin son whose fame spread far and wide Thompson principal of the school who was town marshal and ran most all the towns utilities McNally Mc- Leod Baldwin could go on at length but do want to remerihjer good old Aunt Nancy Webb A close perusal of the paper would lead one to believe the town was built by S If and Charlie and If presume the editorial refer ence of one striking exception In the quality of their editorial staff must really mean one J Sinclair Cheer up J there must be some few of us old- timers left that remember THE VOTE Our deadline left us no time for comment last week on the decisive vote on the liquor and beer stores proposed for Aurora And now that Ave have the time it is not our intention to indulge in any flagwaving A majority of the people took the same view of the proposals as this newspaper and quite naturally we were happy over the vote As we mentioned in this column last week had the vote gone the other way we would have raised no clamor over it We know many excellent citizens who for their own reasons did not shave our views They arc just as much entitled to their opinions as their This is a democratic country in which the will of the majority prevails in conformity with estab lished safeguards Over a period of many weeks we stated our own views and there is now no reason for repeating them Some reflections after the event are inevitable and one of them is that the proposals were given a plentiful airing on both sides of the fence No one can say that their opposing point of view was not thoroughly em phasized through the medium of advertising and leaflet it was a most intensive It was also with one outstanding exception a cleanly- fought campaign There was no outward ex citement from first to last As far as the citizens were concerned it was a model campaign We heard no hard words spoken by anyone The record vote proves that the citizens did take the proposals very seriously but their deportment was a splendid example of how a campaign should be conducted Naturally we were glad to have this further con firmation that Aurora News Page is the authentic voice of the majority of the citizens of Aurora THE ARENA Some people who do not like us may already be saying that we have banned the town by publishing last weeks article on the condition of the arena What ever we wrote would not please some people Even if we set out to praise them they would still find fault with lis for understating their natural and acquired qualifications Far from harming future attendances at the arena if those responsible for its management will immediately take steps to do a necessary job of repair public confidence would be restored It would give us very great pleasure to publicize the fact that work was in progress at the arena When such work was completed we would gladly publicize that fact also For every critical word we have written we would write an equal number of congratulatory ones There is the whole of the summer to gel the work done When the season opens again on October it would prove a great boost to the arena to announce that it had been fixed and renovated and made attrac tive All such possibilities rest with the arena board That the work is urgently needed to done has been confirmed by Councillor who is chairman of the property committee and by Councillor Murray who is a member of the arena board As for our own part in this matter it amounts to no more than informing the citizens of the outcome of a personal inspection of the arena We explained the situation as we found it A local newspaper has a duty to the citizens of keeping them informed on local affairs We believe the Aurora Memorial Arena could be made a centre of great local attraction and if the Arena board will do its obvious part in helping to bring this about this newspaper will give it its fullest support THE QUACK EDITOR The series of articles we had prepared on the growth of the free press was interrupted by more pres sing local events and only two of them were published One of the outstanding exponents in the cause of a free press was William who classified some editors as follows Some editors are scrubs mere drudges newspapers puffs others are bullies or quacks others are nothing at all they have the name and receive a salary for it was a painter an art critic essayist ami a contributor to the leading British journals and news- papers of his time critical and contentious writer possessed of a wealth of knowledge mental energy and a healthy loathing for all forms of syco phancy and hypocrisy In an age of great writing he attained great fame and his place among the foremost prose writers Is secure The quack editor was his especial irritant The quack editor adopts many poses but seldom stales a positive opinion He hunts with the hounds and runs with the hare lie gives no lead to his readers but when they have decided an issue lie sidles along with the majority usually in the form of bold approving headlines His specialty is highlycolored nervy news contained in scrappy paragraphs His concern is not with principles but with In Aesops Fables there is the story of a frog that became so inflated with a sense of its own importance that it swelled and swelled until it finally burst and was seen no more That is the common fate of the quack editor who was anathema to COUNCIL REPORT agreement to that effect but we do not have an agreement to pay accumulative loss I do not know when the township deficit commenced I asked the board in April when the hospital A report from York County Hospital shows that King town ship residents had private and semiprivate patient days in the hospital from and part of ward 570 in fants and indigent patient j deficit of 60000 began and I days got no answer he stated The report said that the deficit problem should be pital has an approximate loss of to King twp but it did not indicate over what per iod of time the loss accumulated There is an average loss of per patient per day on all pa tients The township is responsible for its indigent patient hospital expenses Reeve Elton Ann- strong stated We have an brought up at the June sessions of county council when we can do something for all these hos pitals he said Schomberg fire department answered six calls from Dec to May 31 which have cost the township Aurora fire department charged 220 for fire protection during the month of May -V- A regular meeting of the town council was held on Monday night June with Mayor Rose and all members present Outstanding features of the session was a decision by council on dog control instructions concerning the engineers plans previously reported and a discussion on the arena a report of which is given in other columns Among the correspondence re ceived was a letter from Mr A M Cody thanking the mayor and members of council for their gracious action in sending a wreath on the occasion of the lamented death of Mrs Cody A representation was made by Mr Cole on the unfinished state of the sidewalk adjoining his property Deputy Reeve Murray said that Mr Cole was no worse off in regard to his grievance than other people in town but his committee would see what could be done Dog Control Mrs Fielding and Col appeared on behalf of the North York Humane society in connection with the protection of and control of dogs A long discussion which took up over an hour of councils time fol lowed Mrs Fielding outlined the problem of dog control under the auspices of the society pointing out that the Newmar ket town council had accepted the plan Mrs Fielding distrib uted fioptes of the Era and Ex press of May 22 issue among to enforce their present bylaw Mayor Rose said that that was true in his eight years ex perience Reeve Cook asserted that they were acting in too much of a hurry He was in favor of de laying the matter for another year in view of the heavy costs Councillor Jones said that every bylaw was subject to abuse He believed that the plan now proposed for control of stray dogs was an opportun ity to give security to citizens He would support the plan The mayor then called for a vote on the motion and it was approved Those voting in favor of the motion were Deputy- Reeve Murray and Councillors Corbett Jones King and Tuck er Opposed Reeve Cook Coun cillors Davis and Murray Rent or Sell Chairman of the property committee Councillor asked if council had made up its mind whether it was going to sell the municipal offices or rent the rooms recently vacated by the provincial police If they were going to rent then members of council which con- he would see that necessary dec- tamed a frontpage report of what been done in New market to effect animal protec tion and control Col Dann in the course of answering many questions said that for many years he had heard complaints of stray dogs but he knew of nothing that had been done about the matter He said that no one got one cent out of the plan except the train ed man employed by the society Col paid tribute to New market ladies who were giving their time to the work of the Humane society Methods Explained I Mrs Fielding said that New- market town council had paid over to the society the sum of plus the dog tax for the current year If Aurora adopt ed the plan it would cost the town 1500 plus the dog tax amounting to The con tract would be for two years and only the dog tax would re quire to be paid in the second year Col Dann said the land at Newmarket used by the society had been practically given to the North York Humane society They were covering a control area of a ten mile radius The facilities offered by the society would solve the stray dog prob lem in Aurora Ask if the matter could tx Councillor Tucker moved that they decorate the rooms and ad vertise them for rent This mo tion was seconded by Council lor Davis and carried Council agreed thai the space should be rented for office use only Water Question Sewers Mayor Rose said that their engineer Mr had ad vised that he hoped to have plans and specifications ready in two weeks time for the prepara tion of bylaws Reeve Cook sard that he was not aware that council hud come to a final decision to put in a reservoir His understanding was that the whole problem would be discussed in detail in committee and in council Are we going lo land up with a res ervoir and no greater water pressure reeve asked Councillor Jones said they would get better results by the use of a compressor He was in favor of a reservoir Councillor Davis asked if a reservoir would solve the needs of any new industries thai might come to Aurora Councillor Murray said they needed a reserve right now Mayor Rose said he considered it ah appropriate moment to go ahead with plans for a reservoir and to instruct Mr over for further considera tion Mrs Fielding replied that it would be necessary for a de cision to be made lhat night otherwise plan would have to held over for another year Points of View Mayor Rose said that a centre had to be somewhere and it so happened thai the centre for this area was Newmarket where the plan had been put into op eration for animal control Stray dogs wandering over other peo ples property had been a prob lem for Aurora for many years He believed they should adopt the plan offered and once it was publicized he had no doubt that owners woidd in future look after their animals DeputyReeve Murray moved and Councillor King seconded a motion approving the plan Reeve Cook and Councillors and Murray declared themselves opposed to the plan mainly on the grounds of the Councillor King asked what use it was advertise the en forcement of a bylaw for the control of dogs if they took no steps about it He believed that the plan offered by the society was the answer to the dog prob lem in Aurora Murray said that the question of wandering dogs in the town came up year by year and nothing had been done about it Councillor Murray said that it was against the rule of council to pass a contentious bylaw at one sitting Deputy Reeve Murray said they could give final decision that night and arrange for the preparing of the bylaw Councillor Tucker said that they should be able to make up their minds that night A by law must have teeth in It and they hadnt yet anything A motion to install a compres sor and reservoir was carried It was also agreed to proceed with the new trunk sewer storm and sanitarysewers as previ ously reported Sunday Night Odor Councillor King drew the at tention of the chairman of the sanitation committee to a Sun day night smelt which Mr King assorted hung over the town sometime between hours of pm and pm The suggestion that this might be a tannery odor was discounted Other members of council said they had experienced the smell 5 which was bad town advertise- Councillor Davis said he could not imagine where the smell came from and wasnt aware It J suggested that the next time Mr Kings nose was affect by the smell he should him by phone when they could meet and try and track the smell down to its source Council ad journed at See page for report on Arena discussion at council night CHURCHIUS LAWNMOWER SHARPENING AND REPAIR SERVICE LOOK for OUR SIGN at the INN Quarter of a mile south of Keswick 1 THEATRE AURORA J GRIFFITHS MANAGER Friday and Saturday June mm a I lr I lew SGssi ii MATINEE SATURDAY PM June A Great Country 200 a fun a paw braving TlU- I j Denise Darcel I Emerson John 77 Charles William A- Iki THE W0RID FACED WITH DESTRUCTION BY STRANGE MEN AND DEMONIC MACHINES FROM A ViVSiss te mil CIA- J i v COMING SOON if enjoyed Little Dividend and rather Of Be Sure To See ROBERT Pop BARBARA HALE in THE FIRST TIME i I i V-