The Newmarket Era and Thursday Jane ROWLANDS RADIATOR SERVICE Phone Newmarket that should not pick the Trillium our provincial floral emblem Since three leaves are near the fop of the stem they usually get picked with the blossom And as the leaves feed the root the whole plant dies of starvation Protect Hie Trillium it is part of your outdoor enjoyment THE CABLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO TORONTO WINDSOR On Saturday June Mrs J attended the wedding of her youngest son Roderick to Miss Snow of Toronto Others from here who attended this wedding were Mrs Gordon Rynard Mr and Mrs- and Mr and Mrs CJark- son Arnold Mrs of Ash worth is spending a few weeks with her daughter Mrs Ross Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Ross Weller on the birth of a son Mrs John returned home from Newmarket hospi tal Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Galbraith on the birth of a daughter The Bible society meeting was held in the North United church on Monday evening A splendid film was shown depicting the societys wonderful work in evangelizing many parts of the world An unusual film You Cant Win will be shown in the United church on Wednesday evening June This film is an illustrated sermon produced by Bob Jones University Green ville South Carolina Dont forget the bait game on Tuesday evening June Wil low Beach vs Zephyr at Zephyr park Guests of Mr and Mrs on Sunday last wore Mr and Mrs Wilfred and children of and Mr and Mrs Parker and Peggy of Weston Mrs Miss Stork Mrs Graham and Miss Isabel Ballard attended the Toronto Eastern meeting at Agintourt on Wed nesday last Mr and Mrs Don Anderson and family of visited Mr and Mrs Cecil Harrison oh Sunday Dont forget Zephyr sports Sutton Kinsmen Club has been authorized to operate the Museum in Hall in the property bought by the York County council last year as a public park The property is in Georgina township east of Jacksons Point It was purchased by council to make a park out of one of the last available properties along the Hall on the former property is a treasure house of relics of other ages It is full of the mementoes of a family whose sons and daughters have wandered far and wide over the years but who brought back with them colorful souvenirs of their journeys and their careers SUTHERLANDS CEMENT BLOCKS Bond Head Ontario Plain and rock face Rock face silo blocks W J SUTHERLAND Phone Bradford Smith only minister president of a Kinsmen club in Canada is shown at the right while Kinsmen Orval in a set of robes shows Mrs Olive Steale a Mongolian warriors helmet Mrs Steale is a great granddaughter the former owner On the table is an idol dating back to TOO AD at the time of Kublai Khan The uniform of Fleet Surgeon Thomas one of Susan nine sons is worn by Victor of Sutton as he and Clifford Thompson stand before a painting of another son who was a captain in the Royal Navy The uniform was found in a sea chest in the hall of Hall Era and Express Classifieds Bring Results day on Saturday June A number from here attended the Mount Albert sports day on Saturday A number of I ladies visit- the WI meeting at on Thursday MOUNT ZION The pupils of Mount j school were awarded the prizes for the highest number of ath letic points at Mount Albert sports day Miss Shirley represented the school by having the highest score and received the 10 first and the silver cup donated by Dr Bobby Smith won the 25 door prize Weekend guests of Mr and Mrs J were cousins from Detroit and Mr brother from Toronto Betty visited Patsy Morris on Sunday Mr and Mrs Martin Wood ward had their two daughters and family home for the week end Mr and Mrs Pier Brampton and Mr and Mrs Glen Larry and Judy Toronto Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Tom Swanson were Mr and Mrs Lorry David and Bar- Mr and Mrs Hugh Banks Mr Banks and Mr and I Mrs Mr Clark Saskatchewan is visiting his brother Mr J B Chirk Mr and Mrs Lome had dinner at Mr and Mrs J Clarks home on Sun day Mrs Bruce visited Mrs Percy Coates on Thursday Sunday services are Sunday school at worship at Mrs John accom panied Mr and Mrs Stan Shanks to Mr and Mrs for Sunday dinner Mr and Mrs Bill spent the weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs Stan Shanks PINE ORCHARD Mr and Mrs Ross Mr John and Mrs Ar thur Boyd of Yonge St attended a zone meeting of the Federa tion of Agriculture at recently Mr Sam Gibney Mrs and Miss Helen attended the funeral of their cousin the late Lloyd of Vancou ver at Mount Albert on Satur day Mr and Mrs Jack and family of Toronto spent the weekend at the home Willing Workers met at Mrs Prestons lovely new home on Wednesday June Mrs Harper and Mrs Elmer Starr had charge of the tionals Airs Walter Johnston gave a splendid paper on Cour age in everyday living There was a reading by Mrs Elsie Mrs W Proctors girls double trio from Sharon public school favored us with several delightful selections Mrs Earl Toole was present again after illness It was decided to hold on ice cream social at Union church on Friday evening July with musical program and pictures Lunch was served by hostess and a social lime enjoyed Miss Leonora Starr of New market was a Sunday guest of Mr and Mrs Ross Armitage SCHOMBERG late for last week Mrs M Hague spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Toronto with friends The Evening branch of the W A held a quilting at the home of Mrs Walter Thompson Wed nesday last Mrs Andrew Mitchell visited friends at recently A bus load of people from here at tended the service held in the Maple Leaf Gardens on Sunday evening Mr passed away Monday morning at his home in Ltoydtowri He has been in failing health for some time but he seemed improved this last few months He had been employed at the Graham lumber factory and was work ing Saturday He took a keen interest in community and church work and for the past years he has taken the services for Rev Mr Abbott while on holidays He was always wilt ing to do a good work He leaves to mourn his loss his wife j A shower for Mrs J Arm strong Marie Edwards was held at the home of Miss on Monday evening Mr and Mrs A Henderson of I Bolton visited Mr and Mrs Coulter on Sunday Mrs Carter and Miss Carter of Wilson spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Davis and Mr and Mrs R Dixon A euchre in aid of the light fund was held at school on Friday evening Thirteen tables played Lucky draws went to Mr Wm and Mr G Armstrong Schomberg IBBONS TRANSPORT LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE FURNITURE STORAGE CRATING AND PACKING NEWMARKET TAKES HIGHEST HONOURS BINGO J I ARENA WEDNESDAY JUNE PM CARDS FOR SPECIAL PRIZES Winner tells secret It is no secret that white clothes are a must for a tournament tennis player and they must Ik retiHy white I use Blue in my rinse water to prevent titty possibility of a yellow tinge and my clothes are always safe from harmful chemicals Out of the blue conies the whitest wash ami Blue costs just a few cents a month THIS THURSDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY ill 4 Mens Stock Sale FATHERS DAY SPECIAL JUNE You cant pay more during this Fathers Day Sale at Insleys Store Regularly priced up to Choke of any mens STOCK in Store regardless of price marked on tickets S Where extra pair of pants is available price is extra Extra charge for alto rat ions during the sale mi