i mi Prof LEGAL ft Wen Solicitor and Comer roi B Block Wellington Street Aurora JMvrMerAtUw Htm and Residence Main St logs By MISCELLANEOUS Solicitor Public Si raONE THEWS STIVER S AND VALE Solicitors Notaries Mathews QC Stiver Lyons Vale Phone Oat Toronto I Contractor For BULLDOZING GRADING CELLAR EXCAVATIONS and Gravel Sand and Fill Phone Aurora SAND For approved crashed atone of rations shea crashed travel sand concrete gravel and pit ran Delivered or at bin Plant phone Office phones 370 and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTU House and Farm Wiring A I General Repairs Oil Earners Space Heater All Electrical Household Appliances Phone Box 111 Ontario St Newmarket I Si MILLS iter Solicitor and Notary Public MAIN ST Phone L VIOLET Vicing Insurance market BOTTOM SOLICITOR ETC Main NEWMARKET r NOBLE OFFICE lattice VanderVoort James J Wall PLUMBINGHEATING Contractor for Fairbanks Morse Pressure Systems Oil Burners Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning OAK RIDGES PHONE KING 111 PHONE AURORA EVANS FUELS newmarket Coal Coke Wood and Stoker Coal Orders taken for Giavel Sand and Crushed Stone and General Hauling and Arthritis Clinic AIUUf hone 2293 by Appointment iPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC Newmarket lone METRICAL THE VARIETY OF DESIGNS In our collection of MONUMENTS Is such that we can meet almost any require ment both as to kind and cost We abso make memorials to order of every description youll find our work excellent always and our service prompt and reasonably priced and SON MAIN ST NEWMARKET T Over Optometrist Clinic Bid Hours j Appointment I St Aw Confederation Lite Association Representative Fire Automobile and Casualty Ragle St Newmarket Phones Newmarket Albert fc INSURANCE AUTO i Bill Mel re MAIN NEWMARKET PHONE 0w m i KEN PIANO TUNER AND TECHNICIAN Whitchurch S S Convention Praise Aurora Uxbridge Votes The Farm Improvement Loans Act has now been In operation in Canada for seven years Trie annual report of the operations of this Act presented here this week showed a splendid record of service and a very pro portion of loss to the govern- A Loans under this act are avail able to farmers for moderniza tion of homes arid buildings and for equipment The report shows that the number of loans made under the act in was an in crease of per cent over The amount of loans made during was Loans under the Farm Im provement Loan Act are avail able for a variety of purposes These Include the purchase of al most any implement and equip ment or the making of Improve ments and developments that would increase the farmers pro- the quality of his out put or the working and living conditions on his farm The terms of repayment de pend largely on the amount borrowed and are limited to a maximum of seven years The maximum amount which a borrower may have outstand ing at any one time Is and the rate of interest charged can not exceed per cent Applica tions for Joans should be made to your local bank manager and the annual report pays tribute to the tine service and cooperation rendered by the banks in mak ing this act helpful to Canadian aimers Export Ban Costly The export sale of Canadian livestock animal products have declined by million in the first four months of this year due largely to the United States embargo following the outbreak of foot and mouth dis ease in Saskatchewan So severe a Joss In such a short time em phasizes the seriousness of the disease and there has neon gen eral relief felt following the an nouncement of a high official this week that the outbreak had successfully checked Despite the US buy ers of dairy cattle have to make purchases in consid erable numbers leaving the stock here until such time as the How Can I Start An Investment Programme embargo Is lifted Unemployment Tills week amendments were made in the Unemployment Insurance Act New provisions allow an increase in the insur ance payments and decrease the waiting period from nine to five Taxation Federal provincial and muni cipal taxes in Canada in will amount to some billion which Is about of pur total national income As far as the federal government is concerned defence expenditures which everybody realizes are necessary for national security account for more than half of all expendi tures Despite criticism that the government spends money too freely actual figures show that apart from defence the fed eral government expenditures in creased by less than per cent from to not a bad record in the face of rising costs The Senate There are at present vac- ancles in the Canadian Senate and while there are plenty of aspirants the Prime Minister is not likely to make many appoint ment until next year The Senate now has seats and the present political stand ing is Liberals and eight Con servatives Six of the vacancies are in Quebec four in Ontario four In New Brunswick and one each in and Newfoundland Living Costs Down The cost of living index took a two point plunge downward during April the largest month ly drop in years It Is the fourth consecutive monthly de cline In the index since the peak last December- Lilacs In Bloom Visitors the Capital this week have enjoyed Canadas most beautiful display of lilac bloom at the Experimental Farm Hie long rows of many varieties are in nil he glory of full bloom and make a magnifi cent showing Ins and peonies also are In bloom The leaders of antiliquor out let campaigns in Aurora and and their supporters were voted a resolution of congratu lations on their victories at the Whitchurch Sunday school con vention at Christian church on May The police were also commended for their efforts to halt the bringing of liquor in cars to summer resorts in the township There were three sessions at the convention which were gen erally well attended by repre sentations from each of the schools in the township Rev Gibson Brown opened the con vention and he was followed by Jacob Grove who gave the ad dress of welcome The morning session was given over to study and class teaching demonstra tions by teachers of different age groups The afternoon session included two solos by Mrs James Oldham and two inspiring addresses by Rev Milton In the evening there was a selection of special music by a from of Norman David and Lawrence The Newmarket Era and Express Jane 3 The convention urged the continuous and persistent education against alcoholism in all the Sunday schools and that more use be made of the liter ature etCi provided by the On tario Temperance Federation Greater representation at county and provincial temperance meet- I was urged and a greater use of pledge cards The convention proposed a more careful observance of Sun day as a day of rest and in criti cism of certain types of radio programs urged parents to carefully screen those which might have a harmful effect upon the minds of children It was suggested too that every Sunday school send at least one young person as an official delegate to the annual and fall conventions Era and Express Classifieds Results Protect your roof with repair material the life of your farm Roofing and beautify your and barns are to apply ere resistant to fire wear wind and weather and give your buildings extra year of beauty and Made in Canada for generations product arm finest quality made anywhere BOTH ROAD A FIX does a or of this work for Canadian farmers See your of manager about a Farm Improvement Loan to do ibis kind of for yourself of ASPHALT SIDINGS and ROLL ROOFINGS cod Tatted SHEATHINGS A FELTS BUILTUP ROOFING MATERIALS Triplex Green Board Board Burley Tile PLASTIC CEMENTS WATERPROOF PAINTS ROOF COATINGS See your now Bank of Montreal WORKING CANADIANS IN EVERY OF SINCE A 1 FLEECE LINE ROCK WOOL INSULATION MICAFIL Aggregates for Piaster Concrete and Insulation ASPHALT PAPERS LTD at STATION Pp TORONTO and Warehouse and Branches QUEBEC PP MONTREAL TORONTO W H EVES and CO Davis Dr Newmarket Phone By Planned Savings Through Life Insurance The an in moil should lie It III rrilr the rent for future retirement income ami money for your family to What Is more life In achieve end and without worry or llhenit with a Mutual Lite of re- a life foe your future UTUAL 1 M 1 CANADA Used Booli and Sold CRACK HEARD Painter and Decorator and Suntest Wallpapers Phone Representative for Newmarket and District NORMAN W Kettleby Aurora St Oat write Letters the editor are always welcome but names of the writers must be known to the editor The Editor I was much inter ested in Dairy Farmers refer ences to the debits ami credits of farm mechanization and feel like congratulating the members of the Holt Farm Forum con cerning the desirability of the organized farmers linking up their ageold industry to what has been termed the match less marketing and selling power of modern advertising Maybe other reader would like to come a few steps further down that same farm mechan ization trail I found food for thought in the following picture in one of the prairie farm pa pers White North American farmers own two- thirds of all the farm tractors operating in the world this continent has only per cent of the worlds arable land South America Asia and Africa account for nearly half of the worlds arable land but possess Jess than five of the worlds tractors In Britain the farmers have one tractor for every acres of land a record not equalled any where else Switzerland New Zealand United States Netherlands Sweden and West ern Germany follow In that or der Russia has one tractor for every 1000 acres of arable land and in the Far Fast there is only one tractor for every acres World tractor pro duction In totalled a mil lion machine Farm Journal Finally here is a credit mark from the Saskatchewan angle although folk who think in terms of may not feel so happy Farm mechanization brought about a decrease in horse numbers in Saskatchewan from in to last year This decrease of horses however has made available the production from another 2180000 acres in Saskatchewan to be dedicated food production since a horse requires the produce of five acres per year as feed News Custom INSIHUNCE Crown Life WRIGHT AUTO Newmarket Phone I79wl2 Newmarket CAR OWNERS Insure your car today the CoOp Way Sponsored by your Fed of Agriculture JOHNSYTEMA Newmarket Right from the start you II love it I item IT isnt always the big things that tell you how downright good a car really is Youll note for example that this has not one but tiro sets of figures on its speedometer Theres one for total mileage which almost all cars give you And theres one for found on all but rare on other cars carrying comparable price tags then theres the way a start No groping for a starter button on the dash You just pushdown your foot on the accelerator pedal and one motion docs the whole job Thats something else found only on a and we can give you a good guess what the reason is its a costlier device And when you on this combined starteraccelerator hoy do things sun to happen That greatpowered Fireball Engine purrs into action and youre off with the steady woop of a Diesel streamliner on the rails Now you discover something else Million Dollar Hide Surefooted on curves on the straight away steady and true on course its worth every dollar it cost in tools engineering ami special features including of Drive What we are trying to tell you is this No matter how you size up a by its features its fabrics the way it performs the way it rides or the cost per mile of operation you find that nothing is spared to make it the greatest buy it has been in years And thats doubly significant when you remember that delivered prices start down at a figure that any new car buyer can easily reach How about checking this for yourself at your nearest dealers SunJjrit at ROADMASTCt I Out mini a Pitt M a far let BUICK SUPER Sure it true for 52 J MORTON Phone Mount Albert BROS LTD TRUCKS Eagle Si Phone m mm j r