i LEGAL MISCELLANEOUS fioikttonaaa tt WC Block Ad Street Aurora Joseph O Dales a Mill Office and Residence Main St By Appointment A fc Barrister Solicitor Public Etc PHONE St MATHEWS STIVER LYONS AND VALE Barristers Solicitors Notaries Mathews M Stiver Lyons BA Joseph Valb Out Toronto A MILLS and Notary MAIN ST Phone Contractor Tor BULLDOZING GRADING CStlAB EXCAVATIONS and aad SMITH The proposed of the St Seaway is a project which inspires the imagination and enthusiasm of Canadians everywhere but particularly this section of Canada which stands to gain great development through the project Delivered or at bin Plant phone Office phones and ELECTRIC House and Farm Wiring BAIN General Repairs Tbnken Oil Burners Space Heater All Electrical Household Phone Bo 111 25 Ontario St Newmarket VIOLET IOHNSON Conveyancing Insurance St Phone Newmarket ton B SOLICITOR ETC 35 MAIN ST NEWMARKET DENTAL NOBLE DENTIST Over MUNICIPAL OFFICE Office Residence 1344 Janes J Wall PLUMBING HEATING Contractor Dealer for Fairbanks Morse Pressure Systems Burners Sheet Metal and Air OAK RIDGES PHONE KING 111 PHONE AURORA The long delay throughout the years has been disappoint ing and Canadians have been somewhat impatient with A stalling and indecision For that reason there was at least some relief when the USA this week again stalled on co operative effort and the Cana dian government quickly an nounced Canada is nrreeeding on our own EVANS- NEWMARKET Coal Coke Wood and Stoker Coal The door is for Am erican but present indications are that the seaway will be an affair It is a challenging project nevertheless one well within Canadas power and is no more formidable than was the build ing of the great canal in an earlier day in our develop ment It is hoped actual start on construction work may start within a Extendjng NATO Parliament this week approv ed the protocol to the North At lantic Treaty extending guaran tees of resistance against to the European defence community including Western Germany The protocol provides that armed attack on any member of the European defence commun ity shall be considered an at tack on all parties to the North Atlantic Treaty This associates the Federal Republic of Ger many with the western world in opposition to the communist bloc j It marks an step on the road to peace and world re- establishment and it has been taken after long and careful study and consideration Guides Brownies Have MomDaughter Banquets Tie Newmarket En and Thursday Jane j Orders taken for Gravel Sand and Crushed Stone and General Hauling Dr C VanderVoort ft- DENTIST St Newmarket Phone OSTEOPATHY WILSON Osteopathic and Arthritis Clinic SON BUILDING Telephone illation by Appointment CHI J Lockie OR OF CHIROPRCTIC ST Newmarket Phone Res THE VARIETY OF DESIGNS In our collection of MONUMENTS Is such that we can meet almost any require both as to kind and cost We also make memorials to order of every description youll find our work excellent always and our service prompt and reasonably priced G and SON OS TES ITS powerpack i MAIN ST NEWMARKET J -j- Main Over PHONE A HURST Optometrist Newmarket Clinic Office Hours Wednesday Closed by Appointment Newmarket ACCOUNTANT INSURANCE Confederation Life Association Representative Fire Automobile and Casualty Eagle St Newmarket Newmarket Mount Albert INSURANCE FIRE BURGLARY AUTO AND LIFE Bill MAIN ST PHONE At what age most women retire Ten years earlier than men usually at 55 TliCy alro longer re quire income it much longer period f lime men Many women lend Mutual Life of their increase in value mid of dividend way of providing income for future your problem today with a Mutual Life of Canada representative there are dangers and doubts about a restored and re armed West Germany but it is a question of whether these people our former enemies are to be with against us in the stand against world The hope of course is that hi time all of Germany will be aligned with the Western democracies In moving for the adoption of the protocol Hon- Lester Pear son Canadas secretary of state for external affairs said that while we are not blind to the danger of a restored and Germany we believe that within the European de fence community this restora tion and rearmament can be brought to serve the ends of peace in Europe and the world Beef for Korea Canada after weeks of nego tiations has finally obtained United States agreement to al low surplus Canadian beef into Korea The How will be about I pounds a month Defence Minister re turning from Washington talks announced that Canadian meat will go to feed the j Brigade in Korea was learned that the plan is to ship the beef from Vancouver into American quar termaster stores in the Far East From there it will be dis tributed possibly to Canadian or to forces of other countries re quiring supplies Canadas Brigade is fed oh American supply lines with the Canadian government Com pensating the US government through a fixed payment The beef shipments now will form part of that payment Experts here do not consider the Korean shipments very substantial But they said they will help ease the burden of dis posing of meat surpluses which have steadily climbed as a re sult of the footandmouth dis- and the US embargo on Canadian meat and cattle Most of the surplus is expect ed to go to the United Kingdom Under the CanadianUKNew Zealand barter deal Canada will ship some pounds of meat to the UK which will di vert an equivalent amount of frozen beef from New Zealand to the US market Newmarket Brownies and Guides with their mothers were guests of the Newmarket Girl Guide association at Mo ther and Daughter banquets on May and Hie ScoutGuide Mothers auxiliary under the general of Mrs Ronald Watt catered for the de licious meals which were served in the Scout Halt- I Presiding at both banquets was the Guide District Nelson Ion who welcomed the guests introduced the head table guests and outlined the summers plans for camping A day camp will be conducted for all the Guides and Brownies in Newmarket at Pine Orchard the week of July 13 Head table guests at the Brow nie banquet included Capt Ruth Best Salvation Army who pro nounced the grace and told the Brownies of her experiences in this worldwide organization While stationed in Bermuda Best was actively connect ed with the Brownie packs My Brownies were brown and wore white uniforms she told the children But like yourselves they tried to follow the Brovnie motto Lend a hand Joseph Dales chairman of the Recreation commission represen ted the town council arid con gratulated the leaders on their years work The Divisional Guide Mrs- P Oak Ridges was guest of honor and responded to the toast to guiding and scouting Mis addressed her remarks primarily to the Brownies Representing the Scout mens committee was Percy Hutchin son and Cub Masters Charles and Horace were present with Cubs Paul Blair and Albert Mrs Thompson captain of ket Guides was present as was Tawny Owl Mrs Orley Hayes and Brownie leaders Misses Au drey Rowland and Margaret King The Brown Owl Mrs Ray gave a report on the successful year completed by the Newmarket Brownies She out lined plans for- the formation of a second pack which will be reg istered in the fall Mrs Sher thanked the Local associa tion members the mothers and other helpers such as ElvaKosh- el for their assistance during the Toast mistress Brownie Sixer Karen Beare proposed the toast to the Queen and called on Brownies Nancy Groves Carol Graham and Ruth Atkinson to toast the mothers guiding and scouting and the Mothers auxil iary and Local association Re sponding to the toasts were Mrs Arthur West for the mothers and Mrs A B Bradley for the guid ing organizations Mrs presented prizes to three Brownies who sold over boxes of cookies iri the cent GuideBrownie Cookie day They were Margaret Rose Muri el Thompson and Elaine The came to a close with piano solos by Brownies Margaret Hayes and Diane Gor ing and a piano duet by Marg aret and Elaine Rose Miss Row land was at the piano the singing of the National Anthem and mothers joined with their daughters singing Taps at the end of a most en joyable evening The towing night Rev J T Rhodes was present to pronounce the grace and later in speaking to the Guides arid their mothers praised the leaders for their work He told the Guides they were in training for leadership and that it to them that Guiding both in and the cities to which they might move would look for the leaders of future years- Mrs Violet brought greetings to the Guides from the Town council and said that in the training the girls re ceived in guiding would come more communityminded women who would assist in the towns affairs Guest of honor was Miss Esther a former of the Newmarket company who res ponded to the toast to guiding- Miss told of the aims and achievements of the world organ ization of guiding and congratu lated the Newmarket Guides on their corps Rover Scout Bill Armstrong Scouts Jim Carl Scout mens com mittee representative John Brown Owl Mrs Ray Sherrard and Mrs Sin clair vice chairman Local assoc iation and past president of the Mothers auxiliary were present and joined pledges of support to guiding In Newmarket Mrs Sinclair responded to toast to the local guiding organiza tions Toast mistress was the comp any leader Colleen Guides Thornton Sandra Watt Betty Daly and Shirley proposed toasts to the mothers scouting guiding arid the Auxiliary and Local Responding were Mrs J Edwards and Jim Mrs Thompson capt ain of the Newmarket Guide j company gave annual report I on guiding activities She told of how the Guides had raised funds during the year by join ing with the Brownies in the Cookie Day serving tea at the Art Clubs spring exhibition assisted at the ScoutGuide Mothers tea and had a booth at the Community Bazaar Dur ing the year over proficiency badges were won by Newmar ket Guides Mis Thompson echoed the re marks made by Mrs Shorn the preceding evening in thank ing the mothers the Local assoc iation and other volunteers for their assistance during the year She made special mention of the Guides acting Lieutenant Mrs Horace Mrs Armstrong badge secre tary and the treasurer Mrs Gordon Cook Patrol Leader Betty was presented with a prize by Miss for having sold the greatest number of cookies Mrs provided the accompaniment for the sing song of old favorites which was fol lowed by piano solos by Guides Mary Lou VanZant Mary Vale Judith Carter who also was at the piano for the singing of the National Anthem and Betty Daly A tap dance was perform ed by Barbara and vocal soloists were Helen McCabe and Margaret Arm They were accompanied by Mary Lou VanZaiitv The program was climaxed with the presentation of a hum orous skit The Fatal Quest under the direction of Mrs Sin clair In the cast were Shirley Betty Eleanor Smith Jane Edwards Patsy Shirley Guide Cook Joan Smart and Gloria Hill With the singing of Taps the annual Guide Mother and Daughter banquet was brought to a close Con ados Moil Co Ran of MOWERS -j-i- I Trade haw rafcmrfor I I i I I op UOEH AND IAWH I STANTR0YER The Garden Tractor Man OAK RIDGES ONTARIO Phono King vx A A A A C0HLIN 5 MA St Accountant JOHN DALY SI or irons arantekd PIANO TUNER AND TECHNICIAN Dealer For New and Organ Bought and Sold GRACE ST NEWMARKET Phone WJ Estimates Free HEARD Painter and Decorator and Phone Aurora Norman Kettkby Oat Phone Aurora INSURANCE Crown WRIGHTS AUTO CASUALTY Newmarket Phone Newmarket Insure Today the coop way Enquire at your local coop John SytciM ACCORDION BAND THRILLS AUDIEjvlGJEy By Fowler Once again the Newmarket Lions Club has presented Eric and his accordion orchestra in a brilliant perform ance of classical and popular music What a pity that New market does not possess an audi torium suitable for such events While the accordions easily filled the arena with sound the audience made up with appreci ation what they lacked in size In their concerted numbers these young musicians displayed that mature insight and artistic skill which are so necessary for a satisfying performance by such a group In Handels Largo one had the illusion of a pipe organ with the melody on a solo clarinet stop In a less subdued accompaniment would have given the melody better support but In The Hallelujah Chorus the tone was that of a beautiful organ with pure choral phrasing The audience could scarcely refrain from rising in tribute The clever work of the young est players was surpassed only in dimensions by John and Jerry in their playing of Mar riage of Figaro They main tained an tempo and sounded like a well balanced or chestra of woodwinds Ui Herds J Gleaville Farm Newmarket has recently purch ased several outstanding Guern sey females from the top herds in New York and Ohio Included in this group was McDonald Farms Fore Pet a twoyearold daughter of McDonald Farms Foremost Prediction and Mc Donald Farms Kings Holly 13 This heifer was purchased at the fourth Mc Donald Farms Invitational sale at New York for The most recent purchase was made at the dispersal sale of Farms Guernsey herd Ohio where he secured Maple Lawn Anne Kenyon a daughter of Douglas- ton Baron Kenyon who is pres ently in service in the New York State artificial breeding station at These purchases were made for Mr by his farm man ager John Kudelka KNOW why more and more GMCs are becoming first choice of so many cost- watching truck operators in every type of hauling One of the big reasons they will tell you is they can always get a GMC thats exactly engincd for their particular kind of work There is no need for a GMC owner to strain away with an underpowered truck or lose profit to a gas eater unsuited to its job Thats because GMC builds the widest range of truck engines in the industry GMC famed valveinhead gaso- line engines from to 200 HP GMC exclusive 2cycle Diesels from HO to 225 And its the kind of power yon dont have to pamper Each GMC engine is specially lubricated against wear specially ventilated against acidforming fumes specially designed for truck duty Why not let us recommend the GMC truck tractor or sixwheeler perfectty powered for your job It will be a real truck all the way exactly the right combination of engine axle transmission and frame Take your trucking problem today your nearest GMC dealer MORTO Mount Albert BROS LTD TRUCKS Eagle St Phone