TW- I r t at- as pis Classifieds Continued PERSONALS SKINNY GIRLS GET LOVELY CURVES Gain 10 lbs new pep Try famous health and Tonic Tablets Intro ductory getacquainted size only All druggists At York County hospital Tuesday June to Mr and Mrs James Bradford a daugh ter a BUY r WANTED to buy a wall tent in good condition Phone Mount Albert -v- ALLEN At York County hospi tal Wednesday June 1952 to Mr and Mrs William Allen Jacksons Point a daughter ANDERSON County hospital Saturday June to Mr and Mrs James Howard Anderson a son York County hos pital Tuesday June 24 to Mr and Mrs Arthur Newmarket a son York County Newmarket a daughter hospital Thursday June to Mr and Mrs John Campbell Newmarket a York County hos pital Tuesday June to Mr and Mrs Elmer Sharon a daughttiV ONEILL At York County hos pital Sunday June 22 to Mr and Mrs Andrew ONeill Sutton West a son PAYNE At York County hos pital Tuesday June 24 to Mr and Mrs Norman Payne If Maple a daughter PAGET At York County hospi tal Wednesday June 1952 to Mr and Mrs Derek Paget Richmond Hill a son RYE At York County hospital Monday June to Mr and Mrs Bruce Rye RR a son ROBINSON At York County hospital Monday June 1952 to Mr and Mrs Eric Robinson Goodwood a son SHERIDAN At York County hospital Thursday June to Mr and Mrs James Sheridan of Frank Mrs Bond Una and Arthur all of Newmarket Howard Mrs Grant Caldwell Agnes Peterborough Mrs Robert Ruth Mrs Rex Franklin Margaret Bedford and Mrs Keith Mary Mis sion City BC Resting at his home Queen St from 5 pm Wednesday until Friday at am Funeral service in the Chapel of and Rose Interment Newmarket cemetery i At York County hospital Saturday June 21 to Mr and Mrs Abel Lake Wilcox a daughter COPLAND At York County hospital Sunday June to Mr and Mrs Charles Cop land Aurora a daughter At York County hospi tal Sunday June 22 to Mr and Mrs Calvin Newmarket a son At York County hospital Friday June 20 to Mr and Mrs David Keswick a daughter DAVIS At York County hospi tal Thursday June to Mr and Mrs Davis Aur ora a daughter DICKSON At York County hos pital Friday June 20 to Mr and Mrs Arthur Dickson Lake Wilcox a son At York County hospi tal Friday June to Mr and Mrs Orville Sutton West a daughter At York County Thursday June to Mr and Mrs Andrew Newmarket a son HARTFORD At York County hospital Wednesday June to Mr and Mrs Hartford Rich vale a son HAMILTON At York County hospital Saturday June 21 to Mr and Mrs Donald Hamil ton Aurora son HOWES At York County hos- pilal Monday Juno to Mr and Mrs Alee Howes Kes wick a son At York County hospital Monday June 23 to Mr and Mrs Richard Kimbcll JUL Richmond Hill a son KBRST At York Couny hospi tal Monday June to Mr and Mrs Kerst Rich mond Hill a daughter At York County hospital Saturday June to Mr and Mrs William Mun- Aurora a TURNBULL At York County hospital Saturday June 21 to Mr and Mrs William Turn- bull Newmarket a son UPJOHN At York County hos pital Sunday June 22 to Mr and Mrs Bryan Upjohn King a son YAKE At York County hospi tal Sunday June 22 to Mr and Mrs Herbert Yake Aurora a son- DEATHS Suddenly at the residence- of her niece Mrs Nicholas Kenn edy St Aurora on June 1952 Mrs Edith Long- France Service was this afternoon Interment St Johns cemetery Newmarket at Bos ton Mass on Thursday June Joel hus band of Muriel Allen father of John Richard and Mrs Ernest Davis Elizabeth Service was held on Monday June Inter ment Newmarket cemetery daughter THOMSON At the Toronto General hospital on Tuesday June George Thomson husband of Clara L Thomson and father of Evelyn Mrs Gib- her Duncan King Viola Mrs Trim Gait Nor- man in his year Resting at the Thompson Funer al Home Victoria St Aurora for seivice on Friday June tit pm Interment Aurora ceme tery WILLIAMSON- At his home 91 Wellington SI Aurora on Sunday June Daniel Williamson son of the late and Agnes Williamson and brother of Edward New market in his year Service was field on Wednesday June 25 interment Aurora cemetery WILLIAMSON At Newmarket on Tuesday June 24 1952 Edgar Pearson Williamson husband of he Hannah father Night TOWN PARK Welcome CUTTING In loving memory of a dear mother Ellen S Cut- ting who passed away June 25 also a dear brother Garnet R Cutting July 1916 Years have passed and gone Since ones we loved so well Were taken from our home on earth With Jesus Christ to dwell The flowers we place upon their graves May wither and decay But the love of them who sleep beneath Shall never fade away Ever remembered by all the fam ily DIAMOND In loving memory of a dear son and brother Rob ert Earl Diamond who died July Ever remembered by mother dad and brothers HUNTLEY In loving memory of Roy J Huntley who passed away June 25 What would we give to clasp his hand His happy face to see To hear his voice and see his smile That meant so much to us Sadly missed by father mother sister Undine SISLER In loving memory a dear husband and father George Henry who passed away June Gone is the face we loved so dear Silent is the voice we loved to hear Too far away for sight or speech But not too far for thought to reach Sweet to remember him who once was here And who though absent is just as dear Ever remembered by wife and family In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather George who passed away June 27 God called him home it was His will But in our hearts we love him still His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away We often sit and think of him When we are all alone For memory is the only tiling That grief can call its own Sadly missed and ever remem bered by John and WIIYLE In memory of my clear sister Margaret Annie who passed away J tine Just a thought of sweet remem brance Just a memory fond and true Just a token of affection And a heartache still for you remembered by brother Herbert CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our relatives friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness express ions of sympathy and floral tributes extended during the illness and death of a dear husband and father Mrs Luther Beverley and fam ily CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my appre ciation and sincere thanks to my fellow workers in the Office Specialty the Newmarket Vet erans Association the Free Methodist church friends and relatives who were so kind and generous during my recent Hi Ray Needier FAMILY FOR BIRTHDAY Mrs Cumber celebrated her birthday on Sunday June To mark the occasion a family dinner party was held on the preceding evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Francis Sheridan AH her children were home for the turkey dinner Present were Mr and Mrs Charles Cumber Arthur Cum ber Toronto Horace Cumber Mr and Mrs Park Bob and Nancy Ruth Park Misses Joan Clare Winnie Cumber Stanley Cum ber Toronto Mr and Mrs Francis Sheridan Barbara and Marjorie Sheridan Fred Cum ber Mrs Chantness and Miss Marilyn Chantness Toronto Mrs Cumber received many lovely gifts flowers and cards from friends relatives and neighbors Her sons presented her with carnations at her birthday party MISSIONARY CIRCLE HEARS REPORTS Convention reports highlight- the closing meeting of the season of the Womens Mission- Circle Christian Baptist church Newmarket Held in the church the meeting was chaired by Mrs William Reports from the Baptist Wo mens Missionary Society con vention at Belleville were pre- sentde by Mrs Sidney Jones and Mrs Stevens Mrs and Mrs Charles Cum ber brought the reports from the general Baptist convention of Ontario and Quebec which had been held at London FRFENDS SHOWER SATURDAY BRIDE Miss Olga Christian was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower prior to her marriage on Saturday June Mrs Mof- and Mrs Charles Churchill were joint hostesses with the party being held at the home of the grooms parents Mr and Mrs Harold Lee There were about present The was the recipient of many lovely gifts Following the opening of the presents and as a close to the pleasant social evening delicious refreshments were served SALESMAN Who would like a substantial income Successful applicants will be thoroughly trained by production- tested instructors OFFER supplied 2 Group llospital Medical and Life Insurance available Extensive cooperation and instruction Big earnings OUR REQUIREMENTS Age y Aggressive and a desire to earn money Car an asset Make an appointment by telephoning AV UNIONVILLE After COO pm or write Box 220 Ontario CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness and messages of sympathy and beau tiful floral offerings received from neighbors relatives and friends in our sad bereavement of a loving wife and mother We wish to extend a special thanks to Mr and Mrs Cordon Bond and Hope for their act of kindness Mr John and family CARD OP THANKS We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness mess of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received from neighbors relatives and friends in our sad bereavement in the loss of a dear mother especial ly thanking Mrs A Pratt and Mrs Davidson for their assistance Hie Walker family ENGAGEMENTS The engagement Is announced of Dorothy Win red daughter of Mrs Beach and the late Wil liam to Men ton Hoy son of Mr and Mrs Zephyr the marriage to take place on July v ATTENTION BOYS boys attending the Senior Camp at Point com mencing June please meet at the Trinity United Church New market on Saturday June at am and transportation will bo provided Please bring all luggage with you OBITUARY Mrs A Smith Cora Smith passed away on June at her residence 18 St Newmarket She was born in East on October the daughter of Mr and Mrs It Cole In November she married George A Tone Smith and they celebrated their golden wedding on November Mourning her loss are her hus band three sons Carl Midland Clarence Toronto and Alva Newmarket one sister Mrs Mae Toronto and two brothers Mr Lome Cole New market and Roy Cole Sundritige one grandson one granddaugh ter and one daughter A sister and brother predeceased her Rev A conducted the funeral service which held at the Chapel of and Rose on June Pallbearers were Dave Benton Joe Smith Harvey James Benton Stan Smith and Jack Interment was in Newmarket cemetery OBITUARY MRS IDA EVANS On May 1952 at York County hospital Ida Knceshaw formerly of Andrew St Newmarket passed away She was born at Gilford in the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Jonathan of Bradford In February she married Edgar J Kvans who predeceased her in December Those who mourn her passing are her son of Car tier Out daughters Marion of Toron to and Madeline Mrs Earl Bowles of Bradford and grand son Gary Bowles The funeral service was held at the chapel of ami Rose Newmarket on May Rev J Aiken conducted the service Pallbearers were Brock Ernest Mat and Dr and Douglas Stewart Interment was in Mount Pleas ant cemetery Bradford Lightning does strike twice For the second straight year Bob Pritchards Newmarket rink captured the Era and Express and Merchants Trebles Trophy at local greens last week Eighteen rinks entered the competition The winner was in doubt until the very last bowl Eugene McCaffrey president of Newmarket Lawn Bowling Club herewith presents the trophy on behalf of the Era and Express to r Goring lead Frank vice- skip Bob skip Eugene McCaffrey Photo by DISCUSS COURSE IN HOME NURSING The possibility of holding a course in home nursing was dis cussed at an executive meeting of the Newmarket branch of the Red Cross on Thursday June Appointed to the committee were Mrs Mrs Fred Mrs Horace and Miss Edith Robertson president of the local branch If there is sufficient response to warrant the arranging of such instruction a course will be available in the fall Registra tion for a Red Cross home nurs ing course is open to those years of age or over Those in terested in such a course are requested to contact Mrs C or Miss Robert son Gould Reunion The annual Gould reunion was held on Saturday June at the home of Mr and Mrs Dave Gould After a much enjoyed afternoon of sports for young and old about guests sat down to a picnic supper Officers for were elected follows pros Ernest Gould sec Irons Mrs George sport committee Lome Gould Wood- bridge and Oliver Could New market The next reunion to be held the second Saturday in June at the home of Mr and Sim Kenneth Gould Two sisters of this pioneer fam ily have passed away since the reunion of 1051 Mrs of Toronto and Mrs of BEST IVE EVER SEEN VISITOR PRAISES VETERANS CEMETERY Writing to thank his hosts for their invitation and hospitality on Decoration Day in Newmar ket J Lowe St Catharines president of the Ontario Com mand Canadian Corps tion spoke highly of the vet erans plot at the Newmarket cemetery Newmarket citizens must be very proud of such a beautiful place he writes and the Soldiers Plot without doubt holds first place to any have seen That was also the general feeling of all those who came from St Catharines to attend this service If you would I would like you to pass on this expression of praise to If M Gladman chairman of the cemetery board and members of the board and to all who may have had anything to do with keep ing up this lovely place I know it takes a lot of work on the part of some one NO DECISION There is no definite decision as yet what will be done to fill the office of deputyreeve in Newmarket following the death of J L York County council members have voted Reeve John Strath of New To ronto as new warden of York County The Newmarket Era and June Page ITS A Womans World BY Caroline Ion were interested to learn that a course in home if nursing will be available to the women of Newmarket this fall if there is sufficient demand for it The local branch Canadian Red Cross society will sponsor one It is open to any person over the age of 15 years Home nursing is one type of training that no can afford to be without Every mo ther needs to be able to recog nize symptoms follow doctor orders and keep a bed patient comfortable Do you know how to plan meals and feed the sick Disinfect and sterilize Make a hospital bed and move a help- less patient At anytime in your own home or that of a neighbors such knowledge can be called upon A Red Cross nursing course provides the theory and practice to meet these situations In a Red Cross home nursing course you learn how to take and record temperature pulse and respiration You are taught to give various types of enemas You learn how to apply mustard never tested than a memory of and linseed plasters But be- a need not met Those who are sides the many practical tech niques you will learn you will confidence in yourself to would seem to be sent The purpose of this Red home nursing course is to pro vide a group so trained that they arc capable of giving care under professional di rection either medical or ing in their own homes or in the homes of their neighbors There J may be some question as to whether you would ever be called upon to help in an emerg ency in the community or to ren der service to your neighbor But the odds are very great that such training will be a boon to every id her own home As the motto of the Red Cross Volunteer Nursing services states Better a preparation Davis Reunion PASS EXAMINATIONS James Hugo and Lowell Newmarket were suc cessful in their University of To ronto examinations modern languages and literature with secondclass honors 11 The Davis family hold its reunion in Aurora town park on Saturday Over 100 members of the family were present Satur days was one of the largest gatherings of of Thomas Davis who with his wife and two children and four bro thers left Pennsylvania around and came to Canada settling on a crown grant of acres on lot the third of King Oldest man member was Davis of Snowball and eldest woman was Mrs Maude Leach who came from Flint Mich Most of those gathering at Hie reunion from King and Whitchurch townships Games and a monster supper were high lights of the reunion GIVE TALENT TEA The Christian Baptist church choir is using talent money this slimmer to assist in buying choir seats Mrs A Needier and Mrs Lee gave a talent tea on Wed nesday June in There was a good attendance and a net pro ceeds of meet the emergencies which arises in daily living After such training you know how to meet sickness in the home You can lend a hand to a new mother and her baby home from hospital and unable to get professional assistance Or dressed in the regulation white smock veil badge and pin you will be ready to give volunteer service in emergencies when sufficient graduate nurses are not available Most of us in small towns have been confronted with the problem of finding trained help following hospitalization There is no need for a graduate nurse However the services of some one conversant with the care of the home during sickness is re quired There is an everpres ent urgency for trained workers home nursing Then there is the case of the chronically ill mother who is cared for entirely by the daugh ter at home When a course in home nursing is available in town it means that perhaps womans neighbor will be train ed so that she can bo of definite assistance She could relieve the daughter for a short inter val each week a task in itself not too burdensome and yet for the person as confined to the house as the nurse such a per- of freedom from US PICNIC A picnic was held by ihe exec utive members of the Newmar ket Home and School association on Thursday June Hie group chartered a bus and spent the day at the summer home on Snake Island of Mrs Howard Morton past president of the as sociation interested in registering for the home nursing course are re quested to contact Mrs or Miss Edith Robert son Take the family to the BOLTON JAMBOREE FRIDAY JUNE Training Com- I mand Band Midway of fan Frolic Your lucky number admis sion ticket gives you a to win one of over able prizes Gigantic Fireworks Display Dancing the Casino Games and Ponies for the Kiddies REMEMBER HOSPITAL throughout the district are requested to remain tier York County hospital as the jam jelly and pickle season gels underway Approximately jars of jams jellies marmal ades pickles and chill sauce were received recently for the hospital The shower was held at a general meeting of the Hos pital Womens Auxiliary NEW OFFICE William Arthur Hurst op tometrist has his of fice to the corner of Main and Millard Ave in the old hotel building The change is effec tive July TRANSPORT LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE FURNITURE STORAGE CRATING AND PACKING PHONE NEWMARKET News HOLT Dr and Mrs Jeffrey Main- prize and daughter of Toronto Dr and Mrs Graham Mainprise and two sons of Sask visited at the home of their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Gordon and family of Holt NEWS Snowball branch will meet on Friday June instead of June at the home of Mrs SUMMER SERVICE EFFECTIVE JUNE Leave Newmarket TO TORONTO am am Ei noon a Daily except Sun Sun 11 tl I TIME re Tickets and Information at King George Hotel Agent Phone GRAY COACH LINES NEW to your family deserves the best -I- of youll probably to it he gets it One of he nicest thing milking rations for a new is lliul you can to by Its jo much fun to knit sew or the tiny a baby DECORATION DAY SERVICE WILL HELD AT PINE ORCHARD CEMETERY on Sunday June 29 AT WELCOME Ktmer Starr FOB THE BEST VACATION Make it the most enjoyable vacation ever with summer wear from Morrisons Two stores Main St Newmarket and St Aurora WANT Continued from Page council discussing the possibil ity of low rental homes built by the government A few prospects come to market on their own In this casc they ire interviewed by Mr Mayor Vale Wesley Brooks and shown town Arrangements are made if possible to follow up such Newmarket is now compiling a list of its industrial attractions and it will be sent to ft select mailing list of industrial possibil ities Also listed with out-of- town agencies are town and pri vate properties suitable for in dustrial locations At next council meeting as part of the continuing process of advertising Newmarket Mr Boyd says he will recommend the erection of large signs on New markets approaches tolling about the town When Mother an infant in pink in activity in the family tewing circle meant a Messed corning event tin kers fashioned layettes fond rel atives prepared to Baby in finery from lion net to bootee ami every was made by hand Then eta of ami Wanlrobe its lint onto again are blossoming out in gar- merits made at homo There is more than one reason Co Wise Mothers realize that with the day high Bowing at homo contributes tho only sensible solution to clothing problem KnUwrar for Infants KnitKd anneals arc very to wsrdrole from their being good looking Ihey servo a well The fine weight wool keeps Baby warm and does not hamper his movements in any way When yon making garments it advisable to keep a few important things in mind You your tension and before start fog your check with your to find out right wool ami knitting pins which will help you to Many patterns in a of and it is a good tiling to choose a larger in order for the child to be able to wear it for a looser period If you making a a year size i appreciated as so often has too many little garments and to wear when he starts to row Iroper wool la recti mend as it lias treated and with an surface that it will not t m KnltlCil Jacket limit Tlio sweet set hero can easily from out of wool dainty buttons yds of ribbon If you would tike to a direction for Garni send a stamped cnveloiw to Department of this paper Leaflet No CW30 The progress of medical science has brought With it a renter imtleistandinir of diabetes Today with the doctor charting a safe it impossible diabetic to a normally active life at LANES DRUG STOUE are prepared diabetic in carrying out the routine doctor prescribes We maintain a fresh supply of of all strengths under constant- refrigeration and we have a full stock of needles syringes test seta lJH J lit OS MAIN ST i k- IF-