Newmarket Era and Express, 10 Jul 1952, p. 2

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K iff What is the best Investmei Keswick News One based oW Life Insurance you ve iliwugli life put faring on omd regular basis You are sure of Mtiflfl sum each year through Insurance Hits ramer your insurant company kilfolly and safely For lone terra profitable family protection In the meantime saving a Mutual cannot be excelled The sympathy of the com munity goes out to Mr Elmer Peters and family in the loss of a devoted wife and mother Mrs Peters was lit less than a week following a stroke and passed away Sunday morning She was formerly of She leaves her husband eight daughters three of whom are married and seven sons to mourn her passing The funeral was held Tuesday July from the parlors in Queens- with interment in ville Master Douglas of is visiting his mother Mrs A Gilroy Masters Stephen and and Miss Karen Kennedy of To ronto returned home Sunday af ter spending a week with their amn Mrs Serrick The hot weekend brought crowds to all the beaches with heavier traffic to the lake than the previous holiday weekend Mrs HJ is enter taining her two young grand children son and daughter of Dr and Mrs- Jack of Toronto Mr Munro Mann of Detroit and some friends are holidaying at the Mann home here There was a large attendance at the United church Sunday morning when the sacrament was observed Miss Ruth Winch spent last week at bar home before going to summer school Miss Winch will be teaching at next fall Mr John of Willow- dale spent two days last week visiting his daughter Mrs and family Carol returned with him for a few days to visit her grand parents Mr and Mrs K and family visited Mr and Mrs Geo of on Sunday Miss Peggy visited her grandparents Mr and Mrs Robert and accompanied them on a bus trip to on a conservation tour with a group from I Office Dominion Bank Brampton Representative for Newmarket and District Norman Kettle Aurora Gerald 11 College St Newmarket Ont SNOWBALL Mr Roy of King is holidaying at the home of Mr and Mrs Calvin Mitchell Mrs Blum Lois Susan and Barbara spent Tuesday in Midland visiting Miss Jean Smith Little Miss Catherine Wood is having holidays with Mr and Mrs Ron of King Mr and Mrs Gould and jBurton also Mrs Calvin Davis I of Newmarket spent the holiday with Mrs Goulds aunt Mrs John Morrison and Mr Morri son of Moonstone Mrs Evelyn Gilchrist and Margaret and Mr Pitt all of Toronto visited Mrs Frank Hollingshead on Saturday Mr and Mrs and family of spent Sun day with Mrs Sr Mr and Mrs Art Storey at tended Decoration day at mont cemetery on Sunday Snowball choir rendered music at Presbyterian church anniversary services last Sunday DEAD AND FARM ANIMALS REMOVED FOR SANITARY DISPOSAL TELEPHONE COLLECT PHONE NEWMARKET AND TORONTO EM 33636 CORDON LTD Em and Express Classifieds ZION A good number from Mount attended the camp on the two Sundays Miss Cole has been holi daying at the camp also Master Dick Curl Mr and Mrs George Cope land Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Fred King on Sunday The Kings held annual King picnic on Tuesday July at Mount Albert park They re port a good attendance and a good time Mr and Mrs J B Clark mo tored to over the weekend Leaving Saturday they spent the night at and then on to on Sunday returning Sunday night The Sunday school picnic will be held at Mount Albert park on Saturday afternoon Try be there by 230 for an afternoon of sports and an early supper Sunday services are Sunday school at am and preaching at pm This is Rev dies farewell and not the 20th MOUNT The annual girls rally of the Whitchurch Township Sunday schools took place at Fellowship Centre on Thursday afternoon and evening of last week Ten members of the Mount church attended Miss Dorothy Baycroft was elec ted secretarytreasurer for the coming year Mrs Cliff holder of is the leader of all these girls Quite a number from this community took in the garden party at on Friday evening July Mr and Mrs Metro had a dinner for of their neighbors oh Thursday of last week It was a demonstration of a well known stainless steel ware C Mr and Mrs and Miss Patricia all of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Jack Burke of London were sup per guests of Mr and Mrs James and family last Sat urday On Sunday Mr and Mrs Ar thur Dunne and family of Col- visited the J MacDonalds and Jamie returned home with them for a weeks holiday Miss Broome Concord is on a two weeks holiday her cousin Sheila Ask Miss Alma Carlisle is leaving here on Tuesday July for a year of teaching in England She expects to be at a school about miles north of London and will be one of the fortunate ones to view the coronation next year Mr and Mrs Alfred Toronto are visiting Mr and Mrs Harvey for about two weeks Mrs Harry of Au rora visited her sort and family for a few days recently Master Carlisle Boyton holi dayed week at the United church camp on Queensville News Mr and Mrs Frank of Detroit Mich are holiday ing with Mr- Sennetts mother Mrs and Mr and Mrs Sennett and family Misses Joan Mitchell and Marilyn Wrightman of Newmar ket spent the weekend with Miss Yvonne Johnston We wish a speedy recovery for Mrs Tom Besant who is a patient in York County Hospital Newmarket Miss Mary Marsh is holiday ing with Mr and Mrs J ward Mr and Mrs Matt Craig of Detroit spent the Weekend with Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Ken Davis and daughter of Toronto visited Mr and Mrs J Finder on Saturday Master Larry Winger is holi daying with Mr and Mrs Allan Doner Miss Olive Sowerby of To ronto spent the weekend with her aunt Mrs S Mrs J of is visiting her soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Don and family Plan to attend the United church picnic at park on Wednesday July A char tered bus will leave the church at am v Those going by Peters who was buried from the Funeral Home on Tuesday Master Allan Leek of Sudbury is visiting his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Rex Smith Master Bobby had an unfortunate accident on Monday when he was hit by a car while riding his bicycle on the high way We are very pleased that Bobby was not seriously hurt r A record traffic through the village was reported on Sunday Work has begun on removing the dangerous approach to Hill side school on the crest of the hill This has been a very dan gerous entrance for pupils and motorists for years Mr and Mrs Jordan of Rochester visited on Fri day at the home of their niece Mrs Burgess and Mr and Mrs John and children of Ogdensburg spent several days at the home of Mr and Mrs W T Huntley The ladies of the WI enjoy ed a bus trip to Niagara on Tues day They waited to see the il lumination of the falls at night The program has been booked for our annual sports day Sat urday Aug Jack McLean comedian is master of cere monies Other performers are CEDAR BEACH PARK North Shore LAKE VAN WALKER HIS ORCHESTRA DANCING EVERY SATURDAY Now accepting reservations for cabins and picnics USE ERA AMD EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS TO TURN ARTICLES YOU NO LONGER NEED INTO CASH CEMENT PRODUCTS Blocks Bricks Well Tile Foundation Bases Churchill Bros Keswick Phone Roches Point uw monies are bus buy your ticket from either I Helen Bruce personality singer Bring RAVENSHOE The supper will be serv ed Wednesday July Supper served from pm until all are served All ladies are asked to help There will also be a sale of aprons etc Everybody welcome Mr and Mrs Ted and Mr and Mrs Les Rose of An gus enjoyed a trip to Montreal this week Mr Bobby Smith is spending a week at the camp Miss Lois Ireland of Wood- I as previously stated bridge is holidaying at her grandparents Mr and Mrs Art Storey Mr and Mrs Ed and their company the Misses Leon ard of Toronto visited Mrs Augusta Leonard of on Sunday PINE ORCHARD CHECK AMD iyZ DOUBLE CHECK HOPE The Hobby club wilt meet at the home of Mrs J Lunney Newmarket Tuesday July Mrs H Wright 1st vice has charge of the meeting The roll call to be answered by My most embarrassing mo ment Lunch committee Mrs H Farr Mrs Mrs S Stick- wood and Mrs Croutch The school girls of the com munity have charge of the pro gram Mrs Kenneth Pinder gave a miscellaneous shower in honor of her cousin Betty About 100 were present The room was beautifully decorated in pink and white and the bride and groomtobe were seated under a pink umbrella Many lovely gifts were received af ter which lunch was served to Mr and Mrs Elmer on the ar rival of a baby girl To keep your car on the job bring it to us We will check the entire cooling system cylinder head water pump hose gasket fan belt and thermostat We will make a thorough check of the radiator If rust and scale are present we will drain and and solder any outside leaks after radiator is drained We use Harrison and equipment and parts AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR UNITED MOTOR SERVICE Rowlands Phone Newmarket SHARON The Womens Association of Sharon United church are hav ing an apron sale sale of two quilts and home baking sale on the church lawn on Saturday of this week at 2 pm Will the ladies please have their baking in by pm or earlier There will be no service in Sharon United church on Sun day July and on Sunday July Sunday school is clos ed until Sept Mrs Phillips entertained a friend from Calgary over the weekend Miss Hall is holidaying at Britannia this week Mrs Emily Moore of Newmar ket spent a day last week with her niece Mrs Ken Shaw Mr and Mrs Arthur Wilkins of Toronto spent the weekend with the parents Mr and Mrs Kiteley Miss Lorraine Brammer enter tained young friends- at a birth day party on Wednesday after noon Mr Samuel of Min nesota and Mr Frank Glbney of Drake have been visiting Mrs Held and Mr S There was a good attendance at the meeting of the WAV of the Union church on Wednesday afternoon July at the home of Mrs Cedar Valley Mrs J Pyle and Mrs had charge of the devo tional services Plans were made for an ice cream social at the church Friday evening July at oclock Musical program and interesting movie films will be presented Mrs gave splendid paper on Lords Beau ty In Nature Lunch was served by the hostess and a social time enjoyed Mr and Mrs Whitfield of visited recently with their daughter Mrs Mo dure and Mr Little Miss returned with her grandparents for a hol iday Miss Barbara of is holidaying with Mr and Mrs Russell Allen and Miss Allen and Miss field It was encouraging to see the good attendance at services of Union church on Sunday July Regular services each Sunday at am for Sunday school and church service at oclock Pas tor is Rev A Mr and Mrs Jack and family of Toronto spent the hoi at the home Mr Beg Strasler or Miss Bar bara Corner- Everyone bring along a picnic basket Everyone welcome Miss Marie Burgess and Mas ter Lor he Burgess spent a few days at Beach with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs- Burgess also spent Sunday there Mrs Huntley is spend ing a holiday at Oneanta New York We wish a speedy recovery for Mr Harry who is con fined to bed for a rest for a few weeks Miss Jean Cunningham of the high school staff is holidaying with her parents Mr and Mrs Floyd Cunning ham- We extend sympathy to the family of the late Mrs Elmer and comedian Harold dancer and comic with lots of fun for children Moss ac cordion player and pianist and xylophone player Mr arid Mrs Frank Johnston and Carol attended the Hales re union at Jacksons park Peter borough on Saturday They also visited Mrs Johnstons mo ther Mrs Lansing at Bancroft for the weekend Mrs Clarence Price and fam ily of St Lambert Que spent several days with her sister Mrs L The United church service will be held at am for Sunday July and Rev A- Milter of Newmarket will be the guest speaker while Rev Warren is on holidays East GwDlimfaury Federation of Agriculture PICNIC will be held at JULY 10 Please bring your own dishes r Just What You Ned For a Vacation With Musk SMIDOR Plays or records with the lid closed Plays three speeds Super light tone arm with turn cartridge and two replaceable long life needles Leatherette cabinet of modern design The record player that amazed the experts only 3995 at Newmarket Furniture and Electric Ltd MOUNT PLEASANT The Bible school that has been held the last two weeks by Rev G Kiilon and Mrs was well attended Quite a number from Mount Pleasant attended the funeral of Mr Warren Morris at Mr and Mrs Moulds of To ronto and Mrs Warren Morris and son of visited Mr and Mrs Moulds last Sun day Mr and Mrs Bernard David son and Mr and Mrs Jack called at the home of Mr Herb of on Friday Mr and Mrs Robt Davidson i and Mr Fred and Miss Nellie i spent Tuesday at Robert Hay and Marilyn also with Mr and Mrs Wilkinson are visiting l with Mr and Mrs friends in Sudbury this week Mr and Mrs Jack Weston of Toronto were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Ralph Long Miss Grace Oliver of Toronto spent a couple of days last week with her sister Mrs Allan Cose pl I 78 L a Main Newmarket MAPLE HILL The Sunday school picnic will be hold at park on July Cars will leave the church oclock Many children in the district attended the daily vacation Bible school at Youngs Harbor last week Misses Margaret and Hill To ronto were in charge of the school Mr P Moloney Toronto visited friends here lost week before leaving for summer school Hamilton Miss Owen Knights is visiting in Toronto this week APPOINTED SECRETARY Miss I CI viand has been tip- pointed corresponding secretary for thcBusiness and Professional Womens club Harry Davis Mrs Bernard Davidson spent Tuesday at Malton with her bro ther Lloyd Stiles and family The Womens Guild will meet on Tuesday July at the home of Mrs Bernard Davidson at 230 pm Mr Gordon Stiles of kct has been spending his holi days on his fathers farm as sisting with the harvest Mr Bernard Davidson and George and Mr Frank Knights attended the hog producers meeting at Agricultural College on Thursday A Mr and Mrs Norman Green sides attended a convention of the Mutual Life at Pines Nova Scotia recently Rev Mr Storey student min ister will occupy the United church pulpit during the month of July while Rev and Mrs are on their vacation Mr and Mrs Bruce arid family of Miami Beach spent Sunday with Mr Cain Mr and Mrs arc holidaying at Mr and Mrs Geo Parkers cottage at Port Bolster The of the United church held their June meeting last Thursday evening in the Sunday school room There was a good We welcome to our burg Mr and Mrs Roy Cody who are spending the summer at their home formerly the pro perty Mrs and Mrs Hawtin were Thursday dinner guests at the home of the Williams Bo- gar Little Miss Verna Sheridan is spending a week with her grand parents Mr and Mrs Frank Sheridan at Stouffville Mr and Mrs Frank and Gordon en joyed a holiday at Windsor re cently Mrs A Richardson Howard and Millie Richardson Aurora Mrs McClure and Mr Madill spent part of July at the home of Mr Orlcy near Port Perry Guests for Wednesday dinner with Mrs were Mr and Mrs Frank Hicks of Toronto Miss Erin Toole now of is spending this week with her parents and brothers Miss Dorothy of To ronto was a weekend guest the home of Mr and Mrs Jack Preston and Mrs Glover and family also Mrs- Gardner had a wonderful July day at Woodland park an ideal place for private picnics Willing Workers are hav ing an ice cream social at the Pine Orchard Union church on Friday July 18 Mr Stuart Starr loft on Sun day for Quebec to board a liner for England for an indefinite time program Among the numbers was a piano solo by Miss Stark and a very interesting reading Gods Standard of Grace by Mrs Considerable business was transacted and a splendid lunch was served by the hostesses for the evening The next meeting will be the first week in Aug ust and will take the form of an ice cream social- Owing to the decoration ser vice held in Zephyr cemetery the usual evening service of the United church was withdrawn A number of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mrs Shier on Thursday last the occasion being a shower for Miss our junior teacher who is to be married shortly to Mr Ball of Miss received many use ful and beautiful We un derstand we are not losing our popular teacher but she intends lo resume her duties as teacher again after the vacation Mr Donald Hewlitt is taking a summer course at the Toronto Normal school i PIKES PEAK MEETING JULY with the FAMILY To preach play and sing Sundays and pm Week nights pm except Saturday Tent location miles north of the Town Line on on concession of Whitchurch RAYS A FOR PROMPT COURTEOUS SERYICE PHONE 1036r NEWMARKET ST AT CONCJ A j V WHAT IS HE WATCH NEWSPAPER ADS AND SEE Fleetwood Motors Co HOLLAND LANDING United church A of Hol land Landing Is holding an Ice cream social and bake sale the home of Mrs Cecil on Friday July at pm to nine All Your friendly FordMonarch dealer Kin City Phone To make a good profit from your pullets this year you should have them coming into production within the next month or two The price of eggs to rise so to get the most out of your should W laying large eggsand plenty of This can only be accomplished by feeding a good balanced ration Growing Mash will help make your profit in two S Binngmg your pullers into high production early early gives you the advantage of Growing Mash is manufactured at local mill and sold direct to you You save the iridic mans profit which now becomes your own PERKS FEED MILL Ltd N CASE MOUNT ALBERT 510 rv p P T riM iv

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