Newmarket Era and Express, 10 Jul 1952, p. 4

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rf- Pages from the Editors Notebook It apparently necessary to explain that it was not an raid attack on Holland Landing on Saturday night and it was not an air raid siren that was heard moaning over the dis trict for minutes or so Wait a minute We had qualify that It was an air raid siren but it is no longer used for that purpose What excited numerous telephone calls and back fence conjecture was really a fire alarm The i fire was in some fruit baskets tacked behind a on the marsh The Holland Land ing fire brigade answered the call and doused the fire in short order But to get back to the siren The whole story as we hear it goes something like this The Landing brigade used to de pend upon a steam whistle on top of Goodwins Tannery to signal a fire but sometimes the fire whistle was confused with whistles from the trains and other times when the tannery fires were banked for week ends or holidays there wasnt enough steam for more than a faint toot which no one heard So the Landing firemen de to get a louder and more distinctive alarm And in due they purchased a sec ondhand air raid siren from along the some where The siren is mounted on top of Goodwins Tannery and its initial tests proved com pletely satisfactory That is to say everyone within a five mile radius could hear it even in a sound sleep On Saturday night the fire alarm came over the tele phone the first fireman to reach the hall turned on the siren hopped on the truck and roared off to the fire The other firemen followed in cars end trucks as fast as they could and no one left From the Files of who could turn the siren off With the firemen at the fire the siren wailed for the next 20 minutes or so until with the fire under control the chief sent back someone to turn the siren off have since been made have someone turn it off after a decent in terval One way or another it cer tainly stopped the traffic on Yonge St and we know of nothing else which could Weve had a couple of oil hand which for one reason or another weve not been able to print The first concerns a rumor that the Newmarket Bus Lines will be discontinuing services because of lack of passengers Our correspondent suggests that a wider area be covered by the bus and that members of coun cil give advice on its operation from their own experience There is nothing at all def inite about bus service We understand that the bus oper ators are scheduled to appear before council and see what can be worked out 1 fc The other letter was written to Mrs Case in response to her request for public dis cussion on the proposed library building Mrs Case passed it on to vs The writer favors the new building wholeheart edly The increase in taxes to pay for the building would be small and seems to me a minor consideration for so im portant a community service she writes She suggests that members of the board visit the library at Burlington where the librar ian a Mrs Angus has done much to make it an attractive centre of public interest 25 and 50 Years Ago IDLY A large part of the success of the Jubilee celebration must go to a newcomer radio The first stroke of the carillon at vas heard in Hali fax and Victoria before it reached the outskirts of the crowd at Parliament hill More than persons lost their lives in the July cele brations in USA More than men were injured in New York city by fireworks The continuous sounding of the fire aJrrn about pm on Monday drew a large crowd to the corner of Main and On tario streets The prompt ar rival of the brigade soon ex languished the flames by chem ical and prevented an explosion that would have wrecked all the buildings in the vicinity The blaze started Mr Black who is in charge of the oil station lighted his pipe and threw the match under a gas truck which was running a supply of gas into the station tank The rear end of the truck bad ly damaged The town never so decorated as it vas for the Diamond Jubilee Prizes for the decorated dwelling were offered by council and those winning the awards vere Mrs Bingham St Mrs Howard Cane Huron St Mr Ed Willis Main St Main had a gay ap pearance shields and flags attached to every tele phone and hydro pole large flags hung at intervals in centre of the street and airings of light bulbs added to the brilliance in the evening At a council meeting Monday night the Office Specialty Co proposed to pay half the cost of cleaning out the pond at the south end of town building a permanent concrete dam with retaining wing and a retain ing wail to protect the water works building JULY Six double rigs and a num ber of buggies took the Chris tian to Lake Wilcox on Tuesday Everyone reports a wonderful time Dinner and supper were served and the rigs returned about pm is a two hour drive to the lake Work vas commenced on Monday at excavating for the Sovereign Bank building on the old North American ho tel property Excavating has also started for Mr Canes resi dence on Queen St and the water service put in Mr Hoover has com menced extensive alteration on his premises on St A stone foundation has been built under the house It will be enlarged and remod elled inside a second storey and front veranda will also Ik added Nov potatoes arc selling at per peck green peas at a peck A severe electric storm pass ed over town last Saturday frightening many but causing little serious damage A flash of lightning followed the wires into the Era office which cany the power for our typesetting machine and a bright blaze shot out from the A fuse blew and saved the motor Several men at Cane factory terrified at the way lightning flashed around the saws At Ihe primary a thunder clap shook a portion of plaster from the ceiling A large washout on Timothy St was also the result of the storm THATS WHAT THEY THINK Upmarket and Serving Newmarket Aurora and rural districts of North York The Newmarket Era The Herald published every Thursday of 142 Main St Newmarket by ihe Newmarket Era and Express Limited Subscription for two years for one year in advance Single copies are 5c each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Ofice Department Ottawa JOHN A MEYER Managing WffW JOHN New Editor Womens editor GEORGE Sport LAWRENCE RACINE Printing and PAGE FOUR THURSDAY THE TENTH DAY OF JULY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO Two died at Lake over the weekend and the statistics of other years are to apply ten more will have similarly died at the lake before the summer is out There is ho record of the countless close calls but again if the experiences of other will be nuinerousv Protecting the beaches along Lake Simcoe is a problem which cannot easily solved all the swim ming and boating were confined to limited number of public beaches they could be kept under constant sur- by lifeguards Proper equipment could be kept handy to those capable of using it The fact is however that public swimming is not limited to the few large beaches but is spaced along the Jakeshore road wherever them is public access to water and additionally there is swimming and boat- all along the shore off private land The latter because of the familiarity of their owners with the beaches and because swimming is limited to the owners and their families are comparatively safe but still accidents have happened Swimming at boat liveries is safer too because of the increasingly stronger emphasis placed safety by the proprietors not only hi their boats but of their docks and their vicinity It still remains how ever too costly a proposition to watch every stretch of public water And it is a sorry fact that lifesaving equipment placed at some of these beaches has been stolen or thoughtlessly destroyed There is a good deal of talk about a lifeguard ser vice along the beach and it is to be hoped that such a service can be implemented but the surest protection against accidents in the water is common sense and where children are involved a constant vigilance by adults Possibly there are occasions when water accidents are unavoidable but we doubt it We question too extent to which a municipality must be held responsible for water safety If it wore possible lifeguards every half mile along the shore would he ideal But it is not possible and would not be necessary of everyone who approached the water did so with a recognition of hazards as well as an anticipation of its pleasures PROTECTING ROADSIDES The beauty of the roadsides in this area are an attraction which should be preserved and encouraged Two obstacles to that program are the practice of indis criminately dumping surplus produce and garbage on the roadside and indiscriminately spraying the road sides to kill weeds There are laws to prohibit the first although heaven knows it is difficult to detect dumping in the act and to bring the offenders to court The only sure prevention is the development of a pride in our surroundings and even that in not proof against the outsider who has no such pride But surely there should he no difficulty in ending the indiscriminate spraying of the roadsides The cure here is a simple application of common sense We arc as in favor of eradicating weeds as the next man but why is it necessary to spray roadside stands of trees Trees are not weeds and there are too few weeds growing in the denser bush to warrant such wholesale spraying these roadside stands were sprayed the tree foliage is brown and withered and if the spray ing is continued in lime no doubt the trees will bo killed We dont see what is gained hut we do see a considerable loss if that comes about GETTING WARMER FOLKS We were encouraged by the title of Rachel Carsons hook The Sea Around Us to attempt a little casual reading over the weekend seemed almost too warm for even that sedentary effort but the title was sugges tive of a day at the beach cooled by an ocean breeze Anyway Mr Mickey latest hasnt reached our newsstand yet and Miss Carsons book was only an arms length away It was fascinating reading and we had forgotten the heat until the chapter in which she discusses influence of the sea upon weather and we discov ered to our dismay that the polar ice cap is receding and the weather sure enough is becoming warmer in these parts v Miss Carson relies upon the theory of tidal cycles to explain this warming up process VftQ but the main point is that by the year the coast of Greenland will bo a right it me nor the matter iinrhingemerrt on their rights their he function of to the on Individual comfortable place to vacation at and summer sports will be the thing in All of which makes us wonder how much warmer will be the hills of North York at that time Will there be palm trees along the highway instead of pines Will bananas replace apples Will the Queen of the Snows become the Bride of the Desert In the mean time would some one check the weather forecast again to see if theres a cold wave on its way PUZZLING POLICY It has been said that the per capita cost of food in Canada last year was and the per capita cost of government was and Canadians by and large are well fed Not all of that was federal tax money only about percent of it but when one hears the reports of mounting surpluses in Ottawa the proportion is quite large enough Finance Minister Abbott insists that the surplus for the first two months of this fiscal year mil lions gives a misleading impression of the national finances He says that the government has not yet begun its heavy spending and that when it does the surplus will melt Weve no doubt of the governments capacity to but even so 241 millions is a lot of millions to shuck off And Mr Abbott in the past has not always been the best judge of how these matters are going Last year lie budgeted for a surplus of millions and ended with millions This year he is budgeting for 9 millions But apart from this we are somewhat puzzled by the workings of a government fiscal policy which argues that surest way of slowing inflation is to with hold money from circulation That was one of cornerstones of the federal antiinflation policy which so far seems to be working right well But if it works only because of these surpluses we wonder what will happen if the government starts spending the surpluses as Mr Abbott says they will We cant see the difference between the government spending it and the individual spending it if inflation is discouraged by money well and good but governments were not intended to be the repositories of surplus funds So much cash lying around the nations capital might encourage the government to become just a little extravagant Or in the words of one minister Whats a million Frankly we are just a little bit disturbed by it If it would help wed be happy to salt away a rebate in income taxes in the bank should Mr Abbott cam to consider that possibility After all wb have something of a personal interest in that portion of surplus and wed be less likely to fritter it away in in Hut ion provok ing spending EDITORIAL NOTES There is sound scientific reason for increas ingly milder climate in the north but we are just won dering if there is relation between the current heat wave and the political campaigns to the south of us looks as if something might bo done to improve the Davis Dr and St intersection in time The department of highways is said to have expropriated land around the corner Weve not had time to confirm this but if the news is true it is most welcome There has been some talk of a blinker light or other forms of warning at the corner of Davis Dr ami Main St If so another hazard will bo ended Heaven knows that corner is bad enough Through traffic from the east and through traffic from the south thats all that is needed to make the grand daddy of all smash- iips While on tho subject how about corner of Davis Dr and the third There is there too Although still far from being completed tho now fire hall is beginning to improve the corner of Millard Ave and Main St with its smart V The dales for rebuilding Main St are still uncer tain If they wait much longer and heat persists nature will taken of much of the job itself lar is running in the heat and the surface is devel oping blisters which will eventually become typical Main St potholes Complaints from Holland Landing about of Holland River prompt about of Newmarkets sewage disposal plans of state their and nation of invest it of tfioso whfeft wt Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger It would be nice if we swim in Lake if the old mud hole were cleaned up like the boss suggested in an toriaL A nice cool plunge off the water works sea wall down there would be welcome on any of these scorching days There would be many advantages to cool crystalclear water run ning down that river We could stock it with trout and angle up and down the river Just think of tanning that stream with a fly every week end The conservation authority they formed along the river has a perfect chance to keep out the cows and horses up stream plant cedar trees along the shore and ban sewer water from Aurora The opportunity is awaiting a real good vation authority But the most important re sult of such a project would bo the change in scenery would be like a shot in the arm for Newmarket scenery never be fore seen in Newmarket would give the town a hew refresh ing personality I maintain- Just think of it Pretty girls in bathing suits for the first time in Newmarket On searching through the Era and Express files could find no reference to girls ever having been in bathing suits here since this newspaper was founded in shorts on occasions but never bathing suits Visualize a beautiful form executing a jackknife dive down by the Water St dam Shut your eyes and conjure up such a beautiful cool spot with the twitter of rippling gay female voices carried by gentle summer zephyrs and of course laughter of children would be good for busi ness in many ways Slim asserted Having quit his job as bass violin player in the summer orchestra at Inn plush resort in the lake district Slim said he would consider opening a hot dog and pop stand near Lake in the event of a project I would also be free to ac cept a position as lifeguard raft supplied by me Slim has said But all this talk about a sparkling swimming paradise fishing and pretty girls is merely wishful thinking this summer What have we got We have got a mosquito in fested swampy pond covered with algae not the one around Main St but the stuff like seaweed which grows in stag nant waters The only beings which vive at the place are a family of wild ducks which this paper referred to recently and a half- breed species of gold fish which have acquired an astounding resistance to their natural environment There been many cam paigns In the past to encourage the construction of swimming pools or the darning up of creek and we have even been on this subject of Lake cesspool fore Dont you think that your favorite correspondent lias in jected something fresh into this approach to the swimming pool suggestion I mean the pretty girls in bathing angle first time in Newmarket I mean There have been enough drab campaigns in this town What wc need is something new and splashy One of the town organiza tions must get behind it in stead of harping on a swim ming pool with such unimag inative slogans as A Swim ming Place for the Youth of Newmarket or Support Swimming Pool rather we would employ art Pretty Girls In Bathing Suits For Us should bo tho slogan or We May Be Land locked But We Havent Lost Our Eye For Beauty Open For Swimming and Pretty Girls by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches Between the heat and the haying the republican conven tion and the BC elections you know that new angled system in which the results are not known until it is time to have the next election the Dairy Parmer is hard put to find a subject for a column The milk situation has stop ped being controversial- the dairies have slopped defying the board and the shortage of pasture and heat took care of the surplus more effectively than any other system yet tie- vised The foot and mouth dis ease Isnt news either for the time being It seems that the department having told the whole story decided that there was too much publicity and now there is none all We expect though that the test animals are now on the infected farms and soon month trial period should be up The moment the first carcass wilt cross the border again and he first American buyer appears on the scene it will he lime to weigh what the dis ease really did Curiously enough farm income in the country was up as compared to the first three months of at llio explanation is heavier grain marketing out west And of course days of the first days were still pre- foot and mouth period We didnt go fishing this year so we cannot loll about this and the price of twine hasnt done anything to got hot under collar about But of course Is big index It went up a tract on and it is immediately point ed out that this Is the result of food prices being up Pota toes are especially singled out as the guilty party and pork To the best of our ability all remember Is hat sows went UP from to a hundred We have always suspected that some of these sows are eat leu bacon hogs when they get the stores ami now we have the official proof We can not stretch our very lively agination far enough to why pork should be up Spuds are different These days it is very expensive to feed a gang of not because meat Is so high but Iks cause potatoes are Which re minds us of the only subject that we could get hot and both ered aboutthe continuous nag that the Toronto morning paper is carry ing about food costs The theme scents to be just about the same They are op posed to an artificial shortage of food stuff They accuse farm organizations the minister of agriculture who is supposed to mollyeodle the fanners of creating an art if shortage Their solution is to produce and overproduce and let glut on the market depress food prices- Let the middle man his wisdom manipulate the pro clued markets until the farmers have to produce a volume to get even enough to live on Any at tempt at orderly marketing should be condemned as sear city farming Well it Is hot these days very hot but not hot as that certain place where writer of those editorials can go However we are charitable today and we offer them a deal a good one Supposing tail writes an editorial urging ami car manufacturers to do the same thing And when there Is a glut of prices will go down Supposing he labor to put In an extra 10 hours per week free to produce more ami cars and let the railroad people do the same Wouldnt we all be happy r THE HI JHOMEJ By STANLEY

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