Newmarket Era and Express, 10 Jul 1952, p. 5

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RECENT DISTRICT WEDDINGS write to The Editor Town of reverend ministers church people business people and of Newmarket in general you aware of the fact that of your private sewage and sewage in general of the being dumped into the Holland River It comes down nstream to the people of Holland Landing and to the summer village known as River Park Years ago when Newmarket put in their sewage system Newmarket was but half the size it today At that time the river was four times as large as it is today Now ray dear people do you think you I are doing unto us down stream as you would like us to do unto I have been after the town council for over six years to install a disposal plant to take care of this disgraceful condi tion The answer was Oh yes something will have to be done we are working on the question In the fall of last year a number of land owners down stream from Newmarket waited on the council and laid our com plaints again We were told then that the town had been working on this and there would be definite action and a start made on this job this year 1952 I am now told no action will be taken this year This is a disgraceful condition to be ex isting and I feel every citizen of Newmarket has a personal re sponsibility Remember people of New market every time you use your bathroom you are sending your filth down stream on your neighbor Rise up and see to it that your town fathers get busy We are your neighbors and we are human beings Treat us as such You business people like our money You are inviting court action Thompson Holland ITS A Womans World By Caroline Ion It would appear that women are wasting their time when they continue to read food columns and try Vnew recipes on their families In a recent public opin ion poll conducted in the United States the American man chose familiar old favorites for his special menu Asked If you could order anything for dinner no matter how much it cost what would you choose the majority selec ted fruit cup vegetable soup steak and potatoes peas rolls apple pie a la mode and coffee No camouflaged for them Photographed as they leave Keswick United church are Mr and Mrs John Edwards The bride is the former Mary Jean daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank of Keswick and the groom is the son of Dr and Mrs J C Edwards Newmarket The couple will live in Kingston Photo by Leonard J The Editor I would say Amen to that closing note in your It is perfectly true as Farmer wrote that a cheap food policy is a danger ous policy to encourage The farmer can if he has to live pretty well off his own efforts Deprive him of his buying power and the whole country suffers There is a limit to which labor can raise its wages and companies can increase their profits at the expense of the far mer Good for you Mr Editor and Mr Dairy Farmer and sug gest that the sooner the sophisti cated people in our towns and cities decide to accept the above economic principle and act the better it will be for Canadians generally When the average city man simply concentrates on saving a few cents by turning too enthusiastically to substitute products and to heck with the basic interests of agriculture he is going down a very dangerous primrose path agree with the following editorial comment in one of the farm journals If the consumers really want teg- see a healthy agriculture in this country that desire will be expressed in what they spread on their bread Farmers Ad June A On the other side of this rural- urban ledger however I scqi smart entry which our farm friends should study especially those who insist on thinking In dividually in their dealings with their highly organized ep The steel workers unions hot meet in separate groups make demands Altogether pay Philip Murray year to do the talking for and that is the method that results as it does in all labor unions is still agriculture a babel of voices It is not more than fair io add however hat it make a differ whether the membership concentrated in cities spread across the continent Union Worker Anyone giving even a cursory glance to the birth notices in the Era and Express these past weeks must be impressed with activi ties in the maternity department of York County hospital The nurseries must be Last week no less than births were recorded in the column from that institution- Coming from all sections of the district Oak Ridges Rich mond Hill Sutton West Brad ford King these small types are benefiting from the services provided by the local hospital It was encouraging to read that communities within the area have assumed their share in the financial support of York County hospital The many women who contrib uted through their time work and donations during the recent Hospital auxiliary sponsored tag days will have a deep sense of satisfaction that through their efforts another maternity table is being provided for this busy department of the hospital Sim ilarly these many fariilies who have benefited from the services of the hospital should stand ready to give further support in future appeals To maintain and expand the facilities of York County hospital should be regarded as a personal responsibility of each of us We should be evergrateful for the proximity of a modern capably staffed and wellequipped insti tution mamas who left York County hospital this week will never be in the position of one bewildered mother in a remote district When questioned by the census- taker regarding the ages of her children she had difficulty re calling exactly She told the investigators Well I got one lap child one creeper one porch child and one yard young un ADDRESSES AT INDUCTION Rev J Aiken and Mr Elgin Evans attended the induction service and reception at Kettleby last Friday night for Rev Gra ham formerly of Rev Aiken gave the address the charge to the minister and con gregation SOCIAL Mr and Mrs Lambert Wilson spent the weekend with their soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Don Stevenson Grand Bend Oht August meetings- Members are reminded to pay their Blue Cross hospital fees to Mrs Win Park during x The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday It Page 500 We hope that the many new It appears these days that every family has at least one member who is watching his weight See gals I said his at least in this column its still a womans world Conversations veer to the need for adding tone to stretched mus cles how to feel satisfied on a highprotein diet without second helpings pie with ice cream gravy or cream sauces The thin members of the group look on with detached amusement The more weighty one sigh resignedly and attempt to prove that after all they dont really miss the cream from the strawberries But for those who find exercis ing irksome and strict dieting makes for tasteless meals we have a cue to an easier aid in the reducing program It ap pears that overweight people are usually shallow breathers Oxy gen helps to burn up body wastes and fats so deeper breathing is the answer for that sveltelike figure Could be that well have a na tion of deepbreathers develop Think of the revolutionary chan ges that would necessitate in the world of fashion Garments would have to be made with much gathering gussets and con trolled fullness to allow for greater chest expansion Fewer people could be packed into the Toronto streetcars It could mean a complete change in our way of living The Sharon branch held their July meeting at Mrs Walkers home with present Roll call Ways of- serving strawberries was well answered- It was moved and seconded that Sharon Insti tute help the historical society with cleaning and cataloging of relics in Sharon Temple After a discussion of extension service it was decided to ask for Brighten your home with color for first choice anoT You and your citizenship for second choice Plans for a bus trip in the fall will be discussed at next mooting Mrs Fry gave an interesting report of morning session of Dis trict Annual convention at Mount Albert while Mrs very ably gave a report on afternoon session Mrs con ducted a flower contest and Edith Haines arid Mrs Thompson were prize winners After refresh ments meeting closed with God Save the Queen FIREMENS UNIFORM FUND continued Joe J A Armstrong Rose Win Eddie Stephenson J Moore Mathews Stiver Lyons and Vale Joe Dales Allan Mills Mis Stickwood Davis Leather Co Newmarket Ice Plant Henry Bell Jim French Beauty Salon BUls Shoe Repair Hillsdale Dairy Stevens and Sons renins Flower Shop Harry Hooker Lanes Drag Store Atkinsons Drat Store Farmers Scanlons Bakery Camerons Lunch Bar chandler Store 500 300 Lewis Barber Shop Mar Restaurant Austins Hardware Wilson Betty Lunch All Hon Bells Corners Taylor Myers Confectionery Mr J Davis Mr Andy Davis Proctor Service Station A Leo Cull Newmarket Dairy 200 Dixon Pencil Col Roy Irwin Sons Frank Robinson Win Annie Bates Fuels 500 500 5M 5m lit 5M 5M iM 1 I I J k News Of The News for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately Institute business will go by Plans are on foot to start the board at the July meeting of modelling the Aurora Womens Mr and Mrs Charles of Toronto are pictured here at the reception following their recent wedding The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Hutchinson of Aurora and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Charles Toronto ST PAULS PICNIC AT PARK was and Mrs Grant Sine Newmarket is pictured with his bride the former Dorothy Elaine Wilson Kit chener They were married in Waterloo the Vandorf branch- Instead it will be Community Field Day at the Vandorf hall and ball park on Thursday July Activities will start at oclock in the afternoon with races and games for all ages Therell be a fish pond and on assortment of cold drinks and ice cream Zephyr will play ball in the evening and afterwards therell be a dance in the hall highlighted by the draws for the Community Park Fenny sale Many worthwhile and interest ing contributions have been made to the Penny Side They will be on display in the hall from Wednesday afternoon and on through Thursday The com mittee reports tickets are going well and it is hoped that a good sum of money will be raised for the new community park Everyone is invited to bring the kids and a supper basket and to come to the Field Day Sup per will be served to the children beginning around grownups will eat from oclock on and the ball is scheduled to start at Anyone who is hungry again by oclock will stand a good chance of winning the pieeating contest All told it lines up to a full day and the more there are the merrier itll bo on Thursday July Lakeside branch closing meet ing for the season took place June The president Mrs A Pollock was in the chair Quite a lot of business was done Mrs J Gable read an interesting article during the program en titled The Canadian The meeting closed with the singing of The Queen A social half hour followed Mrs McGennerty and Mrs P Mahoney were hostesses A vote of thanks was extended to the ladies by Mrs Gable Institute Room in York County hospital and money was voted to purchase two new bedside tables at a cost of approximately each The date of the annual picnic is set for Thursday July Fur ther announcement later The date of the Mile of Pen nies in aid of the rest room is set for Saturday Sept The bazaar date is Saturday Nov in the Oddfellows Hall and in this connection there will be a shower of articles made from sugar bags at the August meeting Anyone desiring sugar bags for this purpose please contact Mrs J Brooks Welling ton St Union Street branch met at the home of Mrs Stanley Shanks Thursday evening July Mrs Frank Perry the president oc cupied the chair There were 28 members and six visitors pres ent Just over was made from the roll call A waistline of pen nies It was decided to con tribute per member toward the financing of the ACAVW conference to take place in Can ada in Mrs Irvine Rose convenor of the program opened with the singing of Canada An interesting article was read by Mrs Romance in your mirror Current events were given by Mrs Ralph Hoi born Mrs Bernard Huntley of Sut ton was guest speaker and used as her topic the inotto Study to be quiet and do your own business and work with your own hands Her address was very helpful and much enjoyed A reading A mothers own needs was by Mrs Irvine Rose Mrs Archie offer ed vote of thanks to the hostess The meeting closed with the national anthem followed by a delicious lunch served by the hostesses LOCAL AGENT W H EVES CO NEWMARKET CONCRETE BLOCKS AND CINDER BLOCKS MEETS SPECIFICATIONS BLOCK CO GABARDINE The branch will hold its next meeting on Tues day July at the home of Mrs Hunt The program is on citizenship and education motto If you hit the mark you must aim a little above it Hull call name your first school Contest by Mrs McNicoi Guest speaker will be Mrs Arm strong The Newmarket branch will discontinue Its regular July and SUes 30 to Zipper Pleats AH Shades large Selection Reg PHILLIPS ECONOMY STORE Opposite Newmarket Phone 1325 Town of Newmarket Notice To Householders IN ORDER TO ALLOW the removal of hydro poles on Main St front Ave to Water St the following fire alarm boxes will be temporarily discon nected on Monday Juno 11 at No Davis Leather Go Ltd Main St and Davis Dp Main St and Ontario St Main St and Ave Main St and St Davis and Niagara St Street Any fires during this period shall be telephoned through number 1410 Outdoor public phones are located at Main Street and Davis Dr and at the King George Hotel Notice of resumption of service will be published in the Era and Express Den tie Engineer No 1 No No No No 21 No I A congregational picnic held at Park on 2 by the members of St Pauls Anglican church Newmarket There were approximately present The group left town about returning after the supper meal They travelled by char tered buses and private cars meal was enjoyed in the pavilion with each family bring ing a picnic lunch and the Guild members under the direction of Mrs John Convening the meal Rev J T Rhodes was in charge of the picnic and Noil lothlan organized the sports and The children enjoyed and there were prizes the youngsters following their nee The picnic which it hoped will become on annual vent judged very success- Jul by in attendance IV Mills Port Hope and Mrs Boys Mr and Mrs Mills and Owen of Canton Mr and Mrs George Chester and daughter Beth and their son Fred Chester and hi wife were weekend visitors of Mr and Mrs Bob Ash were Mr and Mrs P Sanderson and son Al lan Mr and Mrs Fred Hare of TempcrancevUlc Mr and Mrs if Hutchinson and Mr and Mrs James Bolton Oak Ridge Donald Ash and his cousin Joan Hare are visiting their uncle Lome Ash at Belleville At the home of their grand mother Mrs Bob Ash are her grandsons Raymond and David Mills of Port Hope who are spending a week with Russet Kcenrm spent the weekend with his mother Mrs P Kecnan of Toronto NEWMARKET BUS LIMES ANNOUNCES CHANGE IN ROUTE AND SCHEDULE SHOWER BRIDETOBE The members and friends of the Free Methodist church met at the home of Mr and Mrs Gibbons on Monday evening when they surprised Miss Jean Mi no with a miscellaneous show er After the opening of gifts a delicious lunch was served The bridetobe received many beautiful gifts Em and Bring Retails In spite of a very warm after noon members were in at- tendance at the June meeting of Aurora branch in McMnhon Park Plans are being made to secure a hall suitable for our meetings Mrs reported babies the June clinic of the Child Health Centre and that she hopes to start a campaign to get more mothers children interested in this clinic Next clinic date will be Thursday July 1 Mrs Brooks gave a report of meals served in Trinity Hall on the day of the Horse show when approximately was realized for the funds We wish to thank all those who helped so gener ously to make this venture a success Mrs Klees was appointed rest room convenor in place of Mrs A M Clarke EAST BELT vV Timothy at Main east on Timothy north on Prospect east on Davis Dr south on through Gardens on Muriel to west to Prospect to Timothy and west on Timothy to Main WEST BELT Timothy at Main south to Eagle through heights east on Eagle to Lome north on to east on Millard to Niagara north on Niagara to Davis Dr east on Davis Dr to Main south on to Timothy EXAMPLE MINUTE SERVICE STOPS MINUTE SERVICE Timothy Main Davis Dr Prospect Davis Dr Gardens Muriel Timothy Main oclock stops Timothy Main oclock Heights Lome Millard 1207 Queen Niagara 1208 Davis Dr Niagara 1210 Main Davis Dr Park Main 1213 Timothy Main 1215 MONDAY JULY For Farther Information Call

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