ft mod MSB BIRTHS T At York County hospital Tuesday July to Mr and Mrs Russell Beau- Sutton West a son EVISON At York County Saturday July to Mr and Mrs John Elgin Mills a daughter EVERTS At York County hos pital Tuesday July to Mr and Mrs Everts 3 Mount Albert a daughter HORNER At York County Wednesday July to Mr and Mrs Charles Horner Sutton West twins son and daughter son stillborn J ill Ions TRANSPORT LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE FURNITURE STORAGE CRATING AND PACKING PHONE NEWMARKET At York County hos pital Sunday July to Mr and Mrs Arnold New market a son METRUNTTZ At York County hospital Friday July to Mr and Mrs Michael Jacksons Point a son York County hospi tal Saturday July 5 to Mr and Mils Daniel Newmarket a daughter MANNONEN At York County hospital Tuesday July -8- to Mr and Mrs Mann- onen Rich vale a daughter K- i- OFHCE HELP WANTED help with typing experience preferred not es sential Please state qualifications salary expected and reply ha own handwriting to GRAHAM CO LTD BOX NEWTON At York County hospital Saturday July to Mr and Mrs David Newton Sutton a daughter At York County Friday July to Mr and Mrs Harry Orvis Lake Wilcox a son At York County hos pital Tuesday July 1952 to Mr and Mrs Leo 2 Tottenham a daughter PERRY Mr and Mrs Clifford Perry Dorothy Lee are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Judith Ellen July at Womens College hospital At York County hospital Friday July to Mr and Mrs Clifford Zephyr a daughter RYAN At York County Tuesday July to Mr and Mrs Samuel Raven- shoe a daughter At York County hos pital Tuesday July to Mr and Mrs Michael Aurora a daughter SPENCE At York County hos pital Wednesday July to Mr and Mrs Murray Oak Ridges a son At York County hospital Thursday July to Mr and Mrs Barton Teas- dale Weston a son TAYLOR At York County hos pital Tuesday July to Mr and Mrs Gordon Taylor a daughter TAYLOR At York County hos pital Wednesday July to Mr and Mrs Harold Taylor Bradford a daughter WALLACE At York County hospital Saturday July to Mr and Mrs Robert Wallace Newmarket a sop V rfcCoujity hos pital Friday July 1952 to Mr and Mrs Ronald Willson King a son I would like to thank all those who remembered me during my recent operation arid Mrs Maude Aurora News by Roy Ladies Drop Tough One v 3STRAND pearl necklace on Main St Newmarket Finder please phone Sutton col lect Reward lw28 SEWING IS FUN more you know about it the more fun it is to do for the greater knowledge of greater mil be your satisfaction in anything you make If youre busy making now clothes you might appreciate a few pointers on hems How to Make an Invisible Hem Have you longed to be able to turn an invisible hem on a jacket Well heres a tip that many tailors use Baste a line at the bottom of the jacket marking the correct length and serving as a guide turning up the hem Cut a bia3 piece of unbleached muslin wide and place it along the basting line Catch stitch muslin in visibly to jacket taking care that stitches do not show on right side Turn up hem following basted guide line and catcli stitch into place catching through muslin only Bring jacket lining down over muslin and slip stitch lining to hem allowing lor ease Turn a Smooth If von want a smooth hem on a circular or flared skirt first mark hem and turn it tip basting around lower edge close to the fold Measure desired HOW THEY STAND SOUTH BASEBALL Newmarket Everett MI Beeton Bradford 4 10 9 1 Id YORK BANTAM BASEBALL Newmarket Sutton Aurora Richmond Hill Mount Albert Lake Wilcox LAKE JUNIOR LADIES 3 Newmarket ladies dropped a tough decision to Tuesday as they moved back into action after a weeks holiday lav ed The game turned into a sparkling hurling duel between Hester Clark and veteran Dot Miller as the teams went down in one two three order in almost every frame Hester Clarks low pitch in the third frame that scooted away from the clutching fingers of Dean alloweda run ner to score from third with the only run of the tight contest The nine runners to the three twice got Wanted SALESAiiN Who would like a substantial income Successful applicants will he thoroughly trained by production- tested instructors WE OFFER Leads supplied 2 Group Hospital Medical and Life Insurance available Extensive cooperation and instruction Big earnings OUR REQUIREMENTS Age 2545 Aggressive and a desire to earn money Car an asset Make an appointment by telephoning THORNJHLL UNION VILLE After 600 pm or write Box 220 THORN HILL Ontario WEAPON jr Continued from page Everyone must fie to have his share in the work and help to do It TheUN is an association of more than countries It is the people of these countries- the Individual adults who must help to do this mighty most challenging work To make the work Of the N more popular and better known it was decided to set up in every country associations of the UN in this way the sihHUy for world peace and world understanding would rest with the people individually in the democratic countries In the United States they have UN in most of the cities In Canada similar associations have organized The first regional conference for Ontario the one which I at tended took place at the Univer sity of Toronto and was well or ganized There were about delegates present After the plenary sessions four groups be gan to work on four different problems The topic of the con ference was The individuals responsibility to the UN Sub topics of the conference includ ed the UJNT and adult education youth education labour and mass media I took part in the last group Members of the group included interesting people who are work ing in newspaper radio librar ies department of external affairs and representatives of farm and citizen forums They discussed various ways in which these different publicity organ izations could he used to make the work of the UN more pop ular The average listener switches off the radio when a publication is being aired How to present such informa tion that every listener ant newspaper reader would inter- was discussed in detail At lunch dwelt director of Canadas part in the Colombo plan gave us a picture of the helpaction for underde veloped countries He said that the capital set aside for the next six years activillos would do little more than hold the pres ent low standard of living in the Asiatic countries concerned The wheat which Canada sends through this plan to India arounu until width of lower edge of hem exactly the same as the portion of skirl against which it is turned Distribute fulness evenly using die kirt seam as guides- Unpin hem and iismg a dampened press cloth pfarink out the gathers at the hem edge It may be necessary to repeat the several times if your fabric is heavy or tire skirt widely flared and stitch on finishing tape and blindhem the hem position your fared or circular skirt will hang beautifully with no or puckers to mark the hem Hostess Apron Heres a simple sewing project you can squeeze in between your larger ones A lovely apron for town and country entertaining Make it from ftnv cotton in a solid color percale broadcloth etc and trim it with rows of rick rack in different sizes bias tape ball fringe coarse ace and embroidery For a leaflet giving you directions send a selfaddressed envelope to the Needlework Department of paper and ask for PARTY GOING APRON Leaflet No v- Albert Sutton Keswick Newmarket Aurora L 0 5 T 1 Marian Martin Patterns LAKE SIMCOE LEAGUE W Zephyr Keswick 1 6 Mount Albert 3 Pine Orchard Willow Beach 1 19 l YORK JV1IDGET BASEBALL 14 10 14 quarter station but the hit power to plate the tying and possibly winning run wasnt forthcoming The loss spoiled Newmarkets attempt to spike down first place in the league Theyre now third in the sizzling hot race for first place with Midland holding onto the top roost and second Midland will make their first appearance of the season here tonight at the Fair Grounds A win and thats what itll be says coach Charlie VanZant will hoist the locals into a first place tie with the visiting Georgian Bay club Aurora Richmond Hill Newmarket Lake Wilcox 1 2 DISTRICT LADIES Midland Newmarket I Stayner 1 It 0 AURORA LEAGUE Ditch Diggers Queen City Storage 4 Rockets 1 Civil Service 0 2 Printing is a highly specialized trade A CUSTOMER GETS When he brings his order in plenty of it Rave notices for you Jr Miss Sewing Fast Ironing Theres when you star in this That none if you make this sun portrait neckline Is so at- in washandwear nylon tractive on your young should- or seersucker Halter top for scalloped panel gives scooping up lots of sun bolero you a fragile feminine lor Sunday So ml now line look Just the dress to draw whip it up in your spare time dance partners to you Sew then relax and take it easy the quickly enjoy it soon rest of the summer Pattern Jr sizes 15- Pattern Childrens sizes Size takes yards 10 Size- dress inch fabric yards 35inch bolero This easytouse pattern gives This easytouse pattern gives perfect fit Complete illustrated perfect fit Complete Illustrated Sew Chart shows you every step Hew shows you every step Send CENTS Scud CENTS in coins stamps cannot be In coins stamps- cannot be accepted for lids pattern Print accepted for this pattern Print plainly NAME ADOKESS SIZE Send your order to MARIAN Send your order to MARIAN MARTIN care of the Newmarket MARTIN care of the Newmarket Era and Express Pattern and Express Pattern Aurora Jrs Win First Aurora Tigers destined for O junior action under the coaching of Fred Wilson and management of Andy CIoss downed Brampton 3 at Auro ra Park Saturday afternoon in their initial outing Andy Jr doubled Jerry Hugo and Harold Stephenson singled to forge Aurora a load in the startoff innings Those two runs coupled with steady threehit pitching by Har old Stephenson and Thorns bagged the Aurora victory Bramptons third Jack poled out a long ho mer in the fourth to break the visitors shutout spell Aurora added on insurance run in the sixth on a trio of base knocks by Andy CIoss Jr Jerry Hugo and Bob Parsons Aurora will go to Brampton Saturday for a return engage ment Keswick Clips TB Clan time I to the best CHECK YOUR STATIONERY SUPPLIES NOW AND ORDER EARLY FOR THE BEST For Quality Printing At Fair Prices Try PHONE 780 Department FREE ESTIMATES will be sold by the Indian govern at a low price so that the average inhabitant can afford it Hie money will he an irrigation plan to make the soil more fertile it Is worth men- tIoun I think that In the of the whole plan which was in they didnt give suggest ions or instructions as how the countries benefiting under the plan should use the money Each is free to select the indi vidual project to have the money in that country All the four groups gave their resolutions- later arid Clark national director of the American gave the concluding speech He said ho the UN was approaching universality riot only In membership but also In laws ideals and principles You cant build a millennium in years The real battle for peace will never end SEARCH Newmarket police were called out late Sunday night when residents In the area of Queen St and Prospect St heard screaming Police searched the area near the trades but it was discovered later that there had been a family squabble among persons from out of town Residents on Queen St had heard screams all the way from the top of Main St hill Girls Win Tie Mount Albert- ladies still boast a nodefeat record but it was ever so close at home Friday as Button second place in the junior ladies league race held the to tie The leagues top two ling ers nee Maris Green and Slit tori star Mary Jean Sin clair matched pitches Motilities saw Sutton leap for six runs hi the sixth to gain a tie Marie Harrisons homer June and Ida with two hits each were the Motilities top sluggers ho mer arid Beat lies three hits were main cogs in the Sutton attack Journeying to Sutton Monday Gladys Rollings pound ed home eight runs in the last two Innings to drub Sutton J Green getting back into regular pitching form set Sutton down on hits Green with two homers and Ida and Rota with two hits a paced the IDhit assault pitched for Sutton and supported her mound effort with three hits Everyone keening a weather eye on the Lake Softball League race are aware Tom Hare has a clubbing band of sluggers at Keswick this season On Monday Newmarket fans the Keswick bats- erupt explo sively to submerge Peels ThompsonBell town league ma chine 2 Keswick rode the crest to victory three homers two doubles and six assorted sin gles The Lake shore clubbers also capitalized on six walks doled out Cook and three errors The game was played under the lights the Fair Grounds Monday and was the first test of strength between the town leaguers and their Jake rivals Eddie Keswicks hot corner guardian paced the vic tors with two round trippers arid a single Claude Pollock fash ioned Keswicks base lor Ted Anderson arid bagged two baggers Harold Smith mainstay of the Keswick mound set the hit ters down with a llnid on three Mickey Smith produced two Lloyd Cud mo re furnished the third Ready For PeelYork A couple of postponed games to go to clean up the regular PeelYork Softball League schedule reports secretary Bruce Hall League moguls gather Friday at to arrange playoff dates At the moment its Summit leading and King City bunched in the run nerup slot followed by Noble- ton Kettleby and Schomberg and King City wore sparring partners Tuesday In a postponed game at King berg combined superior seven- hit pitching by Ken Ellison a flock of King City errors and timely hitting to steamroll to a win got the jump on their rivals in the first innings gathering five runs on two hits a walk and two errors Ken El lison sailed serenely behind this cushion but lost his shutout in the fifth as John Richards gal loped up to the payoff window Ken Ellison bolstered his gilt- edge pitching with two hits as Hobson worked four and three frames on King rubber Murray Edwards Don and Walt Thompson punched out a hit each in winners cause Bob Gillies and John Richards paced the King swingers with two each Orr Joe Natalie and Jim Patton got Into hit act with one apiece Plan Entries Latest information available indicates that Newmarket will have OBA entries in the ban tam and midget series It will also be known this week whether slick fielding headstip playing intermediate baseball nine will make a bid to get into the hunt The bantam entry is being sponsor ed by the Optimist club Ken Stephens who recently took over as Optimist club boys work chairman is convener Lowell Waller is coach and Dave Pitt manager of the midget en try Auroras OBA plans arent fi nalized at the moment A strong pecwee team is available and the team will likely be entered in the competition A junior entry has been filed Fred Wilson is conch Andy manager and Tracy club secretary of the junior A team CHURCHILLS SHARPENING AND REPAIR SERVICE LOOK for SIGN at the SUM ALE INN Quarter of a mile south of Keswick Your Doctor has writ some prescriptions the need is urgent and there is no one to send to Drug Store That is a time to our Emergency livery Service Just tele phone A messenger will call for the prescriptions and return with the corn pounded medicines Triers is no additional charge HARVEY LANE DRUG STORE Alain St Phone PRESCRIPTIONS EVINRUDE MOTORS MOTORS motor motor motor motor USED MOTORS good excel Mercury good Johnson good Johnson 13500 Johnson Johnson perfect Johnson perfect NEW AND USED ROSS BOATS MORRISONS SPORTING GOODS Main St Phone Newmarket Irish moss is of In dustries peculiar to Prince Ru pert NEWMARKET Joan and Keith Davis defeated Joyce and Jack to tho open mixed doubles tennis ton held at A or a tennis courts last week Twenty entries wore received for the tournament representing Rich mond Hill Mount Albert Aurora and Newmarket Tennis clubs Aurora lit Aurora defeated Thonihill In a feature soft- ball attraction at the Aurora Legion Snorts Day on Dominion Day Dill VanZant on loan worked the mound shift for the victors and locked In a tight pitchers duel with Will speed ball king It was the time the Hill- els have gone down to Ids season Earl MaeDonalds towering threerun home mn smash in the third after Bill Van had driven home a nth in the second provided the Aurora runs Harold Stephenson and Tracy AVer on the base pallia teed oft for his base Art plated with the lone run hi the seventh REFRIGERATORS RANGETTES Canadians in first quar ter of arc chewing less gum than a year ago Theyre not eating so much candy either and RANGES element apartment size range ft iefi iterator lb 5 your guarantee famous make litfit J ft capacity full length door and chiller oven Several USED V sets ami up lMIILCO ft sealed unit ASTRAL 489 some electric refrigerators Reconditioned r w Terms percent down up to 34 to pay Stewart Beare RADIO AND APPLIANCES ST NEWMARKET PHONE