-V- En mi ftty It V St CM Lively Curves Mrs DANCE CLASS Mrs Charles Gordon dancing class enjoyed a picnic at Park- on Monday July Three bus loads which included the pupils of the class and their mo thers spent a wonderful day at the pane There was swimming games and tfwf having their dinner meal picnic style The club treated the youngsters to ice cream and soft drinks VV Closing for Aug to Aug 18 inclusive Thompsons Beauty l MAIN ST NEWMARKET PHONE 284W CLIFTON COLOUR COMB Hew I Eating Net a Hair Dye WITH JUST A OF CUFTON COLOUR COMB Just a few strokes of Clifton Colour Comb and patches of 0Fy hair are restored natural beauty acq A harmless colour won rob off fa cm Mmdfom Brown Dork Brown and Black J YOU MUST COMPLETELY SATISFIED OR Phone We Deliver Newmarket W E E L SERVICE it MONTR hot days your husband will he grateful to youfor remembering to leave a jur of SAL in medicine cabinet for him before you go to the country for tJie summer think of your husband in the hot city be- many a time when a refreshing Sparkling glass of Sal before breakfast will him fed like a new man Sat effervescent salts are so to take so gentle and mild yet they banish that sluggish headachy feeling in a jiffy them merely a a refresher in the morning or at night when your feci the need of a good cleansing Sal has been a faithful family laxative for ov year fun to suffer Summrr are to wonderful And one of the very things IS variety of jams and you can with now for enjoyment Willi is really a jujck and matter You can do down tempting and and elite in only the time of Hie former method So more of true fruit flavor is re and result with are wire Youll you up in more jam or jelly from amount of fruit So out with the jam and jar Make sure of your enjoyment of sun tin a at follow the found io the limit the of of Vvv Feet Hurt Its no the agonies of painful corn is it Well heres news for you the new miracle ingred ient found only in Com and Plasters for hurt feci Yea Phony Hum- quick relief from corns and iis truly a discovery for folks with It look years of by BlueJay to develop And now theyve it to the point where it faster and is effective in of the oases tested I can vouch for il But iiitit for it- try Corn Pliers with ior feet Van Math things to on it to if youve put down Travellers Che I do well to put Travellers the top make your fun more its a load off your if fad to know that your tain torn You to coin 4 in amounts of and yon can buy at any branch of the JiAVK OP MONTH A for abroad an- available too fro I- the of help you to enjoy a worryfri Call on your A branch before park your and put your holidiy moo of Travellers Cheques mojwy yvj Cheques are to Ajut only cm uh fecial but llievj Weddings sine Ballerina length gowns fea tured the costumes for the wed ding June of Dorothy Elaine Wilson Kitchener and Mr Jack Wilbur Sine of Waterloo They were married in Knox Presbyterian church Waterloo with Rev John G of ficiating The bride who is the daughter of Mrs Wil son Union Blvd and the late Mr Wilson was given in mar riage by her uncle Mr Joseph Tranter bride groom is the son of and Mrs Grant Sine Gladioli peonies and other all- white flowers formed the brides gown was In a strap less French lace model the bouffanir skirt being with a V insert of in the front arid back She Wore a French lace bolero styled with stand up collar Her veil of net and satin inserts was trimmed with and held by a cap of satin covered with lace gathered at the back with a cluster of seed pearls She carried a cascade of red roses and white Mrs Isabel Simon the brides sister was matron of honor yellow taffeta with of net in a ballerina- length gown Miss Madeline Tranter was bridesmaid green taffeta and net in a similar model Both carried nosegays of white roses with white Mr Donald Toronto brother of the bridegroom best man Mr Murray Schnei der Waterloo ushered wedding dinner was held at the Maple Inn The brides mother wore a gown of cerise crepe with navy accessories and corsage of white feathered carnations arid pink roses The bridegrooms mother was in navy blue crepe over navy and white taffeta Her ac cessories were in navy arid white and she wore a corsage of pink roses For- travelling to Ottawa and northern points in Ontario the bride donned a gray suit trim med with black Her accessories were in aqua shade They will reside at Union Blvd Kitchener red roses After the reception held at the home of the brides parents the happy couple left for a mo tor trip through eastern Ontario and the Georgian Bay districts To travel the bride chose a suit of gold gabardine with cocoabrown accessories wore a beautiful fourpiece fur the gift of the return the couple will reside at ROGERS KNIGHTS Amid a beautiful setting of evergreens lilacs and tulips in Baptist church on May 1952 the marriage of Shirley Doreeii Rfae Knights youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Knights arid Harold Merlyn Rogers son of Mrs Rogers and the late Mr Fred Rogers was Rev Hartley Britten of Quebec assisted by Rev J pastor of Baptist church of ficiated The bride given in marriage by her father chose gown of white slipper satin with sweet heart neckline arid full skirt Her full length veil was caught with a halo of orange blossoms She carried a cascade bouquet of red roses and lily ofthevalley The maid of honor Miss Irene Knights sister of the bride was gowned in brocaded silk with nylon skirt with matching headdress She a bouquet of yellow roses and pink carnations The bridesmaids Misses Joan and Ruth couslris of the bride chose dresses of bro caded silk with nylon net skirts with matching hooddresses of pale green and pale yellow shades They carried nosegays of yellow rosesand The junior bridesmaid Miss Joan Milne niece of the ferlde wore pale green taffeta while the flower Miss Elaine niece of the groom was dressed pale yellow nylon They carried nosegays of sweet peas and yellow roses Mr Kenneth Rogers brother of the groom was best man Miss Carol Knights who sang two beautiful selections was ably accompanied by Miss King who also played the wedding- music Doth are in of the bride The ushers were Mr William Knights brother of the bride and Mr Gordon Elliott brother- inlaw of the groom brides mother received in blue triple sheer accessories and was assist ed by the grooms mother in navy crepe with white acces sories Both corsages of The NEW Gift OPENS SOON AT MAIN ST SEE NEXT WEEKS ISSUE FOR OPENING DATE See at the Trade Fair August IS and it- rouble in Aurora Aiirh July Gertrude Anning daughter and Mrs George Arming became the bride Isaac McGregor son of and Mrs Cephas McGregor ffM Rev iS The bride given marriage by her father a- floor- length gown of white satin Her veil was caught to a small lace cap and she carried ay shower bouquet of red roses arid Mrs Clarke Dunn ma tron of honor wore cham pagne nylon marquisette gown over bronze taffeta with match ing cap and carried roses The bridesmaids Lloyd Penny and Miss Wilson wore champagne nylon over green taffeta with matching caps and carried pink roses f The flower girls Margaret and Elizabeth twins wore yellow net and taf feta gowns and carried nosegays arid yellow roses Mr Victor McGregor brother of the was best man and the ushers were Messrs EI wood McGregor Clarence Black Alan Woods and Marshall Wilson Mrs Marshall Lyons soloist sang two beauti ful numbers A Wedding Prayer and My World The reception was held at the Graystones Aurora where the brides mother received in a sake blue imported lace gown with navy accessories and cor sage of red roses assisted by the grooms mother in mauve lace and white accessories and corsage of Johanna Hill roses The guests included Mr and Mrs Black and son of North Bay Mr Walter Wayne Mich Mr John and others from Toronto and Lindsay After the recep tion the couple left for a tour of the United States The bride wore a navy nylon dress with white accessories and corsage of cavalier roses m CHANT When Ruth Chant daughter of Mr and Mrs Clif ford Chant of R I became trie bride of Thomas Boyd son of Mrs J A of Bolton at a double ring ceremony per formed by Rev oh Saturday afternoon July King United Church was decorated with a centra bou quet of pink and white carna tions flanked by blue and white delphinium the gift of Mrs Frank Gregory of Brampton Mrs Patten was organist Given in marriage by her fa ther the bride was a regal pic ture in white nylon net over slipper satin made with a lace cutaway coat with fitted bo dice buttoned from the high pointed collar to the waistline falling at the front in folds and extending to the Hem line In the back The long sleeves were pointed and the skirt was very full On her head was a- coronet of pearls holding the fingertip veil edged with fine lace Slie carried a colonial bouquet of pink briar roses and maideh hair fern attendants were Mrs Joyce of St Catharines as matron of honor and Mrs Harriet a of as bridesmaid Mrs in mauve and in yellow their gowns of nylon over taffeta wore made alike They featured double berthas edged with form ho sleeve effect The net yoke formed a round neckline They matching halo headdress inset with small matching flow ers Their flowers were colon ial bouquets of roses with har monizing ribbon Mrs carried Queen roses and Mrs pink Delight rosea The gi Donald and ushers were Jack and Poison nil brothers of the For the reception field in the church the brides chose Falcon crepe in dusty mauve with gray ami gray accessories and corsage of pink roses Assisting the grooms mother wore pink print ed nylon with white hat and while She wore a corsage of cream roses The couple left the for a honeymoon trip to Northern Ontario the bride travelling in a powder blue gabardine suit navy hat mid accessories with corsage of briar pink roses On their return the newly weds will make their homo at Guests were present from Tottenham London Toronto Brampton Grand Valley and Bond Head The grand father Mr Stephen of Dereham Centre was a guest and Mr and Mrs I Winston Manor King township were present Social News Harry attended the Kingston district camp for the Free Methodist church last week at Mr and Mrs Arthur ahd family spent the weekend in Belleville and with friends and relatives and Mrs John Wright- man attended the Meyers re gion at Jacksons on Satur day There were present I Mrs Little was guest soloist at the MoonMor rison wedding at St Andrews Presbyterian church on Saturday July drid Mrs Charles Wilds from a weeks holidays spent at Georgian Bay district the guests JohnKyte Rev A Petersen left on Monday with nine boys from Church Of the to spend a week at Camp Eleanor Lewis spent last week in Toronto the guest Of her cousin Mrs Ray Stevens Mains and Ar chie Rose Toronto were week end home of Mr and Mrs Miller and Mrs Gordon Crow- Stouffville and Mr and Mrs Roy Meads spent last week oh Island They mo tored to Tobermory returning home by way of Sudbury Mr and Mrs Harper Price accompanied by Carol Price and Mr and Mrs Jack Watts were guests of Mr and Mrs Keller Midland on Saturday Patsy Wilson is spending the week with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Frank Grif fith Lake Mr and Ernest and son Leonard spent last week at Lake the guests of their uncle John Mr Kyte has returned to town with Mrs Kyte and Leonard remain ing for another week and Mrs William Young enjoyed a motor trip along the Blue Water highway last week ending with a few days visit in Gait and Mrs Car hi en Wrightman and two children were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs John Mr and Mrs James Parsons and Barbara Malton were guests last week at the home of Mr and Mrs J Little Rev attended the Muskoka district camp for the Free Methodist church last week Mrs joined him there for the weekend Mrs Ray Stevens Toronto was a recent guest of her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Robert Lewis Mr and Mrs Cecil Wilson have returned from a holiday j trip to Detroit where they were the guests of Mr and Mrs Her bert Gordon Mr and Mrs Reekie Toronto and Miss Barbara Bath gate visited Mrs on Saturday Rex Franklin left on Saturday for her home in Hali fax She was called home to attend the funeral of her father the late Mr P Williamson J and Mrs Griffiths Hamilton spent three days with Mr and Mrs Jack rMr and Mrs J C Hamilton were weekend guests of Mrs O P Hamilton and Miss Jean Ham ilton Toronto at the Cleveland House Lake Rousseau Miss has re turned home after spending two weeks holidays with her par ents Mr and Mrs James Visitors at the homo over the weekend were Donald and Mr ami Mrs 1 1 Mr and Mrs A Mitchell attended the wedding an niversary of Dr and Mrs I Gallatighcr in on June Mr Bruce and Mr Harry Lloyd attended the feed and- poultry meeting in this week Misses Audrey New market ami Ivy Hague are leaving this weekend for Bruce Beach Lake Huron TEACHER REVEALS SECRET v Helping my young Johnny with intonating night Ho said lonelier had told that to make and of Ive alwaya in my worthing aud now know why Out of tho cornea worth and junta foW a SPECIAL PUBS LEMON JUICE SPECIAL CHOICE BRIGHTS PEACHES SPECIAL Tomato Sauce PORK a BEANS CALIFORNIA SWEET SEEDLESS JUICE ORANGES SIZE SUE AVAILABLE vox QT f BLACK BASKET NEW CROP EARLY HARVEST CALIFORNIA YELLOWFLESH FREESTONE Heaping Quart POUND CANTALOUPES ARIZONA SWEET SALMON FLESH SIZE EACH SOVEREIGN FANCY RED BELL FANCY CALEDONIA FANCY TIN LlLB TIN TIN OF 30 BLUE LABEL BROWN LABEL OF PKG PRICES REDUCED SOCKEYE SALMON COHOE SALMON PINK SALMON UN EST ORANGE PEKOE RED LABEL TEA RED LABEL TEA BAGS A BLACK TEA LOBLAWS BLACK TEA LOBLAWS TEA BAGS 23 TRUMPET TEA 36 PREPARED MUSTARD ROSES FLOUR JEWEL SHORTENING LoCalorv Skim Milk Cheese McLarens barbq relish burns bologna SAL AD A Orange Pekoe TEA Rose Brand Sweet Mixed Pickles VELVET FLOUR CORN FLAKES 2 KRAFT CHEESE CLUB HOUSE Minute TAPIOCA I TO E SKIM MILK POWDER NEWPORT FLUFFS Vallev cum Raspberries CORONATION SALAD OLIVES TREAT CHOICE PEACHES halves 2 MONARCH MARGARINE Extra Large PRUNES DOLE PINEAPPLE JUICE PALMOLIVE BEAUTY SOAP 2 SUPER SUDS l 38 VEL BYE DETERGENT SURF I A VEX CONC CASHMERE TOILET TISSUE 2 GIBSONS FACE TISSUES 2 FLIT AEROSOL INSECT BOMB SOCIETY DOG FOOD OF OF JAR BAG WAFER ROLL JAR TIN JAR BAG OZ TIN lLB PREMIUM TIN JAR TIN TINS CTN 2 OZ TINS GIANT CAKES LARGE URGE LARGE an ROLLS TIN TIN 24 67 55 36 27 24 31 44 61 35 33 25 29 33 32 29 25 37 38 26 35 98 15 COTTAGE BRAND LOBLAWS BREAD WHITS WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT OZ SLICED LOAF SPECIAL Raspberry OR JELLY BOLLS EACH A QUALITY OP THE SMITHS PURE J2 HEINZ WHITE VINEGAR FOR ALL YOUR SUMMER SALADS SUMMER STORE HOURS MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY NOON FRIDAY AM SATURDAY AM CHOICE LEAN ROLLS lb CHOICE LEAN PEAMEALED CUTS PIECE CENTRE CUTS OR SLICES lb 59 QUALITY DELICATESSEN FOODS MAPLE LEAF SLICED MAPLE LEAF CHUB J CHEESE LOAF lb lb lb 65 DUTCH STYLE LOAF SWIFT MAPLE LEAF FRANKFURTERS MB 55 lb 55 SEA FOODS READY TO COOK GOD 37 49 Ocean perch Fillets 1 CO- LIMITED JULY 1 i