Newmarket Era and Express, 17 Jul 1952, p. 1

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A Next AURORA NEWS FRONT PAGE SKONDSECTION Number of Copies Printed This Week AUMRA AMD HE RURAL OF NORTH YORK IRA YEA tMSMUlAD YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY JULY 17 SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH A large sign advertising New market Ha industries potential industrial sites and population is to be erected on highway soon- Councillor Charles Boyd sub mitted a motion tor council re authorizing the erection of the sign but the motion was withdrawn until available pro perty is found for the sign Mr Boyd said the sigh would be feet long nine feet high would cost including the cost of putting it up but not to include lighting It is the same size as most highway advertising signs He said he would bring In again as soon as he could find suitable property near the highway GLOVERS R SUTTON WINS PHOTO QUE Bruce Glover was the winner of the Kra and ARTISTS INSPIRATION Fairy Lake A Swimmers Paradise f J 4 1 Vif J Express farm photo edgiest week The one mile west on- the highway to Glover is a farmer and Mrs William who won the first week the test and who Jives near th Glovers broke the news to Saturday morning that farm was in the papers sons called later The Glovers have lived their farm for nine yeais since they were married Bruce was originally from th son of Harold Glover former reeve North township Mrs Glover- taught school how teaching in Sutton V This weeks farm photo quiz Is on page HYDRO MAN INJURED Boh Walker member of the Newmarket hydro crew had leg injured when the crew taking down lampposts the cast side of Main Si or Tuesday bo off til Monday Most of the poles on the cast side of Main St and of Millard Ave had been by Thursday by the hydro men and Main St present- ah tidier as a- result The done as part road plans along tie Newmarket artist Sam Cawthra painted this picture of Lake as it should look after a ifr after reading a report by the office cat in the Era and Express painted jaf clear Lake with swimmers boaters and a beach house quiet waters of are green days green from a particu lar growth which thrives stagnation artist found sufficient Inspiration to a picture of Lake as a beautiful rec- ion site with dozens of swim mers find some boaters and a each house on the bank that in the painting waters have been weS freshened for the because they appear Be fear ing neither snapping turt les nor sewer waters Sam a member of the Newmarket Art Club brought the painting below into the Era and Express office earlier this week His imagination had been fired by some writings in the Era and Express on a suggested clean- up around Lake An article by the office cat last week made a suggestion to keep out the cows and horses upstream plant cedar trees along the shore and ban sewer water from Aurora The office cat said The opportunity is await ing a real good conservation authority Tho results of conservation practices conic about slowly over a period of Ginger sug gested immediate action For a cleanup campaign to make Lake a swimming paradise Ginger the office cat suggested the slogan We May Be Landlocked But We Havent Lost Our Eye For Beauty Open Lake For Swimming and Pretty Girls Fed by the languid Holland River Lake is now the wrong shade of green and sup ports low life but maybe some day a swiftly flowing Holland lliver will pour cool fresh water into the clear blue waters of Lake as Mr sees it- Wants Fire Insurance At Lower Rate Even if we had a permanent fire brigade the cost might be saved in the resulting reduction in fire insurance premiums Mayor Joseph Vale told New market council last week The mayor and some members of council attended a meeting last Monday afternoon with the Canadian Fire Underwriters and it was learned that a permanent fire brigade would reduce prem iums five cents on every of appraised value The mayor said the reduction would not the cost of a permanent brigade as he thought it might ram fed up with insurance rates we are paying as a town scktthe mayor earlier are going to start making a real drive to get the rates down we will find some answer for it could carry our own in surance if necessary said Councillor- Dales But I include premiums paid not only by the municipality but by all taxpayers as well the mayor said Comparing insurance rates Councillor Boyd said that New market should be lower than Au rora Mr Boyd we will be lower than the mayor pre dicted The fire underwriter made several suggestions to improve fire protection in Newmarket and they have been passed on to the fire committee Residents Angered Over Newmarket Streets Newmarket residents have been voicing complaints about speeding in town Some of the concerned citizens one of them a councillor have even pointed their criti cisms at the provincial police cruisers With the establishment of the provincial police headquarters here and more frequent trates court sessions the fre quency of squad cars passing on Newmarket streets has increased W- CIVIC HOI- Monday Aug hfea been proclaimed a civic holiday In The was passed at the last council ftieet on Monday i i- SCHOOL Holland Landing school prtf motions can be found page two Cither school prorriotfons Will be printed as by the Era and Express HOME FROM Douglas Simpson Alberts returned front Canadas UN forces in had spent months in Korea and Japan lie Is the son of Mr and Mrs Nick Simpson in reality a conV iik decorated Wagon or baby carriage am it Newmarkets fry will move from the and Millard it 4 is hoped that the town band will bo there to lead the bo given the vehicles and The go south on St the parade there rj ai Feder ation of Agriculture is holding its picnic at Park Iake oh July e CLUB if ikv n Newmarket Lions club is having its annual July 23 in the Lions park The l with a a ad down Main St popular Mult Show will be ten and will be the popular Dr Ballard Mutt Show which with each suc ceeding year draws increasing popular support There will be prizes for all the entries and special prizes in the following classes largest dog smallest dog best dressed dog dog with long est tail dog with shortest tail dog doing best tricks dog eating dish of dog food in shortest time On the grounds will be a wide variety of games including the many popular booths of other years Additionally there will be a sailboat ride for the chil dren SubstituUng for the usual draw held on this nighty which will not be held until September this year there will be draws on the hour at it Entry in these draws is free As those attending the carnival in the games they will be given draw tickets Only condition is that the winners must be on the grounds The annual carnival is the clubs major activ ity and the proceeds as usual will be used in the clubs service annual free summer program for children now in progress at park each week heavy pro gram of park improvements in cluding lights and landscaping as well as regular service club Work of paying for dental and surgical of children who it looking after those distress contributions to national service organizations year instead of having two nights together as has regular custom the clubI having its second night at the Arona on Septernber when draw for car bo made at a monster bingo Weve had excellent support in these events in other years and we hope the public will con tinue to support us said Presi dent Stan Smith It is in this way that we can raise our funds for service work We are able to help others in the same degree ini which we are supported at these events PRISONER JUMPS FROM TRAIN FLEES SOUTH pF AURORA Charles Kenneth Dale be ing taken to to face a charge of car theft there jump ed from the train near the bridge over St south of Aurora and escaped on Sun day Dale in the custody of Dot Rex of was al lowed to go to the washroom after train pulled out of Aurora When the train slowed before the bridge Dale broke the washroom window a jumped from train A passenger saw him roll down the embank ment and then scramble to his feet When Dale did not return to his seat Del forced the door of the washroom and found the broken window Pro vincial police searched tho area closely but Dale had got away It is believed he hitch iked to Toronto lie had been arrested In TVVfO MEN SHOT AND WOUNDED ON ISLAND RESERVE SUNDAY Two men were shot winded on Island on Sunday when a man stopped NECK FRACTURED HOSP AFTER CRASH Jeff Smith Newmarket plumber is in York County hos pital suffering a fractured neck the result of a serious accident over the weekend near Raven- shoe His condition is said to be good He was riding in a panel lick driven by Art Sheridan Newmarket who 1 ti Mr Smiths son Mark were oh their way to pick blueberries Travelling along the sideroad they were struck by a car travelling north along the fourth concession Driver of the northbound car Russell Taylor 3G Toronto was on his way to a cot tage on Lake Si His car hit the Sheridan truck at the intersection Taylor was severely Injured when he was thrown from his car against a mail box post The impact broke post Smith was sitting on the right side of the truck seat where the Taylor car smashed into the truck Sheridan and the boy escaped without injuries Constable Jos QucensyiUe investigated the ac cident He said the corner Tax Payments Up In Whitchurch Tax collections in Whitchurch are approximately ahead of collection at this time last year according to information given council at the regular meeting on Saturday afternoon Taxes collected this year to date total 5858304 Final- payment amounting to 78203 was authorized Saturday to Arthur secretary of S S No I Whitchurch for pay ment to the architect of the new school in that section An account was passed for payment for oft dust layer this year amounting to The road superintendents ac counts also contained for a hew weed spraying mach ine recently delivered and now at work on township roadsides There was some discussion on a disagreement which over oil being placed on the roadside in front of the Cedar speeding on operated by Mr above streets is now the rule and Bolton Mr Bolton it citizen took the trouble to write a letter to the town council about ah incident involving ex cessive speed lost week In a letter to council A Hurst wrote the following Friday July on or around pm I witnessed the result of what could have been a series of fatal accidents A young man lh ah old model car travelling at a speed estimat ed up to on Charles St failed to make the turn at Queen St even though brakes Were applied at the main en trance to Hoffmans car ended up on the lawn less than ten feet front the Burch resi dence their car on Indian Reserve and fired through the open where the accident occurred is obscured by bushes and that several accidents have happened Taken into custody by On tario Provincial Police was Cor- there belt Johnson of Island i Police seized a sawedoff FOSTER BROTHERS rifle and Johnson was taken to the parents of children particularly are in ah state of mind as indicated by the gathering Friday night I have made it a point to speak person ally to the Chief of Police and to two members of the Council According to the council mem bers the council is sympathetic the humane side of this prob lem bat the business and traffic flow must not be impeded at any cost Will a child have to give his life before this policy Is rer versed y After considerable discussion with other parents and property owners in this neighborhood bur conclusion is that outside the considerable expense of employ ing practically a lull time police officer the the only answer is to break the traffic flow on Prospect Street by plac ing a stop sign on it at Queen St Warning signs maybe placed at other points in this area Members of council agreed that something should be done to cut down speeding but there was NORTH YORKS MATCH TO BE AT rhe North York plowing match will be held north of this year on the farm of George Richardson fourth con cession of Whitchurch Mr Richardsons acre farm has been described an excellent lo cation for the match the North York match Is to be held earlier than usual this year because the International Plowing Match is to be held at sin earlier date in the fall A larger than usual display of farming equipment and demon stration of farm implements will be featured at the North York match 3 ft ix mm- JCftr Iff V f livijhartfr at the In night International presenting the club charter to the fvi at the Don Jail in Toronto A bullet creased the forehead of 23 and lodged in the right leg of Thomas Porte 20 who was silling be side him They were taken to Toronto General Hospital after first aid was given by Dr Noble Sutton was able to drive his car to the island dock Chief Lorenzo a water taxi operator took the injured then to the mainland The are carrying on further investigation snid he was oh his way to the Porte home with and Thomas Porte and Lionel Tay lor to pick up their bathing suits said the man walked over from a truck and put the rifle through the window He asked us if we knw where he could find a James he said He said he told the man Yorke was not in the ear but that the man still stood there reached for rifle to brush it aside but it discharged Orville Porte Taylor drop ped to floor in the back seat ami the man ran to the truck JAILED FOR ARSON AFTER SUTTON FIRE Convicted on a charge of set ting fire to a restaurant in Sut ton oh July 1 two brothers Gordon and Foster were sentenced to jail terms by Magistrate at Newmarket court Tuesday Inspector Ray Simmons of the Ontario Fire Marshals office testified that fire had been set at the back of Riverside Lunch and that he had obtained state ments from the two brothers the day after this fire They setting it because of a grudge against the restaurant operator John Perry Gordon Foster was sentenced to three years definite Alvin was given a term of two years less a day definite and one year indefinite Both pleaded guilty Damage to the restaurant in the aftermidnight fire amount ed to 3000 The operator tes tified that he had ordered the two men to leave restaurant 15 minutes before the fire was discovered because he said they had been causing a disturb ance requested some oil in front of his premises and Mr Chap man operator of the Pine Orch ard store immediately put in a similar request However by this time the oil truck had left Whitchurch and calcium was placed on the Pine Orchard store front Both men agreed to pay for their dust layer Councillor stated that he would recommend in future that calcium he given and paid for at wherever such re quests crop up I have no objections stated Reeve McLaughlin but we might find ourselves with a lot of requests Council all agreed that the storekeepers who had received the should pay for this years dust layer but calcium only would be used in doing such off the beat jobs in M Road Supt Davis that a had dumped a quantity of refuse plaster stones bricks etc no suggestion about how it would along two hundred feet of the be done- sideroad Through in- Residents the neighborhood the provincial police of Queen and Prospect are located the driver of the truck planning to circulate a petition at Rather than have asking for an added stop sign and other measures to cut down die speed of traffic Newmarket police are being instructed to crack down said Mayor Vale this morning The public must be taught that the laws have to be obeyed here the man appear in court he was to settle and paid 20 into the municipality who had to send road men to clean up the mess Council to a trip over the municipal roads on of this week Two Soldiers Home From Korea Another Left III In Vancouver Two soldiers returned to their big anniversary cake for him COMING NTS PLAN TO RESTORES SHARON CEMETERY meeting has been called in Sharon Hall on July 2Glo discuss the renovation of the old bury ing ground south of Sharon on the third concession The meet ing was called according to law by Mrs Emily J rose Mrs Ger trude Collins A and Mrs It Is intended to elect Inistces to look after the old cemetery All those who have relatives in the burying ground are urged to attend old cemetery Is in a badly dilapidated state and not long it was found that van- dais had tipped gravestones JULY Hie old time dance of the season sponsored by Vandorf liy Centre Board and Whit church Conservation club at Pavilion Mussulmans Lake Entire proceeds for com munity park project at Admission St per couple WEDNESDAY JULY Urns club carnival mutt Show and big parade starting at Three special attendance at pm WEDNESDAY JULY Kes wick United church bazaar and afternoon tea on church lawn at pm At the bazaar there will be a fish pond home- haktng fancy goods table and WKDNKSDAY JULY Putv lie meeting will be hold in the community memorial hall at Holland Landing Io Appoint officers of the Commun ity Association discuss plans for the official opening of the hull Please attend this import mooting clw2i CHARTERED bus leaving Main and Queen Sunday July and Sunday August for camp return fore Interested phone Newmarket WEDNESDAY JULY 30 Auro ra Lions club summer carnival Street d a refreshments games Prizes TV set bicycle and elect grill Tickets cents for 1 SATURDAY AUG An nual Spoils Day Park Games sports Softball tournament 1st prize 75 2nd 353nl Entrants apply to entry fee required will lie refunded when team Is fielded Evening concert by renowned Lucky draw for ten valu able prizes Dance real day for and an Ideal day for renewing acquaintance THURSDAY AUG wrestling at arena WED AUG li ket Summer Show and Trade sponsored- by the Newmar ket Horticultural Society tf23 SATURDAY AUG North Sports Day Parade races baseball tournament dance North Memorial Arena EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT euchre Bingo every Saturday Time- 8 pm In North Memorial Arena home hi King after serving in Korea for a year and a half They are Eddie and Gary who live on the sixth concession of King There was bitter disappoint ment for another soldiers par ents Mr and Mrs Alex ander third concession King Union Slation Toronto on Sat urday morning The Alexanders with two daughters Mary and Betty were there to meet their son Peter but Were told that he was left behind 111 in Van couver The parents had no know ledge that Peter had not come with the rest of the un til an hour after the train pulled in nearly three hours late A small slip of yellow paper was finally unearthed in the Army Transport office said our son was 111 said Mrs Alexander had welcome home banners and flags and she said It is certainly a appointment With the Army Provost Corps Alexander has been in the service four years and in Korea over a year I hope headquarters at Ot tawa will fly Peter to hospital here and that we may see htm before we leave for England said Mrs Alexander who has booked passage for herself and her daughter on August On the sixth concession at Strange there was great re joicing as Privates Eddie and Gary Bishop were reunited with their parents Mr and Mrs Joseph They have been the Princess Pals since the summer of and in Korea for nearly a year and ft half intend to take their discharge from ac tive service we ever glad to be back said on Sunday Korea r ir3i mm

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