Newmarket Era and Express, 17 Jul 1952, p. 12

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J The Old Time Dance Of The Season Wednesday July 23 AT Glendiife Pavilion by Community Centre Board and Whitchurch Conservation Club Entire proceeds for community park project at Vandorf Admission per couple TOWN OP AURORA Statement of Firkin Meter Ac count Dec to June Revenue Parking Meters Parking violations fines paid in to Magistrates Court Maintenance Paid to Dual Parking Meter Co Due to Dual Parking Meter Co Net Revenue Ads Bring Results COUPLE CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING Two of Auroras bestknown citizens will celebrate their gol den wedding anniversary July They are Mr and Mrs Davis who with the tion of the first year of their marriage have resided through out their married life in Aurora Mr Davis formerly took a very active part in the life of Aurora He was a mem ber of the public school board for years and for many years served as a fireman is senior garage owner Mr and Mrs Davis will be at home to their friends on Wed nesday July during the hours of 3 to pm and from to 10 pm Their numerous friends in Aurora and in York county will wish them both a very happy celebration of their golden wedding News Page Page 12 Thursday the seventeenth of July nineteen hundred and fiftytwo ARENA MANAGERS REPORT jsVwr iiawv YOU CAN RELY ON RELIANCE Coke makes slimmer meals easier and Aurora church vacation school The closing exercises of the Aurora Community Church Va cation School were held on Fri day at am in the Church St public school A goodly num ber of parents joined with the children for the occasion The beginners group met in a separate classroom and in their closing reviewed their activities The primary and junior groups met together and sang recited and displayed their handwork The missionary theme of Che school this year was Bibles For All The World and the children contributed which has been forwarded to the tish and Foreign Bible Society A generous offering for local was received during the closing Special thanks are due to all volunteer leaders and their or more assistants Mrs was in charge of the beginners Mrs Carson of the primary- and Rev Ki What- of the juniors The Recreation Commit- tee gave invaluable service in the handwork and games per iods Thanks and appreciation is expressed to Mr Pef Mf Nancy Stocks Jane Margaret and Elizabeth Hearn- The leaders wish to thank the local Lions and Rotary clubs for their generous donations with out which many activities could not have been carried out About children were en rolled and average attend ance was KESWICK WELLDRILLING CO 5 and inch we J Is PHONE QUEENSVfLLE 2404 KESWICK Grocers are featuring of and of good things to cat Visit the Coke and Food displays and see for yourself how easy hospitality becomes when you Bottle 1JC tllf ri Carton things to servo per bottle of under with CocaCola Ltd BEVERAGES LIMITED fCotwti a had malt HUGH MclNTYRE OIL BURNER SPECIALIST Cousins Drive Aurora Phone Aurora Aurora Arena April 1952 The Aurora Arena Commission Aurora Ontario Gentlemen of the Arena Board During the past live months I have had an opportunity to re view the activities in relation to the service required of the Arena building and facilities and have made a careful analysis of the total situation for study and planning in the future The influence of the atmos phere of the building makes itself apparent in the conduct of those who use the Arena Roof The ice roof is of gal- vanized sheets and in fair con dition Would suggest a close check up renailing caulking and replacement where necessary About leaks are evident but some only on a southwest rain Roof over the entrance and food bar was not completed and gives trouble at times in the refresh ment room below Drainage Will a new drain put in for the purpose of getting rid of the snow in the snow pit The one now in use is out of line small and continu ally clogs we have broken the floor to keep it clear The east end of the Arena needs attention immediately The building rises and drops to the extent of inches throughout j the season making it difficult to keep the hockey cushion on the end in place plus the seat ing walks and pipes Outside Drainage The condi tion is bad at all times around the east and north end of the Arena building At the present time all there is is a deep ditch to drain the water off the road and no drainage from this ditch which is wet at ail times This is the main source of our building trouble A retaining wall of some kind would eliminate trouble and aid in the installa tion of an indoor floor Safety Guard Need guard I for the refrigeration machine for the safety of the staff Painting a Interior of the Arena seals girders and east end Entrance of building cement blocks could be given a spray to take away the drab appearance of the cement block also the small building at the side of the Arena Repairs Seats and hockey cushion- will require its yearly repairs and replacements of bro ken boards etc Arena Kink entrance could use a door to he seating section this to be closed when there is no program on the Arena ice or special practice periods This would prevent people from walk ing all over the seat walks and m Sanitary Contractor Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired Service RICHMOND HILL Looking for well what do you think mum mm will find it COUNCIL SIDELIGHTS continued from Page he substantiated what Council lor had charged against the arena conditions Mr Mur ray knows the arena heller than most people since ho has been interested in spurt since boy hood When he was appointed to the arena board as a council representative he took duties seriously He was not will to be an inactive Having spoken out in the inter- eats of the ratepayers in an ef fort to remedy arena condition- he was attacked by Mr Under hill and the Aurora Rainier Whose opinion do you suppose the ratepayers would prefer to accept on the condition the arena Mr Murrays or Mr Tuckers Mr Murray has lived a lifetime in Aurora Mr Tuck er has lived hi Aurora for some three or four years Such are the substantial fac tors which must he taken into consideration when judgment is formed on the report There are other consid erations also which we shall lake account of In future arti cles Mayor He Is not the sort of man who will he browbeaten inlo something for the sake of little facesaving a little whitewash Jag so that something Is not a correct re port in accordance with the facta The mayor made a of the arena goinit Ihreugh it ami over it from end to end Having done so he told the citizens of Aurora the truth the condition of the arena When Deputy Murray tried to force the mayors hand In getting him to sign a report which he did not believe to ho true the deputyreeve was act ing against the best Interests of the town It would have been a triumph I hey got the mayors signa ture on their report Hut they didnt For the stand ho has taken Mayor Hose stands high in the opinion of the citizens of Aurora children running around the building Recreation Room This can mean the process of good character building and should be well supervised and an organized program developed As the main office is not connected with this room in any way would suggest an office could be built at the south end of the recreation room This office could be also used for an extra wicket for tickets on busy nights and as the mana ger is on duty daily it would give supervision to the recreation room at all times Entrance and Parking Lot As this is the entrance to the Town of Aurora it should be a beauty spot At present the ground is too low in spots and mud holes form in the spring and fall Sug gest a grading and fill process proper parking signs hedges for the fence and in front of the building plus a few Town bench es for the comfort of the people who walk back and forth during the summer months- Arena could also use a flag pole as it is a Memorial Arena Flooding Process Room should be built under the seat or at the east end of the building close to the ice surface so that flooding can be done as in other Arenas with barrel The present system is by a drag method using about feet of hose and is handled from the entrance to the dressing rooms and downstairs food bar Very cumbersome and in the way of players and specta tors Dressing Room Walls and Of fice Cement blocks need atten tion and in some cases and caulking to close the cracks in the walls Floors Downstairs AH cement floors in the hallway and dress ing rooms heed a finished coat as it is impossible to keep the dust down and they are chipping away Trends in program noted a Increasing tendency on the part of boys and girls to help and show leadership Increased emphasis on boys particularly small groups for club work and program So far no rooms around the Arena can be tied up for this type of work People are showing a greater interest towards the work the Arena are trying to do for youth and in a few years much help can be anticipated for program leadership The Arena officials are trying to do a good job of keeping high standards to help develop good Christian character through sportsmanship in sports and rec reational activities Aurora Social News Dr Crawford Rose mayor of Aurora and Mrs Rose will be on vacation during the last two weeks in July Rev Dr Of Mulligan and Mrs Mulligan are on vaca tion During his absence the pulpit of St Andrews church will be supplied by the Rev Keith of the chair of church history in the Presby terian college at Montreal Pro fessor is one of the younger men of his denomina tion and one of its good preach ers and leaders Mr Ben Bowser eldest bro ther of Mr John Bowser and brother of Mrs Fred Brown ing arrived by air from Winni peg on a visit to his relations Mr and Mrs John Willis and their son and daughter John and Margaret have returned from a tour of northern and eastern Ontario Councillor Ralph Tucker and Mrs Tucker will be taking a va cation during the last two weeks in July Miss Marie Sperice and Mrs Betty Bonn am holidaying in Saskatoon Dickie Lynn of is holidaying with his grand parents Mr and Mrs J Mrs Bradbury and daughter Lily are holidaying in Kelowna British Columbia Miss who re cently graduated with honors from St Josephs hospital in To ronto left on Friday for San Francisco where she will spend six months in training The United church Sunday school picnic was held on Fri day afternoon at Alcona Beach Town Clerk Ken Moses left Tuesday by plane for Winnipeg for a two weeks vacation He is attending the wedding of his nephew Miss Joan of Toronto succeeds Mrs as danc ing teacher and will take over her duties in the fall Miss Smith of Barrie and Mr and Mrs of Ro chester were guests last week of Mr and Mrs J Mr and Mrs Don Webster and family of Ottawa were in town last week occupying the home of Mr Websters aunt Mrs Scott who is giving up housekeeping and going to live in Ottawa Mr Mrs Webster left later for a two weeks vacation at Sandy Beach Mrs Roy social editor of Aurora News Page will be glad to receive locals and news items Please phone HOLIDAYS Our Plant and Office will be dosed for staff holidays from Saturday night July to Tuesday morning Aug 5 AURORA CLEANERS NOTICE Re Change of name of Lender Street to Road NOTICE is hereby that the Judge of the County Court of the County of York has appointed Tuesday the 22nd day of July at the hour of 230 oclock in the afternoon at the Council Chambers in the Town Hall Aurora to consider the Bylaw number pas- sed by the Council of the Town of Aurora to change the name of Street to Road and for hearing those advocating and opposing the change DATED at Aurora this day of June K MOSES Clerfciv USE ERA AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS IN TURNING UNWANTED ARTICLES INTO CASH Make It A Habit Meet Your Friends At The a HESS Drug Store Two Graduate Pharmacists St Aurora Tel Emergency Galls Tel 38 Distributors for Maple Blocks in the Newmarket area WARD ALLAN CO Phone Davis Drive West Newmarket If no answer phone WHAT AUK SAYING continued from Page having occasion to jo hack to the town hall and to the same counter there we saw the pipe we had absent-minded- put down while we looked through some papers To say that we were pleased is ait for We greatly valued the pipe Mr Marshall of Keswick the Fuller Brush representative who loll his on the Main street of Mount Albert for many hours mid found it Intact can solely do the same in Aurora Of course lie might Met a park- j fine Hut like our pipe his sample case would ho respected Aurora is honest town For Friendly Personal Service Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE St Aurora Telephone Stationery Wallpapers Select Of Greeting Cards etc For Classified I- SI Aurora Do YOU Want Stable Prices stability depends on many things but principally upon the relationship between wages and production WILLIS The Drug Store News agent Tobacconist etc Founded St Aurora Telephone If wages go up without a corresponding rise in the volume of manhour production then prices are bound to go up too So it is really up to the Canadian people whether or not we have stable prices If we Canadians want the cost of living to stabilize then we must see that manhour production keeps pace with wages Published as a Public Service by The STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA Limited Plants at iV vk ir

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