Newmarket Era and Express, 17 Jul 1952, p. 7

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aPT Classifieds Continued NOTICE TAKE notice that a meeting will be held at the Township Haft Sharon North End to the Town ship of East County of York on the 26th day of July at oclock in the afternoon for the purpose of electing trustees for the restor ation and permanent care of the old Burying Ground south of Sharon All persons having rel atives in the Burying Ground are requested to attend Signed Emily Grose Gertrude Collins Aaron Linton Margaret Hopkins July 1952 transportation Tenders will be received by The District High School Board on or before the day of July 1952 to provide transportation for pupils of the Newmarket and Sutton High Schools during the year Particulars of the routes may be obtained from the under signed The lowest or any ten der will not necessarily be ac cepted Allan Mills Newmarket Ontario SecretaryTreasurer The High School Board BIRTHS At York Coun ty hospital Saturday July to Mr and Mrs Samuel John Borsellino Keswick a son BURLING At York County hos pital Tuesday July to Mr and Mrs Gordon Burling Aurora a At York County hospital Sunday July to Mr and Mrs Raymond Newmarket a son At York County hos pital Friday July to Mr and Mrs Andrew Holland Landing a son FLOYD At York County Saturday July to Mr and Mrs Russell Floyd Richmond Hill a son At York County hos pital Tuesday July 15 to Mr and Mrs Leonard Foster Holland Landing a daughter HAYES At York County hospi tal Thursday July 10 to Mr and Mrs John Hayes a daughter KENT At York County hospi tal Sunday July to Mr and Mrs Ernest Kent Lang- staff a son At York County hospi tal Thursday July to Mr and Mrs Gerald McKay Holland Landing a daughter At York County hospital Saturday July to Mr and Mrs Randall Mussel man R 2 a daugh ter THOMPSON At York County hospital Saturday July to Mr and Mrs Elmer Thomp son a daughter VANDYKE At York County Saturday July to Sir and Mrs Robert 2 Newmarket a son York County hospi tal Friday July to Mr and Mrs Davis Webb Bradford a daughter deaths his residence Ave on Tuesday July 1952 Alexander Todd husband of Rose May Nugent father of Mrs Byron Kay grand father of Wayne Byron Funeral service was held in Toronto on July 11 Interment in Briar Hill cemetery Sutton West Suddenly at St Josephs hospital Toronto on Thursday July hus band of the late Anna Terry and father of Mrs Brown Olive Mabel- and Ben Funeral service was held in To ronto on July Interment was in Mount Albert cemetery PALMER At her home Totten ham on Thursday July 10 1952 Mary Maw wife of Frederick Palmer in her year sister of James California Thompson Nashville Rachel Mrs A Mit chell Funeral ser vice was held at on July Interment in Laurel Hill cemetery Bolton STEPHENSON Suddenly on Friday July at New market Lucy Emma Fielding wife of the late Gordon Stephen son of Ave mo ther of Betty Mrs William Hope Kathleen Mrs Spears and Thomas Funeral service was held in Toronto on July Interment in Prospect cemetery More Sports News IN AM LARGE In loving memory of a dear husband Robert Large who passed to fuller rest July Father in Thy gracious keeping Leave we now Thy servant sleeping Lovingly remembered by his wife Beth In loving mem ory of my dear mother Delia who passed away July You are not forgotten mother dear Nor ever will you be As long as life and memory lasts We will remember thee remembered by daughter Ruth George and family In loving memory of a dear mother Helen Eva who passed away July In our hearts your memory lin gers Always tender fond and tine Not a day dear mother We do not think of you Sadly missed by daughter Jean soninlaw Walt and grand children WILSON In loving momoiy of my dear husband Arthur Wil son who was so suddenly called home July Remembrance is a tone that blooms eternal year by year Sweet memories clinging to the heart keep3 loved ones ever near The tender thoughts that linger on are links that ever hind Hie loved ones who have gone with those they leave behind We travel down a winding road a road without an end And those that seem so far away are only round the bend remembered by his wife Minnie A nationally known and highly respected company has a sales position open We are interested in a man between the ages of ami One who has executive ability can meet the public and who has lived in the Newmarket area for at least years This is an unusual opportunity for right man Please give age educa tional background previous employmentfamily status All replies will be kept in strict confidence Write box of Era and Express Ltd Newmarket For Sale Beautiful bungalow solid brick rooms largo bathroom oil heating Adjoining garage Hardwood floors nicely landscaped best residential section Im mediate possession Write Era and Express box Clots Typists Stenographers and Teletypists for Department of National Defence CAMP Ontario 133118 Daily Bus Service from Barrie Ontario Transportation Allowance For full particulars see posters displayed at National Employment Service and Post Office Application forms available thereat should be filed with the Civil Service Commission of Canada Bay Street Tor onto Ontario as soon as possible Wins Pennant Playoff time is coming up in the YorkSimcoe ladies league The red hot league race was completed last week League secretarytreasurer Ray Rogers reports final standing Kettleby 17 Bee- ton Bradford The semifinals draw sends Kettleby against in series A while and Brad ford provide the opposition in Series Both series go three out of five while the finals for the YorkSimcoe Cup between the series winners will be set tled on best two out of three basis y J Games in the series A semi finals are July 15 Kettle at Schomberg July 18 at July at Schomberg July 25 at nec essary Fifth game if necess ary will be played on a neutral diamond Games in series have been scheduled as follows July at Bradford July Bradford at July 21 at Bradford July 24 Bradford at if necess ary Fifth game if required will be played on a neutral dia mond Twoim Rally Whs A tworun rally in the seventh touched off by manager Cliff Chapmans pinchhit single to score Lefty Philips enabled Queen City Storage to squeeze by Civil Service in an Au rora Town League game Thurs day The vastly improved Ser vicemen almost dood it for their first of tli season by erupting for four runs in both the third and fifth and edged ahead with a tworun sixth frame uprising Storage chums scored in all but one frame to back Andy pitching stint and got the victory door ajar with a big fourrun fourth Grant Winters Harry Sutton Left Philips and were the work horse hitters for the winners Bob Andrews Bill Hammond and Chuck walloped regularly for the Servicemen Queen City Storage Win ters Hodgson Smith Andrews Sutton A Gloss Philips Chapman Matthews Civil Service J H Andrews Craig B Beam ish Hammond South- wood Marian Martin Patterns Storagemen Miss Chance Queen City Storage racing neck and neck with the exuber ant Ditch Diggers for the top slot in the Aurora town league muf fed a chance to take over undis puted possession of first place by dropping a 11 decision to Dave Fergusons Rockets Tues day All looked lost for the Rocket- men when they came in to take their last swipes in the seventh They trailed 10 Ron Sim mons in as pinchhitter prompt ly whacked one that scurried Doug Richardson and Paul across the dish to put the Rockets in the drivers seat Storagemen had one kick left for the last of sev enth from Harry Sutton and Grant Winters delivering it Their effort got the Storagemen a run but not enough to tie it Queen City whiz kids were well stocked with base knocks in the early rounds in support of Andy pitching try Grant Winters Geo Red Castles Jimmy Emmons and Harry Sutton made merry with three hits each Paul Childs and Doug Richardson the latter picked up the pitching win supplied the winners hefty batting punch ML A Girts Win Mount Albert ladies cant be stopped it seems Friday even ing Gladys Rollings unbeaten Mounties trimmed Aurora in a Lake junior ladies league contest The win was the eighth straight The loss deepened the gloom in the Aurora camp as the Stephenson- Barrager coached have yet to nab a win Ida picked up the pitching win with seventh frame help from Marilyn Morrison Dot Castles went the route for the losers pounded a homer for Mount and Vera Harris on loan to Aurora duplicated the feat for her ad opted team Albert counted all their runs in three innings two in the first four in third and two in the fifth Aurora built their total around two in the third and one in the fourth Mount Albert Morrison Simpson Morrison Green I R Green Meyers J Rolling Aurora M ragcr Castles Evans A Wells Hartsman M Harri son Harris Carlin The Era and Express Thursday July Attend B And P Meeting Miss president Haslet of the Newmarket Business and Professional Womens club left on Wednesday July to attend the biennial convention of the Canadian Federation of B and P clubs Miss Ayers will The election and installation of officers for the next twoyear term will be held on Friday The convention will close with a banquet with Mrs Ahem of Halifax retiring away a month and will inltional president in the chair elude in her trip a visit to Ala ska The convention is being held in Vancouver BC It opens of ficially on Tuesday morning July and continues until July 18 inclusive The invocation will be given by the Very Reverend Ireland MA provincial librarian and archivist will speak on This Our Canada The convention will be under the chairmanship of Mrs Ahem Session will be devoted to dissussion and reports from chairmen of the national board iij SHELL BE CUTE comfy and Dean Cecil Swanson of j and provincial presidents Church Cathedral followed Favors and decorations for luncheons and dinners will be arranged by the British Colum bia clubs Music is under the direction of John Emerson It will feature wellknown Van couver artists Following the convention delegates and members will leave for Vancouver Island for a social weekend It is expected that about will be present for the convention from all over Canada Miss joined the special train at Toronto which was made up in the and will pick up 350 delegates by the time it reaches Winnipeg Delegates west of Winnipeg travel by regular train address of welcome from premier of British Columbia greetings from the City Kail Dame Caroline of London England of the International Federation Mrs Elsie provincial president Miss Eleanor Motley president of the Vancouver club and coconveners Mrs Margaret Campbell vicepresident of the National Federation and Miss Lillian McMillan In addition to the full conven tion program members and delegates will have the pleasure of hearing several interesting guest speakers The speaker at Tuesdays luncheon will be G Vincent public relations officer of the Aluminum Company of Canada whose topic will be Aluminum comes to Canada At the ev ening banquet The Woman of the Year will be named and will be the guest speaker This title is bestowed by the too Pattern Childs sizes 2 16 IS 12 20 24 12 Size entire ensemble Size 12 takes 3 yards 39- 3 yawls inch fabric inch fabric This easytouse pattern gives This easytouse pattern gives perfect fit Complete Illustrated perfect fit Complete illustrated Sew Chart shows you every step Sew Chart shows you every step Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS in- coins stamps cannot be in coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS plainly NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER STYLE NUMBER Send your order to MARIAN Send your order to MARIAN MARTIN care of the Newmarket MARTIN care of the Newmarket Era and Express Pattern and Express Pattern Dept Eversley Anniversary Two world wars convince us in environment in better living that man is helpless to heal the I and working conditions and in CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heartfelt and appreciation for the acts of kindness messages of sympathy and offerings received from neigh bors relatives and friends espe cially thanking Ml Aiken and Rev Mr for heir consoling words and help in our recent sad bereavement of a loving wife and mother Frank and family CARD OK THANKS Mr Elmer Peters and family wish to express to their many friends relatives and neighbors their heartfelt thanks and appre ciation for acts of kindness mes sages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes extended to them in their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a dear wife and mother especially thanking the Rev Mr Campbell and Dr Ma tron of Keswick CARD OF THANKS On behalf of my mother broth ers and myself I would like to express our most sincere thanks for all cards flowers messages and expressions of sympathy in the illness and of our be loved sister and daughter Mrs Rye Tie Tennis Meet Mount Albert paid a visit to Newmarket last Wednes day to get the North York Ten nis League action mobile No body could say I told you so when the final returns were tab ulated It was a tie both teams winning four games Results with Newmarket players named first were Mens double Keith Davis and Jack defeated Ross and Garnet Gray John and Rod ney West were defeated by Frank and Seaman Wood Ladies doubles Margaret Davis and Joyce Both well de feated Ronnie and Marguerite Green Aud rey Rowland and Maureen West were defeated by Kay Hastings and Nora Wood Mixed doubles Margaret Davis and Keith Davis defeated and Ross Joyce and Jack defeated Mar guerite Green and Garnet Gray Audrey Rowland and John were defeated by Nora and Seaman Wood 16 Maureen West and Rodney West were defeated by Kay Hastings and Frank FORMULA FOR FLATTERY happy in this Wonder Take a simple dress add soft Shirt shorts bra- there at shoulders ami lower hip- top skirt looks so sweet on line Result a taller girl whatever way she mix- looking you Take notice too them Easy sewing construe this is a HalfSize Stylo is so simple And that same to your measurements no Federation of and P lack of frills makes them easy worries It fits clubs on the woman who in the Pattern 100HalfsJxos l2l 0 the members through out the Dominion has made the greatest contribution to the country during the preceding two years James Davis adviser to foreign students University of Washington and executive di rector of Foundation of Interna tional Understanding Through Students will speak at the lunch eon on Wednesday His subject will be Strengthening World Freedom An emblem luncheon will be held on Thursday with Miss Dorothy London and honorary president of the National Federation speaking on the eightpoint emblem of the federation Among the guests will be Chancellor Sherwood Lett of the University of British Columbia and Mrs Lett Mrs Hodges speaker of the House Provincial Legislature Miss Margaret Toronto vicepresident of Inter national federation A public meeting will be held on Thurs day evening at which the speaker will be Dame Caroline tragedies of humanity declar ed Rev Allan of Bolton when he preached anniversary services at Presby terian church Like the child afflicted with epilepsy whom the disciples failed to heal be cause they did not refer to Christ so the world is tossed to and fro by malignant powers day It is torn with false ideas and realizing the failure of isms and ideologies to save the predicament of mankind be cause it keeps Jesus away from the problems of life he said There are leaders who say humanity can be healed by more education and wider looks on a new world said Mr They look to a change Newmarket Social Mews News Miss Winnie Cumber was a guest of Mr and Mrs Hugh ver and Suzanne Marie during her vacation Misses Joan Flintoff and Nancy Ruth Park enjoyed last J week at Fair Havens Girls camp better housing None of these are the answer he said The minister delivered a forceful sermon in the evening when he spoke on the Saints in Caesars Household Referring to those in government circles he said saints are found there because they witness for Christ in their obligation to civic re sponsibility The church was decorated with delphinium and other flowers a fitting scene for many who returned to worship with their former congregation Both services were well attended with several present from neighbor ing congregations Mr Farris brought greetings from his charges at Bolton and Nashville In the evening the Eversley minister Rev David spoon was present and offered a prayer The music of the day was one of the highlights At the morn ing service Mary Wassink so prano Mrs Trevor Proctor al to Ray Rogers bass and Mar shall tenor were a Mrs Annie Armstrong On July Annie dart wife of the late William Robert Armstrong passed away after a lengthy illness Mrs Armstrong was born west of Bradford in November the daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Stoddart Mrs Armstrongs parents were a pioneer family who resided at Fort Garry Winnipeg They left Fort Garry to come to the Scottish settlement west of Bradford under Lord making the journey on foot She is mourned by her three sons Albert in California El ton reeve of King township and Arlcigh of Newmarket a bro ther Major George in England and six grandchildren Mr Armstrong predeceased her in December The funeral service was held on July from the chapel of and Rose Interment was in Bradford cemetery from Kettleby by Mr with Marshall as organist Junior In the evening Mr and Mrs Donald j United choir added Carnnn and family of Toronto to the service by singing Our Directed Mrs Ray they sang Snowball effectively flaiillne Hoy about Ilia will ih teniHriture but diivinj attending Co your gKioming will help you to took cool and tabic the If can be thai grooming is lit one time of die any other the vole to the mouths its at this lime tliid the heat hu midity and sun arc you yourself for the sum mer First of ielt low down your Youll get through hot inure effortlessly if you do Drew Youll do that very ear of sheer fashions and light iitUiietive fabrics that will to cool your Dont wear hiuli iifhiiu hat will feel hotter than two points Wide Ivlts will have you with clammy wet feeling around waist An oversupply of jewelry will an foil able bunion on a hot day Summertime the time to yourself to regular In this way your and dont will become routine and you wont forget any them Daily tub hath or shower no matter how you are Regular of an deodorant also dress shield if Faithful use of the hair and In cidentally keep your covered when exposed to the hot nun Dont allow to too much it ineparahle to your win your akin with lotions and Ian Arc your hands nicely People your hands During the months your feet too will lie Wed at the bench anil under sandal So your prevent cal luses on heels and soles With tare arm fashions you will want to bo most particular un derarms and jegs loo AH good starters for your hot weather grooming Remember too to keep your clothes wellgroomed Clean crisp dresses fresh lingerie snow white gloves help to make cool as well as look cool To freshen your dark sheers or linen suits herds a pretty collar and cuff set Hint is easily laundered You can crochet it yourself at home with just three balls of To have directions for this set culled HOUND simply send ft dumped selfaddressed envelope to ask for Leaflet No Hie leaflet also gives instriietions for tatting another pretty collar and cuffs spent the weekend with Mr parents Mr and Mrs Bert Mrs and children are staying for a few days Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Bert McCarnan on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Bud McCarnan Mr Mrs St New market and Mrs Clara and sons Mr and Mrs Bud McCarnan who have been on holidays have returned to their home in Mr and Mrs Stuart Henry and daughters Barbara Ann and Patricia Jean Que have been spending several weeks with the father and brother Mr O It Mosier and Verne Great King At the organ for the entire service was Miss Doris Mitchell Miss Sheila Davison who is only was the soloist She was accompanied at the piano by her mother Mrs Davison Child Christened An impressive christening was performed by at opening of the last service when Jewel Ann nine months old daughter of Rev and Mrs David received bap tismal rites This part of the service was unique in that the ministers child was the first christening since Mr became ordained and in ducted just a few weeks ago The little girl was lovely in a pink mull dress trimmed with smocking daughter of Councillor and Mrs Rudy received her graduation diploma in mothercraft nursing at a ceremony in Toronto on July ti Advertisement Pass Exams The following pupils of Mrs J E Cane were successful in passing recent Royal Conserva tory of Music PIANO GRADE Martha Pass GRADE Fay Pass Mary Lou Pass GRADE Jane Roberts Honors Keith Profit Pass GRADE ft Marilyn Perks Honors Jean Harmon Pass GRADE Bryan Honors John Hodge Pass Elizabeth Pass Barry Buckler Pass Diane Goring Pass Pass GRADES Catherine Gibson Pass SINGING GRADE David Honors Robinson Pass GRADE Mary Lou VanZaut Pas THEORY GRADE Kayo RusneU First Class Honor TEA COFFEE i YOUR DRAPERIES CUSTOMMADE TREE When you purchase your materials here ONE WEEK ONLY JULY TO JULY INCLUSIVE I 1 p offer applies to materials In stock at t05 a yard or more Senecal Dry Goods MAIN ST PHONE

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