J tal IKS Scotland Mr tt Crimen rf Mr Fred Counter of Hilltop arrived Mal- on Biter Spending months In Scot land veiling friends Mr I years am hjtyiel1r trip very ftftwh AND XL FEW LOCALLY MANUFACTURED HIGH QUALITY CRUMBLED ECONOMICAL PELLETED MASH AVAILABLE AT HID SEED MILL D P SMITH L 75TH ANNIVERSARY AND CIVIC CELEBRATION the Village of STOUFFVILLE wilt be held on SUNDAY AND MONDAY AUGUST SUNDAY AUGUST 3RD pm MASS CHURCH SERVICE MEMORIAL PARK in case of rain the arena MONDAY AUGUST CIVIC HOLIDAY GRAND PARADE MAIN STREET 11 AM Two Rands in Prizes Clowns Afternoon Memorial Park 1 pm Baseball Tournament Softball Tournament by Government County and Civic Dignitaries Evening Arena The COMMODORES popular radio and screen quartette Full band of the Royal Regiment of Canada -V- The picture of two loving horses was sent in by Sandy Card Maple Park Farm Cedar Valley who enclosed the fol lowing verse Do horses love each other often think thats true Tor I am sure they love each other For they do what lovers do Mount SNOWBALL Sympathy of the community goes to Mr and Mrs William Davison and Sheila and Mrs who mourns the passing of their mother on Sunday in New market hospital She and her daughter Mrs Edith Slyn came over from England to spend the summer with her sons here Her son George lives in Claremont She leaves a husband arid daughters in England Funeral services from William Davisons home to Claremont cemetery Miss Lois Blum is holidaying with relatives in Stratford this week Snowball Kettleby and churches will hold a joint picnic on Saturday July at Woodland Park leaving Snowball 1230 noon Mrs Kate Cairns is holidaying at the home of her daughter Mrs Bill Farren and family Mr and Mrs Hunter and family of were week end guests of Mrs Hunters sis ter Mrs Bill and fam ily Catherine Wood is holidaying with Miss Hazel Webb Toronto Mr and Mrs Bob Cain and family and Mrs Marrow attend ed a family picnic on Thursday at park Midhurst Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs William and Mrs Frank of Niagara Falls Mr and Mrs Edward Rowel George Mr Paul Morrison all of Toronto Mr and Mrs Ted Collins and Gary enjoyed a motor trip last week calling on relatives at Pembroke and Bracebridge Mr Collins leaves this week for Western Canada where army duties call him Mrs Bob Cain and children Jack and Carolyn also Mrs Marrow are holidaying this week at Island Grove Lake Sim- Mr and Mrs Ivan Allan and daughter Ruth of Toronto were recent guests of Mr Allans sis ter Mrs Frank Mr and Mrs Bruce Judges of spent Sunday with the parents Mr and Mrs If Patrick Oldham To ronto is holidaying at her home in town her mother Mrs A- Oldham The weather on Wednesday last was lovely for the Sunday school picnic of the United church at Jacksons Point and Mrs Draper attended the funeral service on Tuesday for Mrs Drapers uncle the late Sylvester Young at West Mrs Barrett Lois Paul and Judy of Toronto spent last week at the home of their aunt Miss Hayes i v Mr and Mrs J Arnold motored to Gait to visit relatives over the weekend Mrs Davidson and Mrs A Locke of Toronto are at the home Mr and Mrs Harvey Leek The ladies of the two congre gations Mount Albert and Hart- man United church will re ceive envelopes to assist in the raising of 460 to them for the building of the new training school in Toronto This was explained by Mrs Har mon at the service Sunday morning The old buildings of the former Presbyterian and Methodist schools taken over at the time of Union had to be sold as neither one was suitable The ladies of the United church taking on themselves the are building of a new school near Victoria College Toronto for the training women workers In the church both at home and abroad The allocation is spread over two years but those in charge are anxious to know that ac cept it so the total Required to do the work before it is star ted -V- Mr Ned who has been assistant to Mr Tit Theaker funeral director has purchased the Kilkerthy fu neral Jiome in Bradford arid left on Monday to take over his work there Lathangue has made many friends during his stay in Mount Albert and Bradfords We wish every success Mr Sift Watson is the as sistant of Mr funeral director and moved into the apartment over the store on Monday Mr Watson from Mr Stan Draper of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of his brother Draper The intense heat does not seem to clear up in spite of the many rainstorms which hinder the harvest and the late hay crops but gardens and ate beautiful and berry crops are good New potatoes on the mar ket are a good price for the growers Mrs J Hall and Mr and Mrs J Wilson all of Owen Sound spent the weekend at the home of Mrs Hairs soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Ross Chapman Mr- and Mrs Don Sills and family of Camp Borden visited Mr Sills mother Mr Lawrence Foster is spend ing two weeks at his sons home in Brantford Mrs Levi has re turned after spending two MOUNT WJASANT Mr MI returned to lost Many of their yearly trip north for Mr John and Clara Johnston and Mr and Joe Johnston and Mr Johnstons Mr- and M Win last Sunday The Womens Guild held fit the homo of Mrs Bernard David son last Tuesday was Welt at tended Mr a ftrrner teacher at Mount Pleasant vis ited at Mr Bert Stephens on Sunday v Those fltlending the tractor club are trip to Wednesday The of the sty goes but to the Wight family on the death Of Mrs Stanley wight v Mr Stiles of Toronto had Sunday supper at the home of Mr Bernard PLEAS night of last week the ice cream social at Pine Or chard Union church was well attended and program was well received Mr and Mrs had as a guest for an indefinite time the sister Mrs of lilt arid Mrs Don Jim and McCul- lough Mr and Mrs attended theMaditt re union at Erin recently Mr Ma- dill received the prize for the oldest member present Mfs- Criliey of Windsor re turned home on Monday after several days vacation with her nephew Mr Norman and family Little returned home on Saturday af ter a weeks visit at her uncles home at Mrs L of Burlamaciue Quebec are visiting their mo ther Mrs Robert Johnson We are pleased to report Mrs John son is feeling much better Mrs MacKinnon of Toronto is visiting her daughters Mrs J Jardine and Mrs Don Smith this week Master Billy enter tained his little friends on 1 Miss Shirley Breedin and Mr day on the occasion of Dermott of Newton Rob- seventh birthday Mr and Mrs Herb Kershaw home on Tuesday Of course you are planning on attending our annual day on Saturday August Plans are well underway arid we be lieve this will be our best day yet The Dominion Bank Newmar ket is giving a special prize of to the largest farm family present on the grounds There are also prizes for the KESWICK Mr and Mrs Rye and granddaughter Marylyn of Chi cago are visiting relatives here this week Miss Lynn is spending a few days with friends in To Mr and Mrs Kirkland and son of Weston ore guests of Mrs Kirk lands brother Rev Miss Wilson of is visit ing her cousin Mrs Harry months in western Canada Her m0 into their lovely new daughter Kathleen remained in Calgary and has taken a posi tion there with the telephone company Miss Betty Boocock of Hamil ton is Mr and Mrs Fred Weddel and Mr and Mrs Eves Mrs Byron Ay Iward is visit ing Mr and Mrs Gordon Stairs of Halifax Nova ScotiaV Mrs Bill Jackson and son Donald of Toronto are visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Clark- Mrs Albert Milne has return ed after spending weeks at the home of her son Mr Pete Milne of Mr Mrs J Smith are holidaying this week- at their cottage at Royal Beach Lake J Mrs Ida Leary of and Mrs I and daugh ter of had supper on Thursday vith Mr and Mrs Ross Chapman and family Mr and Mrs Black of and Mr Wm Swift of To ronto visited Mr Harry on Monday Mr and Mrs and boys of Sudbury and Mr and Mrs Herb and girls of g New Jersey recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Rex Smith Mr and Mrs Jack Smith at tended the Hamilton at Park on Sunday Mr and Mrs Geo Richard son and airily and Mr at tended the Cook in Saturday Mr and Mrs Hamilton and sons of took Mr mother and his aunt Stiles to the Hamilton at park on Sunday inson were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mr Doug las Mr Carl of had Sunday tea with Mr Chas Greenwood Mr and Mrs Earl Toole mo tored to on Monday to visit the sister Mrs I who had the misfortune to have a severely sprained ankle Mrs Ralph Willis of Toronto spent a few days last week call ing on old friends at Pine child with the best decorated doll carriage and for the V and Mis Wood She decorated attended WI at the home of Mrs Hunt decorated bicycle Then as hi other years there will be prizes for the oldest lady oldest gentleman and youngest child President Murray Huntley wishes to remind the men that there will be work bees each night next week at the park to get the grounds concessions Grid booths ready Each ones co operation has been Very much appreciated in other years and our president also appreciates your support and cooperation thus far this year Rev Warren will be preaching at the United church at the Sunday morning service oh July Word was received from Mr and Mrs Angus Smith were then visiting at Bri tish Columbia Mr and Mrs Harry Toombs are enjoying a boat trip and holi day to Marie this week Master Toombs is at Parry Sound Mas ter Dale Toombs Oro Lake Mrs Daisy Ada Brown of Mines is spending few weeks with her parents Mr and Mrs Roberta Dur ing stay shy is taking an ad vanced course in piano under and had tea with Mr and Mrs Leslie Harper Master Roger spent last week with his grandparents Mr and Mrs David at Sharon Mrs Geo Cutting and Mr Carmen of the Royal June of Los Angeles and Toronto KKSWICK DRILLING CO 5 and Inch wells PHONE QUEENSVILLE Belhaven News WBoiTrUd You will likely do some booting too during your vacation but remember the safety that will make your holiday a happy one For added enjoyment travel by bus to your resort ASK HIGH WAY TOURS TO Of USA Round Trip Fares SUTTON SUBJECT TO CHAKGEJ TlGjEt AND INFORMATION 165 KING GEORGE HOTEL Newmarket Phone 300 GRAY COACH LINES Mr Elliott of Nova Scotia spent the weekend with Mr Gavin Morton Crescent Beach Mrs and Jean relatives An over the weekend Sympathy of is extended lo Mr Wiilht and family in their recent bereave ment Miss spent the weekend Miss uric I W and Mrs Carson and family Toronto holi daying with tlicir parents Mrs P Ease and Mr and Mrs Herman Point Miss Jean Crescent is spending two weeks with her brother Mr Horace Morion and family Kapiiskas- Mm Christian Wndsay Is with Mr and Mrs John Miss Lois Keswick spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Severn To visited parentfl Mr and Mrs over the weekend v- C Mr John Morton Hampton has returned home after spend ing a week with Mr and Mra Norman King -Vj- late for Recent visitors at this home of Mr and Mrs Wilkinson were Mr J Viteteh of Mr and Mrs Hoist Point Mr and Mrs Vaughan by Mr and Mrs Ilalph spent holiday In Several from the district at tended camp meeting at on Sunday Rev acid Mrs K4iy and Allan of Ifarrowsmllli called on mother Mrs Kay and other on Friday Mr and Mrs W Crydorhmni spent Sunday with Mr ami Mrs lurry to report that Mrs A Is nicety since her recent operation- Mr and Mrs Frank To spent Sunday with Mrs naiciits Mr and Fail barn M and Ear lis Foster Mr and Mrs Donald Morton on and Mrs Norman King and spent Sunday at with Mr and Mrs John Morton and Mari lyn spent holiday with their grandparents Mr and Mrs George last week I Sorry folks we had to postpone our tea cream and last Friday night but we will hold it on Friday July from to l the homo of Mrs Cecil In ease of rain will l held in Sunday school room of the United church MOUNT Hie met at the home of Mrs Cole for their month ly meeting on Wednesday even ing Owing to the busy season there was not such a good at tendance Patsy Morris spent a few days with Shirley Mcintosh last week Vivian has returned home after holidaying at Several families attended the Methodist camp meeting during the week and also on Sunday The seems to be going around in this district Mr Robert Morris has been spending a days with his son Mr Jim Morris and family Sunday services are Sunday school at am worship at 730 with Berry the new minister in charge Mrs Merv Vine Betty Groves had an appendix oper ation on Sunday We alt hope for a speedy recovery for Betty Sunday guests at the Swansea home were Mr and Mrs Pinkie Toronto Mrs Betty Mr and Mrs- Jimmy and Heather and Mr and Mrs all of Toronto Master and Christopher are with Mr and Mrs Tom Miir Lou To ronto and Lois Weir of New market a few days the home of their grandfather Mr Ed i The most important part of your home FOUNDATIONS a f lagging uppft for find of with BLOCKS W H EVES CO CONCBETE AND CINDER BLOCKS LOCAL AGENT MEETS SPECIFICflTIOHS Vir iJ BLOCK CO GORMLEY SSlwt AND DUSTS ATOX DUST for cabbage worms and leaf hoppers DUST for blight on potatoes and tomatoes TRICOP SPRAY for blight control KING BUG KILLER for vegetables and flowers FOR FLY CONTROL spray for flies powder for residual HOWARDS RESIDUAL BARN SPRAY One pint makes three gallons LIVESTOCK SPRAY CONCENTRATE one pint makes two gallons FOR HOUSE INSECT BOMB highly recommended NEWMARKET COOP Phone 3G6 Main St Newmarket Good intentions might backfire SEE US FOR ALL TYPES OF HEATING Burner Sales and Service ESSO IMPERIAL OIL BURNERS 5S BALANCE IN MONTHLY PAYMENTS Fuel Contract Guaranteed JEFF SMITH 1 1 1 MAIN ST NEWMARKET PHONE