SI IMS King City And District We are indebted to Mr Hay Burt Mr Bob McLcod Mrs Ivan and Miss Norma for news items ap pearing In last weeks issue of the Era and Express in the King section were read with interest and received very fav ourable comment The corres pondent was lucky to have friends submit copy during va cation week nfseflUtlona to Operators gills were made to two members of the King telephone staff ion July at the ice They were Marion became the bride of Kenneth White on July and Clare whose marriage falls on Aug Marion was the recipient of a handsome table lamp and Clare received a nut end table The presenta tions were made by Mrs Bruce Hall chief of the local staff Others present were Betty Bice palsy Nora Scott and Mary OBrien The special cake bearing the names of the two honoured guests was served with ice cream following a delectable salad plate Mrs White intends to contin ue her position until she and her husband become settled near Toronto Miss plans to on the staff after her to Last summer the party held a picnic at Elgin Park On Sunday Mr and Mrs L Scott entertained Mr and Mrs Jim Bums and Mr Cecil Brown of In the evening Mrs Burns niece Mrs A and husband and Mr Fergus called for a visit Other visitors earlier in the day were Mr and Mrs George Duff of Mr- and Mrs Fred Curtis mot ored Mr Alfred Ash and his Mrs Ted Thompson husband to for a picnic out ing on Sunday Mr Ash enjoy ed the trip very much He has made remarkable recovery from an illness which kept him in hos pital at Newmarket for three weeks He is quite Interested in getting about in the car and short trips are doing good and Mrs Chas Gordon and Bruce motored Mrs Gord ons parents Mr and Mrs Norm- an Ferguson to Brechin on Sun day where they visited Mrs Fer gusons brother Mr George and a sister for the day and her three children were Satur day visitors of her sister Mrs Del Belknap Rickey Shane and Kathie returned dux- Mrs Hugh Robs line has had a houseful of company over the past three weeks Miss Morning of Snowball spent two weeks of her vacation at the Ross home Mrs James an aunt from Brentford was a visitor for a week Others were Mr and Mrs Lewis James their daughters and Lois and Mr David Johnston of Gait Mr and Mrs Cecil James of Brantford and BiUCalder of Richmond Hill Jfrj Ross and son Jim and Miss Brenda Morning motored Mrs James home on Sunday on They motored to Friday overnight with Mrs J and Miss Bird sisters of Mrs They were accompanied by Miss Mary Jane Walker who remained over Saturday night to attend the big dance with Cadet Boson Bridal Couple Recognizing vice of a Sunday school superin tendent and church official the congregation at strange Presby terian church paid tribute to Donald McCallurh his bride this month on the presentation of a silver tea service as a wed ding gift Over 30 surprised the couple at their home in King City Mr Charles Black made the presentation and the minister Rev David gave aft Address suitable to the His remarks pointed to the home in which Donald hail been raised when his aunt Mrs saw to it that he accompan ied her to church and Sunday school from his childhood Throughout the his 6h- in this regard are backbone to whose high respect he has earn- The bride was welcomed by Mrs Gray was for the music of the evening and Mrs Dr J I Dr Ross Kenny secretary Rose used the plan submitted by the owner of the subdivision to cover the inspection tour H Ross building inspector ac companied the board and has a plan indicating what lots are un suitable for the installation of l excellent time and while they were supposed to go blueberry picking the forsook the idea to purchas baskets of luscious berries They home on day and returned on Monday afternoon KCA Plans To Go Ahead marriage Allan Bales until weekend from a are established m their own Beach home ST John arid sis ter Anne are having their vaca tion at Richmond Hill They are visitors of Mr and arid Mr and Mrs Sunday their parents Mr and Mrs John and at children had evening home when the and their two children Mr and Mrs Fox all joined for special occasion John Jr aged Is recovering from a fall while climbing a tree with his friend Tom Coe Landing on his back he suffered bruises and has had difficulty trying to bend for ward The accident happened two nights before John was to appear with his companions In the King City display Visitor from Wisconsin the guest of Mrs Frank cey of Mrs Sinclair of Wisconsin called on friends at King City on Saturday evening With Mrs she visited Miss Eliza Fisher Rev and Mrs and Mrs Laura Rolling Mrs Sinclair who is the mother of- Rev Alex Sinclair a Baptist minister in the of motored here with her son his wife and two sons Donald and for three weeks vacation Mr Sinclair and his family spent most of the time with his wifes people at Belleville On Sunday the and Mrs Sinclair called to see Mr and Mrs Riddel who also had their parents Mr and Mrs John of Aurora as din ner guests Rev Sinclair was a student pastor of the King City Second King and Bap tist circuit some years ago Family Reunion Descendants of the family pioneers who settled at Port Credit and num bered GO at a reunion held on Sunday at the farm home of Mr and Mrs Alexander Mr and Mrs Ruth Alexander their family represented King district Her three sisters four brothers from a family of of the late Mr and Mrs Alexander family there as their mother was a before A family picnic gathering was held at the summer cottage of Tiffin near ivy oh Sunday is an uncle of Mr Bruce Hall With Hall and his wife cousins Mr and Campbell and Mr Art Campbell Mr and Mrs Clarence and a sister of Mrs Half Mrs J W Robertson her husband and three children all of Friday July 25 Mrs Harv ey and her daughter Mrs Gladys Parker host esses at a birthday party at the home Acres when Ronald Parker and his sister Carolyn celebrated their birthdays The children played soft ball with the older ones forming the teams captained by Jim and Peter Raw- lings There were games and races with prizes Supper was served on the lawn under the shade of the large apple The guests who were able to be present were Jim Peter Willy and stonJohn and Bobby Michael Shatka Monk- man Clayton McKay David Mc Kay Anna Dew Jill Rose- J and Heather I concluded an en To Miss Dorothy Armstrong is thoroughly enjoying her sight seeing trip abroad and is receiv ing a few surprises When she docked at Eng land she was met by Miss a sister of Mr Reg Bohman a soloist of the choir she directs at First Ave Baptist church Tor onto At Waterloo station Lon don she was greeted by two school teacher friends with whom she had travelled to Calif ornia on a former vacation trip They went to England last sum mer and liked it so well there they remained to teach for the term They are now touring France on bicycles Dorothy is thrilled with herUniversity Tours expedition in company with others She has seen England visiting to see a Festival Play has toured most of Scotland and was leaving for Holland on Wed nesday this week A letter to her Finclr gave readings mother was written from Mount Co Summertime is picnic time arid church congregations figure prominently in this respect The Baptist congregations of King City Kettleby and turned out in large numbers for an outing at Park Lake on July to enjoy av program of sports and entertain ment Harry Gould captured the prize in the fashion parade and his wife Flossie won the walking race Rev Smalley and his wife were among the gathering as were Rev and Mrs John Galloway of Port Hope visitors of Miss Eliza Fisher of the King congregation Mr Galloway renewed friendships among those whom he had min istered to a few years previously community went all out strong not including the small babies to journey to Woodland Park town ship for a round of sports on land and in the sea The older King Community Association held a public meeting Tuesday evening July in King City Masonic hall when residents of the village were invited to hear a report of the com mittees activities to date to ward a community hall project always in the hands of the local organizations arid prevent the control falling into the hands of individuals con tacts have made with the federal income tax department to assure that all contributions are deductible for income tax Mrs Ivan Speeht chairman Presided and of a hall Donald acting sec- emphasized that the will operate charter granted govern ment The petition for this charter has been filed the provincial secretary The charter will keep control enjoyed the lake and the ones the wading There were raes and prized for Meet- noon was devoted amusement In charge of the recreation pro gram were Mrs Shropshire Mrs Howard Mrs John and Miss Jessie Rev Wbtherspoon conduct ed the races were submitted and Explained in detail by George Harvey To open discussion Mr a rblution that the meeting approve the steps takeA by the to secerned by Fleet A period followed the vote of confidence re ceived On the strength the Votea meeting committee plan the campaign was set for Tuesday evening The whnriittee feels that a project of th type will meet with enthusiastic support Striped bass have long fre quented Nova Scotias Cobequid Bay A tXA Wt OH Georgian Bay near Midland also Mr and Mrs W Hood and children who spent two weeks at the same resort Mr and Mrs family spent a week also at v will be the theme speaker of the Lead ership Tarining Camp at near Midland August The summer school embraces all four sections of the Toronto Young Peoples Presbytery Centre North East and West and it is expected there will be a large enrolment On Sunday Aug Mr Gordon will fill the pulpits of Mr charge Miss Minnie Moore a girlhood friend of Mrs John has been visiting her for several days and this week Mr and Mrs leave on a motor trip in the direction of Leaming ton and Point Pelee districts They are planning to visit the Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary They intend to take a week or so vacation Y Mrs leaves this week for Pleasant Point Lake where she will spend a couple at weeks with her brother Duncan Sinclair and his- wife at their cottage there Her granddaughter Jackie Mer chant Toronto spent two weeks vacation with her and is now busy with swimming lessons from a professional instructor Jackie wants to be prepared for vacation time with her parents Mr and Mrs Don Merchant when they go to a summer re sort Mr and Mrs- Earl Jones with young Steve and Phil of Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs Alex Campbell from Wednesday until last Sunday Also there Satur day and Sunday were Mr and Mrs George Lamer of and their two young daughters Mrs Campbell is expecting her sister Mrs Frank Of New Jersey and children Gary and to come- from- london this week end has been visiting her moth Mrs Morr ison and the Campbells will motor there to bring her to King City- v Michael of Toronto is having his holidays with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Walter Bud of St Johns Quebec with thoir children and Patricia were at the home of Mrs Jackson and her brother Jack on a brief visit recently and also visited Mrs mother at Before they left King City they had their small daughter Merle Isabel Patricia eight months old christened at the United Church Manse by Rev M Afterwards Mrs Jenkinson serv ed light refreshments for the visitors At Bruce Mines visiting a cousin Mrs Pace are Mr and Mrs Herb Ross who left on July for an extended visit They were seeing other parts of the district among which was Marie y- Mrs Ray Burt has had word from her soil Torrance and his wife Who motored from Toronto to New Westminster visit Rev and Mrs Jack Wilson who is a sister Barbara Burt After on extended vacation in the west the Wilsons will return to Toron to with the their va- cation Visitors at Winston Manor the home of Mr and Mrs Elaine Armitage Mrs Campbell McKay Mrs Gordon and Mrs Adam Davidson Among the gifts were a softball catcher mitt and a ball for Ronald and roller skates for Carolyn She was thrilled the skates she used them her Sunday school Wlil Play City Donald organist of All Anglican Church will take over the organ wood Presbyterian Church St Clair Toronto for ft month of August He is supply ing for Mr Fred Clark AJCT who will be on vacation- Wothersppbn with his wife and three children are on holidays in the district Services in the Presby terian charge are discontinued until August 24 Mrs George Wilde of St Cath arines returned to her home on Monday after spending ten days with her friend Mrs Gordon Wells She came for the Wells wedding on July remaining over for a visit It is good to know that Miss Mar Jarvis is back to norm al health and will be able to have a change of surroundings at in August when her sister is on vacation at Buck Lake near The time has passed very pleasantly for Miss during her per iod of rest as her sister is at home during weekends Lately the sisters have provided their annex dwelling for young men from Toronto who are new comers to Canada Stephen Wat son of Kent England the son of a clergyman who works Ferguson tractors at has been giving them a hand with odd jobs about Jarvacrcs- A young Hungarian and a boy from Finland along with two Latvian young people have been cutting trees and helping paint the house This hospitality is a boon to new Canadians who find rural weekends a real treat- By Oct ober Miss will rent the house to Mr Gerry Gamble of Oak Ridges who with wife and two children will occupy the dwelling for six months Miss Jarvis wilt go to Tor onto to live with Miss Julia Until spring Mrs Gamble and the children are still in England where they have been visiting for several months and are ex pected to return early in Oct ober Mr Gamble has purchas ed a lot in the Kingsview sub division and wilt build a home Pioneer Home Mover If houses could tell their own stories a 100yearold dwelling at King City could relate many an interesting tale The six- room frame structure owned by Frank McCarthy in the resident- fat Kingsview subdivision was moved about feet by u hoist and tractor trailer requiring but one hour to place it on a new site- Nothing was removed from the building except Mrs Mc Carthys best cups and saucers Everything remained undisturb eddishes in the cupboards and pictures on the walls After it was placed on the new founda tion the McCarthys went back Into their home as if nothing had happened Had Mr and his wife who built the house been olive to sec the undertak ing they would no doubt have marvelled that machinery could do the job so well However they would not have been sur prised that the stout virgin tim bers had remained intact The work of remodelling the home which faces King Street is tak ing place arid the preservation one of district oldest evening Buildiiiff King Towrishipv board of health has decided that building permits be issued owners of lots in the Park subdivision that are suitable for septic other sanita are made they roust meet with the approval of the board of health before permits can be issued The decision was reach ed recently after the board made inspection of alt jots in the new subdivision located at Street and King sideroad A percentage of these was declared unfit for use of septic tank in stallation The board headed by Reeve Elton Armstrong with Royal Hotel Marble Arch on July When she arrived first at the port of Southampton she cabled her parents of her arrival Ross and Phil Hobsoh had an exciting weekend when they motored miles going to St Lambert Quebec where remained two days and nights travelling along the Ottawa River to Pembroke through Algonquin Park to Huntsville before they returned home very much sun burned They were greatly inter ested in the amount of country side they covered spoke their French quite well in Quebec Phil did the driving Mr and Mrs Arthur Fleet and children motored to Ottawa to visit Mrs Marie Fleet the child rens grandmother They made YOU TO UY CHEVROLET A GENERAL MOTORS Alt YOURE MONET AHEAD FROM THE START YOURE VAME AHEAD THROWN THE RHUS YOURE AHEAD All THE WAT THROWN WIT Black line are their daugh residence will bo written into mm count on for tort Aid town Way dont yw MOTOR CO history when it is completed Attend Cadet Inspection Yl Mr and Mrs A Jarvis tended inspection officers cadet camp last Saturday at Mrs Douglas Armstrong arid- son Douglas of Toronto Dr Brown Montreal and daughter Miss Alice Brown Dr Brown is the father of Mrs Black and lino Mrs the month of July with her parents Little Miss Jill of Tor onto is having her holidays with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Bill Walker of King City Grill Jill has many little friends here she lived here with her uncle arid aunt for some time She one of the Carolyn with him and his wife Stoker birthday party had known it Win STYLING Youll admire he big fcemciful by the ihiiUiDt front and rearend do- their looser lower Iuiufious look GORGEOUS NEW EX TERIOR ViWO- wide of solid and color wonderful array of colon their price field GtASS Gtatej and Chevrolet Shadelite ex- for extra lion- Optional at extra t CEMTREPOISE POWER new freedom torn vibration to low ton motoring for the engine is now cradled between the and in oft POWERJET in models Im proved stalling and smooth er are by belter fuel Mow fast waa made by Major General honorary colonel of the armored corps whoso per sonal sword was presented to the most outstanding cadet the son of Hon Paul Martin Mr and Mrs who are personal friends of Major General jthington renewed their SMOOTHER RIDE EXTRASMOOTH EXTRA Chevrolet famous Knee- POWER- Action ride no- better Combined with You lor ViaHd much softer gme with Automatic Choke niVrx comfortable ride in give finest noshift front or iear scats in at lowest eost Option due to new and improved at VAWi Con and over the years it brings you outstanding performance reliability and economy and a result it setting the trend for the en Control is the front wheels instead of behind the left ftont wheel This advanced steering ge ometry make Chevrolet ue to Meet ma- and BRAKES with linings which up to twice as long Theyre the brakes In the low-price- field And will tell ou smoothest safest and here youll find only a partial listing the many many extra features offered to you by Chev rolet the lowestpriced fine car Buying a Chevrolet puts you money ahead from the start for Chevrolet still offers you the lowestpriced line in its field But just the beginning As the weeks and months go by youll gradually discover more and more about Fisher Body stays bright an J beautiful stays sound solid because its take hard usage And as the miles mount up youll appreciate the and troublefree performance of engine the smooth of KneeAction ride Lasting values like ahead all e with Chevrolet the leader mm Kom my ma CIK3B Chevrolet OMsmobile t- i