Htm 4th Annual Newmarket Trade Fair In Arena August AURORA NEWS FRONT PAGE SECONDSECTION and SERVING NEWMARKET AURORA AND THE RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK Number of Copies Printed This Week 4500 YEAR EXPRESSHERALD YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY AUGUST 7 SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH Want Change In Date Of I A new municipal election date in North re quested verbally by summer cot tage owners at a meeting of the township council at BeJhaven on Tuesday The delegation said they wanted to give cottage owners a chance to cast their vote of beach asso ciations asked for a change in the election date from late in December to the first Saturday in December President Jack Sinclair of Is land Grove Beach Association said recently that was time cottagers took an interest in township affairs since tax bills in some instances have climbed to percent for cottage own ers According to township clerk Irwin Winch some taxes have increased that much Others however have fceen decreased considerably ana some remain the same since a reassessment was carried out Mr Sinclair said the cottage owners also want the polling booths kept open until in- stead of pm People are too busy in the city to get up to the Jake and vote he said The Island Beach As sociation president said he dis agreed with Reeve Norm Doyle on the eligibility of- owners who may want to rim for council The reeve claims they cant seek office he said but I believe he is wrong The council decided to leave the decision of changing the election date until its meet ing in September Members of council felt that they should hear from representatives of permanent residents in the township WIN CHEST OF SILVER Mrs Hughes Ellen St Newmarket was the of the chest of silver in a draw to celebrate the opening of the Marigold Gift i if- -T- J r- i I J- lrfWW Former Davis Home s Residence To For Girls Called Paint To Fashion t A j- fe- J v IK LIBRARY CLOSED Newmarket Public Library will be closed the last two weeks August- iv The former home of the late Aubrey Davis aboyeVjls how called and is a resi dence for girls No structural changes have been made beautiful residence and the grounds and gardens are being kept in the same as when it was a private home Pictured below are Mr and Mrs John Mr is director of the institution which is financed by the Community Chest Mrs is house mother Era a Express photos l J r LOCAL REPORT ON a residence for adolescent will be In Newmarket this month when girls arrive on August The residence was formerly the heme of the late Aubrey Davis at Millard Ave is operated by- a group of Toronto people the board of St Faiths Lodge It is financed by the Community Chest is affiliated with the Church of England large residence with its beautiful spacious grounds and gardens were purchased from he Davis There have been no changes made to the building except for a escape comply with provincial regu- Li lions is John J He at the Unl- of Toronto social work and lias his masters in social work He spent some time at specialized study In institutional work in Detroit following university studies Mis who will be house mother at has stud ied child psychology is a residence for normal girls Mr says They are adolescents who have no satisfactory homo of their own and who need group living He said there would be no more than girls at the The specialized staff will in- elude a recreational but not teachers The girls will at tend Newmarket schools roxy brings live monks for circus show The circus will be coming to Newmarket this month the larg est circus on earth that of King- ling and Bailey but the big show will be on the screen at the ftpxy Theatre rather than at the old fair grounds The Show On Earth is an authentic panorama of the worlds biggest Big Top Show with a drama To add extra realism to the cinema showing of the great est circus on earth the theatre management is importing its own monkeys In the lobby of the there will be a of monkeys The management is quoted as saying We intend to capture j just a little of the real live cir cus atmosphere here So the Greatest Show On Earth will hit Newmarket with a cageful of extras which Hollywood had left out On Display At Rink Newmarket Arena the scene of the fourth Annual Trade Fair whi6h will open on Wednesday evening at pm and remain open afternoons and until late Saturday night An exteitsiye program has been setupito fill tiro fciif iUiys with a variety of experiences for the fairgoer Therell be over separate exhibits which will range from latest model motor cars to ex hibits of fine china demonstra tions of appliances showings of programs- In the total it will mean that fairgoers will be treated to a continuous program of fine music by experienced musicians As in other years the fall fashions and interior tors have arranged for special signs films and farm faehinery giveaways and free draws for The fain in short will be a those attending the fair In one representative sampling of what respect the fair follows the Lively Program For Children At Lions Club Park Every Day A lively recreation program has been going on at the Lions Park in Newmarket this sum mer Under the supervision of Mr and Mrs Neil Lothian child ren of ages are enjoying games crafts and reading per iods at the park The second half of the sum mer prpgramV was started on Tuesday Total enrolment in the Lions Park recreation is he cording to Mr Lothian I The average daily attendance has been The lowest at tendance was MO and the highest Duping the summer pro- gram youngsters score is kept on his standing in games and contests The summer pro gram is sponsored by the New- market Lions Club Swings slides and sandboxes are also provided in the park and everyday mothers arc there with small children and babies The following are the leading point standings of children in various group activities group ages to 6 Jerry Worth Paul and Yvonne hidden score group ages 7 to Grant Ortbn Marilyn lit and John I Pitt hidden score- j Group girls and over Carol Cain hidden score top points for sportsman- ship Martha Group hoys 10 and over Bill Don and Jack West point leader in sportsmanship Francis Lewis the Newmarket businessman can offer his customers After a modest beginning in the town hall as an adjunct to the annual gladiolus show of the Newmarket Horticultural So ciety the Fair has blossomed in to an annual event of consider able importance to Newmarket and district Visitors at earlier fairs have seen displays which were not otherwise available to the pub lic including showings of fine jewellery and a valuable china collection This years fair promises to maintain those standards with all the latest and the best in merchandise being shown Additionally there will be bargains in goods which will at tract the thriftiest shopper The fair will be opened by Mayor Vale on Wednesday night During the fair Mr Penny staff organist for the Piano Co wilt play regular pro grams the Hammond organ At intervals to be announced dition of a colorful exhibition in another it more resembles a vast bargain basement for those attending The following is a list of the exhibitors Eves Ladies Wear J and Son West Newmarket CoOp Bay Heating and Plumbing Newmar ket Furniture and Electric the three drug stores of Newmarket in a combined booth Marigold Gift Shoppe Smiths Hardware Dry Goods Hookers Ladies Wear Flowers Jack and Jill lb Stephens and Son paint and wallpaper Tom tell Ford dealer Dyers Furni ture Stew Appliances camera supplies It Morrisons Mens Wear and Chevrolet and igidaire Morton Brothers dealer Bob Yates Jewel ler Boyd arid Newmarket Sports and Cycle McCaffreys Flowers Ward and Allan dealers Constable and pupils of music teachers in New- Campbell china and glass and market will present separate Health Unit Sac Glad Show 1 Newma By Mrs Horace attended tross Conference as an observer one day last Over the entrance of York Hotel were the words Welcome Red Cross Eng lish French and Spanish the three official languages of the International Conference the Red Cross In the foyer flags of countries were hang ing and chatting them J were glass booths with two in each a nd each booth the words and As each speaker takes the floor his speech is translated into these languages and you hear his speech in own through your earphones while watching him speak The chairman of the confer ence came from Turkey and his name was Mr Abut fike our Miv Abbott If spoke in French as did the the delegates from all from the Red over the world Our pass was for Youth Dining Room Friday August 1 We took the elevator to the a nine and at the entrance to live dress others were close Cross in It was a to watch the of ficial delegates arriving and to decide what country each Some were in- J- conference room greeted by a commissionaire who ex ainined our passes very carefully and allowed us to Hie conference was crowded with and chairs tho tables were crowded papers booklets microphones head sets water jugs and glasses were ushered lb our chairs members of the Canadian junior Cross are mes- runners for the Next we were given our own radio set and instructed Von Its use It was a little black metal box a strap on it to hang it around your neck and a headsot earphones is possible to move about the room while lis- to it but when we were fmtUufi down we wore to support it on a table or hi our enough for us to read their name School Correspond ence All- delegates felt that this was a further aid to ho children also exchange drawings paintings posters and dressed dolls These bridge the barriers of language and give the child ren a feeling of friendliness for children of other countries At the conference there Is ran art exhibition of over pieces from countries These were pica I of the children from Argentina and Australia right through the alphabet to Y and Yugoslavia In most of the countries Junior Red Cross is organized in the schools in several it is done through the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides- Hope For Future but many of them were a At the close of afternoon puzzle to us until they spoke speaker announced his or ficr country before speaking We took pages of notes the reports from the various count and of our of each As this con ference had wet before and was meeting the next day only heard reports from Ireland Rumania Soviet Union Venezuela Colombia Slam United States Switzerland Great Britain Sweden Israel New Zealand West Germany session Mr Louis- Verniers league adviser on educational and youth problems presented an exposition oh The Junior Red Cross and Present Day Edu cational Problems Part of his conclusion read Jiinior- lied Cross activities easily be fit ted into the norm school pro gram They constitute an aid for teachers who understand them enthusiasm in the minds ahd hearts of the who prac tice them they arc an Chile Poland South Korea In- of survival for the Red Yugoslavia Italy and Canada A the classes every showii conducted by Lothhiiiatthe Lions Club ark The program by the Newmarket Lions provides activity for an of a are of the who stolid hih in point standings the first pail f Left to are Don Cain Mary and Carol Hurtling Mrs club each country the Red Cross Cross and a source hope for The United States delegate states that they thought teach- Juniors learning the rules of should be considered the hygiene water safety accident yap as it heavy On the prevention and first aid They is a little flap which says and when you lift the flap your set is ready to receive There is knob for volume con and another- little knob numbers oh it and we were to turn it to No for for French and 4 for We quickly dialed 2 on ours Work- Behind the chairmans table 3 7 ME ire taught to help shntins and the blind They donate money to help children in their own country and in other countries where war has brought about about and need Its motto is Service Youth in the service of youth for greater hap- now and a better future for all The members corres pond with other Juniors nil through the In- wanted to go again highest type of Red Cross Volun teers for their work In Junior Red Cross in their classes Hearing the different spoken feeling the spirit of international friendship be tween many nations and sensing the tension between others was a thrill of a lifetime Hie conference adjourned to meet again the next day We a offered this exhibited in Hid Rural summer show The show which is one section of the fourth annual summer show and trade fair is being held under Ted store entrance from Cedar St opposite ware- house on Saturday Aug It is upon to the public from to 10 The Charles liar man cup wilt be awarded for the best gladiolus in the show and for the best spike of gladiolus introduced af ter 1946 there is the Russell Hughes cup Howard Proctor has offered a for the most points in vegetable section A donation from the Bank of Montreal serves as first and second prizes and for class decorated basket of gtadioli quality and variety to count any foliage A similar donation from the Dominion bank will provide a first and second prize for section MSA best display cut flowers an nual and perennial open to all donation of the Bank if Toronto provides the prizes for class best basket asters any variety For the beg inner scoring the highest number of points in that section there is a bag of plant food which has been donated by Perks Feed Mill Ltd Sixty plant prop stakes onethird of a dona tion from Karl will be to the exhibitor gaining the highest number of points in the August show Similar awards were made in the iris and peony shows to the exhibitor with iiuihber of points All exhibitors in the societys summer show wilt have ah op- to try for the Eaton Co trophy a silver and crystal vase is awarded to the with the highest number of points in the flower shows only Same le won two in succession Second high then qualifies A draw open only to exhibitors in the societys summer show will be held on a lKskot of gro ceries has been donated by Newmarket Each entry in the show entitles an ex hibitor to a draw ticket The draw will be held on night August AH cups trophies and awards will be displayed at the societys booth in the Memorial Arena during the duration of the sum mer show and trade fair August 13 to Other cups on display will include the Harold Gonlon cup for the best iris in the iris show and the Mrs cup for the best peony in that show A donation of from the facturcrs as- assists with the other prizes in the shows and the work of the society in the community ADRIFT 1 1 HOURS OVERNIGHT ON LAKE SIMCOE A Toronto judge and his 12- son drifted all night on Lake when the motor in their launch failed Monday even ing Herbert and his son were back at their summer resi dence at Jacksons Point Tues day morning alter being adrift hours on the lake The motor failed about pm when they were north of Fox Island and about four miles off shore The 23foot boat had no sad and was too large to be con trolled with oars They drifted a distance of nine miles and into School Hay on the west shore of slahd am Bingo by the Newmarket at at S pm SJfti Admission THURSDAY the Ladios In Hall Yhse St Alia IT- for Mr and Mrs Mid King in Hall everyone welcome ladies provide FBI- SAT IS Summer and Trade LFulr sponsored by the I Horticultural Society SATURDAY North Sports Day races baseball louriiatnent bingo dance at North bury Memorial VOluuWed bus Niagara For tick ets and information phone Cecil Andrews Newmarket NIGHT euchre every Saturday lime In North Memorial Arena-