J A fecial New Mr and Mrs Fred Grant and dtufhter of were Sunday of Mr and Mrs Fos ter Mr and Mn A Hulse be guests of the Canadian National Exhibition on Warrior day Mr will attend the directors luncheon and take part In the Warriors Day Parade Mr and Mrs will also attend the tea by President and Mrs J A Mr A took the salute at the annual drumhead service of District P at Campbell ford on Sunday last Over Legion members were on parade Canadian women over the age of used an average of pairs of fullfashioned hosiery during I960 v THEATRE CLIFFORD GRIFFITHS MANAGER AURORA a THURSItAY LAST SHOWING TONIGHT Ma Pa Kettle at the Fair MAIN Percy KILBRIDE Doors 1st show at 2nd show at PLEASE COME EARLY ml August GRAND DOUBLE FEATURE FEATURE NO 1 Well If I mm p menus NO TiiyV LOADED for fcmtf in Monday and Tuesday -j- Wednesday and Thursday August Aurora News Page J G SINCLAIR Editor office doan hall aurora PAGE ELEVEN TELEPHONE WHAT THEY ARE SAYING THURSDAY THE TWENTYFIRST DAY OF AUGUST NINETEEN HUNDRED J J A regular meeting of the town council was held on Monday night August with Mayor Rose in the chair and all members present Lasting from oclock until ten minutes past midnight it proved to be the longest session of council held this year amount of business transacted was not however in proportion to the time spent on it There was a letter from Mrs Crysdale of Kennedy St West drawing attention to a number of apple and maple trees on the oast side of the Crysdale pro perty and which were likely to be uprooted in consequence of adjacent street extension In the course of her letter appealing to council to take some steps to save the trees Mrs pointed out thai 33 feet of land had been soldi to the town for the nominal sum of 1 It was claimed that the land was now worth per foot It was however the ameni ties of the locality that the let ter pleaded to preserve and when the mutter was raised at a later stage of council proceed ings it was resolved to leave it with the streets committee DeputyReeve Murray and Councillors Davis and Murray with full authority to make a decision on behalf of council Nursery School Mrs Larry Rubin acting for a delegation made representations on behalf of a Nursery school that hod been operating for the past two years and requested the use of a room at the old town hall Mr Rubin effectively outlined the merits of such a nursery school After some discussion a mo tion by Councillor and seconded by Councillor Jones was adopted to the effect that a room be provided for the Nursery school subject to suit able fire equipment being in stalled Municipal Hoard Approval A letter from the town so licitor was read indicating that the recent additional grant of 35000 for public school rebuild ing purposes had been approved A motion by Councillor Tucker seconded by Councillor was carried authorizing the sale of 25000 debentures representing the total grant to the public school for rebuilding and remodelling purposes Meter Revenue Reeve Cook chairman of the finance committee presented a report in the course of which it was pointed out that the net revenue received from the me ters for the town since their in stallation approximately 10 months ago amounted to 2201 Conservation Authority Former member of council Mr Harold the town representative on the Holland Valley Conservation Authority appeared for a delegation which included Mr Lome Evans and Mr If Clarke Mr briefly Indicated the work of the Authority Ho stated that maps hud been pub lished for distribution In schools with the object of inducing pu pils to become conservationcon scious He said Unit a pond on the new Slater subdivision could be developed to the great ad vantage of the district Mr outlined use ful work that had been carried out in Whitchurch township where a dozen farmers had In come Interested In the putting in of ponds He recommended the town of Aurora could most usefully acquire two or three acres of land and put In the pond Canadians bought tele vision sets miring the first months of Canadas national income and the value of goods and services during 1051 totalled a record Make It A Habit Meet Your Friends At The HESS Drug Store Two Pharmacists St Aurora Tel 50 Emergency Cults Tel WILLIS The Drug Store- News agent Tobacconist etc Founded 1879 St Aurora Telephone to which Mr Pringle had re ferred Mr Clarke supported the ob servations made saying that a pond would add to the amenities of the district Reeve Cook said he had found Mr Slater very cooperative Councillor Murray said that members of council should go down and look the property over so that they would know what they were talking about It was finally resolved to ob tain a surveyors report so that council could give further thought to the matter New Subdivisions Councillor Tucker for the planning board submitted plans for two new subdivisions name ly on behalf of Mr Slater and Mr DeputyReeve Murray once again raised the question of an appropriate bylaw covering costs in relation to new subdi visions Councillor Murray expressed the opinion that until such a by law was in force no new sub divisions should bo approved lie protested that council was acting in too much of a hurry After much discussion the Slater plans were referred back to the planning board On a motion by Councillor Tucker seconded by Councillor King the new Senutovich sub division on Kennedy St and George was approved with Councillors Davis and Murray opposing Zoning ByLaw Councillor Tucker reported that the amended zoning bylaw was now almost ready to be again presented to council and trusted that it would be care fully studied in committee by all members of council Report on Arena Councillor chairman of the- property committee said lie had met with the arena board in answer to their request to do so He was he said the only member of bis committee to turn up other members of the pro perty committee are Deputy- Reeve Murray and Councillor Davis Mr said they had in spected what he described as the notorious east end of the rink pointing out thnt the arena board was asking for a retain ing wait to built at the ex pense of the town In his opinion said Councillor it was how far too late in the year to consider under taking such work assuming that the rink should resume activi ties by October The arena board also wanted drainage in stalled the board had made these suggestions in the early spring said Mr something might have been done about them At this time of the year it was far too late to undertake such work Reeve Cook who attended the meeting said it was major work He had no clear Idea how much the work might cost It might run from to oven 50000 No discussion took place on Councillor Corbett report and the matter was dropped Grant Acknowledgment was made by the reeve of the grant of received from the Agricultural department of the provincial government which Councillor Murray had personally applied for for the arena Passed Councillor King Introduced a bylaw covering the installation of sanitary which had been petitioned for on Kennedy SI Dr and Henderson sat in through the protracted debate preceding the passing of the bylaw and taking part In the discussion Council resolved to advertise tor tenders for work of con struction Employee Resigns Mr Jack appeared be fore council to request that his resignation a municipal em ployee be accepted MK- said his health had not been good recently and he had found it ad visable to secure lighter work Council expressed regret at resignation of their em ploy and on motion by Councillor Davis seconded by Councillor Murray agreed to pay Mr Maaten one weeks wages as tribute to his service to town Council adjourned at COMPULSORY INSURANCE An Aurora business man who has been a car owner- for several years and has an absolutely clean record was returning home from Toronto a few weeks ago when he was bumped into by a truck driver The impact tore away a fender and damaged the car door It was an almost new car and the cost of repairs amounted to about The cause of the accident Was an improper right turn by the truck driver the owner of the car pays a heavy annual premium and has done so during all the years he has been driving He effected the insurance as a matter of common sense for his own protection and for the protection of others What about the truck driver lie had no insurance He rolls around the countryside willynilly If all gees well then all goes well If all doesnt go well then somebody else must boar the brunt of his irresponsibilities Such a situation as not fair to thousands of car owners who take their responsibilities seriously A car can be a mighty dangerous instrument In the hands of those who take no thought for others it can prove a mighty expensive business when accidents occur and there is no insurance to cover them It is plain common sense that no one should be permitted to drive a car who doesnt carry insurance If they cannot afford insurance then they cannot afford a car In the case we are speaking of the car owner could get no satisfaction from the truck driver So the car owner was advised to issue a writ to get redress ami the case has still to be heard Before a barber can cut your hair he must have a li cence It is compulsory Is compulsion less necessary for truck and car drivers sing the highways without insurance of any kind Common sense says 4 TO THE DOGHOUSEl Once or twice we have been asked if we consider it good form to criticize the Banner Our answer is that we consider it good form to criticize the Banner or any other mouthpiece of opinion that seems to us to be prejudicial to the town our newspaper serves the town in which we live and work and pay rent and taxes The Banner under its new management has often attacked us We do not mind how often the Banner attacks us We ask for no quarter from it and will assuredly give none We can take care of ourselves Our opinion is that the Banner under its new manage ment has not proved a good influence on the public opinion of Aurora That is our opinion and we have no hesitation in saying so Last weeks issue provided an example of what a local newspaper should not be It reported a grant to the arena but did not tell its readers that grant was obtained through the personal appeal of Councillor Jim Murray It reported that the Recrea tion Commission has secured an instructor for figure skating classes at the rink But it did not tell its readers that the man who secured the instructor was the same Mr Murray and that the same Mr Murray obtained free passes for children to attend the ball game at the Maple Leaf stadium etc etc We would report our strongest opponents and have done so in the past Councillor Murray corrected the Banner because it misrepresented him Egad that was insubordination Sir So Murray is in the Banner dog house There must be no mention of his name or his services lo Aurora Such appears to be the Banners standard of fair play and honest reporting KEEPING A PROMISE There are few things that burn us up more easily than an promise or appointment If we say that we will be at a at a certain tinie wo will do everything humanly possible to fulfil our undertaking Vet there are people who treat promises so lightly that when they are reminded of nonfulfilment they blandly reply Sorry I or got ail Sometimes they are not even goodma enough to remember to say Sorry Some time back we recall a member of the town council standing in the doorway of the Hess drug store hissing and fuming and giving way I some unparlia mentary expressions When we remonstrated with him ho replied Wouldnt you the same way if you Arranged a mooting with members of your committee for oclock and they hadnt shown up by Just as lie spoke the made an appearance at the door of the hall and the justly irate chairman crossed over to them ha bee exceptional for the town council record for punctuality is excellent It is not often that council mccUhgs arc behind the scheduled starting hour of oclock A in any case our remarks not intended to apply lu members of council We Were thinking of the code of goiid manners in a broad and general sense 3 It now a man lost good job f wh icli he had applied for the reason that he as five minutes late for the appointment for an interview He would have gotten the position had he been punctual but his potential employer argued that if he couldnt keep the first appointment on time he might other appointments Beauty Of Countryside Seen On Trip To Lake One day last week at the invitation of a friend we drove to Musselmans lake and enjoyed very much the tour through the variegated leading thereto We have no special liking for motoring espe cially for fast motoring But the day of which we write we shall remember for the simple pleasure it provided the countryside the sunlight glinting on grain cattle grazing in lush verdure fine homesteads here and there arid barns that betokened the num ber one industry of Canada There is a great deal to see in the countryside for those who have eyes to see with and al ways providing that one is seat ed in a car which Is being driv en at a speed which enables wouldbe sightseer lo witness nature elaborate panorama There was one little pastoral scene which caught our eye re minding us of a drawing by Con stable the English artist who really loved such quiet rural scenes The scene wan of cattle standing under the shade of a tree with rolling woodland and clumps of for a back ground Whether such a simple situation would have arrested the eye of a presentday Cana dian artist is problematical The vogue in presentday art appears mainly to be concerned with daubs of color thrown at a canvass leaving the specta tor to guess whether the result is meant to be a camel in re pose a fish that suggests a for mer member of a town council or Kiplings female a rag and a bone and a hank of hair There is no knowing what the modern artist is after once he is let loose with a brush and a pot of paint Mussel mans Lake Our driver kept away from the main roads and we saw few cars Narrow roads these were that reminded us of the treed grooves of Old England We missed of course the Knglish hedges which are a familiar fea ture of farm lands in the Old Country We had arrived at lake and almost circled it to find ourselves at the sum mit of our surroundings We got out of the car by Cedar Beach and looked down on the glittering spectacle of water in which visitors were enjoying On this ideal sum mers day the little lake looked entrancing and the beach itself suggested a good second for the real thing by the seaside many visitors in evidence appeared to be of a similar mind Cedar Beach has a diving- board an attractive dancehall ami commodious restaurant and a fine adjoining park as an ad dition to its amenities Its ele vated situation provides a mag nificent view of the lake bathed as it was on the day of our visit in brilliant sunshine Cuckoos In Canada On the return journey conver sation turned to the birds of and reference was made lo a pastoral poem that appear ed in a recent issue of the Era and Express by its brilliant con tributor Mrs Isabel Col- in which mention was made of the cuckoo Wo have never heard the voice of cuckoo in Canada and have thought that tots mi grant predatory bird sought other summer climes than those of North America It did af ford opportunity however for comment on Mrs col umn Common Round which we greatly enjoy The Bra and Express is fortunate in having several excellent women writers Garden Holidaying For real relaxation peace of mind and balm for the soul give us a day in the garden especial ly at this time of year when the hard Work is over and only the harvesting of produce and remains to be done Last week we hud a glorious halfday spent in this manner under a burning sun Noel Cow ard once wrote that only inad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday But to keep the record straight Mr Coward was referring to the South Pa cific not the American sun Wo went into the garden soon after lunch ami stayed there un til around nine oclock with brief Interruptions for after noon tea and supper Wo grab- he at every little Job within sight smoked and perspired and when it was finally to go indoors we wont to bed and slept soundly A garden fa full of mystery and magic and weeds also There is a bug for every vege table just there is a critic for every plan of every town councillor Let us here put in a plug for a cabbage protective which we have used for years with greatest success You can get it from your druggist or hardware merchant The name is We can boast of cabbages Hint gleam like pearls their silvery heads undamaged by the spawn of raping white but terfly Dust your young cab bages with the Atox mixture and they will lie the envy of those who have not yet learned the use of that potent insecti cide For humans it is a guar anteed nonpoisonous product of Cleaning anil Trimming Our job last week was mainly cleaning and trimming Our by 20 vegetable patch plus a little corner is enough for our lime and muscle In it we have grown a couple of dozen varie ties of vegetables including to matoes if the latter are vege tables or fruits We have something growing at the bottom of the garden which has greatly puzzled friends and callers including our near- neighbor the veteran professor lawyer and scientific gardener Mr George Young who some years ago was at school with Canadas former prime minister Mackenzie King What have you there Mr Young asked us one day as he looked at a toll hedge of vigor planlleaf growth Arti chokes we replied Arti chokes artichokes never heard of them We wonder if any garden in Aurora other than ours contains artichokes Head encased in a Chet Os borne dollar straw hat we toil ed away under the lovely Aug ust sun trimming edges and I pat lis and later mowing and rolling them we removed last suckers from staked toma to vines and later dusted them with a mixture which came from Jim Wilsons hardware store a preventative against the tomato bugs the sun went down and the dew came up the dew that poet John Keats described thus The evening dews that make the morning precious Altogether it was a lovely halfdays holiday The Davis Anniversary Mr and Mrs Davis who lately celebrated their golden wedding anniversary received about three hundred guests for their notable occasion over of whom signed the golden lxk of memory They came from distant parts of the United States as well as from various points in Canada We wish Mr and Mrs Davis good health and many more celebrations of their wedding anniversary Why Why is it necessary for the post office to affix its stamp right in the centre of a beauti ful picture postcard A beau tiful view from lake district was utterly ruined by such a stamp being imprinted right in the centre of a lovely lake sunset There was the lovely scene and there the stamp Aurora and dale dis figuring it If regulations com pel such disfigurements then regulations should forthwith he civilized And Why the Noise Complaints reach us from near residents at the tennis courts that they sometimes can not get to sleep near midnight because of the loud noises eman ating from a few teenagers who are- at their games It is a pity that such complaints should arise for wo have been stout supporters of the tennis club The courts are in a hollow and exuberant com ments carry far towards the dead of night- We feel sure our hole will be heeded Other complaints have been heard of daytime screaming children on Spruce anil Floury Were sorry but we cant con- trot the children Parental con trol could however cure tho vocal orgies Kings Lodge We had a call from our good friend Mr King the other day He reports a busy season his property Kings lodge and cabins at In Hall- bur Ion county where he has golf boating fishing danc ing and nil summer amenities Mr and Mrs llttyd Harris and family Mr and Mrs and family Mr and Mrs J MacKen- and Mr and Mrs- A all from Aurora have recently been at Kings lodge For Friendly Personal Service Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE St Aurora Telephone B Stationery Wallpapers Select Range Of Greeting Cards etc Agent For Era Classified Ads St