Newmarket Era and Express, 21 Aug 1952, p. 12

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Aurora News Page Aft VHU is iTTTKHTU 1 Thursday the twentyfirst day of August nineteen hundred awl fiftytwo AURORAS METER HISTORY A ByLaw Sanctioning Meters In Aurora Was Approved Only 0111 Aurora Social News Vote The history of meters in Aurora provided an interesting story The story is reaching its climax The will be almost as exciting as a detective story Nine men in council if they are all present will unfold the climax on the evening of September S We hope they will all be But none can be sure on that I As matters stand at present Getting Things Straight here in our opinion is how How did the meters get into members of council would vote Aurora That is an interesting We exclude Mayor Rose from our j question and there are several calculations for the good reason that we have never heard him express an opinion on meters- He may be for them or against them we cannot say thou an Irs the wealds largest Annual and Ibis year its going Jo he thrilling ever I one come ill to your See displays and of Canadas Marathon thestf jet figMers the hundreds of wonderful the glamorous fashion Shows miss Year at largest Exhibition lot a day full of fun thrills and excitement THRILLS MUSIC mm wloh A 1 lOXTS WAJU8U AT MIGHT Of Ara We think Councillors Corbett Davis Jones Murray and Tuck er would vote for the removal of the meters Unless he changes his mind again we think Reeve Cook will vote for their reten tion Deputyreeve Murray and Councillor King might vote with the reeve September 8 will give their answer if both are present at the time of decision The Banner Survey Last week the smaller period ical came out with a great flour ish of headlines indicating that there was a majority of mer chants in favor of retaining the meters The headlines were so big and varied that it reminded one of Monday washingday with garments of all hanging out on the line to dry- A Banner headline reads For 13 No Opinion Headlines are often mislead ing Sometimes they are kites in the wind In any case the survey undertaken by the smaller periodical was cockeyed We know of merchants who are opposed to the meters who were never interviewed by the Ban ner surveyor Had these mer chants been surveyed the Banner balance in favor of met ers- would have altered You can never be cer tain on any Banner stand By omitting important detail in its reports it often giver false im pressions When its manage ment presumably nurses a grudge it omits names from re ports We have drawn to it The most im portant answer is that meters came to Aurora because of the failure of the police committee under the chairmanship of former mayor to enforce street J took charge the parking regulations If the evening services at Mr and Mrs James Marshall left last Saturday for a two weeks vacation at Mrs of Ottawa is visit ing Mr and Mrs Frank Hughes Mrs and Dr Marjory of Toronto Mrs Hum- of Kansas City and and Mrs Hunter of Chicago were guests last week of Mr and Mrs O George Hately of Eaton Haft Farm and Marshall be guests of the directors at the Canadian Na tional Exhibition oh Warriors Day They will represent Au rora high schooL At the mixed bowling tourna ment held on Tuesday evening Aug the following were prize winners Geo Pattonden skip Mary Herb son Cliff skip Roy Nellie Bill Morris skip Edith Cop land Bill Rev Campbell of give police had been given unrestrict ed authority to enforce the ex isting street parking regulations the question of meters would never have arisen Cars standing on the Main St for daylong periods exasperated merchants who were victimized by these gratuitous encumbrances in front of their stores Lacking definite authority to put a stick er on their windshield the police were powerless Suddenly upon the scene came one Mr Hoffman This gentle man did not use a car nor own a store which could be incon venienced by the parking of someone elses vehicle Yet he campaigned for signatures in favor of meters witli an energy similar to that which he applied later in support of liquor and beer outlets while at the same time he announced through the Banner that he w5 a teetotaler This evangelistic enthusiasm for causes in which the participant professed to have no personal or direct interest was an interest ing paradox Two other petition ers for meters were exmayor Bell and ex councillor Mrs Kiel- ding Mayors Vote Decides On July a motion for a bylaw authorizing the instal lation of meters in Aurora was passed by the mayors easting vote four members of council voting for the affirmative and the Baptist church on Sunday Rev will take over his new duties in the Baptist church on the first Sunday in September Mrs Harry of Midland spent the weekend with her par ents Mr and Mrs John Walker the United church and Mrs Ken neth Rutherford of Toronto will be the soloist Be sure to attend the pie and ice cream social at St Andrews hall on Saturday afternoon from to pm There was a fine display of gladioli at the annual show held in the United church on Satur day afternoon and evening sponsored by the Horticulture Society Mr and Mrs Charles Copland and family are holidaying at their summer cottage at Lake St George Mr and Mrs Harold Oliver of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs OlivcrT Mr and Mrs Fred Grant and daughter Phyllis of Orillia visit ed oh Sunday with Mr and Mrs Earl Foster Aurora celebrat ed in on Saturday Aug when County was fully represented- The chief speaker was the Rev A Downer Simcoe-Duf- ferin A large number of ladies were present at the celebrations Miss Florence Latham is va cationing at Kings Lodges Mountain Lake Mrs Roy social editor of Aurora News Page will Canadian National now offers an attractive Gift Certificate covering Train Travel anywhere to any rail destination for any amount you on sale at all Canadian National ticket offices Easy to buy easy to use A gift sure to please Any National Ticket will gladly you full pattievtatt CANADIAN NATIONAL rue serving au provinces Rev Bruce Underbill will take be glad to receive locals and charge of the morning service at news items Please phone AURORA And Hunter Frank Smith Dies in Hospital One of Auroras most popular oldtimers Frank J Smith died on Saturday morning August at the Toronto general hospital lie had not been in good health for almost a year following the shock of the sudden death of his son Cyril at Sydney in Octo ber of last year Me had been at the Toronto general hospital for the past three weeks cant take protection for granted to these in the four Against A petition of Councillor Murray in an editorial In Ibis Issue In its report of last week it did not tell its readers that Councillors Jones and King vot- 225 on the fire thiols at the convention at John Whether they were right or wrong ih voting agatnst such expense Cook and other members of eouncil oppos ed while later voting for it the stand of Councillors Janes and King in the final vote should have been stated In fairness to them REDUCED FARE NATIONAL EXHIBITION to September Except Sunday round TRIP 215 V For childrens lams see your Inolihlei and iiirtieX into and the LEAVE TORONTO PM itfV LEAVE AM on giilAr buses will 1 Toronto Bus lo running lh Grounds and information at KING GEORGE HOTEL Agent Phone 300 meters was however intro duced at found J The loader for the opposition was Mr Jim Wil son When it was presented Mr Jack liowKer came with a few supporter favored Mr Wilson and Mr with of the council J intoning in as an audi- mm up some pleadings for motor Mr Wilson with op- arguing not Jess it decided to a mooting in tJto town hall The was duly hold and was attended an exactly The ttfwClflentlnncd Mr Hoff man was present arguing the for was there sometime it and at other times denouncing them Mr and Mrs Fielding were there Change Roth exmayor and the reiterated the need for meters Mr tew Patrick there He was voted to the ehair As he told the audience that the meeting was illegal since had already voted for Die installation of meters all the ardor of a gladiator Mr Patrick on every speaker who apparently got off the track J low did the meeting end Twidye voted for meters eight opposed them and had no opinion Merchants no opijijoi accunhng lo the Manner survey now amount in nine do Mr and Mr Patrick stand today Why they are opposed and want theni nut Hut the Banner tell its readers Unit Utile hit of hid- lory WJiyf are inclined to that there are few merchants who have no opinion oh meters al though well that have opinion release for Banner cation o We ait na tion to have more other than since they solved the previous on in street with cars up the space on the highway day after day other have arisen which are nut in heal at good will and Some of these antagonizing factors w shall refer to in a fu ture In this present brief review we have dealt only with the precarious character of the introduction of maters Into Kverybody in Aurora knew Frank Smith and his shoere pairing store on Wellington St over years he had been at the same location succeeding his father Charles Smith who had served the public in simi lar capacity in the old store for ten years previous to Frank tak ing over Actually Frank Smith was a qualified carpenter ore- he became a shoemaker taking up the tatter trade at his fath ers request For about years Frank Smith carried on a successful repairing business and was lor his cheerful kindly manner He was ready- witted and humorous and im mensely popular Alt through Ids Ion illness he remained cheerful and tried hard to make a successful health come- hack The death of his sun Cyril caused by a am Id en heart at tack shook him deeply With Mrs Smith he took journey by air to Nova where their son had won a high epil ation as a consulting engineer to attend the funeral and was himself stricken and had to re main in hospital for several weeks lie returned hi Aurora in poor health He resumed his business say ing thai was grand be buck in Aurora and see his old friends again lie might a los ing battle courage mid great cheerfulness and never gave up until was physically impossible for him lo carry any longer To Know Frank Smith was a man whom it was good to know Without pretence or he was a straight shooter Me expressed opinions without feat or favor rind never pandered lo Ife laid its thai ho had had very happy life lift ra diated good nature lie liked to talk especially his hunt ing exploits and old compan ions years He had a bulge tie- Paiiy ami He Origin led hunting gang over SO years ago He was proud of the fact he hud aided as cook fur the gang far over years lift loved to fish for bass and speckled hold but chase of ieer was his favorite spur hunters he Used In talk about of lliii Old days were Joseph Wat is liorl Jim Wash- Hay- and Winith- He to recall them as grand hunters In llighlecm At bis death Frank in his year bad lived in Aurora for fie was jri Zephyr Oat One of a large family five and one sisilijri survive him Richard of Mich Walter of Arthur of Out of Aurora Doug las a manager at the En ton Company in Toronto a Maude of St Catharines For his widow Mrs Frank Smith the deepest sympathy is being expressed in Iter irrepar able loss She may take some comfort from the knowledge of high esteem 111 which her husband held Mr Smith was a member of the United church of Aurora Interment took place on Tues day Aug at the Aurora Need a plasterer to cover small break or wide chink mm will find him Quick as a wink a PAGES tiiiUtu t OF YOUR DIRECTORY WtMmmJ NEWMARKET eMt and the present opposition of who previously supported them News Pago Hood job tun still my Uily Mire I iiii the I A call my own wouldnt COS Im in not And for long Ive my set on a new fur con and home all cake A tot tit living I a regular ili4iiii you ilum Stan your AccmnC ttulay ai your maics hank

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