S A IMS it was very gratifying to the teacher of Sunday school to have ft good tendance bit Sunday A of axe meeting with the children due to the evening service being closed during Everyone welcome Mr and Mr Leonard Knapp and daughter Irene of Victoria Square were gucU of Mr M at day Sunday Mr Maunda of Toronto ponding a week holiday with Mr Mr and Mr Palmer and Sharon Sunday pic nicking at Midland park Mr McClure won six firsts five second and four third In prize with flower ar rangement at the seasons last horticulture show in Aurora On Aug Mr McCJure Will have seven entries at the CNE flower show Mr George ha been spending a few days at due to a throat infection If BEAUTY INTO YOUR HOME WffH ARBORITE WALL BOARD and SATIN end old rang for In and room homo ban for and wvif top can apply it ordinary tvWij wpp on perfectly no laps no brush- marks Dries in minutes Ink catsup lipstick marks wash off in a few seconds Beautiful pastel and decorator colors Ah Displayed and Demonstrated at the Trade Fair MONK NKWMAKKKT MUX ONE OAK RIDGES A modem service by Cleaners and Dyer will avail able at Oak and Maple Grove streets when Har old Held open hi new Drivein plant There will be ample park ing space and curb service and customer will be able to up to the stand without leaving car A oneday service will be established a required The business is an expansion of the Richmond Hill store The building will house both dryclcanlng plant and retail store The whole process of dry- cleaning will be done at Oak Ridges eliminating use of Weston plant Of modern con struction the building Is CO by 30 feet with an apartment on the second floor Costing approxi mately 15000 exclusive of mach inery it will serve as headquar ters Mr will continue to operate his store at the Hill The new plant will require a staff of Mr has had four years experience in the work and was advised by his brother of the Weston plant to go in business for himself Mr understands the work and likes it His straightforward personality has made him many friends Mrs also works in the business and their eldest son has a strong liking to bo part of the business The family will occupy the apartment KESWICK The Baby Clinic will be Thursday Aug in the United church Sunday school rooms Rev Crump of Toronto con tributed a fine solo at the Chris tian church on Sunday morn ing Sunday callers on friends here were Mr and Mrs of Toronto Mr and Mrs John King of Newmarket and Mr and Mrs Isaac King of Miss Chris of Toronto is the guest of Miss Terry this week Mr and Mrs Brown of Vancouver are here for a pro longed visit to Mr Browns sis ter Mrs J Cameron who is ill at La Citric Keswick Beach the home of Miss Lynn Mr and Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Vera Herring attended a reunion at- Mr and Mrs Taylors Newmar ket on Sunday Keep in mind the field day on August at our Memorial arena Sports of all kinds with a dance at night Mr and Mrs Perry Winch Jr visited and Fergus on Sunday We ore sorry to- report that Byron Cunningham in York County hospital We hope he will soon be well again Mount Albert News Mr and Mr Frank Gore Mr Don Loach and Mr Davidson were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mr Williamson Mr and Mrs Ken Duncan Jackie Elizabeth and Cathie of spent Sunday With Mr and Mrs M Miss Hayes spent- several days last week at Balsam Lake Visitors at the home of Miss Hayes over the weekend were Mr and Mrs Peter and children of and Mrs Ernest Hayes Port Perry and their daughter Mrs ville Anne Mario and Paul of Ottawa Many from here took In the trade fair and flower show at Newmarket which they found a very fine exhibit Mr and Mrs Gray Mr and Mrs Bob Mrs and families and Mr Garnet McMullcn all of Toron to paid a surprise visit to their aunt Mrs Allison and Mr Al lison on Sunday afternoon We hope the school children who received seeds from the Horticultural Society will bring their flowers and vegetables to the next week It J not too late to hand In the envelopes for the Training School Fund which has now reached 304 If you have one do hot forget to return it Mr and Mrs Douglas and Brian of Burlington Beach spent the weekend with Mrs parents Mr and Mr P Mr and Mr and family of Chicago III spent several day at the home of their niece Mrs A Jlcv Keys will bo guest speaker at lite United church at Mount Albert services next Sunday Rev Keys comes as a represent ative of the Society The town fathers are having troubles in finding help to clean up the streets of weeds etc Could you not cut them In front of your own property and help them out Some places the sidewalks are almost impassable Is it on your boulevard Membership tickets are not required for children up to years to exhibit at the flower show on Tuesday Aug 2G The following may be shown best bouquet of wild flowers two kinds only a living room bou quet not over inches high a smalt dining room bouquet for numbers and bring flowers and containers and range in the hall Clarkfa 3 sprays zinnias six blooms French marigolds corn flowers six sprays calendulas carrots beets There are good prizes Bring your exhibits to the hall on Monday Aug between and oclock News AdlMT v W H EVES CO CONCRETE BLOCKS AND BLOCKS SPEClFfCATIOffS GORMLCY BLOCK CO OTOUFFV1ILE J QUEENS VILLE Mrs Jean Ralston enjoyed a very happy birthday on Friday Sixty friends called highlight was a congratu latory table from Queen Eliza beth Cables were also received from Prime Minister St Laur ent Premier Hon Paul Martin and one from friends in New York Mr and Mrs and family of spent several days with Mr Mrs John Annie Vright of has been visiting at Mrs home Geo Bond of niece Mrs Harry Mr and Mrs and Murray enjoyed the on the Muskfka over the weekend We to village Mr and Mrs have moved into Mr J house the Simpson house Mr Mrs Smith and boys and Mrs of New market attended the lows decoration service in Midland on Sunday Master Freddie Aylvard Toronto has beer holidaying with- his grandparents Mr rind Mrs Ayi ward Mrs Dew entetained at a shower on Tuesday after noon in honor of her niece of ihere ore farms In Miss Mary and her fiance Mr Alec Campbell were tendered a miscellaneous shower on Thursday evening of last week Approximately friends gathered at the Lang- ley and showered them with many beautiful gifts Fol lowing the opening of the par cels the accompan ied the gathering with his dian in a very interesting sing song ami then the usual serving of refreshments took place Mary and Alee are to he married In St Johns Anglican church at Jefferson on Saturday Aug 23 and expect to make their future home This coming Sunday Aug a group of Wesley Young People will be in charge of the church service at Mout United church A good attendance is requested Miss Flo Falconer was a week end guest of Mr and Mrs Wells and family Mrs Norman Brown was a guest of Mrs Wesley at the cottage Little for a few days last week We arc sbriy to hear of news of Mr Ion Held who lias been quite sick for about two Dost wishes are extended to him for a speedy recovery Mr Archie Mr- and SHARON Mr Will Storey and Mr nnd Mrs Norman Storey and Carman of Sharon a shower on Monday for Mrs Thompson of Aurora at the home Mr and Mrs Arthur Storey Snowball Mrs Thompson was in to Mr mi Tuesday August the parsonage of Aurora church reside in Bronte SEE US FOR ALL TYPES OF PLUMBING HEATING I OU Burner Soles and Service IMPERIAL OIL BURNERS DOWN BALANCE IN MONTHLY PAYMENTS Contract Guaranteed SMITH 1 1 1 MAIN ST NEWMARKET PHONE Mr and Mrs Kenneth family of Montreal Quebec and Mr prize are holidaying their Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Norman King visited Mrs Kings aunt Mrs on Sun day Mrs MacKinnon is spending a couple of weeks with her sister Master W is holidaying with his Mr and Mrs Miss friend spent at Fulls Mr and Wil- and hoys spent with Mr Hilly for a weeks iiitUntni Keswick Is way Jaw Mr Mrs hofii- Mr and Mrs Angus arid of wokiiid Willi parents Mr iinti Mrs van Marin MLMirx Cfiff Morton Monday Willi and Morton of Mr and flalhy Mr and Mrs- fpiii Mr Mrs Fred and fklrariilMri of Mr and hiMO and hiHo Mr Mis J mm of Mirrtel Is ttpuding a day Mr hy foal his In Toronto Anna Fahhorn Is holiday in a iq with and aunt Mr and Mrs PalrhaWh Hi and J King Tuesday in visiting Mrs Bruce Duncan and family of Toronto have been holidaying for the last two weeks with Miss Audrey and Mr Ed Mr and Mrs Russell Sproxton Margery Betty and Howard were holidaying In eastern On tario for a few days last week They visited relatives in King ston and also took in the Thou sand Island boat cruise while visiting in Miss Helen Wells spent a few days with Miss Marion Monk- man in Aurora last week Mrs Richard Wilton is visit ing her sister Mrs Elgin Collins Port Perry for a few days KING Correction A remark by a King City village trustee concerning water- main extension west from Kcele St was incorrectly printed in last weeks Issue of the Era and Ex press This extension will hot now be considered a village ex pense is the way it should have read- King Library Active A good library is an asset to any community King Memorial Library can boast this quality arid offer service to old and new residents of t district every Wednesday afternoon and even ing The library board has set a high standard of books for pub- lie reading and Is anxious to in crease membership and circubi- tlon The government grant was when the library hud the largest number of paid mem bers The present is slightly over amount of the grant will on membership fees the township grant ami circulation Tin adult fee is cents a year and chil dren are not required to pay Tin selection committee has recently chosen a number of now hooks the second selection this year in the small building on Doctors I Hue in Memorial Park will he found the choice of many readers Some of these are How People Lived if the Past Presented historical works Canada job ten Hinge by of Ontario by Hand by Man of Family biographical Gown of Glory by Agues a lion of Space for those who like A number of childrens lnks wo I on their special hook shelves It interesting to nolo that from to young are regular Wednesday afternoon borrowers Wilson makes a gooil for children J lass four and Hell ft never the library and proud as wheu bay bring in their hooks for ex change KING RIDGE NEWS The King unit of the King township Credit Union Organization is planning a mon itor nod roast for night Sept 10 in recreation park Ureal preparations have been made for the second annual event An electric lighting will be set up and a portable outdoor dance floor will be used With music provided Singsongs and bingo will feature the event Races for the children will be held hi the early part of the evening A horseshoe tourna ment will be held when partici pants of seasons games will have an opportunity to show their skill Other sports may be arranged at a meeting of the Union this weekend Revert to Winter Bank Hour King Township Credit Union decided to change back to the winter schedule of weekly bank ing hour on Monday evenings from until pm At a meet ing of the organization held on Tuesday evening the financial picture of the organization looked bright officials state More loans can be provided for and mem bership is now A letter of condolence was forwarded to Mrs O J in the death recently of her husband ANSNORVELD Rev Van Kootcn of Hamilton conducted the services at the Christian Reform church on Sun day Mr and Mrs Harry and children returned home af ter spending a few days at Al gonquin Park and points north Mrs of Toronto visited at the home of her par ents on Sunday Mr and Mrs and children spent a couple of days at Port last week PINE ORCHARD Mr and Mrs Allen and son of Windsor have been holi daying with Mr arid Mrs Rus sell Allen and Miss Aleta Widdi- Mr and Mrs Jack and family spent Wednesday with Miss Grind all at Beaver- ton The members of the Willing Workers of the Union church are busily engaged in preparation for their opportunity sale on Sept It at oclock at Union church There will be home made baking used and new clothing quilts knitted articles and white elephant items offered for sale Afternoon tea will be served Bishop Winger of ley delivered a well prepared sermon on The growth of the palm tree compared to growth of Christian life on Sunday Aug at Union church On Sunday Aug 24 our good friend Rev It of Newmarket will be our guest pastor Come ami invite others to attend Service at am and Sunday school at am Our community was well rep resented sit the Trade Fair and Show in Newmarket last week The Fair and Show com mittees arc to tie congratulated on the success of I heir project Special Clearance Of LAMPS Stock Items Only All lamps displayed in our windows are on sale at the one price Come In and take your pick of this choke selection Savings of as much as 500 Newmarket Furniture and Electric Ltd PHONE NEWMARKET MAIN ST CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS Television Radio Phonograph COMBINATIONS ADMIRAL COMBINATION TV Records Radio Admiral Victor Television some with radios to Radio Phonograph Combinations Toronto is on the air with limited power Now is the time to have your aerial put up Estimates gladly for your district Free with our mobile test luiti Winner of the radio anions those turning in old light bulbs was Mrs Mary Skinner IB Timothy St were turned in Stew Beare AND Hit MAIN PtlONK I MOUNT J Chirk hi toss of her Mr Mr to Mr Mm hk- a trip lit USA Mr llarohl Junta homo Willi Mr Mid ii Mm faintly to on to vlfttt oh Mr Jock fariiily ami on fur- will ha tho ttpmikcir riol it worship at II0 bo a Rood ftt of In No 10 Homo to HARRYS Anniversary Sale Continuing Into SIXTH BIG WEEK TO 50 Here are a few of our specials Ladies Coats SAIE Nylons All summer dresses HALF PRICE Flannelette blankets Ibex King Cot pillow cases 98 SALE 49 pr Mens wool work 3 for These are only a few of the wonderful bargains at HARRYS Come In and see for marvel at the savings DONT FORGET OUR TABLE When lMijitr Harrys forgot to check the 99 table something everything at the price of Theres Dry Goods STEPAK PROPRIETOR THE STORE AT THE BOTTOM OF TOE HILL PLEASING YOU PLEASES US MAIN ST OPPOSITE BOTSFORD NEWMARKET PHONE I ft s i-