Newmarket Era and Express, 28 Aug 1952, p. 1

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hi r l J t f NEWS FRONT PAGE SECOND SECTION Number of Copies Printed This Week 4500 J J- AURORA AND THE RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK EXPRESSHERALD YEAR NO 35 NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY AUGUST 28 SINGLE COPIES CENTS Says ion For PET COON MAGGIE AND FRIEND WRIGHT DeputyReeve Useless Charles E Boyd says Newmarkets forthcoming election for a deputyreeve is useless At a council meeting Monday night Mr Boyd said We will be a deputyreeve but we are probably going to lose councillor It is a ridiculous situation due to a and we are the goats The department of municipal affairs had ruled that a mem ber of council had to resign from council before he entered as a candidate for deputyreeve Later the department changed its mind ruled it was not necessary lor a councillor to resign I dont think it is at all satis factory said Mr Boyd We are not going to be any better off Stiver town solicitor explained that elections would be necessary if another councillor were to be elected to Jilt a vacancy should a present councillor be elected deputy- reeve Mr Stiver added that it is possible that no vacancy on council will occur Someone out side council could be elected deputyreeve he said There is no way of knowing who will be running until nomin ation night We be sure that there will be a vacancy and we must give days notice if there Is to be an election for a councillor Mr Stiver said One councillor said Wo might as well all run for deputyreeve since we dont have to resign our positions on council Mr Boyd said that he thought the intention of the act was to make it necessary for a council lor to resign his position on council before accepting nomina tion for deputyreeve Council lor Boyd said he discussed the act with a in ember of the depart ment of municipal affairs on Monday This type of situation has never been before the depart ment before Apparently the will be changed but in the mean time Newmarket Is the guinea pig he said The solicitor said a deputy- reeve hut not a councillor can be appointed If there is a vacancy after October a councillor is elected dep utyreeve he will he required to resign his council position and be sworn in as said Councillor Dales It was my understanding from the department hat if a councillor were elected deputy reeve he could still retain his status as councillor cast two votes said Mr Boyd The solicitor he did not think it was reasonable I think Its useless to have an election anyway We arc getting nowhere said Mr Boyd Mr Stiver said You are a deputyreeve instead of a councillor Only Two In Race For Job Of D Reeve With the election for a deputy- reeve less than four weeks away only two candidates have defin itely stated they would seek the office Councillors Jos Dales and Lome Councillor Charles VanZant whom it was rumored would be a candidate has said that he is not in the race Other candidates have been rumored Names mentioned have been those of Morri son Tom and George all three former council lors None of the three have stated they intend to run but talk on Main St continues to mention them as possibilities The election will be held on Monday Sept 22 with a nomin ation meeting on Friday night Sept in the Newmarket town hall At the same time as the elec tion for the deputyreeve New market ratepayers will be asked to vote on the question of re building Main St Council voR ted four to three two weeks ago to put the question to a public vote Owner Driver And Designer and Maggie are a couple of chums at the north end of town Wright is months old Maggie as a pet coon which belongs to Georgias brother Watson owner of a menagerie consisting the racoon a pet crow a white dove and a dark dove some and a cat For this picture Jim the crow perched on pen but became shy and flew off down St before the shot was snapped The crow will accept food from anyones hand is the son of Mr and Mrs Jack Wright Main St SCRATCHED The manager of the local Theatre earning a reputation for handling wild animals With monkeys and lions housed in the theatre lobby his day Includes ail the duties of a keeper of the oo This Week he received a slash across the back of his hand from of a moun tain Hon cub r AHEAD Whats ahead in pork and beef prices Read Top Six Inches on the editorial page for one mans opinion recorded from reliable sources Plans are underway for the erection prcfabricated building to replace the present animal shelter north of Newmar ket and operated by the North York Humane Society The shelter will also have living quarters for the animal inspector and his wife and will enable the Society to give 24hour service The present inspector Is Jos who has had ten years experience in Toronto St and Calls for the secietyfs service may be to J 12 or it there is no answer there call 11 GO- where Gibbons will take calls Other plans of the society in clude a service for small animals the new shelter is additional ser vices will So society has handled either by their or The fa to daily and oh Sundays holidays to society Is active over the York and has dog control respon sibilities in Aurora Richmond Hill arid in return for the fees from dog licenses J- SAME RINK WINS J DAVIS CUP SECOND YEAfc For the second year in a row the same rink has won the Hon J Davis trophy bowled for annually at the Newmarket Lawn Bowling club There Were entries year The win ning rink was Jack Luck Bert arid Andrew with a total of plus dnev- with a score of Were oldtimers Stanley Janes Lyman Rose and Tom Doyle Three Newmarket were the finals The Davis trophy is one of the oldest the district and has been contested for over years Newmarket has won it six times during that period ltATTSTYLE The new county home for the be built on St west of Heights is ex peeled to be made up of a num ber of buildings 500 Offered To Aid Ralph Bray in his Number 20 was winner of the Soap Box Derby held on Main St hill last night sponsored by the market branch of the Canadian Legion He breezed across the finish line several car lengths ahead This is the second year in a row that Bray has taken the derby in the finals were Garry Gould and David Clark All sizes and shapes of soap box cars were seen in last nights race Much attention was given to wheels and various types of suspension hi race Bray was owner driver and designer of the Bray special One remarkable design includ ed wobbling wheels which gave the car an appearance of about to be falling apart In spite of its boneshaking performance it won a heat In ah interview the driver Brian Million said that it was a new innovation of the wheel wobble theory to overcome friction and increase velocity It was an accidentfree race except for one incident when a stunt performer wound himself around a parking meter Before the Legion Bingo in the arena prizes were presented Every Soap Box contestant re ceived a prize The Legion draw for a boat and outboard motor was also held at the arena last night Winner was John of Cobalt Newmarket Sch Enrolment Said it I Evidence of the of Newmarket and district is found in the increased school enrolments this Newmarket high school enrolment to date is up to from last years and Newmarket public schools are tfp to 864 St Johns Separate school shown an increase in enrolment pupils to date The school PHOTO WINNER GORDON ANDREWS J On Aug the Andrews fam ily held a reunion at Sharon park with about V5 present During the afternoon there were several races and games- with prizes Mr John Andrews Newmar ket was the oldest person pies He came lo the Era and Ex- along the railroad tracks He and Donald sow A generous contribution was offered to suppoil the work of cleaning up Fflhy The offer was made by has long urged something be done to the pond to its former beauty- Planning for such modern in stitutions tends to abandon the deal less building a swim- press office on Monday and said he would contribute to any public fund raising campaign whose objective was to clean up the pond I believe that New market has a wonderful natural resource in that pond if the town will only take steps to beautify the banks and clean up the water he said There is hot any underway but there are encour aging indications of a growing interest in the undertaking The pictures of Fairy Lake as it was in and as it is pub- lished in last weeks paper have provoked considerable comment It was pointed but that restor ing the pond would cost a good ttwypv AUG ing of North end bowling alleys All are invited to come and en- Joy a night of bowling TOURSDAV SEPT Women Association Trinity United church All women of the congregation are cordially to and enjoy a social hour FRIDAY SEPT 5Danco in Hol land Landing Community Mem orial hall pm Ceo welcome Come and have a good time Admission TUESDAY SEPT rehearsal and party of Trinity Junior Boys choir at pm MONDAY demonstration in the Town Hall Official open- of Television in Tor onto Door prizes No charges- policy of one large building The home for the aged likely will be several buildings with separate buildings for men women and a building for married couples Before the about the new home was Arthur Evans told mem bers of council about a council committee discussing the pro posal to build in Newmarket Association of Trinity United church Newmar ket will open the fall season a social a Iter noon J oik Thursday Sept An invitation is extended to all women of the attend meeting will open at 45 pm thought too that Main St might of Mr arid Mrs Bruce Crowder be extended along the old Stouffville was the youngest railway right of way By opening up the area to the Newmarket would have room to expand industrially and at the same time there would be greater encouragement to re store the pond as a spot and public pork pool and would provide a good deal more satisfaction to the public Commenting on proposals to clean up the pond C Morri son former councillor pointed out that if the area south of the pond were opened up for indus trial and residential sites that much of the of cleaning up the pond banks would bo taken care of by the owners of the property He proposed that a road be built to the south the land surveyed and an effort made through council or by present owners to the land as an industrialresidential sub division i Newmarkets present handi cap is that it has no easy direc tion in- which to expand he He thought that the logi cal direction was to the south RIDGES RATEPAYERS HEAR REPORT A meeting of Oak RidgesLake Wilcox Ratepayers Association will be held in Oak Ridges school on Tuesday evening to learn the findings of a committee appointed earlier to investigate the possibility of that district being incorporated as a village Major Alex iylUAi of has been to speak Mr Bill Hope- association president be DRAMA MEETING general meeting of the Now market Dramatic club bo held at the town hall next Thursday Sept There general casting for the October play a Lily The Felons Daughter It will be a joint production by the Dramatic club and the Optimist club Anyone Is welcome to the general meeting Mr and Mrs LorneCrowder of London came longest dis tance Barbara Davis Toronto received the prize for the first person to find Mr during the lie was Mr Crowder it was decided that re union be held at the same place next year Mr Roy Meads was reappointed president and Cecil Andrews treasurer The Crow family are in charge of the games and sports capacity has been increased to include an additional pupils during the summer tearing out cabinet arid locker space The school teaching staff includes two Sisters of Providence and a lay teachcri Miss This years enrolment Will fill the high school to capacity Al though the increase is generally representative of the area served by the school many of the pupils are coming from the Keswick- Jersey area where there have been substantial increases in the public school population One result of the increased en rolment is that the single lunch period has been replaced by a double lunch period with one half of the school lunching for the first minutes and the other half lunching during a second period The shortened lunch period means that school will be over at pm instead of a advantage for the rural pupils who must travel to their homes by bus Last years teaching staff is intact and one hew teacher has been added Elliott of who will teach English It is anticipated that the in creased enrolment will show mostly the upper grades re flecting the earlier heavy influx of pupils from the public schools Home economics and classes will extend this year into grade and next year grade Newmarket high school area includes all of North sections and of and the area from liyo and a half mites south Whitchurch town as far east as the concession Last Weeks lucky farm photo winner was Gordon Mainprise of Holt His farm is on lot East He was in the office Friday claim his prizes enlarged photo of his farm and in J coupons contribut ed by the merchants who are sponsoring the feature This weeks lucky farm pic ture is on page 13 The owner of the farm niay claim coupons and enlarged picture when he comes to office and fiesit TRACTOR DITCHED ic was almost in stantly killed a large farm tractor he driving toppled down a on the sideroad Tuesday noon a mile or so east of A of Maple who the au topsy said the victims chest was crushed his right item was frac tured at the wrist and several ribs were broker in pieces Vaughan township police said the- tractor Bad gone to the shoulder of the road travelled about and toppled over 15 feet into the ditch was an employee of Don of Rich mond Hilt and was proceeding east on the the accident occurred- Mathews has accepted a position on the teach- staff of the school 1 picnic Members of the Newmarket Optimist club and their families held a successful picnic at the hew York County Park on Lake There were present including children The gram included races horseshoe pitching and swimming An en joyable supper was served by the members wives it is hoped to make the event an annual one The picnic was arranged by Don Warner arid Nick COPY EARLY Monday is the holiday and the Era and Ex press like ail other businesses wilt be closed respondents and are requested to assist in getting out next weeks paper on time des pite the short week by sending in their copy as early as possible End Of Ncvrriarkets public increased by according toy the preliminary on public school registrations Last Sept the puhlfc school enrolment was year to latest figures the school enrolment WIDEN NO HIGHWAY IMPROVE DAVIS DRIVE CORNER WEDNESDAY SEPT Bingo in Town Hall Newmarket at pm auspices Veterans At tendance prize 25 games THURSDAY rehearsal and party Junior choir at SATURDAY SEPT dance at Mount pot and other prfeesv Mod ern and old Norm pane to Admission big band entertainment and the best In modern dancing to Norm Burling and his Kings Men orchestra at Beet- on every Friday night Open- ins Friday Sept Door prize pm to am EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT Two more classrooms ate id use this year one at Prince Charles school and the other at Alexander school There is one more vacant at- Prince Charles school Although there adequate ac commodation this yeorv evidence that present school pop- growth continues will begin to be crowded The bull of the Prince Charles school at that time but the school popu lation is how to catch up again and more be rebuked Centres of growth are in the north and east oh found a ajrtIV t schools and the and they when a fa prepared by school yrintcd at the boards rtywHi SCOUTS MEET Newmarket Boy Scouts wilt meet on Thursday Sep at in the Scout hall Boys eleven and a half and Bingo every Saturday bury Memorial Arena The dangerous corner of Davis Drive and St will be south of Aurora to a point feet north the Davis Drive enlarged improved when construction on No highway is corner The road wilt be widened to three lanes from the completed Above and Construction machinery St stop light to the point of Davis Drive Five Inches of is chewing down the hilltop south of the Davis Drive corner on j new asphalt will be put on the Cutting down the hill New pavement will be put down from the Ontario above requires the removal of the farmhouse in the background can join and those interested of Newmarket and in the fare invited attend tfils meet and west sections It is expected and those that follow every that extra Prince Charles school US take care of the increase in that area fTOMOJHir for the timebeing but there- is A fpurbIt4rd will feature no extra accommodation in the at the arena southwest part rot town Aa First bout gets underway at addition to Stuart Scott school pan RiyrSys three man a the construction joint and of another school in the not too the customers jumping Tonights distant future is another possi card promise be another top WHty Michael Murray age 10 stu dent of Sacred Heart ti King won fourth place- honors Iri the Canadian National He was or eight in the finals and was his first attempt the exhibition Ninety enter ed the preliminaries and Michael Exhibition public speaking con- j passed through three test on Tuesday lie is the son contests Also students at of Mr and Mrs A Murray Sacred Heart school Mary Michael won a prhe for I made the first talk entitled The Worker liminary and Rcla a story about the beaver To it his subject he used sketches by another student at Sacred Heart Keith McCormick His coach Sister Mary principal school for made the third preliminary The contest lasted for several hours Students were at the scene of the contest at am After delays through the day principal of St Johns contest ended at four oclock school Newmarket in the afternoon jrf I

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