En ui A- Demonstration See fie official off Teterfshi it a television show in the Newmarket Town Hall MONDAY Evening Sept 8 Admission freechildren must be with adults Sponsored by Stew Secure Guests for Sunday at the Greenwood home included Mr and Mrs Wilfred and sons Ronald and Wayne of Mr Archie and grandson George of Mrs Hoy Harper and three sons Mrs Albert and three daughters are spending a few days this week at the Pen rose cottage Lake Mr and Mrs Ronald and baby son of Ottawa guests this week of the mother Mrs Mr and Mrs Alfred Cope and family also Mr- and Mrs Bacon of Bamsville Ohio spent part of Sunday at Elmer Starrs horned Master Donald Cope r News Wesley United church Wo mens Association will hold their meeting at the church on Thurs day Sept The motto for the month is Our friends either make or mar us The program is in charge of the Willing Work ers of Pine Orchard Roll call is to he answered with a thought the Upper Room Hostesses are Mrs Hawtin Miss A Dike Mrs Dike Mrs and Mrs Carl Greenwood All la dies are t a to attend The Sunday service at Wesley was in charge of the and those taking part were Jack Elsie Crawford Laura May and Jim turned home with thenir Jim gave a very inspiring spending the summer at his j message on his experience on home coming a Christian and also with 113 MAIN ST RADIO AND APPLIANCES PHONE Highest cash prices paid for Fall Wheat or Rye Also agent for CIL and Coop Fertilizers ARTHUR BROWN Mount Albert Mount Albert 222 or Uxbridge USE ERA AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS TO TURN ARTICLES YOU NO LONGER NEED INTO CASH Rowlands Radiator Service Mr and Mrs Arthur Starr and family of and Mrs Hawtin had Sunday dinner at Elmer Starrs home Mr and Mrs by Mr and Mrs Penrose were cottage Sandy Lake during the weekend Mr and Mrs Wesley- Williams accompanied by Mr and Mrs Fred Smith Newmarket tored to Marie recent ly Mr and Mrs- Arthur Fines of Toronto were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Sheridan Mrs Douglas and Roger also Miss Joyce were Wednesday dinner guests at the home of Miss Shir ley Breedin at Newton Robinson to report David Coates of Sharon is able to be home from a Toronto hospital and is at present convalescing at the home of her daughter Mrs McCIure We wish Mr George Fletcher a patient at York County Hospi tal a speedy recovery- The Willing Workers are to be the guests of Wesley Ladies Aid on Wednesday Sept at the home of Mrs Harry West Mrs spent the weekend with Mrs A Lloyd Pine Orchard while Mrs Wood was on vacation with friends at boys camp work The service will be in charge of si group of Gideons from Newmarket next Sunday Last Thursday evening a group of friends and neighbors gather- the Penrose the churchy for a pleasant evening in honor of Mrs Bert Dike tvho has moved from this community She was presented with a beautiful occasional chair end table and silk cushion by Mr Brown and Jack Mrs J Oliver read the address A splendid program was Mr Harry Mrs Grant Mrs- Roy and- Mr Robt Brown as quartette Miss Ann Crawford piano solos Mrs- Herbert shaw arid Mrs- Herbert Oliver duets Mr Robt Carr acted as chairman and a lovely lunch was served by the ladies A pleasant evening was held at Mr and Mrs Arthur Muriel with a love ly carving set A short program was given by Mrs Mary Pres ton solos and a quartet of young men Bill Kingdon Jack Jim Sleeth arid Joe ac companied by George Lunch was served by the Kathleen Dunn of Isling ton spent a week with her sis ter Mrs- Sidney Mr and Mrs- Clayton of were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs S Aylett and Mrs Clare Powell have returned from their holi day at Windermere Mr Lloyd Hill and son of Trenton Mich had Sunday tea with Mr and Mrs Herbert Oliver J Mr and Mrs Dudley White of Richmond Hill and Mr and Mrs Wesley Lehman of Claremqnt called last week on and Mrs Herbert S Mr and Mrs White family have moved to their new home at known as the farm Mr- and Mrs Clayton and family visited onV Sunday with Mr and Mrs Loyal of Whitby The Womens Insti tute meeting was held at the home of Mrs Scott We were fortunate in having Miss Mary of Aurora who spoke on the United Stations We all felt much more enlight ened to what the United Nations are doing Miss Margaret of Holt spent last week her aunt Mrs J Irwin and family hall on Friday night Johnny Irwin visited at the when the charivacicrs presented home last 65 MAIN ST PHONE 1245 NEWMARKET Authoriied Dealers For UNITED MOTOR SERVICE McCORD RADIATORS Ke News 1 COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE ON ALL CARS AND TRUCKS PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE WILLOW BEACH Mrs Grant and of Port Robinson spent a few weeks vacation with Mrs Grants parents Mr and Mrs Percy Reed Wednesday Aug a miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs J honor of a recent bride Mrs Thompson Dra per who was the recipient of numerous lovely gifts After wards a delicious lunch was served ending with toasts and good wishes to the happy bride Seaman Leo and Cliff Walker from the Haida spent a week with the formers sister Mrs Bill Thompson Miss Jane Chapman is visiting her grandmother in Islington for a few days 403 Special Fri Sat Only 3 TO CERTIFI CATE 97c MoneySaving Coupon THIS IS WORTH This certificate entitles the bearer to one of our Genuine Indestructible 501 Vacu um Filler Fountain Pens Visible ink supply You see the ink A lifetime guarantee with each pen THE PEN WITH A LIFETIME GUARANTEE PRICK AFTER SALE 97c Miss has re turned home after visiting friends In Stirling Mr- Morton of td spent the weekend with his sister Winston and Mr Mr and Mrs Toronto spent the weekend with and Mrs I Miss Hazel and sis ter of Newmarket spent the weekend with their cousin Miss Mayo Miss Agnes Campbell is spending a few days holidaying at her home here Mrs Hyde and three children of Cadillac Mich are visiting Mrs Hydes parents Mr and Mrs Mr and Airs John have from their honey moon and were given a charivari on Thursday night Mrs Fred and Miss Marion Wright of spirit at Mr and Mrs J home Keswick was In carnival mood Saturday for a day of sports and fun parade was head- wl the loud speakers playing lively military music Roches Point float of Honolulu with hula in grass skirts ami flowers won the prize Though the Down oh the farm float and Pa and Ala large family were certainly attractive The car loaded with balloons and the children on decorated bicycles doll carriages and the clowns arid Rood sports who dressed for the occasion Roy Rogers Rye and his beautiful tag it an parade At the new hall park back of the arena there were all kinds of sports for grown and children until dark The ball park and ground hack of it which is to be filled with tables and swings is certainly a while addition to village The booths were busy places an outdoor concert added to the evenings enjoyment while in side crowds enjoyed and dancing until arid Mrs Brown and Mrs Vera Herring are spending a few days with friends in Toronto Mr and Mrs Jack Powers of spent the Weekend the guests of Mr Eyes at Kes wick Beach Billy Watson of onto has a cottage at Keswick Beach arid was Saturday night by the leach younger crowd Mr and Mrs Jimmy Pedlar and Mr and Mrs Bud Fisher of Toronto were among those a sports day on Saturday The deepest sympathy is felt for Mis and family in the sudden death of Mr Saturday Mr and Mrs recently returned from a visit in England llio funeral was held Monday afternoon In the church whore both Mr and Mrs have been a help in choir work Hie wife and two sons and a daugh ter are left to mourn his pass Mrs J Miller of with three lady friends were quests ZEPHYR Mr and Mrs returned home after spending a two weeks vacation with their son at Dundalk Mrs Smith and Mrs- of Guelph are visiting J and family 5fc arid Mrs Canning and son of Conn axe visiting farmings Mrs Julius J Mrs Emm attended the funer al of her uncle in Toronto on Wednesday Our sympathy is extended to the family their bereavement We are sorry also to learn that Mrs Ballards bro ther has been wounded in Korea We do hope better news will follow Mrai E of Mount visited Mrs Profit last week A closely contested ball game was played on Monday evening at Pine Orchard between arid Pine Orchard The score was to Mrs of Greenbank is visiting Mr and Mrs Smith Friends and neighbors met at the Community Hail Monday evening arid gave Miss Marion DCva lovely shower of gifts prior to her marriage to Dr Edwin Hunt or Port Hope Mrs Arnold- read a farewell address and after the opening of gifts a lovely was served The recipient is very grateful for the kind gesture and the good wishes many lovely and useful gifts A the weekend friends at St Marys arid London Mr Keith Profit had his i hands badly bruised while working on the farm of Mr Allan Armstrong We are glad to know that Keith was not more seriously hurt and hope his hands may soon be heal ed The School held in the United church Sunday school room is well attended and the children enjoy it very much Much credit is due Rev and Ids helpers who are mak ing possible this wonderful spiri tual arid social education for the children Mrs Austin Cain and Mrs Bruce spent a couple of days with friends in Toronto this week Bricks Foundation Bases Churchill Bros Keswick Phone Roches Point SLURRY SEED new highly efficient seedtreating uses a solution or slurry which assures excellent uniform coverage of seed with disinfectant yet adds less than half of moisture to the seed Seed Treatment is lowcost crop insurance Seed Treatment protects grain against smuts seedling blight root rot It kills smut on and protects against soilborne diseases but weaken nation See the Slurry Treater at work Next time youre in town drop in and our Slurry Seed at work a smart of machinery Well glad to answer any questions show you how Slurry Seed Treatment Service save you money and time We use M the most widely used seed disinfectant in Canada Mount Albert GRAIN FUEL Harold J KURTZ PHONE MOUNT ALBERT Announcing The Reopening to McGuire Industries Davis Dr East All kinds of body work done a rices horse all deserve credit for of Miss It Terry on Sunday Orchard News l NEW PLUNGER VACUUM TYPEZIP Only One Pull and its Full This pen holds percent more ink than any ordinary fountain pen on the market You can write three months on one filling No repair bills No pressure bar Every pen is tested and to unbreakable for life Get yours NOW This good only while advertising sale is on 403 ATKINSON DRUGS Phone We Deliver L ALUMINUM PAINTED ROOFS BY W EDWARD YAKE r- A1JOVE IS OK GORDON LAST WEEKS FARM PHOTO WINN till TUBE ROOFS OH YEAR AGO BY EDWARD m f I PHONE AURORA Friday afternoon the junior Sunday school class of Pine Orchard Union church with their teacher M Starr and her assistant teacher Joan and Mrs Jack Preston who took one car load of the group visited Dixons pencil factory In Newmarket Though many of the machines were idle because of the holiday season enough were In operation for us to gain a good idea of the history of Die making of pencils Then we visited the lingerie and casket factories We deeply appreciate the in which our guides mani fested in three places which made this tour interesting and telructlye This visit makes us desire to know more about the rest of our nearby industries and to appre ciate their extent and value Mrs Douglas Hope and Miss Helen enjoyed a holiday re cently on a trip along the Blue- water Highway- and Mrs John tenia and Rosemaries and Mrs Ross and Mr Harry attended a rhe of Cooperatives or Ontario at and a pic nic at Irish- Mrs Wood spent the with friend at Sea- forth i Mrs James Hope holi dayed aver the weekend with Mr Mrs Douglas Gilbert Hay J r Mrs Pleasant- spent tho weekend with Mrs Albert Lloyd- The of Christ Sunday school held their annual picnic at Mr Jesse home Valley on Saturday Mr and Mrs Hoy Cody of were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Allan Cody Wo pleased to welcome Rev It as guest pas tor at Union church on Sunday Aug was based on the text The earth is the Lords and its fullness thereof On Sunday Aug our pastor Rev A Doggett will be with us Come and invite your friends Church service at It am and Sunday school at 10 am Willing Workers will be the guests of the of Wesley church at the home of Mrs Har ry West on Thursday Sept at oclock Willing Workers will provide the program Mr Sam left for Drake on Tuesday to visit his brothers Frank and other relatives He will be away for a month The biggest little department store In York County PLUllUNG and ami shallow well sure systems installed and V serviced FOR NEWMARKET Mens Womens and Summer Wear Big on dry goods sheers and cases COME AND SEE FOR BACK TO SCHOOL WEAR a p TY FALL WEAR Dress your children for school with clothes fro m A the best buys for the least Our tall of at hi for the whole family an now in Regular prices ANO FARM REMOVED COLLECT NEWaiARKET TORONTO EM GORDON YOUNS LTD DONT FORGET OUR 99 TABLE When shopiiiff dont to check the table Theres something of everything at the price of 99 HARRY THE FRIENDLY AT THE BOTTOM OF THE HILL PLEASING PLEASES US MAIN ST OPPOSITE BOTSFORD NEWMARKET PHONE J vT I L I