J 7 AURORA NEWS PAGE FIVE aurora and rural districts of north york Number of Copies Printed This Week 4500 YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1952 SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH Will Hot Alter VT Holidays over was happy to be going to school Clifford but Sandy the who is not allowed to go along any school or else they should let dogs go too school this week One of Newmarkets school child Schoolboys EnMklMwMWIMm A change in the North election day front Satur day to Monday requested by owners along Lake by the pjncil meeting at Keen a colorful figure nominations ahhouhcect that be running for wfiersi of the the election day were it be clone hail was crowded cottage owners asked that be notified of dates the- same residents of the Crescent Beach ia0ithat she doubled if the could accommodate ejectors if they appeared on election day be over 700 people lined said year the polls will until eight oclock in the said she would be for as on that her platform unity between the farmer nonresident owner of the unfinished jerassess merit business id that council had not pinhfecl assessor to his con- Iractahd that the of the township had not been completed Site said she would not he running in a slate of con- dates put up by the cottage J Pollock agreed that the assessment should be cleaned up By ION School days school days dear old golden rule days hums one young lad as he strides eagerly off to school on Tuesday Its amazing how the summer holi days have dimmed his memories Was it only tvo months ago the same boy came leaping free dom from that dungeon he coll school Then he sang a ditty about Goodbye teacher good bye school proof positive that even children tire of a steady diet of ice cream Farther along the way he pass es a small type who is being coaxed rather unsuccessfully by a sad mother Her baby is going to school youll have so much inn in kindergarten Bob by There are Utile and tables books crayons and paper for colouring and all kinds of new toys she reasons I dont want any new toys I want my very own sand box he sorrow fully replies And then with a touch of familiar defiance he adds They cant make me stay school Ill run home they are Joined by an other member of kindergar ten set As she skips apply she chants Im going to school Im going to school See my new dress and Do you like them I have a sister at home hut she cant go to school Shes too small Off she runs merrily to meet some other playmates along the way And so big and small the year olds to the very nearly grownup teenagers start- on- their way for another school term- An hour or so passes the focal point of the next invas ion is Main St the station ery supply store At Campbells every thing readiness for Fifteen 18 extra clerks are posted- their places of duty Supplies are Blacked rites Like of am they are available overcome and turn back the of eager school fi of sawdust Is conveniently hand equipment needed last year- S Gradually Main St resumes WIN AWARDS Stephens Newmarket and Aurora came second and third respect- in the gold medal class baas singing competitions the Canadian National They are pupils of 111- Hards Aurora normal- tempo Young ones clutching shiny new pencils and scribblers hurry home Older- boys and girls stroll with their impressive- array of supplies Carefully the treasures are placed on buffets desks or the privacy of their own rooms Names are written neatly in each hook- The heigh suddenly comes to life Boys are playing ball Girls ore skipping This is Wilcox Ratepayers Association SET PLANS FOR The Oak Ridges and their last afternoon of freedom Ihey must savor each second lite presentation THe brought a play to Toronto Be- Cocktail Party at Hart Hpuse been a theatre Saturday anil all next week by and Davis will have an added est to Newmarket goers with of the leading person alities known many here In litis controversial play Straw Hat Players presented for weeks this summer in and Port are Barbara Davis a graduate Newmarket high school and George Mr McCos- was a student at Pickering College and late a member of he college staff Members of the family of J Davis have been associated with the Straw Players a of seasons This summer was the fifth season for the Straw Hat Players who have done pro ductions in the centres Is first time they have subject of controversy and he- of its- success- in and York- it was felt that the- players best of he summer should to the Die Stray Players ex- this summer two companies arid two directors and two shows playing at the same time in and Port ihe Cocktail is direct ed Potter of the Glas gow Citizens Theatre In the east are barn Davis Joyce Spencer Ara- Ted Follows House Max and Carr oll Ann Brown Three of the or iginal members of the Straw Hat Players Araby Ted Follows and House have been- with the company five J 5 l voted on Tuesday to leave in toy six months any ef fort to separate the Ridges sec- lion from the township arid in corporate into a town It was pointed out in a committee re- port that ah Increase of taxes of from to percent could be expected if such action were taken Il wav out too I ha the area proposed arid the ion within it did not conform Willi the requirements of the provincial- law Wk Hope president of the association r OPTIMISTS TO sponsor HAYWOOD RANgH The Newmarket Optimist club held its dinner meeting Tuesday evening after summer sea son the King George hotel President Bob to sponsor Hay wood well known A Victor artist his ranch band will appear in the Newmarket on with an hour a half program and a three dance follow ing- Members of the Optimist club and their wives hold weiner in the hills last week on Tuesday night Oyer attended Body Of Woman Found In Marsh After Sat Party The body of a 33yearold woman was found in the Holland River east of Bradford Sunday morning The woman who went by the names of and Rogers had attended a Saturday night party in a shack on the outskirts of the tiiltivalcd part of reclaimed marshland The Era and Express was awarded the David Williams Trophy for the best editorial page among Canadian weekly newspapers in the circulation class of and over this This is the second time this trophy has been awarded to the The first time was in In and the paper placed second in competition for the award Earlier this year Era and Express was awarded for the third time the Memorial Trophy for the best editorial page in provincial competition and the Aurora Banner Trophy as the best allround weekly in its population class in provincial compe tition- The award of the Williams Trophy is being made this weekend the national of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association at St in New Brunswick A The weekly newspaper are an annual affair on both provincial and national levels of the weekly newspaper In the last three years in these better newspaper com petitions the Era and Express has won six trophies t Find Anchor In Holland River Believed Relic Her body was found among reeds in the river a few yards from the of the shack Sun day morning by three Toronto fishermen George and Walter Brown of Mount and Norman Beckett Aye Jack Rogers Bradford was held by provincial police until Monday morning investi gations were carried out by and of the detach ment A charge of vagrancy laid against Rogers was dropped in magistrates- court Newmarket on Monday The woman had attended the party with Rogers and his sister Florence at the shack where Mr and Mrs are liv ing The property and DRIVERS SPEED A gasolene pump was knocked over at Bolls Coriier last week by an unknown motorist during the night Manager of Corner service station Frank said that drivers cutting through the service station cor ner are driving too fast- He said motorists were welcomed to use the driveway as a shortcut but he that they drive slow ly Children walk across the driveway from the restaurant to the fountain drivers are asked to take care marsh land is by Nor- man Collins Bradford Cowie said the woman gone out of the shack to attract attention of Rogers and the others around oclock Saturday night tried to bring her back in but she was too much for me she said Mrs said the woman was drunk According to Mrs the woman into the shallow water among the reeds and no one would bother to go into the water- to make her come back The others returned to the shack According to one of- the guests thought she av the woman come out of the water anil walk past the window of the Mr Cowie had suggested calling the police then he took Rogers home site A statement by the- coroner Dr Williams Aurora at- the death to dhiwhihgi abetted by alcohol An autopsy performed by Dr John The shack was situated T in marshland which has only been drained and cultivated in the last few years Collins owner of the land had employed the woman at the marsh farm He identified Sunday morning She had lived lit several cities hi the United States and Canada and to have come from Montreal has lived m Bradford a few months There has been much specula ion about the history of an old anchor hauled out of the Holland River north of Holland Landing Sunday The- anchor covered Raymond Green wood in be river mud at the bridge near River Drive Park Local residents- believe it be longed to old sailing vessel used during the War of It is smaller than the historic an chor at Holland finding which hauled there during Residents in the locality talk about two brass cannons which were believed dumped into the river during War of and about a buried treasure around lib river According to the story a Graves Newmarket has been a by the Onlurio Comniand of the Canadian for entrance to itniversily this fall it was today An official will be made at the by Harold Newmarket Zone t 1 I ml Landing afem hall pm Kyeryhody welcome Come have a good time Admission In Town Hall NevmatHet- at under auspices Veterans At tendance Jaekpot It Opening cs Over pigs were tost when fire destroyed a barn at the farm The fire mi fact Friday In a comedy The Cocktail Parly at Hart House theatre Saturday Rent to Sept are Geo rue a graduate of Pickering College Newmarket as arid better known in Newmarket as Barb Davis a graduate of Newmarket high school as Cellu The Cocktail Party is being presented by Murray and Donald Davis also of Newmarket rehearsal and of Trinity Junior Girls choir at Township Credit Unions second annual corn and roast at Kiuk Community Park on the fifth line King at pm THURSDAY Bingo In Aurora legion In aid of the Ladies Auxiliary Special games Climes Grocery prizes pin was special represent at Wo of Brothers Suits and Top- coals will be at 1 Ang Wests store Main St your appointment FRIDAY At 0 pint Society Mrs J I Morgan in a In the art of floral arranging in the Aurora Refreshments Admission I NOV Autumn tea had bazaar under auspices of Auxiliary of Trinity United Church Newmar ket THURSDAY of St Pauls A will hold Its used clothing and elephant sale from to pm at town hall Newmar ket had stolen large amount of soldiers pay which was to be troops slotioixed in the area of lower Lake was put in jail and died there but did pot tell where he hid the treasure Some say it is at the of the river yet Ray nioiid Greenwood of protruding river bottom when he was diving two weeks ago He said he thought is was art anchor The river bed had been disturbed re cently when old tires from beneath the bridge- Charlie Bradford garage and taxi operator thought it could be hit anchor so he brought his tow truck down the river Cliff I dove to the river bottom fastened a chain to object the anchor was pulled If no group wants it well give to Greenwood boys said- Frank VVeit in Landing lived near the anchor wis found for yea said and largo house neat the site cleared years said Sailih vessels- Holland from Sii to Holland century lumber Fifty feet from the door of the shack where she attended a party Saturday night the found by three fishermen Sunday morning The woman drowned in the shallow water in small above flyroW rihroW Newmarket police warned motorists to more than usual care of school are of streets now ami be too careful he lie out that pupils were many children going to school for the first time- They are not used to being away from home and may still of the dangers of the streets he said Ho urged motorists to exer cise special care In passing school zones intersections and on streets near schools A childs life may depend upon your care ful driving ho warned it Clifford Greenwood shows old anchor hauled from the bottom the Holland River at the bridge near River Drive Park Diving from the bridge he fastened a chain after several attempts and a tow truck hauled it to shore The anchor is believed to have been on a sailing ship during the War of J- 31