Professional LEGAL Solid ton Comer Rohmer Office Block d Wellington Street Telephone Aurora MISCELLANEOUS Joseph O Office Residence Mala St NEWMARKET Evening By Appointment A- Barrister Solicitor Notary Etc PHONE St MATHEWS STIVER LYONS AND VALE Barristers Solicitors Notaries Mathews K Stiver B LYONS BA Mi Main St Bay Si Phone Toronto A MILLS Solicitor and Notary Public MAIN ST Contractor For GRADING CELLAR EXCAVATIONS and Gravel Sand and r for crashed stone of various glees gravel sand gravel and pit ran Delivered or at bin Plant phone Office phones 370 and LETTER FROM GERMANY Starr Writes ELECTRICAL CONTRACTUS House and Farm Wiring D BAIN General Repairs Oil Bnrners Space Heater All Electrical Household Appliance Phone Box Ontario St Newmarket VIOLET runic Conveyancing Insurance 1 St- Phone Newmarket James J Wall PLUMBING HEATING Contractor Dealer for Fairbanks Morse Pressor Systems Oil Burners Metal and Air Conditioning OAK RIDGES PHONE KING 111 PHONE AURORA IAMB Bi BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC 35 MAIN ST PH NEWMARKET DENTAL DR NOBLE DENTIST MUNICIPAL OFFICE Office Residence EVANS- newmarket Coal Coke Wood and Stoker Coal Orders taken for Gravel Sand and Crushed Stone and General Hauling Dr C VanderVoort DENTIST St Newmarket i i CHIROPRACTIC Hart TOR OF CHIROPRACTIC ST Res wist 1 St PHONE A- HURST Newmarket Clinic Hour d by Appointment HIM ACCOUNTANT A St HE ARRET JOHN dock Repair St Newmarket WORK GUARANTEED KEN PONTING Hand tuner amd technician THE VARIETY OF DESIGNS- our collection of MONUMENTS la such that can meet almost any require ment both to kind and cost We also make memorials to order of every description find our work excellent always and our service prompt and reasonably MAIN ST i NEWMARKET A Confederation Life AaaoeUUon Representative fire Automobile and Casualty Eagle Newmarket Newmarket INSURANCE AUTO AND LIFE Bill Mclnlfffl MAIN ST NEWMARKET PHONE Homier For New and Crown ARFWRISHT AUTO FIRE CASUALTY Newmarket Phone Newmarket Insure Today the coop way Enquire at your local coop JomSytem Dear John I think it is nearly two weeks since I last reported to you from London and it has certainly been an interestpacked interval The time has not been spent in the customary tourist manner of flitting from place to place seeing things I have been fairly stationery and it has given me a chance to observe people on the street and talk to them in their homes and it has been a most enlightening experi ence To tell you all that crossed my mind is impossible and it is very difficult to know what to tell as there is so much Perhaps geographical ap proach is best Prom London travelled by train to Harwich and there boarded the night boat SS Duke of which brought us into Hook van Holland at day break I have to confess that I crossed Holland without ever set ting foot on Dutch soil as I walk ed down the gang plank onto pavement which led directly into the customs office and then onto the train the Express It was the fastest and most modern train that have ever been on However I had to change to just the opposite slow noisy and dirty Customs and immigration were quite simple Two of the Germans in my train spoke fair English so they assisted by terpretting for officers whose English was not so good Immediately on crossing into Germany the leftovers of war became very apparent There was hardly a railway station that had not been damaged arid block after block of dwellings remain just as they were the wars end except that by now there are weeds and even trees grow ing out of the rubble- Most of these ruins are inhabi ted if they provide shelter of any kind at all and it is common to see washing hung on a balcony that has been made by having a roof blown off It is certainly a sight and regard less of who is to blame for ori ginating the war it wounds ones conscience deeply to look upon such things and have to say We did this Practically every German I have talked to takes the fatalistic view that a new war is inevit able They seem unanimous that neither Russia or US want war but that undoubtedly they will blunder into it sooner or later The common people here are de finitely sick of war and long for peace but because of this fear there is a definite revival of the old military spirit Apparently they take the view that if there is to bo war they may as well be prepared for it In the public band concerts you hear many of the old military marches and war songs a thing which would not have been pos sible as recently as two years ago so I am told and the people applaud heartily But there I am posing as an expert arid have ho right to do so Except for the bomb ruins one gets the impression of a leisurely but prosperous economy The people appear well dressed and fed and comparatively hap py Of course housing is an acute problem although recon struction is going on at a good rate However I am assured that a conservative minimum of time to complete reconstruction would years of peace and pros perity Goods in the stores are plenti ful and there is practically noth ing you cant buy if you have the money Things seem quite cheap to us due to the favorable rate of exchange but actually they expensive in terms of working hours and it is very dif ficult for people to save My host in Dortmund earned Marks a month slightly less- than but when you realize that he had to buy things at prices only a little lower than ours you can see his positions He fa civil engineer a fairly well paid job Laborers teachers and white collar workers receive consider ably less than that perhaps 300 l Oho thing I feel can pose as an expert on and that is Gor man hospitality Unquestionably there is great resentment towards Iho authoritarianism of America in current German affairs but I have found practically no signs of bitterness at having lost the war Trie people everywhere arc glad to talk to foreigners very courteous anxious to help us whenever we have We fcelthat we a burden on them by living In their homes eating their food and sleeping on their sofas spare bedrooms just dont exist any more but they want us to do so and it is certainly the best way to get to know how they feel about things Right now I am the sole occur pant of a flat belonging to a young woman whom I met for first time on Saturday She is away at work arid have key so that I may come and go as I please I also have to help myself to any food that I con find My point of contact was simply that I re marked to a friend that I was going to Frankfurt soon so she gave me a letter of introduction to a young man and assured me I would find htm most helpful His first remark to me was Rooms aire hard to get in Frank furt but you can stay with my fiance as her mother is away just now So I landed on her doorstep this morning at having come down oh the mid night train from Bad is getting too long and Bad could occupy a whole volume by itself but I must It is a beauti ful little town set in a valley amongst wooded hills with a sort of fringe of farms between the and the forest It is a very famous Spa or Bath and people come long distances for the cures of the special mineral waters and mud baths which are obtainable here It so peaceful and quiet there that it is hardly possible to be lieve there anything wrong with the world except for one thing -7- the veterans hospital It houses maimed or- crip pled veterans and in a town of only population they are very much in evidence with their canes crutches or wheel chairs The place military targets arid was completely un touched by the war My purpose in being there was to attend the Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends in Germany There were about people in a tendance of whom so were foreigners Due to recent tightening of bor der regulations only one mem ber had managed to get through from East Germany arid the sence of those friends was felt very strongly as they had ex pected felt there was a strong note of despair- running through the gathering which was accentuat ed by the large percentage of old people present However there was also a very strong determina tion to go on to practice and spread the Quaker testimonies on peace social problems and edu cation never quite giving up hope and faith I must close this now though there is much more I could say If all goes according to present plans next report should con tain the most interesting and important part of this whole European tour but must wait and see So long Stuart ML A Hort Soc Winner SON Our readers letters editor are but maxim of writer must be to the editor in The Editor A story in the news from London Reuters deals with a pamphlet is sued recently predicting that famine and pestilence will strike the world unless improvements can be made in the underde veloped countries Do you think the situation is in fact as dark as the above pic ture I am convinced that there are indeed myriads of underfed people in the socalled under developed countries but it seems to this reader that the problem is not beyond the powers of resourceful and in ventive men and women of good- will if only political condi tions possible to really put the shoulders of the human family behind that global food cart It is from tills angle that I favor the recent suggestion put forward by the nations organ ized farmers the desirr ability or feasibility of setting aside a small but definite per centage of the gargantuan de fense expenditures over the next few years to the purposes of building of what have been nutri tional munitions readily agree that these would be a powerful weapon either in peace or war and If factuallsed among the member nations Ie at the UN level might be the balance of power or the decisive factor in building international confidence and winning he peace- Frankly it scents to me that Jack Canuck if ho would can play a central role in steering the human family in this unique way toward food and peace ra ther than hunger and war Arc we prepared to made the effort that Is the question Apart entirely from the vital po tentialities in this this reader is definitely of opinion that I A percent cut In defense costs to be diverted alms of the worlds as opposed to the needs of the armies navies and air forces would still leave latter oxpendilures at make but slight oh overall product and that erecting global food stockpiles would win no smiles from the men Kremlin controls Realist Before Fort Frances was a trading- post known as Rainy Lake named after pioneer Lady Frances Simpson The Mount Albert Horticultur al Society held its fall flower and vegetable show in the hall on Tuesday and had one of the best shows Twentythree members brought in exhi bits and in the childrens class es brought in exhibits which in all made a very fine showing Seeds of Cowers and veget ables given the schools were really worthy giving The soc iety gave a small silver cup which was won by Lois Martin with the highest number of points Mrs Oldham won a cup and saucer given by the pres ident Mr Gordon Knott and the society appreciates cash given to assist with the prizes A sale of plants and a lucky draw amount ed to over The following were prize win ners in class A Cut flowers double Aster Mrs Mrs O Martin single Aster Mrs Martin red Aster Mrs Walsh Miss Hayes Mrs O- Martin Corn Mrs Mrs McDonald Cosmos Mrs Walker Mrs Wilson hits Sleeper Mrs- Dahlia Show Mrs Walsh Dahlia Mis McDonald Mrs Martin Gaillardia Mrs Miss Hayes Gladioli any variety Mrs J Cooper Mrs McDonald Gladioli alike or different Mrs Mrs Stokes Hydrangea Tree Mr Allison Mrs P Walk er Lilies Mrs Martin Mrs Sleeper African Marigold Miss Stirling Mrs Stiver French Marigold Miss Mrs P Walker Calendulas Mrs Nico tine Miss Harmon Miss Hayes a bouquet Mrs Theak Mrs P Walker Petunias single Mrs Steeper Mrs Petunias giant frilled Mrs Walsh Mrs Stiver Phlox Mr Allison Mrs P Walker Pinks Miss Mrs P Walker Rose Mrs Mrs P Walker Salipigossis Mrs Steep er Mrs Walsh Mrs Sleeper Stocks Miss Harman Peas Mrs Anglin Torch Flower Miss Mrs P Walker Zinnia large Mrs Stiver Miss Sterling Zinnias small Mrs P Walk er Miss Hayes Zinnias Fantasy Mrs P Walker Miss Hayes Zinnias variegated Mrs McDon ald Mrs Martin Class house plants Geranium in bloom Miss Hayes Begonia any variety Mrs Watts Miss Gloxinia in bloom Mrs Ei Wails Mrs Walsh Foliage plant Mrs Sleep er Mrs J Cooper Mrs Walsh African Violet Mrs Mrs J Cooper any other house plant Miss Hayes Mrs Wilson Vegetables green beans Mrs Stiver Mrs McDonald yellow beans Mrs Martin Mrs pole beans Miss Hayes Mrs Wilson beets Mrs Mc Donald Mrs J Cooper corn Golden Bantam Mrs Stokes Mr Allison corn any variety Mrs Martin Mrs It Mrs Mrs Mc Donald carrots Mrs Martin Miss Sterling cucumbers table Mrs Martin Mis cucumbers Gherkins Mrs o Martin Mrs Sleeper Seed onions Miss Sterling onions sets Mrs O Martin Mrs Spanish onions Mrs Mrs P Walker peppers sweet Mrs Steeper peppers Miss potatoes early Miss Harri son Mrs McDonald potatoes late Mrs J Cooper Mrs Martin pic pumpkin Mrs J Cooper Mrs M Stokes table queen squash Mrs Mrs Stokes Squash yellow Mrs Mrs Herman lomalocs Miss Hayes Mrs vegetable marrow Mrs Class in special collection of Hoses Mrs Walsh Mrs It Har rison collection of Marigolds Miss Mrs P Walker bouquet of Popples Mrs Walsh Miss collection Tuberos Begonias Miss Herman bouquet of Zinnias Mrs Stiver Miss Hayes collection of Gladioli Mrs Stiver Mrs Bouquet of Dahlias Mrs P Walker bouquet of Asters Mrs- Ethel Mrs Walsh min iature bouquet Mrs Walsh Airs Martin diningroom centre piece Miss Harmon Mrs Martin living room mantel bouquet Mrs McDonald Mrs Steeper A of vegetables Mrs Harmon bouquet of two col ors Mrs M Oldham Mrs Martin bouquet arranged by a gentleman Theaker McDonald novelty bouquet Mrs Mrs J McDonald Childrens display best bou quet of wild flowers kinds Tommy Lois Martin Donald Oldham a living room bouquet Martin Aldenc Dike Donald Oldham Ricky Snyder dining room table bou quet Donald Oldham- Andrea Ricky Snyder Glen Zinnias Glen Main prise Joan Murphy Ian Park Calendulas Margaret Betty Rolling Helen Dike Dar- Dike Margaret Winston Ann ShilHhglaW Lois Martin beets Bruce a Kathleen Mooicheau Gary Wilson Wilfred Harrison The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Sept Page 3 Cement Blocks and 10 plain PINE ORCHARD CEMENT BLOCK CO Phone Moon Albert all Canadas province became Englands first colony in Rowlands Radiator Service I 165 MAIN ST PHONE NEWMARKET Authorized Dealers For MOTOR SERVICE and RADIATORS COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE ON ALL CARS AND TRUCKS PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE Need flowers for the table or suits that wont shrink fm will find them Quick as a wink J J j IWIM mm OF YOUR i TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A Branch BROWN Aurora Branch ALBERT Maoaetr Bank of Montreal WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF MM w fmi i iXi