MM Tiff TAW STARTING MONDAY SEPT LEAVE TO TORONTO a ft jm 510 Mb MO Mount Albert News pm Dally Sun A DAYLIGHT TIME Tickets and Information at Kin Hotel Agent GRAY COACH LINES Mr Rowland of Kanwu City and Mr Mortcy Rowland at Vancouver spent a few day at the homo of Mr and Mrs this week having com to the funeral of their mother the Into Mrs J Row land hold from the chapel to Mount Albert cemetery on Sun day The remains were brought back from Vancouver where she had passed away She had made her home with her son of that city Vy Mr and Mrs Scott of London spent a few days at the home of Mrs Scotts daughter Mr James and Ann Louise of Kirkland Lake Wei recent visitors at the Mrs Agnes Mrs Geo Walsh carried off first prize on her strawberry jam at the Toronto Ex last week Miss Mildred Dike had a bad fall week while on the outside her new home She has a broken heel which will BE SURE Your family be comfortably and warm next winter ORDER YOUR or Readfaig Anthracite now also Stoker and Mower Coals while prices are reduced AM orders placed before Sept 15 will be deliver- present prices ORDER MOW Phone or Write T0MLINS0NS FUELS Keswick Roches Point take aome repair Children are all back to school with Miss Campbell Mrs and Mrs Pearson again in charge and a number of hew Mr and Mrs Roy Stewart are on a two weeks trip to Van couver and other places in tern Canada going by plane from lost week Recent Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Fred were Mr and Mrs era and Arthur Mr Mrs Page and Mr and Mrs Kenneth and son Bobby of Youngstown Ohio Mrs of To Mrs Ida Green and Mrs W Green of Alpena Mich were weekend visitors at the horrid of Mr and Mrs Evans Air and Mrs Arthur Dawson Tommy and Patricia of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs Price Mr and Mrs Harold Clarke and June and Mrs Bertha Dunn of Aurora were callers in town on Sunday Mr and Mrs Frank Ross Heather and Ann Louise and Pearson of were in town on Sunday with relatives On Tuesday Sept the Park Board will meet at the hall to present a report of the Sports Day We extend the heartfelt sym pathy of our community to Mrs and family the sudden and tragic passing of Mr on Friday Mrs had the misfortune to fall and break a bone in her left wrist She now has a cost on Mr and Mrs Pilch and boys are holidaying at Sturgeon Lake this week Mr and Mrs Joe are also away on holidays this week Mr Gordon of Al berta la spending two weeks at the home of his brother Rev ATB xray clinic will be held for buy community and sur rounding district in amobile unit at Queensvilie United church on Friday Sept from to p nib This Is a splendid oppor tunity for a free chest xray and each one is well advised to avail himself or herself of this worth while service Evening Auxiliary will meet on night Sept at the home of Mr Ray Glass The devotional ser vice will be in charge of J Margaret all introduce the new study book on Africa Hos tesses are Mrs T Peregrine Service at the United church Mrs Salmon and Mrs will be at am next Sunday TemperancevilJe A On September the Maple United church choir supplying the music and will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Frank The topic taken by the will be Christian The roll call will be A thought from the Up per Room Hostesses are Mrs Jennings and Frank The United church resumed its Sunday evening services at oclock A good congregation attended the first Sunday reopen I ng on Rev and Mrs Harold Moddle who have been residing Al berto were heartily welcomed by their many friends Anniversary services will be held in church on September Roy will be the speaker In the morning with ville church choir in attendance The evening service will be conducted by Rev of Au- On Sunday Sept the Sec ond King Baptist church is hold ing anniversary services The afternoon service wilt be evening service at The spe lt With deep regret the many friends of the family ex tend their heartfelt sympathy to Mrs and her daugh ter In the passing of one of our most loved and respected Mr Giles KerswHI great pleasure to Mrs Roy Price of lie to have as her guest this past week her mother Mrs Ruby Carver of Sic A lovely wedding was solethr church September when Miss Violet Robinson and Mr Ross Smith were united marriage Mr and Mrs Fred Boys spent a week visiting Boys sis- tori Mrs Walker at hake On Sept Mr and Mrs Fred Boys attended a birthday supper held honor of Mr Boys mo ther who celebrated her 85th birthday Sept The second producer of and lead in the world is a mine near Mayo in Canadas Yukon SHARON MIAMI BEACH School bells are ringing again and we all wish the teacher and pupils the best for a very cessful year Mrs Ida Miller attended the and Miller wedding in Sharon on Saturday afternoon sept The people of this community are very sorry to hear that Mrs Dorothy McDonald is ill in bed We all wish her a speedy re very Mr Herbert Sullivan has pur chased a new car Mr Ronald Sullivan and Miss Dorothy of Toronto are spending a weeks holidays with Mr and Mrs Herbert Sullivan Mr and Mrs Alex and family of Toronto spent the weekend at their cottage on Hollywood Drive Mr and Mrs Douglas Stokes and three children Sutton spent the weekend with Mrs Stokes mother Mrs Oliver King Dont forget the euchre held every Tuesday night in the St Pauls Anglican church base ment Greenwood All articles for the layette which is sent to Kelson House Man are to be brought to this meeting as the bale willbe packedin the near future Friends are pleased to see Mr Albert Maries around the village again Miss Vera Arnold has gone to take up her duties as a nurses aide at the Toronto Hospital Weston Mr John had an un fortunate accident while at work at the ice plant In Newmarket Two toes were removed and Jack is using crutches to get around A miscellaneous shower was held on Wednesday night for Miss Greta Cole at the home of Mrs Gordon Cole We are sorry to report Marian Warren is confined to bed for a month for a rest Big bingo in the arena on Fri day Sept 19 at prizes KETTLeBY speaker for both services will be Rev Lewis of Bethel Baptist church Toronto The soloist for the afternoon service will be Mrs Baxter and at the evening the Schomberg church choir will sing Little Margaret who tint an operation for appen dicitis in the Sick Childrens hospital coming along nicely and is expected home soon mother who is has returned to Toronto after spending five weeks at his home here MAPLE HILL Mr Harold KnlghU left on Monday to attend Normal school in Toronto- Mr Gordon Alberta is visiting his brother Rev y The association meeting will be held on Wednesday Sept at Bethel Baptist church and Deep and shallow well sure systems installed and serviced FOR SERVICE A I294W NEWMARKET Sanitary Contractor Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired Service RICHMOND TURNER and until further notice Sun day school will be at am The Womens Association of the United church- will meet at the home of Mrs Eleanor Far on Sept- at Will all the ladies please make a note of this meeting he there Mr and Mrs Alan Shaw and Mr and Mrs Albert of Richmond Hill left oh Monday for a trip to the east John Salter is visiting his daughter Mrs Klteley Mrs Fred Hail Miss Patsy Hall and Mr lymon Hall spent the with Mr and Mrs Robertson at Fort Mr and Mrs Jack Jim- and Shirley of Second St were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Shaw Mr and Mrs Gordon Stevens spent Saturday in Toronto Mrs Harry returned oh Sunday after a visit Cleve- Ohio Keswick News THE CLOTHING CENTRE FOR NEWMARKET AURORA BRAD FORD AND SURROUNDING DISTRICTS INSLEYS EXTRA TROUSERS 27c with every custom suit at Insleys during Bonds anniversary sale Have to in the following ranges SAVINGS IN EVERY 3975 4975 5975 The advance sale has been terrific Our showing of new fall selections Ik the largest ever over sample in every popular shade and weave Shop the- town Compare Nowhere else will you find such tremendous value Mr and Mrs Keith and Douglas of Toronto have re turned home after spending two weeks with Mr and Mrs Byron Cunningham We are glad i to see Mr Byron Cunningham home again and able to be around We all hope ho will keep on improving Miss Mary Winch who Is teaching school in Toronto this year was home for the weekend We are glad to see Mrs Whip pie back in our community again after being in New York to meet her son and family who have been in China for seven years Mrs Ernest of New market is visiting Miss Mr and Mrs Harold of and Mr and Mrs Fred Denning were guests of Mr and Mrs Ike on Sunday Glad to hear Mrs Elmer King who is in Newmarket hospital is improving Mrs spent last with daughters Roberta and Toronto were at their Beach home for the weekend Miss Lynn and Miss Myrtle Lloyd are spending some time in Toronto Mr and Mrs Grant of Toronto were at home for the weekend Mr and two children of have been visiting Mrs mother Mrs Et ta Wilder Mrs has returned to her Keswick Beach cottage after a lengthy holiday trip to New York and other points Miss Laura Peters of Toronto is staying at the Rest Home Cedar Glen A tree at the cottage of Lome was struck and splin with a sudden flash of lightning on Saturday morning of last week The bolt was ac companied by a crash of which roused the neighbor hood in a hurry Electric stoves The and of the United church met in the hall Tuesday Sept at pm with the president Mrs presiding oyer the A business meeting Mrs Hodgson presided over the assisted In the worship period by Mrs Jack and Mrs Jack A life membership certificate and pin was presented to Mrs J a member who had been absent through illness for two years Mrs J Stev enson of Milton made the pres entation Mrs V took the study book dealing with the Oriental people in Canada Next months meeting Tues day Oct 7 at 230 pm will be a special with Mrs Elton Armstrong as guest speaker Mr Alex left on Monday for British Columbia where he will train with the Mr and Mrs Tienkamp spent Sunday at with Mr and Mrs George Mr and Mrs Wilfrid Elliot of Bronte were Sunday afternoon guests at the home of Mr and Mrs S Mr and Mrs J and Mr and Mrs Richard Coffey of Schomberg spent Sunday at with Mr and Mrs Jewel Mr and Mrs Leo Blackburn and Mr and Mrs Herbert Web ster attended the reunion at LOCAL AGENT am Mr and Mrs Russell Collins of Leaside were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Ross I W H EVES CO NEWMARKET CONCRETE BLOCKS AND CINDER BLOCKS rVtfV mm MEETS ALL A STM SPECIFICATIONS rf GORMLEY Bt OCR GO RESULTS THAT PAY SKOHD BrG WEEK ORDER YOUR SUIT NOW BOND VALUES at TO ON NATIONALLYKNOWN VALUK IN week visiting her slater Mrs spit fire and a lamp at Vernon Swash Toronto Ryes home caught fire but was discovered before any damage Covert and Topcoats 3327 WQ Allwool Topcoats Sizes A 3scancin coat TO ON AND SUITS LARGEST VAIilKTY Flannels Coverts Allwool Suiting Real value I English allwool suits Two Pants TO ON JUNIOR OY8 SUITS Wool tweeds Age It- longs Age longs 1008 suits Age Short pants J v up to on all sport and blaxers Newest shades Him SHIRTS Fine duality and Balfour shirts In stripes and plains Buy 3 for 289 8ve 4 a pair fil 727 IIIUH SCHOOL This is your styleleader store tome on in after school hours sell gym awl sweaters A gym shorts While gym shirts White gym wicks Basketball Others from TIME SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SEiKTIOH WITH JONP1DRNCK AT A A CUFF INSLEY S YOUR STORE VOU MKNS AND ROYS NEWMARKET The Evening Auxiliary of the will meet at the home Mrs Ramsey on Tuesday Sept 16 The new study book will be introduced A largo group of Keswick and Sutton friends of Mr and Mrs John at- the memorial hall Keswick on Friday evening The couple were presented with many beau tiful gifts A delicious lunch tees wives assisted several was served by Hie school ladies Mr and Mrs left for Oregon on Wed where they will visit Mrs Shepherd Mr Winchs sister Mr and Mrs Prank Petty A A York Trading truck travell ing north highway No on Tuesday hit pole breaking an insulator and pulling the main line out of busi ness Power cut off Newmarket to Corners for about A car proceeding north made a left bund at Oak nidges rind the driver of the ruck swerved to ward polo on the roadside Ills was only lain- aged ami polo Itself was not harmed The tit the Mil station said luokuii Is II was sunn repaired by ft crow The fail lorn of I will npen flepl It fun when radio commentator ftiilllOiV Will he wilt loll of to alia The new of leaching stuff will and the Mi and I In will an pnhunlly In muet and of the ami Iff In arranging the program- was done Strangely there no rain and only the one crash of thunder f Congratulations to Mrs Lloyd who will be OS years old on Monday Sept Mrs Lloyd is the oldest resident of our community She makes her home with her daughter Mrs Mr and Mrs Howard Lehman have been holidaying at North Hay Congratulations Air and Mrs Andy Lloyd on ihe birth of a son and brother for Tony and Joanne AA- Air and Mrs Leonard weekend at Chippewa Miss Hendry returned will her parents after a holiday there forget the opportunity safe at I ho tliilou church on day a lei noon Sept from to oclock and new clothing for adults and children Wtere will bo homo made bread rolls cakes candy and vegetables and white elephants Afternoon tea he is Inyltetl to spend Hie af the Willing Workers flic Willing Were guest of he At Lesley on Mis was man Solo A log geuV reading by Mrs papers by Mrs contest by Mrs ilQid Ami I I program n social time was by of and nil feci It good in Mr anil Mrs and of Aurora Labor Hay with Mr ami Mis It Chapman Service at Union church at Sunday school at POUNDS WEANING fflHOMOU lb aw profit Hogs weaned at weight will lie off to market in PAR ami lhs 1 than which only weigh lbs when weaned I his savins on feed means PROFIT FOR THE PRODUCER A great many tests at the Farm have demonstrated that Pig booster produces weanlings which average 10 lbs UK MORE weeks of age Try feed Pig Booster from the time they are old right through weaning until they arc 10 weeks old will have that will be off to market in record time on feed consumption RECORD LOW Ned Pig Starter and be sure of results You cant buy a belief feed NEWMARKET Phone PERKS FEED MILL Ltd CASE DIKE te -r- J I s