Newmarket Era and Express, 11 Sep 1952, p. 4

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J- A v Pages from the I Editors Note We were present at a press preview of Canadian televi sion on Monday afternoon A party of or reporters was taken on a tour of the station on St and then given the opportunity to question the chairman of the board of governors A p It was a fascinating experi ence We were taken into the two big studios in the new TV station where we saw Dave Price sports director guest Ted Reeves and another ports authority rehearse a pro gram We saw the control rooms the dressing rooms where TV film are All of us confessed confusion before the of knobs and wires tubes All of us were enthusi astic about the final product The station was broadcasting at half hour intervals pictures and descriptions of the four bankrobbers who broke out of Don Jail Monday morning The CBC officials disclaimed any responsibility for the break but admitted that it did give the new station an excellent op portunity to demonstrate its usefulness a In the interview which fol lowed our tour Mr was asked a variety of ques tions why wasnt the TV an tenna built on top of a high building What was the policy about increasing the number of broadcasting hours would the Toronto signal broadcast m The answers were that an antenna on top of a tall build ing was considered but dis missed for reasons of economy The policy for increasing the present threehour broadcast is to work slowly concentrating on quality rather than quan tity- The Toronto signal is ex pected to reach as far as the west shores of Lake Huron There dozens of other ques tions concerned with the details of the station negotiations with other networks contemplated programs and so on The more interesting facts emerging from the interview were the in sistence Upon quality of the programs and the use as much as possible of Canadian talent It Is expected that the Toronto signal will be increased in power considerably when the permanent antenna is installed From the Files of 25 and Years Ago They are using only a tempor ary antenna now programs for schools are be ing considered and it is expect ed that experiments will be undertaken in Toronto this fall The policy of licensing private Is yet indefinite The government is the licens ing body and has made no recommendations to it as yet There acute aware ness of cost evident in many of the answers k- fact which may come as a surprise to critics who have accused the CBC of free spending of public money And again the insistence upon quality The answers gave the definite impression of an open mind to program possibilities that every aspect of TV trans mission was being explored and thoroughly tested and if found worthwhile put on the air The station and its facilities are larger than the average private station in the United States but not as large as the TV network studios The equipment is the most modern available There has been a re awakening of interest among advertisers and the problem was now to find a way of ac commodating all those who wished to use the facili ties Arrangements had been concluded with two US TV networks for the use of pro grams nothing has been set- tied with two others Another aspect of the TV setup was the youth of the technicians There were few greyheads on the operating level With that youth was evi dent a fine enthusiasm There was an atmosphere of eagerness and confidence about the build ing Mr is himself a young man and from the chair man down there was a fresh ness of approach which augur ed well for Canadian TV There were four TV sets in the conference room During the interview only the test pattern had shown on the screen There was a discussion on the use of Canadian talent Minutes later the screen came alive with the regular halfhour broadcast of the pictures and descriptions of the four escaped bank rabbers The interruption brought a laugh from the audience and the wry comment of Canadian talent from Mr SEPTEMBER 9 Mr Jinks a miller em ployed at the Beaver Mills Newmarket was deprived of the sight of one eye some years ago due to particles of dust becoming lodged on the eye ball on Thursday last week he went to Toronto to have the eye removed Pickering College will re open next week with an enrol ment of over boys The col lege has been thoroughly re modelled and decorated and has enlarged sufficiently to provide a boarding school for boys which will include pract ical training in farming and Industrial lines Fire broke out In the kitchen of Mr Harmons house Tim othy St last Tuesday morn ing When the fire brigade ar rived the whole interior of the kitchen was in a How- over flames wore soon under control Damage is es timated at Work will commence next week on widening the gauge of the Metropolitan Railway com mencing at city limits and continuing on to Sutton West It Is expected it will lake two months to complete the work hut the run from Newmarket to Toronto will be made in minutes less Upmarket and Aurora and f forth 1t5 J flit of St by end or two yon for or Mtmlwr of A Canadian Ntwipapw tin Aud of Cfrctrfotfon Authorized a Claw AM Port Ottawa I lAWMNCI fld Of f ice Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger PAGE FOUR SEPTEMBER The repairs to the race in connection with the Office Specialty works is quite an ex pensive Job The old raceway has been dug out from the pond to the factory and a good deal of timbers removed is the Intention of the company to build massive masonry en trance under the track with a circular flume feet in diameter from the masonry to the factory sunk deep enough to be always full of water The improvements will cost approx imately 3000 Hie Metropolitan railway has sold their waiting room at the south end of town Mr A Hill has purchased the premises known as the Pharmacy He in tends to set up a store In front and a refreshment parlor In the rear A travelling window sign painter was In town last week and did some very nice letter ing on the windows of some of our prominent business places Everyone knows the high prices which have prevailed for beef since early spring There were serious misapprehensions that meat was going to reach famine prices hut the Indica tions for a drop are good The joists are laid for the ground floor of the new Sov ereign Bank building OIL FOR THE SCAMPS IN CHINA RIGHT MAN NEEDED The meeting for the nomination of candidates for the office of deputyreeve will be held tomorrow night It should have a large attendance There is more at stake here than simply choosing someone to fill the office Newmarket council needs a deputyreeve capable of representing Newmarket in the county council where farreaching decisions are now being made But as well the council needs a transfusion of new ideas of a fresh imagination of an earnest concern for the future Three candidates have definitely announced they will stand at this writing They are two members of the present council Councillors Lome and Jos Dales and Mr Harry Goodman who announced he would be a candidate just after presstime last week There are many rumors of other candidates We hope those rumors will be confirmed At least no candidate need hesitate to place his name for fear of causing a contest That line of reasoning was never valid this time there is no doubt of a contest With all respect to the three abovementioned can didates we urge all citizens who believe themselves honestly capable of contributing to the welfare of the town to place their names on the ballot The voters deserve the widest possible choice This is the first opportunity they have had to correct what has become distressingly evident through the year that the council as at present constituted has been merely adequate to its duties It has not provided the leadership it should The present councils administration will we be lieve compare favorably with past administrations but in these times of decision that has not been enough Now more than ever before Newmarket needs an administration which will give the leadership the citi zens demand and the town requires if itis to meet the future on equal terms The need for the right man can not be overemphasized ANNEXATION WASHED OUT It is expected that the municipal board will in the next week or two hand down a decision on Torontos request for permission to annex its suburban neighbors a request which was bitterly fought by the neighbors on various grounds not the least of which was Torontos incompetency to handle their affairs It now appears that the citys request will be denied although for reas ons other than the one mentioned above Indications that the board favors the unification of public ser vices but rejects the establishment of Toronto jurisdic tion over the municipalities is essentially what the county proposed as an alternative to annexation by the city The major argument put forth by the city was that annexation would provide this unification of services it would reduce the overlapping police forces the water supply difficulties the duplication of public utilities The county agreed that such unification was desirable for the most part but maintained that the suburban areas were entitled to their own governments and suggested commissions for public services as a means of achieving the one while maintaining the other The North York area has a large stake in the deci sion If Toronto is successful it means that the county area will be greatly reduced The areas marked for annexation contain the bulk of the county assessment County spending is not proportionate with taxes re ceived What would be left of the county after annex ation would have a vastly higher tax rate to meet even to provide minimum county services Unification of services without amalgamation will preserve the present county tax level Another consideration is that if annexation is denied it may serve as a necessary precedent against bigness In cities Size may bo required as a source of local pride but there is no economic value to it Indeed as Torontos growth has increased its per capita tax has likewise increased The assembly line reasoning the more produced the cheaper the unit simply does not apply to municipal operations but the reverse does If Toronto were to acquire its suburbs instead of finding a surcease to its present financial problems it would increase them If Toronto is confined there is at least recognition that a halt to municipal growth can be called and an attempt to resolve the citys I ems can he taken on that basis THURSDAY THE ELEVENT DAY OF SEPTEMBER NINETEEN HUNDR AND FIFTYTWO THERES A LIMIT The Hon Paul Martin minister of health told a- meeting of Young Liberals last week that there is a limit to social security spending At least that was the implication contained in his insistence that we must not expect magic from governments that they should distribute more than they receive In paying the high cost of social measures Canadians know that social security for the people comes from the people Few will question this so soon after payment of income taxes but it is easy to forget during an election campaign when some spellbinder promises everything but the kitchen sink The voters persist then in their illogical belief that the speaker has somehow or another found an economic answer on a level with perpetual motion and cheerfully give him their votes as the price of finding out that it just wasnt so V It is painful to admit that there are politicians who take advantage of this recurring gullibility Who can forget the provincial election before last when the parties bade for the vote with promises of increased pensions and other financial inducements The fault lies not with the politicians but with the public who put their votes on the block in the first place A party platform is a fair reflection of what the party believes the public wants and theres been nary a platform since the war which hasnt promised increased cash payments to the individual voters in one form or another A statement like that of Mr Martin requires a good deal of courage in this day when a government is ex pected among other things to provide an everflowing well of individual benefits Such a statement helps drive home a basic truth but if that truth is ever to receive a lasting recognition the reform must begin among the electors they are the ones who will have to recognize that they can only receive back what they give less the percent estimated cost of handling And at that rate perhaps there will be a return to the old belief that a citizen knew better how to handle his affairs than a government official GET TO THE ROOT OF IT It was charged last week at the Ontario Municipal Association convention that the government through its department of planning and development and other agencies was encouraging a rift between rural and urban municipalities Specifically it was charged that the department of planning and development by encouraging urban municipalities to annex high assess ment lands was robbing the rural areas of taxes they required to maintain their administrations This it was said was contributing to the breakup of the county system There is frequent justification for annexing industrial sites A town can provide services far better than the average rural township Cost is less to the taxpayer and service is more efficient An industry is not concerned with locating in a specific municipality simply to balance that municipalitys bud get with its taxes An industry wants the best and cheapest of public services it is a definite factor ill that industrys own cost of operation If an industry is to be encouraged to locate in a municipality it is frequently necessary to annex the land and in most cases the proceedings are welcomed by the annexed municipality The same situation applies in the making of grants Limited as they are to property taxation the municipali ties are depending more and more upon provincial grants The province insists and quite rightly that it exercise some control over the expenditure of those grants so that each time a municipality accepts a grant it is relinquishing a portion of its autonomy to the pro vince grants like most annexations are necessary to meet specific circumstances but the policies which govern both instances should not as they apparently do overlook the harm they cause as well as the good The county system of selfgovernment must be preserved The roots of democracy are not in the pro vincial and federal houses of parliament but in tho village trustees meetings the town councils and the county councils Destroy those mediums of self-govern- incut and our whole system collapses These small administrative bodies can only function when they have the funds with which to work At the present time both federal and provincial govern ments pile up huge surpluses municipal govern- men Is are unable to assume their rcjqionsibilities with out outside help The real cause of breakdown in county system of governments is a method of taxation which limits one level of government while giving a blank cheque to another ffc servant not master infrinmfit on ffofr righto In fntemortfomil met national ton it not ffio Junction of tote to ffco of raft on cfcofco Having been In on the cap ture a few months ago of Wil liam Voyd well pro- moled gunman who was im mortalized by the of To ronto your favorite corres pondent was interested in hear ing of his escape again According to a release Voyd and his three lieutenants had been quartered in the Don Juan Jail in separate cells Synchronize your watches boys and well all file out to gether Voyd had ordered the night before The true poet Voyd decided the time was per fect to engineer a break he had just read a blast against crime in the city In Saturday afternoons issue of the Tele- drama the poet chose perfect time for an escape well remember the morning of his capture a few months ago when the cold gaze of the mayor met the cold gaze of The shoe was on the other foot as the mayor looked at Voyd in disdain Now since the Monday morning break the shoe is on the foot again Now the city the suburbs and the countryside are full of policemen and detectives Slim Bliggens came into the office Monday afternoon and told us that policemen were up and down the highways in and out of thickets I suppose they are leaving no stone unturned I said Its one of the biggest searches ever in these parts said Slim As a matter of fact Doug wouldnt have found his sow at ail if it been them cops and this here manhunt Doug who and what sow asked Doug RichmondEwer of course over on the second of Ding township that farmer over there what dug up the re mains of the prehistoric Gl Side road Man a of years back Oh yes RichmondEwe remember him Well him and hired r a sow back in the ma and after fully hours they called police up and said they they had Jackson in swamp Swarms of flatfoots flex the swamp Slim They beat that marsh so that it was no lime when flushed RichmondEwers up As the Dougs sow up the lane I mond Ewer explained Jackson boys up having Thank very much I see by the papers thai here second Don Juan a disgrace to Canada Slim Yes it certainly is Why is it a Canada said Slim It here in the paper that i officials disgusted and call it a disgrace to Its a terrible disgrace terrible I said Dont see why any has to be pushed off onto because of a jail down here in our Slim said I tell you should a cow hand out or a crab fish in be ttached to a of disgrace just cause of cal action around These here officiate East here get pretty awfi sumptuous when they term Canada loose by Maybe youre right Let us hereby Westerners and the Mar and the o shame and disgrace by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches Here is a story and like all stories that have a real moral to them it needs very little com ment we can all draw our own conclusions There is a certain amount of milk produced at the Those who go to these shows know that it is quite a problem to know what to do with it es pecially in smaller towns How ever at the there is a solu tion of sorts There is a dairy there and it provides a very useful service in accepting the milk So twice a day the dairy men take their milk to the dairy Of course it is accepted as straight milk no test which quite conceivable and the men are paid a rather nominal price for it much less than half of the current price and considerably less than man ufacturing price Human nature being what it is somebody had to discover sooner or later that the only way to get ahead in this busi ness is to help the cows a bit in production and the easiest way to do this of course is to take the cans past the water tap on the way to the dairy Real close we mean Now we do not want to imply that this is the general practice or that it is done brazenly But it is done Well this makes the score even or to be more exact noth ing to nothing Absolutely nothing You see here is the perfect setup for an advertising cam paign You have the producer and the distributor and the consumer hundreds of thous ands of them all in one big glo rious heap Some men with imagination would say now lets have little model dairy set up right here in the CNE building Then lets have lit tle signs over the top of me cows saying This cows milk goes to the model dairy Then lets have a slogan saying See the road from Moo to you or THE OLD HOME TOWN some such thing And t the people see all the gl clean machinery needed milk the fiiterii cooling the the bottling And then one could man with the gift of and an explanation on 1 milk is the best food and then one could free samples or sell We are willing to wage would have as many watching it as a midw show or Mayor Those who have vis cattle barns know that has to do start a machine and there is of people watching are questions fired at and here is do not hesitate to great proportion of the we are producing through those barns make them understand being done to one of portant foods in this more cheaply than through any other met And it could be and well the stage a the audience is all ret what do we have poured down the draiiJ of people water pour milk suspicion and spirit of how to take guy for a ride Yes we know it some money to do it turns in increased would more than But there is also value in education in lie relations and goodwill People happen which is fat to reading about it Oh well we can dn it cant we In the dont he too hard on vidual farmer and that receives the mi You know about throwing the By ST

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