News 77ie for tab mult In Cow written and onBiMd to mm and report than and print Mpvately A meeting of the branch held on Thursday At at the home of Mrs J Maple St The weather beta ideal the proceedings were Mr KJeet lawn Jennings president was in the chair and those pres ent were Mrs secre tarytreasurer Mrs Anderson J Klees Mrs A dark Mr Clarke Mrs Evans Miss Leonard Mrs J Mrs A Mrs J Brooks Mrs Miss Leila Reynolds Mrs Mitch- el Miss Foster Mrs Street Mrs Brown and Mrs Members of the Institute are holding their Mile of Pennies on Main St on Satur day Sept Snowball branch met on Wed nesday Aug on the beautiful lawn of Mrs Brownes home with present Roll call Where I would like to spend a vacation brought answers from Vancouver to across Canada to England and south to Florida north to Alaska A two minute talk on the motto The pathway to Peace id the path from your house to my house was given by Mrs After a short business session a presentation of a lovely cup and saucer was made by the president to Mrs Blum who for five years has been an inspir ation to the members Always putting her whole heart in all she undertook to do needless to she will be missed by the She and her husband and family are moving to Wallace- burg soon- Mrs Blum thanked the ladies kindly for their re membrance The King Ridge- WI were guests for the afternoon They were welcomed by the president They gave a most interesting pro gram Mrs the King Ridge president thanked the Snowball branch for the invita tion Mrs Parker gave a demon stration on spinning and prepar ing the wool for spinning She hid lovely colors from her own dyes She brought her spinning wheel along and showed how to spin the wool into spinning yarn Mrs Ball gave three readings to complete the program which was enjoyed by all present Meet ing closed with the national an them A very delightful lawn was served by the hostess The September meeting wilt be of Mrs A Kerr The brwJey branch held their August meeting at the home of Mrs Gordon Monro on Wednes day evening Aug There were members present and six visitors This was the home economics and health program and Mrs read a few items from World Health Organ ization pamphlets on diseases of different countries The motto Laughter is a good tonic do not bottle it was given by Mrs George Mrs Charles Hicks of was a guest speaker and spoke on cooking various dishes and also demonstrated a few supper dishes which were sampled and enjoyed by all Many thanks to Mrs Hicks for her part on program Refreshments were served by hostesses Mrs Mac- Donald Mrs Gamble Mrs Monro and Mrs The branch regu lar meeting was held at Mrs J Smiths cottage at Royal Beach Simcoe Roll call My favorite home remedy was answered by members There were present The motto I am but one I cannot do every thing but I can do something was explained by the president Mrs A committee for arranging for the chest xray which is to be September was named Mem bers arc Mrs Geo Pearson Mrs j J L Smith Mrs Kavanagh and Mrs Chapman The program was on health The convenor Mrs gave a paper on The Care of the Skin While a delicious lunch being prepared many enjoyed a swim In the lake while others just enjoyed the lovely breeze from the lake and view from the spacious lawn overlooking the calm blue lake with the green of the point in the distance The meeting closed by singing the National Anthem A bus trip to Peterborough and a visit to the Quaker Oats Co and the woollen milk has been planned for the branch on Tuesday Sept Wool will be available at the woollen mills for those desiring to purchase it Each lady is asked to bring her own picnic lunch The bus will make three pickups beginning at Corner at am school and Proctors Service Station Members are asked to pay the fare of to Mrs Albert Ridley previous to September if possible Union Street branch met at the home of Mrs Thomas Thursday evening There were members and six visitors present Many uses of penicillin were given in answer to the roll call The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved A list of resolutions was read and a discussion followed Mrs Oliver was ap pointed as delegate to the con vention in Toronto in November Mrs Whitfield had charge of the program which began by sing ing Home on the Range fol lowed by an excellent talk on health Mrs Whitfield who is a nurse gave us many sugges tions on how to help the aged Mrs Salmon gave a humorous reading Busy Bowl also an article on Uses for old silk stockings Mrs Greenwood was in charge of bingo Several games were played and the win ners were Mrs D Thompson Mrs Burgess and Mrs Cal endar The meeting closed with the National Anthem followed by a delicious lunch old school house at branch held their Sep tember meeting at Mrs home Roll call Name a pioneer settler was well an swered Mrs Elgin Evans and Mrs Osier were appointed delegates for convention Mrs Crone was appointed to represent the Insti tute at the Sharon graveyard committee meeting Sharon hall A very good program was put on in honor of the grand mothers Program started with all join ing In a singsong Mrs Elgin Evans pinned a corsage of roses op Mrs Walter Hall who was the oldest grandmother present Mrs Hamilton pinned a corsage of roses on Mrs F Ramsay who was the one with the most grandchildren Mrs Charlie Haines gave a suitable reading Great Great Grandmother and ending with a poem about grandma Mrs Crone gave a reading A born cook Mrs Graham gave a wonder ful paper on community activi ties and public relations Mrs Kenneth sponsored a bird contest Mrs Elgin Evans was the lucky prize winner Af ter a lovely lunch the meeting closed direction of Mrs Phil Hamilton and Mrs Hayes with the topic being Horticulture The roll call will be Tips on House J Plants Mrs A Mitchell Mrs Wright Mrs Mrs Proctor and Mrs are the hostesses A cordial invita tion is extended to the ladies of the community to attend this first meeting of the fall season PLEASANTVILLE The September meeting of the Newmarket branch will be held in the board room St on Thursday Sept at 230 pm The meeting is under the The bus conveying the ladies of WI to on Tuesday Sept will stop at Mullins corner at am sec end stop at school third stop at Proctors snack While on the tour at the woollen mills wool will be avail able to ladies wishing to pur chase it school reopened Tuesday Sept with pupils in attendance Senior is taught by Miss Shirley and junior teacher is Miss The Willing Workers were guests of Vandorf Ladies Aid at Wesley church last Thursday af ternoon Mr and Mrs Delbert Dike and three children were Sunday night tea guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Harry West Mrs and ter Mrs McDonald of New market were guests recently of Mrs A Colville also calling on Mrs Elmer Starr Mr and Mrs David Preston Mrs Jack Preston and Miss Mar- Preston attended the wed ding of their niece and cousin Miss Mae Reynolds to Mr Keith Bowles In Barrie on Saturday Guests over the weekend at the home of Elmer and Starr were their cousins Miss and Francis Pollard of Norwich Mrs visited a couple of days last week with Mr and Mrs W Brooks Newmarket The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Sept MOUNT ZION Several families attended the funeral of Mrs Herb Cain Zephyr on Monday Mr and Mrs Lome Hoover visited Mr and Mrs H Cole on Sunday Mr Herb Cole has been quite used up again with asthma Mrs Jack Cooper visited rela tives at Kitchener recently Mr and Mrs J Morris mo tored to the United States dur ing the last week in August and visited relatives in Flint and Bay City Sunday services are Sunday school at am worship at 11 am Mr Murray Edgar has resum ed duties at No 10 Only of the land area of the Dominion has been im proved by man or used as pas ture Oak Ridges News Burled in St Johns Cemetery One of townships most highly respected citizens Giles J passed away at his Jefferson home St Sept after several weeks illness The funeral ser vice was conducted in St Johns Anglican church Oak Ridges by the Rev H Michell the rector on Tuesday afternoon The remains were interred in the adjoining cemetery Mourning his passing are the widow the former Marie and three daughters Mrs Clifford Rumble Ella of To ronto Mrs John W Jennie of Sarnia and Mrs Roy Holmes Ruth of A son WO James was missing and pre sumed dead in World War Mr was the son of late Daniel Kerswill and was born on a farm on the sec ond concession of Vaughan township south of King and townline which he farmed six years ago re tiring at Jefferson He followed his fathers footsteps as an ard ent member of St Johns church of which his late father was a founder He was sidesmen chair man for many years just prior to his death Mrs Kerswills accident brought on anxiety and worry which later hastened an ailment that medical aid could not avail He was in hospital for five weeks and was later nursed in his home by his daugh ters The funeral service was large ly attended and the floral tri butes were testimony to the es teem in which Mr Kerswill was held by a wide circle of friends Acting as bearers were Frank Burnett William Bell Captain S C Neil Robert Holmes and John Pass- more Congratulations are extended to Mr and Mrs Keith Smith who were married last Saturday The A supper will be served on Wednesday Sept 17 Hostesses are Mrs A Hamilton Mrs E Hamilton Mrs M Rut- ledge Mrs J Mrs Mrs L Glover and Mrs Glover Supper served from to Everybody welcome Rally Sunday will be held on Sunday Sept 21 Please serve this date The anniversary service will be on Sept with guest speak er and music Full particulars later The Beach branch will meet at the home of Mrs J Williams on Sept at 2 pm to resure activities after the holi days Members are looking for ward to a busy and enjoyable season The Health Unit clinic sponsored by this group will be held on Friday Sept at the Ultra Modern divided Top LIMITED QUANTITY Gleaming Porcelain Easy to Clean Automatic Top Burners- Oven Control J YOU SAVE 7500 Similar to Above OTHER ANNIVERSARY SAVINGS Emitter Ttp Special HMO WHILE THEY LAST Propane Bottled Cm Range fall Burner Medals Hilt but lni Special HIWO Yon Save WHILE THEY LAST out of use CAS There must be a Reason coupon Out wiil coif Absolutely no obligation PLEASE CALL AND EXPLAIN YOUR ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL NAME ADDRESS telephone LTD j PHONE phone MAPLE a v COMING TUESDAY Dry Goods Anyone Can Win Just Count The Fur Bearing Animals Used In The Manufacture Of Fur Coats Here is a prize contest thats really fun for every one AH you have to do is Count -the- Animals in the picture below then enter the number you think this picture contains in handy entry blank below Fill out the rest of the ENTRY BLANK PRINT PLAINLY ami mail or bring to the address given on the entry blank YOU MUST BE FAST TIME COUNTS The winner wilt be decided by the accuracy of his or her count and by earliness of entry You must start now 5000 IN PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN AWAY FREE Follow These Simple Rules Anyone living within the circulation area of this newspaper except its employees and members of their families dealers store personnel and em ployees of the Direct Fur Sales may enter this contest Judges will decide on the basis of accuracy of count of receipt and neatness The decision of the judges will be final In the event of a tic only one grand prize will be awarded Duplicate awards will be made in the event of ties for all other prizes All entries become the property of the sponsor Contestants must use entry blank below Only one entry will be allowed per person AH entries must be mailed or brought below address Contest closes Monday Sept No consideration will be given for entries postmarked after this date AU winners will be notified by and names published in The Newmarket Era and Express DIRECT FUR SALES ENTRY BLANK MY NAME MY ADDRESS CITY My Count it COUNT ONLY HEARING ANIMALS USED IN MFG OF FUR COATS 1st PRIZE PERSIAN LAMB PAW STYLES 2nd PRIZE Processed STYLES OF TOMORROW 3rd PRIZE CONEY Rabbit HARRYS Dry Main St Newmarket AGENT FOR DIRECT FUR 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