r I f w CALL Ontario Rendering comp any for dead disabled animals Satisfaction guaranteed Sani tary removal Special weekend and holiday service Call collect Newmarket O0J or Aurora lor fast service call direct Tor onto KM GRAY mare years old about weight general purpose Phone King MARE young bay wellbroken Sows Chunks Young heifer big Walter Curl Mount Pleasant Sutton West RABBIT also breeding stock does 2 bucks 2 young rabbits Phone Aurora fi WEANED pigs Apply Percy concession phone in All kind of live poultry wanted Will pay above market price at your door Phone Newmar ket Live poultry Any Bring them in or will call on re quest Highest prices paid Appleton Oak Ridges or phone King MiSCfUANEOUS PULLETS ready to lay Apply Charlotte Sty Newmar LAYING pullets A Cedar Valley phone Mount Al bert tf34 CHOICE young roasting chick ens Phone DUCKS broiling alive or dressed Phone New market rlw37 AllHerbal rheumatic for muscular arthritic and sciatic paint Price Best Drug Store phone MUCOUS IN THROAT Thunaj Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropp ing of mucous discharge sensa tion of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tab- lets that have been used for many by adults and child reh with good results Price Drug r PIGS weeks old Alfred Johnson phone ville SHORTHORN bulls solid Ted breeding age Phone Newmarket I I I cow due December Ayrshire cow fresh months bred 2 months White faced cow due first week in September Shorthorn heifer fresh 3 months Veal calf 3 weeks Murray phone Mount Albert REGISTERED Hereford bulls aged to Apply Claude A WANTED Horses tor mink feed Highest prices paid Rex Smith ville phone collect Horses for mink Will call for with truck Good cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone or write PO box for REGISTERED No Cornell Wheat per bus milt Feed Mill a BLACK setter call A E Jarvis 30j King PETS BUDGIE varied Colors ready for training Phone or apply Queen St New- mark WOULD you like a pet Cute dogs and cuddly cats Call be tween and pm dally North York Humane Society Main St Newmarket ling BEST COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds arid bronchi tis A prompt and rem edyfor the relief of bronchitis cents The Best Drug Store We repair ail makes of sewing New machines up Singer Sewing Center New market Main St phone Trusses surgical supports hosiery who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago Best Drug Store phone Newmar in and compare We will hot knowingly be undersold by any You be the Dyers p 10 Newmarket tf27 WATCH for grand opening of Bargain operated by the North York So ciety S tf25 hay and some furniture on lot con of East mile north of highway The property of Wilson and J Terms cash Sale oclock J Kavanagh auctioneer phone MONDAY SEPT Auction sale of fully accredited vaccin ated Jersey cattle farm stock implements feed etc The property Parker Smith and Son to be sold on the premises known rear lot St Twjtt 14 miles souths of Newmarket Sale cbrftmehce at sale No reserve as the farm Is sold Terms cash Mount Clerk Smith phone Newrharket c3w37 FOR SALE OR RENT Hospital beds wheel and invalid chairs and Son Mount Albert K T MERCHANDISE SO INS Selling Monday September 7 pm In Hays Sales Arena Located on Wmilc of Trafalgar The selections for this sale mad up almost entirely of cows and heifers are due either just before or shortly after sale time The majority originate in Fully Accredited herds and are vaccinated and negative some are Listed Most are registered with a few top grade females This is your opportunity to buy good cattle freshening when milk is needed most FARMS LIMITED Box Sale Managers phone MUNICIPAL for the Town of Newmarket NOTICE IS GIVEN for the office of deputyreeve for the balance of the year for the municipality of the town of Newmarket will be held in the town hall on FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 1952 the hour of pm by the returning officer At the nomination meeting the candidates for office shall be proposed and seconded striatum and every nomination shall be hi writing shall state the name residence and occupation of the and shall be signed by proposer and seconder BOTH OF WHOM SHALL BE PRESENT AND SHALL BE ON THE VOTERS LIST AND FILED WITH THE RETURNING OFFICER WITHIN ONE FROM THE TIME FIXED FOR HOLDING MEETING When a proposed candidate is not present his nomination paper shall not be valid unless there is thereto evidence satisfactory to the returning officer that he consents to be so nominated Candidates are urged to obtain from the Treasurer the requisite certificate and file same with the Clerk BEFORE NOMINA TION If more candidates are nominated for respective office here inbefore mentioned than are required to fill the same the voting 1st the polling subdivision at the subsequent shall lie conducted by the deputy returning officers at the respective polling satb division as follows ST WARD Prospect Ave lames IB A Robinson jiC Mrs K McLaren ANDREWS WARD Market Building Geo Slug Ales- Eves Waytt Moorby ST PATRICKS WARD Fire Hall Doyle Mrs Brown 3C Arthur West MMNhy the Twentysecond Day of September 1952 oclock to oclock and no Of all of all persons requested to take notice and themselves GOD THE QUEEN and Of fleet August KiTRA trousers Second big week of Bonds sale at trous ers with suit Order now OUT of HOW often have you rushed to the city to take advantage of a Special Sale and then to be told its out of stock You all know this familiar story by how Does it not seem strange that only those articles that are being sold at Sale prices are out of stock be tooled by high pressure Gome in and see what you are buying Well meet all prices CAU NearKet IF you arc interested In a Qew fall suit or topcoat Don Douglas at Wests store on Friday Sept HOftseENS IN these days of high prices and high salaries is only good judgment to get the most for your money- That is why we recommend that you go to the city first and niak a examination of prices and quality Then came back and compare them with and quality A fair comparison is all we ask You be the judge DYErTS FUkNJTURE Call 1 250 Newmarket NEW fall and suitings by Firth Brothers now on display at Wests store Be meas ured by Don Douglas A per fect fit guaranteed GIFT LAMPS now have in stock for Im mediate delivery a big ship ment of new boudoir and table lamps Priced at to each Free bulbs with every lump FURNITURE Call Newmarket of Household Furniture and Equipment Moffat burner Electric Range new feiectrlc Re frigerator new Grandfathers clock Dining Room Suite Glasswarechina and bedding carpenter General Electric Vac uum attachments TOWN AURORA on the cornet of Wellington and Street SATURDAY SEPT 27 THE OF THE LATE NOTICE BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION The Sharon Burying Ground Association will meet in the Municipal at Sharon on the afternoon of Sept 1052 at three oclock Will members and others interested in the restora tion of the pioneer burying ground south of Sharon please help by their attendance Chairman Secretary- Mrs FOR DEATHS JOHNSTON Son of Mr and Mrs Charles Johnston King died at New Westminster Sept as the result of an accident Funeral service was held in King on Sept torment in King City ceme tery Suddenly at his summer home Hastings on Sunday Sept P husband of Ululate Florence father of Robert Newmarket and Margaret Toronto Funeral service was held in Toronto oh was Mount Pleasant cemetery Tor onto ENGAGEMENTS The Newmarket Era and Express Sept CLUB Studio couch antique sofa large hail rack mirror what riots living room and sundry chairs sets springs mattresses antique writing new Broadloom rugs 20 scatter rugs bookcase chest is chests of various sizes wicker for basket weaving tube cab inet radio tube table model radio portable type writer tables of various types electric mantel clock clocks of various types and ages Sing er sewing machine wicker baskets and flower containers 3 trunks Ox yoke bridge lamp electric tabic lamps dining room suite buffet kitchen cabinet quantity of comforters blankets sheets pillows cushions bedspreads set Limoges china electric coffee electric razors quantity -of- kitchen utensils largo assortment of tools old fashioned heavy iron kettles dishes spinning wheel canned fruit Many miscellan eous articles cash sale at 11 sharp Clerk Leslie Mount Auctioneer Alvin Farmer The entire contents of roomed house Sale must start on time Charles and Arthur Williamson Executors Estate of Williamson NOTICE OF SALE BY VIRTUE of ah execution Issued out of the division court In the County of York and to mo directed against the goods and chattels or J White at the suit of Thornton I have seized and taken in execu tion one Ford tractor serial No ALL of which properly will be sold by public auction at end of Strawberry Holland Marsh King on Saturday the day or at the hour of two oclock in the Curtis DATED eighth c2w37 SEALED tenders properly marked will be received by the unciorsigried up to oclock FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 26TH for the supply arid delivery of treated sand In stock piles in the undermentioned districts iV East of Street In the Townships of East York York arid Mark- ham South of kings Highway J East of Street- In the Townships of North of Kings Highway No Whitchurch and East Gwllt South of Sharon Albert Road DISTRICT East of Street In the of East North of Sharon Albert Road North bury arid DISTRICT West of Street In the Townships of King and DISTRICT E West of Street In the Townships of North York and York A market for the sum of must accompany each tender Specifications Information to Bidders and Tender Forms may be obtained at ADELAIDE STREET TORONTO on and after MONDAY SEPTEM BER lowest or any tender hot neces sarily accepted C ROSE Chief Engineer Adelaide Street NWLONG Chairman Mr and Mrs Angus Keswick announce the engage ment of their daughter June to Mr Gordon Charles Hunt son of- Mr and Mrs T Hunt Newmarket the marriage Will take place on Saturday Oct at In Keswick United church Mr Mrs Leslie Joyce Tor onto announce the engagement of their daughter Laura Elsie to Mr William Cpates son of Mr arid Mrs Roy Conies the take place on Saturday Oct at 3 oclock the Guild Inn Mr and Mrs McVeigh King Ridges are happy to an the engagement their oldest Mary to Mr James Albert Flanagan son of William Flanagan and the late Mrs Flanagan King Ridges Mr and Mrs Zephyr wish to the engagement of their daughter Marie Olive to Mr Gordon of Mr and Mrs Ernest LagcerStouifvHlc the wedding to take place on Sat In Zephyr United church at oclock Mr arid Mrs Leslie Mount Sharon wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Shirley Orma t6 Mr Archie Ed- want son of Mr arid Mrs Milton Forfar the marriage will take place at pm on Saturday Oct A the Baptist church Newmarket Birthday wishes are extended this week to Danny Patrick Newmarket years old ft Friday Sept Wallace years old jni Friday Sept White land Landing IS years old on Bitty Glover old Saturday Sept Jamra Cole years old foturdayi Sept Barbara Ann Burgess New market it years old on Sunday Sept Catherine Holland landing years old Sunday Kathleen market years old on Monday Grace market years old oh Monday Sept John Meyer Hol land Lahaingf years old on Tuesday Sept 9 Jacques it Newmarket years old on Tuesday Sept Newmarket 1 years- Wednesday Sept v Irene Ridley It Newmarket years otd oh Thursday Sept John Douglas Leach Newmar ket year old on Thursday Sept IS NEW OPERATOR Miss Edna Ireland who has been with Mrs Beauty Salon in Aurora for the past three years is the new experi enced operator at Thompsons Salon CESSPOOLS SEPTIC TANKS CHEMICALLY CLEANED Camp cesspool and Septic Tank cleaner eliminates need of expensive unhealthy pum ping and digging up of cess pools septic tanks seepage pools No shutdown cith er Dissolves everything or ganic from grease to cloth to fibrous tree roots in to hours Town Equipment Supply Jr Lake Ave Wilcox Lake Phone Turner JS Hill SALE REGISTER SATURDAY SEPT sale at the Livestock Sales Arena selling livestock our specialty Fresh cows springers heifers sheep calves pigs and horses Pickup and delivery can be arranged This is your community sale Come early and bring something sell You bring It and it every Saturday at 1 Moke this your market where buyers and sellers meet Sellers and Atkinson auction eers SEW- A- Auct ion of now store merchan dise including springfill ed kitchen suites floor ruga novelties ronKeltes bedding 34ton truck all In Al condition purchased in Point Time of solo pm- cash Phillips phono Aurora THURSDAY SEPT salo cattle hay grain ef fects the prorjorty wri Township miles of Bald win Farm sold Time Terms cash Ted auct ioneer WEDNESDAY SEPT sale of farm stock TENDERS WANTED wanted for the build ing of cement block house and plaster bungalow These to be pressure system owner Apply with prices and references Only full tenders considered Write Era and Ex press box Newmarket BIRTHS At York County hos pital Saturday Sept to Mr and Mrs Aurora a daughter York County hospi tal Monday Sept to Mr and Mrs George Case Zephyr daughter At York County Wednesday Sept to Mr and Mrs William J Kearns a daughter KAY At York County Sunday Sent to Mr and Mrs Ivan Kay a son TOWN OF NEWMARKET NOTICE REGARDING APPEALS FROM VOTERS LIST TAKE that I pre pared and pouted in my office a list of entitled to vote on the Question to he submitted to the electors on day of September Appeals regard ing any person whose name has been emitted from tho list er incorrectly describ ed therein or any person who bus been wrongly entered oh ihe said list may he filed with me on fith day of if any such appeals are filed by the last mentioned date His Honour Judge Frank Denton will hear and such appeals the Council Chambers Street on day at Any corporation wishing to dp- Wilcox Von point a to on its behalf on sold must file such appointment of nominee in with mo on or before of September dated at this day of September Clerk Town of At York County Sept to Mr Mrs James McDon ald Lake Wilcox County hospi tal Sept to Mr and Mrs Joe Noble Bond Head a son OCONNOR At York County hospital Saturday Sept to Mr and Hewitt nor Bradford a son At York County bos Wednesday 10 1052 to Mr Mrs Harold a son SELLERS York hos pital Sujulfty Sept to Mr and Mrs ft ft son At York County hospital Saturday Sept to Mr and Mis Robert Sheridan a con TOTl lAt York County hospi tal Wednesday Kept to Mr and Mrs Louis Lake IN AM W NOTICE Mr Tom wishes to an nounce that he has severed his connection with the firm of Ward and Allan loving memory of Mary Kathleen who passed away Sept In- out J she is fondly Sweet to her name lltose who her in life sin SI III love her In death Just same remembered by mother Father sisters and brothers Mr and Mrs HV A VVliite Van- wish to announce the en gagement of their son John Her- White of Port Arthur Ont ario to Williams of Ontario The marr iage will take place In First United church Port Ontario Saturday September Mr ami Mrs Harvey Miller Sharon announce the engage ment of their daughter to Mr Ira Norman son of Mr and Mrs the marriage will take place on Sept at oclock in par sonage Mr and Mrs Arthur Leech Richmond wish to announce the engagement of daugh ter Beverley Elizabeth to Mr James Bull son of Mr and Mrs J Bull Newmar ket the marriage to take place in the Richmond Hilt United church on Saturday Oct at v MARRIAGE Mrs Calvin Davis wishes to an nounce Ihe marriage of her daughter Florence Viola Bray to Mr Lloyd Hurst Buffalo New on CARD OF THANKS wish to extend sincere thanks to our many relatives friends and for iriahy acts of kindness shown In sending can dy also the and Hobby Club for gifts which were very much appreciated while In ihohospltaV En Toronto Special are extended to Dr lihicis of Mrs Con CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this tunlty to thank everyone who was so kind to me during my stay in Toronto hospi tal Especially thanking those who so kindly arid to the benefit fund for me arid made It Thanks for all beautiful letlers and also the doctors and nurses of Toron to Bon Cutting CARD OF THANKS May we express our appreciation to relatives arid friends of Newmarket and Mount Albert for their arid ay m pat hot ndera and I rig at time of the deaf It of a loving and mother On tit family Rowland START CLASS At Mrsft Charles Gordon will pre sume her dancing classes for the third year Registration held at the Legion hall Newmar ket on Tuesday Sept from 730 to Former members of the class as well as prospective dancers are requested to register on that evening Following the registra tion there will be an open meet ing for the mothers of Ihe pupils Girls from live years of age to the senior teenagers are eligible take the dancing lessons In struction is given In tap danc ing ballet and physical fitness Successful have been presented by the classes each year since they were begun in GUIDES BROWNIES RESUME ACTIVITIES Guides and Brownies have be gun their fall season Meetings are held weekly In the Newmar ket Scout Hall Cedar St Guides on Wednesday evenings at and Brownies are on Mon day evenings at pm Girls between the ages of and Inclusive are eligible for girls years of age and older are welcomed in the Guide company- Brownie leader is Mrs Ray The Guide captain is Mrs Thompson- DEAN TO SPEAK ON RALLY DAY it Parke at Master University of will speak at the Rally Day ser vices being held in the Christian Baptist church on Sunday Sept 14 at am arid pm Dean Parker is a native of the southern States but has resided in Canada for many years As a professor in languages speci fically Hebrew he has con tributed very largely to the life of the Baptist convention of On tario ami Quebec Mr Parker is a much sought- after speaker possessing a un ique sense of humor which he judiciously applies in his preach ing The Newmarket Christian Baptist church Is particularly in securing Mr Par ker for this occasion CARD OF Wo wish to ex tend our sincere to Mends neighbors and for their acts of kind ness and floral tributes In the loss of a loving husband and father also Dr and nurses and staff at York County hospital for their kind ness stay In the hos pital Mrs Henry Arnold and family SHARON The Right Rev Bishop Stand- ford Bishop of the Cariboo will have charge of the service In St James church at Sunday Sunday school at St James will open Sept at oclock j AND FARM ANIMALS REMOVED FOR SANITARY COLLECT PHONE TORONTO LTD mm blocks Bond Head Ontario Plain and rock face Rock face silo blocks J Phone Bradford people yy Im retired now and one the big kicks get out of life is meeting people There are plenty of timely topics these days and it is in teresting to hear new opinions and ideas I make many acquaint ances who help to pass the lime most while travelling by bus and lhat is the really friend way to tra vel FARES ARE LOW ROUND TRIP PITTSBURGH WASHINGTON NEW 2350 Subject to change Tickets and Information at KING HOTEL Phono New Location Evans Fuels hive moved from St to timothy St West Newmarket next to Broadbenfs Bakery rit A J It J i J fSA