AURORA NEWS FRONT PAGE Second Section paws SERVING NEWMARKET AURORA AND THE RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK Number of Copies Printed This Week YEAR EXPRESSHERALD YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1952 SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS EACH I- Six Women Bowlers Injured In Crash Three Still In Six Newmarket women on their way to for ft lawn bowling game were taken to hospital after a headon crash on the Don Mills road Tuesday noon Driver of the other car Mrs Clara Agnes Bate was killed The Newmarket women injur ed in the crash were Mrs Jack Booth driver Mrs and Mr J front seat passengers and Mrs Norman Hopper Mrs James and Mrs Ronald Watt The entire front and motor of the Boot car was smashed The accident occurred oft wet pavement near the intersection of the and the Don Mills road east of The Newmarket car was travell ing south the Bate car north Provincial Constable Charles Case who investigated the acci dent said the northbound car driven by Mrs Bate apparently swerved into the path of the Newmarket car on the slippery pavement and as the turned back toward the right side of the road it was struck on the left front by Mrs Booths car A short distance from the scene of the accident was a sign warning drivers to lake caution when the road was wet It had been raining before the time of the accident Mrs Bate was thrown out of the far door of her ear and into the ditch Fronts of the cars were badly smashed but they stayed upright on the road A tow truck driving from Au rora to the scene of the accident was also an accident and the slippery road was blamed The truck skidded and turned over near the Bond lake turn on No 11 highway The driver Hugh Aurora was in jured Trucks from Tullqchs Aurora and and Newmarket went to the scene Still in hospital arc Mrs Booth Mrs and Mrs MrsBooth and Mrs Willis are suffering fairly serious chest in juries and other minor injuries MrsBooth received fractures both feet Mrs is badly bruised and suffering from shock and lacerations LIONS EFFORT ON TICKET SALES FOR WELFARE FUNDS Ag The Newmarket Lions club is making a special appeal to resi dents buy car tickets in the clubs current fundraising The sale of tickets on a hew car has hot been going as well as expected according to a club spokesman A special effort is being made by Lions to increase the sale of tickets 50 that the clubs service be car ried on as it has been in the past During the past three months the Lions have spent nearly 800 according to a report on welfare work The report includes hos pitalization 300 milk supplied glasses for children 70 groceries and dry goods for fami lies in need dental work 70 donations to other organi zations lo0 The club will be holding a bingo at the arena on Friday Sept The car Will be pre sented to winner at this time- Civil Defence To Slit No Financial Aid Civil defence planning for the Toronto and York County area has down to the smallest detail Keeve ft Evans who has attended many meet on civil defence showed council an report Monday night of disaster floods fires or explo sions said Mr Evans Organi zation for medical aid and shelter Key personnel are in the smallest centres Newmarket which te the Mutual Aid a Reception Area Some defence personnel have even started defence training Everything ln complete in the organization of civil defence said Mr Evans There Is only one trouble we have ho means of financing the- Mr Evans said that and provincial governments have been asked for So far the federal altitude is that the financing is up to each muni cipality Millions of dollars for Instance would be required for the Montreal area Deputy controller in the public service division for New market is town engineer The civil defence measures which could be taken would be a great thing in case of any kind PHOTO WINNER Arthur Hare whose farm ex tends over the high ground above the Holland Landing curve on St was the Lucky Farm Photo prize winner last week The farm was photo graphed from the west side This weeks lucky photo appears on page J for families would be available it Is going to be financed is another question I dont know what the municipalities would decide to do about financing the scheme he said GUESTS at OINNER MEETING The Newmarket Optimist club held night at the King George Tuesday night Spe cial guests of the club were Op timists wives members of the newly formed club Mrs Don Warner Is president of the womens club Guest speaker was Miss Jones sisterinlaw of Arthur Hurst who was three years gen eral manager of the Max Factor Co in Hawaii She described the Hawaiian Islands and showed movies taken there She will leave soon on a world tour to set up field training sales schools RECEIVES BURSARY Bill Wilson College St Newmarket has received the Dominion Provincial Student Aid Bursary for He plans to Trinity College at the University of Toronto this year Runaway Cars In Dash Aurora NetitlM Two runaway freight cars roll ed at an estimated miles an hour from Aurora through New market to Bradford Monday nigh l covering miles without an accident they were seen by only a few and luckily passed many level crossings without mishap vf Most people in this mechanical age accept trains automobiles and There ore few who are still stirred by the sight of a train that roars through town But those who witnessed the flight of the two freight cars en- route north just after dark with out benefit of locomotive were suddenly startled into alert at tention One witness P Kelley Prospect St who to bo at Newmarket station at the time said that he and a railroad employee heard a roar from the south The employee suggested they step back off the platform that it might be a small freight travelling backward The wit nesses were startled to say the Jew to see the apparition hurt- Jin along without lights had been left on a aiding at Aurora One was heavily loaded and they apparently onto the main track by them selves The cars shot past Davis Dr as the wigwag sig nal the warning lit was fortunate that no automobiles approached the crossing at the drivers see tho signal and look up and down the tracks If they sec no train light a chance and rush A driver have seen no light in this At Bradford came to the end of their journey as crew successfully leaped from a In the and braked the runaway pair A A A was reported by All signals level crossings it approached as far as is known Complaints have been regis tered by people poor tracks that a train passed through with out lights without whistling and at an excessive speed One resident has made th dry comment that everything on the loose heads for Brad PARENTS TEACHERS TO TUESDAY A evening will open the season for the Newmarket Home and School association on Tuesday Sept at pm at the Prince Charles school Parents will have an op to meet their childs teacher as well as the parents of his classmates The staff of all the public schools Newmarket will be present oh Tuesday evening and Home and School executive members will introduce parents personally to their childrens teachers An ideal background for children is formed when there is understanding between home and school parent and teacher Now at the beginning of the season before problems have arisen is the opportune time for these groups both vitally con cerned with the welfare of the child to become acquainted For this reason the Newmarket Home and School association has planned its informal program for the first meeting Light refresh ments will be served A cordial invitation is extend ed to the fathers and mothers of public school pupils to be pres ent on Tuesday evening Sept Come meet your childrens teachers and the other parents Four Candidates Stand For Deputy in The nomination meeting to candidates for Newmarkets deputyreeve last Friday night brought people to the lm1lVFotirhVWiionijiuttel in this order served on council number of years ago Goodman and two pro sent Jpsepi Dales and Lome COMPLAINS Mayor Joseph Vale had com plaint about the new fire hall in Newmarket There are no windows in the large doors and I cant look in at the fire trucks as I go by he complained citizen has a vested right to be able to peek In and look at the fire trucks the mayor declared Six Newmarket women escaped with their lives when this car driven by Mrs Jack Booth Wrecked in a headon collision on the Don Mills road Tuesday afternoon On their way to a bowl ing game in Stouffville in the Booth car were Mrs Mrs Willis Mrs John Mrs Ron Watt Mrs Norman Hopper and Mrs James SIoss Another car swerved in front of them on slippery pavement causing the accident Still in hospital are Mrs Booth Mrs Willis and Mrs- The others less seriously injured are home INJUREO WHEN CAR FALLS FROM HOIST With a badly fractured leg Jack Sullivan 29 Wilcox was taken to hospital when his car tumbled from a mechanical hoist in an Oak Ridges garage last Sunday evening His was caught by the running board of the vehicle Sullivan was oh a step ladder prepared to get into the car when the ladder slipped When he grasped at it turned over on its side throwing to the floor Mr J Feck garage owner was on the opposite side at the time The vehicle pinned Sullivan down About per sons raised it from the uncon scious man He was removed to the office of Dr Crawford Rose Aurora and taken to York County hos pital Mr Sullivan has three young children under school ago The car was damaged to extent of about 300 A Halloween dance will be held at the Newmarket high school auditorium on October The dance is being sponsored by the Optimist Club of Newmar ket to funds for boys work THURSDAY SEPT In St Johns school sponsored by Catholic Womens League Prizes refreshments Time Admission FRIDAY SEPT Dance In Holland Landing Community Memorial hall pm Geo Mitchells orchestra Everybody welcome Come and have a good time Admission FRIDAY Big bingo in good prizes time pm tf Ion cards SATURDAY SEPT Dingo in Newmarket Town hall spon sored by St Johns Jack pot Time pm games special game TUESDAY evening New- market and School Prince Charles school pm Refreshments Public wel come noon tea and hake sale at home of Mrs J Cordon Cock Hast ford Street to for York Hospital Womens Admission cr2w3 WEDNESDAY SEPT In Town Mall Newmarket at under auspices of Newmar ket Veterans Association At prize Jackpot 30 20 games- Evening Branch of St Pauls A will hold its used clothing and white elephant safe from to at the town hall THURSDAY SEPT Bingo In Legion Hall Aurora at p games as prizes SEPT 20- payable at Arena pm for Figure Skat ing club Former members bring credit slips SEPT Sharon Junior Farmers are sponsoring their first dance of the season at Blue Inn Norm Burl- lunch Admission MONDAY III the Aurora Legion hall at pm In aid of he Ladies Legion Aux- refreshments Admission OCT Earl and his Serenade Ranch Gang at Newmarket Arena by Optim ists One hour and a half show plus three hours dancing iS and SAT OCT and isAt pm In Newmarket Town Hall Cay Nineties Melodrama Lily The Felons Daughter joint by Newmarket Dramatic Club ami Newmarket Optimist Club- J SUNDAY OCT annual deer target shoot and draw at ville field course miles west of St Visitors anil specta tors welcome Time to 5 NOV bazaar St Andrews Presby terian church DANCING every Saturday from to pm to Norm Burling and his orchestra For bus innsjwraHon phone Now market at every Fri day night from to am to Norm EDITORIAL Vote Yes On Monday We doubt if there has ever been a vote in market which was greeted with jess enthusiasm than the votes on a y for deputyreeve and on the Question of rebuilding Main St The voters are in- to dismiss the former as a mere formality and to ignore the latter because they believe that the question should never have been put before tliemjn the first place And rightly so A decision on rebuilding Main St was the responsibility of council but against the oppo sition of three council members Reeve Arthur Evans and Councillors Lome Paynter and Charles VanZant council to let the public decide instead It was a clearcut instance of council abdication of Us duties We strongly suspect that a good many voters will vote against their convictions that the work should be done or- not vote at all simply to let the how they object to this refusal to accept responsibility As personally gratifying as this may be it will not give Newmarket the Main St it should have Theres every reason that the work should be done at There are the grants from county arid province the rising cost of maintenance the pre sent condition of the street and the fact that the longer the job is delayed the more cost Theres not a citizen in Newmarket who does not accept these basic truths Even the members of council recognize them We urge every voter to mark his ballot in favor of rebuilding Main St Then if they are still annoyed with council mark their ballots accordingly at the annual elections in December AUXILIARY TEA WED SEPT J Cordon Cock hns gra ciously opened her home for an afternoon tea held on Wed nesday Sept 243 to The lea is tinder auspices of the York County Hospital Womens auxiliary Mr John Dates Is general convener i There wilt be a sale of home baking Mrs is in charge of the bake table Since its reorganization the Hospital auxiliary has contribu ted to the local hospital through the purchase of medical supplies and surgical equipment Ira PAYS OFF TAXES IN old stamps A Toronto man- who owed the township of East GwilUinbury a sum of money for taxes recently paid off the debt to tho clerk and tax collector Smith In old postage stamps In the collection of stamps were largo number of World War I vintage bearing a picture of Sir Borden Another set issued the thirties used a picture of the Prince of Wales The were during the reign lata King George VI The only other unusual lax payment Mr Smith had heard of was when a man paid his taxes pecan nuts in California VANZANT STATES YES VOTE NEEDED FOR MAIN STREET I strongly urge that citi zens vote in favor of rebuilding Main St said Councillor Charles this week Mr was one of the three mem bers of council who voted to go ahead with the project without submitting it to a public vote l4 work must be done soon er or later said Mr VanZant The longer we wait the more expensive the job wilt At the present time wo arc sure of financial assistance from tho county road commission Wo cant he sure of that assistance after this year If we Walt we may have to pay the whole cost of the work He pointed out loo that by do ing Hie job tho of a growing Amount of mainten ance work would be saved That money spent on mainten ance is simply Wasted money it has to te spent each year with out more resulling than a temporary patching job The Newmarket Boy Scouts will collect salvage on both sides of the town on Saturday Sept Paper bag cardboard and anything saleable will bo picked up These collections are the Scouts moans of raising funds And the support of householders is warmly wel comed Many Who attended said that as a nomination meeting it was disappointing There was open discus sion about the vote on the Main St project the meet ing was well publicized and the public was urged to ask questions about doubtful technicalities n the Main Si project to pave wid en and make other improvements to the street few were asked The for the deputy- reeves office will be he oh Monday arid on the day the ratepayers will be to vote yes or no to the St proposal Nominations in the following order were Herb by and Wain- man Harry Goodman by James Otton and Goodman Joseph Dales by Chester Best and Robert and by Dick and Morrison Candidate said It is with a feeling of humility that I offer myself as a candidate for deputyreeve It is a long time since I have acted in municipal affairs The town is either committed or will have to commit itself to heavy expenditures for a long time to come he said He fa vored the Main St project and added 1 hope the ratepayers to vote for it when so financial help is available at the present time It is surprising that the street has lasted as long as it has When that street was paved sand gravel was poured in arid only a hot top was cov ered it Anyqnc who promised certain economies for the municipality on the platform would only be fooling himself and everyone else in these difficult times We are in the midst of heavy costs and difficult municipal financing he said lie said it would be a difficult task to take over the office with the confidence to do the job as well as the late J I All four candidates paid tribute to Mr and his work oh town council and county council Candidate Harry Goodman charged that the election for a deputyreeve was not necessary Council could have carried on until the end of the year without an election he said I believe that no miracles can happen between now and the end of council term Lets hold down our taxes he said There are certain things which can stand improvement and with the rise in cost of living it is under standable that cost of repairs and taxes go up in proportion but lets keep the taxes down I am for more industries I hope to get them even if we must give concessions and free land We can tip that as long as we get certain taxation from them school tax Further I am in favor of more advertising of the own On the Main St proposal Mr Goodman said 1 believe that may hot cover the cost We dont know trie condition of the sewers or of the water mains I have had lift experience in municipal affairs but enough business to fear no man who opposes me I hope to get electee I know that no man can do miracles in six or eight weeks he said Joseph Wales said I do not have to attempt to justify the municipal which governs us in the culling of ah election mayor it there wiry of getting around It With out an election would hot be legally constituted if you the electors see fit to elect Mr or myself there will be a vacancy oh coun cil The only way of filling the would be to have election for councillor To lack a vote on council is riot a serious matter but to lack a rep resentative on county council is a serlotis thing he said There are important things going on at county council You people deserve a representative there I humbly offer to be your representative He added thai ho had served three years on Newmarket council The Main St matter is largely a technical said Mr Dales The engineer is here to answer questions Why was it to a vote believe that time and again the should be con sulted felt at this was an ideal time to doit Too often in the past councils have forced their wilt by saying T know whats best for should spend your money this way It was a short cut The municipal board has the power to dispense with a vote I doubt if the municipal board would have let this controversial issue go by without a vote v reason rio money has been spent on the road is that the county- knows it is going to be turned Kick to the town he said Iaiii in favor of the Main St being done in this fashion and that we work 24 hours a day to get it Suppose the electors say no This will come up again If it became a town road there would ben contribution available of fromVthe provincial government plus ihe 40000 which goes to the county a total of if it comes back to us Perhaps we could get an al ternative grant from the county on something else possibly the hospital Mr Dales Candidate Pay feel out of place on the platform at this late date -I- loo am of the opinion that the ejection was not necessary Other councils have filled vacancies when they were in the same position as T also soy that a vote on the Main St was not necessary I was one of three members of council who opposed it The work would not have been done this fall at any rate and this some vote could have been taken at the annual election in in favor of the work being done if not next year then in the next four or five years This money for the work has been ready in county council for four or five years and we havent taken advantage of it candidate mentioned new industry for Newmarket Any industrial man coming to New market will take a look at Main St and say town is not for Tn the last three years I have worked on the roads and bridge committee with Mr Boxvserfpr two years Eight miles of side walks were laid arid four and a half of in that time But what have you seen done this year- to be chairman of the following MK Dowsers retirement from council but that did not come true can say that have riot let the public down with one act or one word I am open to sugges tions from the public at all times whether it be connected with town council or county council was prepared to go along and- resign my seat on council said Mr l the soli citor told Us otherwise It is not iny fault or Mr fault that the ruling was so made REGISTER FPrdACiN An meeting of the Betty Gordon club was held on Monday 15 at the ball fol lowing the registraUon of pupils Over HO girls registered for the dancing and at the meeting of the mothers there were than present Classes will bo held weekly at the Legion hall evening Pupils between the ages- of six and eight years of ago will have their classes from Mo nine to la year olds to and tho teenagers those J3 years of ago ami over will hold their classes from pm first meet ing Will be held Tuesday Sept rsA A letter from the Newmarket Manufacturers Association read at council meeting Monday night indicated that the town indus tries were in favor of going ahead with improvements to