at Em Storting SUNDAY Sept 28 Guy Services ON STANDARD TIME Service Remains this Route unchanged COACH LINES USE ERA AKD EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS IN TURNING UNWANTED ARTICLES INTO CASH GRAYSTONE Restaurant OPENING DANCE Saturday Sept 27 -w- J Don Gilkes Band Phone for reservations Aurora PHONE NEWMARKET CONTINUOUS NIGHTLY FROM THRU SAT MATINEE SAT THEIRS SAL flv SEPT Ml TIME ROCK HUDSON uft ACTION HIT ta KtUf MAI fal If f I TUB WED SEPT 2930 OCT 1 of DIZZY DEAN fe J AWARD To A Pair Of Pitchers Your either has to an mo this week or offer two awards and Roxy Theatre passes- No one not even this trained observer ouch sort out the best pitching effort on the fronts over the past week How can a fellow pitch one hit ball and lose you may ask Ken Red Mitchell the pride of the did that Monday night is his mates failed hold up their end Mitch was terrific halting and Jits head off Thats oar one award V On the other Hesters effort last Friday dropping off the ladder thrown left handed the way he was cuffing the apple Bis big fiit scooted across plate and thats mthff Mister cowinner with Ken Mitchell v Benefit Shew For Injured The Injury took a couple of solid socks at our senior la dies softbail team over the past season Coach Charlie lost the services of two of his regular keystone players and Jeanne during the crucial of the are now complete to stage a benefit floodlight game at -the- fair grounds Saturday evening at pm to take care of the bills in connection with the injuries junior ladies who won the town league cham pionship and got through a couple of rounds in the juried lady Softball players will provide the opposition for the local la dies and company are hoping to close their season on a winning note with a win over the highly touted visitors Oct is another date to tuck J away in your bonnets for future consideration as Stohey Cooper Lee and their troupe of Western stars of station WWVA Wheeling West Virginia will be at the Newmarket arena for a twohour allWestern show Proceeds from this event less expenses will go towards cover ing the expenses of our two in- All roads will lead to the Newmarket fair grounds Friday night as Blues arid Albert meet in the third of the Lake sof league final series Game time is Should a fourth and fifth game be required to de clare a and Stan Cook trophy holderV they will he played at the fair grounds Mon day and Wednesday next A- EVEN SERIES Scoring runs in every innings and taking full advantage of five Zephyr errors Mount Al bert put an win on Ice Wednesday to even the scries at game each DougSimpson third hit a homer in the third make it 51 In following stanza hits by Case a pair of walks and Hal Watts tworun single put the That effort got Blues strong- man Ron off the rubber and brought in Bill complete the pitching walked three and three Zephyr errors set up a onerun fifth and tworun sixth to polish off Mounts scoring BLUES WIN FIRST a chucks onehit ball and loses you can bet your last dime theres something wrong somewhere that somewhere as Mount Albert lost the first game of the Lake finals to Zephyr at the fair grounds Monday was right do Mount infield sta- Joe Case fumed on the sidelines the in field committed five disastrous rocks Those bobbles staked the Blues to the win Bar ring the the series opener was strictly a pitchers duel the Hon tor and Mounties Ken Mitchell Mitch gave up only one hit to Zephyrs sharp fielding see- on Lunney lined a 32 pitch down the center Ron was terrific loo He had the Mounties eat ing out of his hand and per mitted only two hits Ken Mitchell got the first and vet- wan outfielder Charlie Green was the other swinger IN FINALS Ron Kester was a very busy fellow at the fair grounds Fri day In fact Ron was so busy with his war club and his right that it led to the ouster of Pine Orchard from the Lake league semis Zephyr Blues won a deci sion to knock out Harry Pine Orchard whizzers Takes Lead There was no disgrace attached to the buster i The boys carried the defending champs to nine games in what originally started put to be a best two out of three series Friday with the teams at a game each someone had to was Orchard They led in the third when the dam burst Zephyr scored five fainted runs in that eventful frame after two were put as Ron lashed out a double to drive hi two and Don Hewlett climaxed the big frame his round tripper Zephyr made the issue surer in following panel by clus tering runs around Ken Pickerings single and Ron homer That nailed down a lead for the Blues Don Hewletts second homer in the fifth and Ron two on four base smash in the sixth polished Blues scoring Pine Orchard made early visits the scoring column A round of Blues wild heaves allowed Alvin to score in round two plus Ross Eves single and Harry double set up runs Orchard tribe made their other bid to keep alive hi the fourth as Harry and Nobby Ash whacked singles and allowed Lome Shropshires ground skimmer go his legs and it was good for- two runs was the star driving in seven runs and pitching seven- hit hall Harry with three hits Was las most fcarr some customer and it was one each for Nobby Ash Shropshire Eddie and Ross Eves Zephyr beat Eddie and Pine Orchard to death with a attack six for sacks with two homers and a double leading with Don Hewlett a close second with two round trippers cashed triple Ken Pickering and Ha fur nished three hits apiece Harry Hawse starred in Blues outfield with five Dealing themselves a big hand of base hits Queen City Storage steam rolled to a win over Ditch Diggers Monday to forge a the best of five Au rora Town League finals Homo run blows by Jack Andrews Grant Winters and Harry Sutton plus run scoring hits by Jimmy Emmons and Andy paid off for the winners with five runs hi the first and six hi the fourth Norm who opposed Sutton on the mound turned in another creditable pit ching chore as he set down the Diggers on six hits Diggers did get around to scoring a run in the third to break the shhtout spell arid added run two in the fifth and punched home two in the sixth before darkness inter rupted their plans of a last ditch rally Ken Wright was the Dig gers number- one hit asset lie got to for Iwo hits Harold Stephenson Grant Daw son Earl MacDonald and Ray White the base hit but ton for one apiece grudge match between Red Garner anil John Logan feature wrestling Card at the arena Fans got more than they bargained for recently as Red Garner and losers In thoj final tag team bout took a fall out of referee Logan on the way to this dressing room It was quite an exciting ex change six husky chaps hauling hi ohe direction and an number pulling th other way the over- time gKipplcrs asunder Lo- who is some shakes as a grunt and groan artist Imme diately hurled the challenge that licd tear Garner limb from limb if he could get him In the ring Well lie gels aforesaid Mr Garner In the ring tonight so look out for the fireworks v- out the card will be a team match and a prelim inary bout- Now prices been set ringside anywhere else in the arena TRACK FIELD MEET Newmarket public schools will hold their annual track and field meet Thursday and Friday Oct and at Stuart Scott grounds A busy found of will be run off during the afternoon of day Parents are invited to attend Aurora Wins Title Aurora Legion won the North York Midget Baseball League championship Saturday Behind onoiiit pitching by Geo Aurora downed Lowell Wallers Little Giants In the start off game of the title series off in tournament fashion New market trimmed Richmond Hill Little doubt Geo KerofVs one- bit effort was the highlight of the afternoon Fred single in the seventh spoiled the no hitter got himself rubbed off seconds later as Aurora infield clicked on a double play- Aurora got three runs in the third on one hit by Jim Hammond Newmarket er rors two walks and a hit bats man Aurora added insurance markers two in the fifth oh Herb single arid one in the sixth on Geo sol- id safety Aurora parcelled six hits off the combined offerings of Grant Morion and Don Thorns as Geo Keroft backed his pitch ing with two hits and Jimmy Hammond was the other twohit mail Little Giants counted their initial tally intlie fifth without benefit of a hit and Bill walk and liit set up the other the seventh BRADFORD TO High Noon Gary Cooper Lloyd Bridges Grace Kelly SECOND FKATUJIK East Side Kids Lucky lasers First bell for- the 105253 sea son of the Newmarket district hockey league rang Wednesday as les from three teams met to organize the pure circuit Bay was returned as president Vicepresidents are Geo and Main prize Mount ho Bob Brown Vandorf is secretary- treasurer Each club will name a representative to the executive Two teams definitely back Mount Albert and Town Regents officials expect to be back stronger than Inst season Office Specialty word not rep resented will meet again tonight Thursday at President Kay Smiths residence Millard Ave at pm PINUPS VS itain Thursday Tuesday in terrupted the efforts of Newmar ket Pinups and Mount Albert to conclude their Lake Junior Ladies Softball League final series The will en tertain the tonight Thursday at the Fair Grounds the fourth game in their best of seven set Game time is lead the series games arid need another vier lory to claim their third straight title Geo- Walt and company are bound theyll stop the rush to the title LOOP Rain Thursday and darkness halted the best of three scries for the Lake junior mens league title leads by one game The teams will rush through two games to night Thursday at and tomorrow Friday evening at Keswick an endeavor- to get a champion declared before the end of daylight saving WINS GIANTS RADIO Art Newman of Queensville won the radio in the draw con ducted by the Newmarket Little Giants baseball team Draw was made S a ay at the Fair Grounds Winning ticket was No ICO Coach Lowell Waller and manager Eddie Pitt wish to thank all who purchased tickets and aided in the campaign to raise funds for the Little Giants team Plan Gridiron Season Fred Speer will his 1052 edition of the senior grid iron corps this week in an exhi bition game with Pickering lege gridiron squads senior junior arid bantam will carry the football message to the North York faithful Fred is conch of the seniors Geo the juniors and Mike Steele the bantams Two 12men intramural crews will round out the football activity The intra mural games are scheduled to open afternoon Thursday To date only two teams are definite starters in the York secondary schools football conference- They are Newmar ket and Frank Aurora doubleblue Alliston is being I BRSiPE of it Don fa t QJ 1 MONDAY TO VEDNKSDAY Five Fingers Mason Danielle In Color Honeychile Judy HOW THEY STAND TOWN FINALS f Queen City Storage Ditch Diggers 1 Queen City Storage leads host of five finals games to I Finals At night Is photo 1ST 2ND- Extra Wed and Thursday Oct land 2 Fight Rehires Rocky Marriano of i 2 i a -t-TT- w Mount Albert Newmarket Mount Albeit leads best seven finals panics to SIM OK FINALS Zephyr Mount Albert I Zephyr best of live fl- name to Zephyr Pine Orchard Zephyr wins of Raines I FINALS Office Specialty I Can- Hoffman I Office Specialty wins with I I best of aeries game to em 1 Lower maintenance for SCHOOLS WHEVESC0 BLOCKS AND HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL at HAYS SALES ARENA Trafalgar Ontario Located on 4 mile of Trafalgar Fully accredited Vaccinated THURSDAY OCTOBER 2nd This herd owned by Frank Son of Milton Ontario consists of cows milking heifers classified Good and Good Plus bred and open heifers and 6 calves Added entries of carefully selected individuals will bring the total offering to 50 head Approximately of the herd Is rich In the blood of Locust Lodge Bess the of an 8000 son arid daughter of the Silver Seal producer Locust Lodge Queen and of AUulviadale Sylvia the daughter or Hays Butter Boy that In lactations daughters of A Marksman of Fond Hope as well as young Good Pius daughters of Texal and Lonelm A Baron add to the appeal of this sale HAYS FARMS LIMITED- Sale Managers BOX PHONE ONTARIO that LOCAL O BLOCKS MEETS A SPECIFICATIONS 1 GO STEADMANS SHOE REPAIR OPENING Monday Sept 29 Bolsford St Newmarket Opposite Ladies Rest Room Skates sharpened shoes repaired while you wait u Les Steadman proprietor WINNERS OF DIRECT FUR SALES GO NT EST AT HARRYS DRY GOODS NEWMARKET 1st Mrs J A Gillbam R King George Dew Box 39 Holland King EACH WILL RECEIVE A FREE FUR COAT LUCKY WINNERS WERE DRAWN IN THE ABOVE ORDER BY CHARLES J AND RALPH ADAMS Attention Dairymen For best results from your cows this Fall Winter your home thrown willi either of the following is those who to hand mix their meal fcviUnK This iVotl will Rive you top it many oilier local dairymen for those who tux of homo This hiffli protein concentrate will jdve very insults if as See us also for Oil Meal ami Dairy supplies MM MM MM MASTER BALANCED FEEDS fir mm im ffH MMMMM MMMM PERKS Feed Mill Ltd Ill NEWMARKET PHONE WE WHO f MASTER iViriti- v