rT -j- r St PHONE Cos prices are up again More Hie price goes up FOR YOUR YEARS SUPPLY OF COAL PAY SO MUCH EVERY WEEK Em contracts liken for oft burners It J JACK POT JACK POT 125 BINGO SPONSORED BY ST JOHNS CHURCH TOWN HAIL NEWMARKET Sot PM JACK W J GAMES SPECIAL JACK POT JACK POT I -v- t Calvert SPORTS COLUMN i A school isporls thought that has developed since our nearly pointless ef forts In Olympic Games trackfield would eliminate our competition therein until such time as we develop athletes of a calibre reasonably certain of points arid meantime devote our funds to sending forth trap shooters boxers in which diversions wo might show to better advantage Its a sound practical thought all right but though ft makes no difference I dont agree The viewpoint cant very well he disputed if you adhere to coldly practical grounds Theres a sentimental side to it Every country doesnt send trackfield winners to the Games Indeed such entries arc limited to a very few nations And it would be putting the final killing blow oh the ambitions arid hopes of young Can- if the Olympic standards were high in the trials that practically none could make them There must be some sporting tolerance in these things and the goal of Olympic competition and perhaps Olympic victory must be kept- alive for the future even if we havent done so well In the last couple of Games The Olympic must remain beyond the Empire flames So we must in Canada reach a compromise between the practical and the in our Olympic outlook Shall victory be the only consideration with none but reasonably certain winners sent to the Games which menu reduc- the team to nonexistent proportions shall we mairi- tain the attitude Wat the Olympics a goaf refaiii- but that If victory Is not achieve- thin lite competition itself has been worth while V We must take either attitude or abandon the fruitless to distinguish between the two ith- i- success becomes the hallmark almost in the grade school little or no toleration for dack of it Perhaps the attitude would change if ileCoubertins thesis was hung on every schoolroom wall- yr- ho succeeded in restoring the Games back In Karon wrote important part in the Garner not to win but to take part in them just as in If the most thing is riot so much to conquer as to have fought well Nations In population than Canada did nt fare o well in the Olympics trnckffeid There must be heart- burning and disappointment In many nations as fond went dashed performances that sent former words rolling brokenly into the pasty Ho lets look ahead Weve had a Kerr a Williams a a a Hodgson before Why not again v Your or column fc by Wow St Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED Down The Centre By AB HULSE With perfect Weather but a slow track the boy gal athletes of Aurora High held their annual track and field championship on Monday the first at the new school and the consecutive meet Lynn winner of the trophy for runner- up last year for the senior crown romped home an easy winner in the boys senior im with a broke the for senior set by his old rival Ross In Lynn feet inches over- foot further closest rival was Don Busby a winner but his task made easier as the schools intermediate who is quite the promising young athlete was unable to compete because of illness The mile regular dot as Coach Frank made all the football enter as an eligibility test for the team and some of the boys had a real tough assignment following the heels of Gran- Show who took the event in fine style George promising young proved he could toss anything round equal ly well by throwing the discus a distance of to bet ter a mark set by floss in Vrana was a good feet further Preston BUI and respectively won the intermediate junior and juvenile All three were outstanding young bidding fair to equal the exploits in the future of his older brother Bruce in the Nancy with moved up to senior to annex her third straight school sectional cham pionship She was pressed to the limit however by Shirley Wright who was but three In the rear A family affair was apparent intermediate and junior girls as Carol Busby won the intermediate crown and Bar- bar Busby took flic junior championship Dont forget that older brother Don was runnerup to in the senior section making the family mantle at with a think this the first in the history of- the school for two members of a family win championships With no interschool shoot at the affair lost a little of its and the crowd of spectators was too the jaunt to the southend of town in place of Aurora town park having its effect It will a year or tvvo for the cinder track to reach its best so that the present track records likely to remain steady for a while One by one the old record are failing as youthful technique and training if not natural abil ity improves mark for inr stance lasted that set by of Newmarket in infer- school competition back in HOLLAND LANDING Harvest Thanksgiving Service will be held in Christ Church Sunday Sept 28 at of St Pauls Church will be the guest speak er The Boy Scouts under the leadership of Mr John Meyer and the Cubs under the leader ship of Mrs Bonne will parade to service Mr and Mrs J Morris Tor onto is spending a few days Visiting Mr arid Mrs Good win Miss Jean Stephenson Toronto spent the weekend at her home ANSNQRVELD ftedHavmga of Toronto spent the weekend visiting Mr and Mrs Mr and Mar its visited Mr and RfrS of Sunday Mr of Grand Ids conducted the servi ces at the a Reform church here oh Sunday Miss visited Mr arid Mrs on Sundays Queensville News When cork was scarce fisher men in the Great Lakes used to uso the thick outer bark of the base of old balsam poplars as floats for their rT J l Tf T NEWMARKti MONSTER BINGO AND DRAW FOR GAR MEMORIAL ARENA BMW FOR CAR BINGO CASH PRIZES FOR GAMES PIUS THE LAST GAME FOR 100 maple Hill At the Young Peoples meet ing next week Friday Oct- the people from Baptist Church will put the program The meeting will be held Baptist church MOUNT ALBERT A Memorial service for the late Rev Wilson Terry who died July In Montreal will be held at church on Sun day Sept at three oclock The service wilt be conducted by Rev Burns head of the Mission Board of the Bap tist church and Br Toronto a close friend will preach the sermon All friends will be welcome The Cheerio club will meet on Saturday night Sept at the church at oclock sharp as there is to be a guest speaker Miss Bet ty Moore We wish a speedy recovery for Mr Art who is in York County hospital Miss Marian Warren was also taken to York County hospital last week Wo hope she too may soon be feeling her usual self Miss Mary left on Sunday to resume her studies at Queens University Kingston Miss Yvonne Johnston left oh Monday to go in training at Tor- onto General hospital Our good wishes follow both of these young ladies Miss Elsie Huntley and Mr Murray Huntley sperit the week end in Rochester Mrs David entertained at a shower forMiss Friday night Mrs- has been visit ing her sister Mrs Bruels of Sutton West Mr John Lewis has returned home after attending the funeral Mr Walter Hi a niece arid granddaughter have re turned from visiting his son Sgt Cliffen and family of The Newmarket Era and Express Sept of his grandmother Mrs John at He then visited his aunt Mrs Paul in Hanover Mr and Mrs Don Ross and Janet are visiting Mrs parents Mr and Mrs J of Mr and Mrs Chapman arid Donald spent the weekend in Buffalo Oliver has returned af ter spending two weeks with her daughter and family in OakviHe The annual ted Church Rally Day is oh Sunday Sept Sunday school will be held at Rally Day worship ser vices and promotion will be at 1 In the- Hie Ju nior choir will provide the music r Little en- a number of her little friends at her fourth birthday party oh Sunday Remember the change in time J effective this Sunday back to j standard time Professional Wrestling at v NIGHT NOTICE WATCH FOR There will be service in St James Anglican church next Sept at il Bishop Beverly of Tor onto will officiate Note change of time for service at United Church will be at am Sunday school at am AH are welcome both services The organization meeting of Sharon Home arid School will be held in Sharon school on Monday Sept at pm E president of Home and School also Mrs Harvey official or ganizer for this district will be present Membership fees will be accepted at this meeting Parents and friends are asked to attend THE PHYSICIAN and THE PHARMACIST WORKING TOGETHER YOUR HEALTH DO YOU KNOW That in any appraisal of your treasures health should head the list Yet per haps you may bo disregarding those early hints of impending illness Better see a doctor and heed his experienced counsel Why not make an appointment to day and when your doctor gives you a prescription may we have the privilege of compounding it YOU WILL FIND OUR FACILITIES AND SERVICE ADEQUATE TO EVERY NEED NEWMARKET 108 MAIN ST WE DELIVER Q Did you know that the delivered price on this car with license in Newmarket is 2175 Illustrated Special Sedan mid for Feature A VAIM Yea theres Pontine for every puree and pur pose and every single model gives you the distinctive Silver Streak beauty the per and the matchless riding comfort which puts In itself for down right Gorgeous twolone Interior color perfectly vrlth exterior colors give new richness anil beauty to the lie- luxe and models The powerful w and arc justly renowned for engineering and operating economy And remember only Pontine you choice of completely automatic transmissions silksmooth Powc- Glide in Deluxe models ami in the magic So foe the model you waul I the driving see your MORTO BROS LTD TRUCKS Eagle St Phone a a m Hi