Newmarket Era and Express, 2 Oct 1952, p. 1

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V w- i v vreYyo it AURORA NEWS FRONT PAGE Second Section Number of Copies Printed This Week 4500 NEWMARKET AURORA AND THE RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK YEAR YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY OCTOBER 1952 SINGLE COPIES S CENTS EACH Auditorium In Plans to make improvements to the Newmarket town hall auditorium were put forward at a meeting of the town council on Monday night Coucillor J 0- chairman of the property committee said the committee was in of lowering the ceiling and using acoustic wall board The mayor and Councillor Charles Boyd suggested that the plans go further to completely modernize the auditorium Mr Dale said he had obtained price on lowering the ceiling and on putting In acoustic walls and ceiling A processed type of bant wall board would also be put on the lower part of the Walls four feet up from the floor think the work should be done said Mr Pales We re ceive a year from the mag istrate court for the use of the auditorium Various clubs and organizations use the auditorium In the production of shows on the ate it has been found that sound vibrations are bad acoustic walls and ceiling would overcome that and in its present condition the auditorium Is not worth painting he said Why not get a price on a com plete remodelling of the auditor ium said Mayor Vale I think we should go beyond the estimated price and make a complete Job of it so we can have a modern auditorium Councillor Charles Boyd Hales said the false ceiling will be suspended by wooden hangars The committee has a price on the work but it would call for tenders be said TO SHOW FILMS AT DRAMATIC CLUB GENERAL MEETING A general invitation has been extended by the Newmarket Dramatic Club to attend a gen eral meeting In the town hall on Monday Oct at pm A Him Prelude to Perform ance which closely follows the production of a stage play in all its stages will be shown The clubs first play of the season Lily the Felons Daugh ter a melodrama will be pro duced at the town hall on Oct and 18 Director of the play J Dales says It is a good cast and the play promises to be one of the best efforts of the club CUBS TO VISIT emeus The first Newmarket Cub Packs A and will visit the Circus on Saturday Oct Boys of Cub Pack in terested in going are asked to bring for transportation on Friday admission tickets have been donated Bus will leave Scout Hall pm Have Down Plan For Govt Houses Possibilities of another government low rental hous ing subdivision in Newmarket have not been cancelled out by town council Councillor Dales chairman of the property committee said that the committee is still look- for new sites but that there has been nothing definite planned A letter from the department of planning and development asked if council had any further plana about a develop ment which had been considered the aummer Council had Investigated the terms of such a development with authorities of the department of planning and development Townowned land on Eagle St was considered for the subdivi sion but late in the summer council offered the same land for a new county home for the aged which has been proposed by the home for the aged committee of county council Council broke off negotiations for the time being with the de partment of planning and devel opment because of the possibil ity of a new county home here council has offered the land to the county free for the loca tion of the home Councillor Dales suggested that the town clerk write the depart ment and state that council is still looking for new sites for a housing development The development which would be subsidised by provincial and federal government would also require a subsidy by Newmarket in the form of reduced assess ments on each house Newmar kets share would be in propor tion by percentage to the sub sidy on each house by the gov ernment PETITION FOB SEWERS A petition was received by town council Monday night by residents of Stanley St and Ave nue ltd for sanitary sewers for a distance of feet Rt Rev Beverley Lord Bishop Officially Opens Warrendale a specialized resi dential centre for adolescent girls was officially opened in a service of dedication on Wed nesday Oct Conducting the service was the Lord Bishop of Toronto the Right Reverend A Beverley MA DD He was assisted by Rev J Rhodes rector of St Pauls Anglican church Mrs if Arn old Ward outlined the history of the organization As president of the board of St Faith lodge which operates the Institution Mrs Ward wel comed the representative gath ering to She said that the house had been named in memory of Mrs Warren a founder of St Faiths and its president for over years Is the residence of the late Aubrey Davis We are pleased our search for a suitable property led us to the town of Newmarket con tinued Mrs Ward For as a board and as a staff we believe there are many advantages in community of this size that are lacking in a metropolitan centre We are looking forward to a friendly relationship with the citizen of and especially with those with whom the Ef have contact is to the Ctrl String Mr stay and such we want to bring their friends home for afterschool activities and special parties As time goes on and rendale and the people of New market got to know each other better we trust Newmarket will be as proud of as wo are and will be as eager as the board that it give the best pos sible care to its girls We have no desire to remove the girls entirely from the com munity and to isolate thorn from everyday goings on Our staff full credit for success much will will never bo to take the be duo to those people In the town who have accepted the girls as friends and who have helped them in any number of ways Girls between the ages of and within the greater To ronto area will be admitted to They ore recom mended by recognized social agencies for period of three months to two years The ac commodation is limited to girls at any one time plan of service is to help unhappy and disturb ed girls who have been unset tled In their own homes or in foster homes to adjust to normal living experiences It provides a group setting for these adoles cent girls for a comparatively short period of time TENOR HARPIST CONCERT of mm The first in this seasons series of Canadian concerts in Newmarket will be on Novem ber Artists who will be at the Newmarket high school audi torium on that date will be Jon tenor and Donna harpist r are a few memberships available in the Canadian Con cert Association of Newmarket for the 195253 season Anyone wishing a membership ticket may call Mrs It 159 or Mrs R Blackstock Membership cards must be presented at the door the night of each concert Other concerts during the year will be on Dec with the under the direction of David Jan the Solway String Quartet and Feb Lois Marshall and Kiiburn NO INDUSTRIES J Answering an inquiry by Coun cillor Charles VanZant Council lor Charles Boyd chairman of Newmarket councils industrial committee said there is nothing concrete about new industries coming to town He said sev eral approaches were made in the last month by industries in terested in Newmarket as a loca tion but nothing came of them He said that the clerk is now pre paring a prospectus for the town JOHN A MEYER editorship of the Era and Express has been taken by John who has been news editor for the paper John Meyer managing editor for years since is going to Ottawa where he will be working on the publication of another weekly newspaper REPAIR ESCAPE Repairs are being made to the fire escape at the Alexander school The fire escape had pul led away from the wall of the school building on some sections It will be repainted as well Work has also been started in sodding the school grounds of the Prince Charles school ASSESSMENT Ratepayers are seeking a re duction in assessment of farm lands in Newmarket in that part of town which has been annexed from Whitchurch township ad jacent to St highway The owners say they are opposed to the percent reduction of farm land assessment this year instead of the percent reduction last year STUDIO IN The Accordion Academy is opening an accordion studio at Main St in Newmar ket second floor Classes for instruction will commence on Wednesday Oct The Accordion Academy has won a special award of merit The citation is For unusually excellent teach ing standards and musical activ ities as evidenced by the highest percentage of prizes ever award ed to students and bands from one individual The award was made by the publication Accord ion World- i The Academy is headed by Eric Mundingcri an energetic German- Canadian Several from New market have studied with the Academy in Toronto SAYS TROUBLE AT A change in management at the Newmarket Era and Express last week promoted John E Struthers formerly news editor to managing editor John A Meyer who has been managing editor since 1944 leaves to go to Ottawa where he will be engaged in new work in the newspaper business Mr Meyer came to the Era and Express eight years ago Prev iously had been with the Toron to Daily Star and before that the Montreal Herald He was bom and educated in Toronto He at tended Queens University While he was managing editor the Era won several newspaper awards Most of the awards were won for the papers editorial pagV For several years tro- were taken by the Era and Express both lit the national field and In the OntarioQuebec div ision of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Three trophies were won this year Mr has been with the Era and Express since He is the son of Dr and Mrs J Port Dover Ont ario He was born in Port Dover is a graduate of Pickering Coll ege where he attended for three years He served in the Canad ian Army having taken some his training at Newmarket camp and was later with an army Jap anese language school in Vancou ver Following his discharge he at tended the University of Western Ontario The new editor is married has two children a girl and a boy Mr Ronald has been employed as advertising mana- Farm Scene Of Hunt On Saturday October at Farm the home of Mr and Mrs Edgar Burton will be the scene of Toronto and North York Hunt meet at a in and 2 Greenbrook is on the west side of the con cession a half mile south of the KlngNobleton sideroad This countryside is very at tractive and the best spot for spectators to see the hunters and dogs is when they draw away in the open field east of the barns on the farm at am and 2 oclock in the afternoon Some times they are visible from the King sideroad hills north of the line On Wednesday Oct the hunt will meet at at oclock afternoon Some young people of the Au rora Pony club are following hunts enthusiastically Maureen Mary Bar bara Specht and Bill Pate are on hand when the hunts are not too far away Barbara rides Rocky a Palomino horse has surprised those of the Toronto and club with his keen ness for the jumps Barbara will ride him bareback for exer cise about Windy Ridge farm and Rocky clears every obstacle in sight See Mi 1 1 Saved On Tax Rate By Insurance A saving of one mill on the tax rate through a re organization in municipal insurance is the hope of the finance committee of the town council a large pari of the towns insurance Mayor Vale proposed at Mon day night council meeting that it be taken from the company which has been carrying it for some time this week Mr Blaxley came to Canada from England recent ly He served in the Royal Air Force and trained in Canada in the early part of the war BOWLING SEASON OPENS Starting the bowling season the Thursday night girls opened their year with an election of officers last week president is Fran sec retary Bessie treasurer and captains Dunn Ella and Dales The three game high scores for last Thursday were Mary Myrt Dunns and Hazel SCHOOL ENROLMENT HIGH Enrolment in the Newmarket public schools totals accord ing to a report given by A Jackson supervising principal of of the schools at a school board meeting last night Enrolment of pupils who have never been to public school before totals 149 It is expected that if the enrol ment of new pupils each year continues at such a high figure more school accommodation have to be considered in the fut ure The mayor and finance com mittee recommended that anoth er company take the insurance The company he mentioned had presented a plan whereby sever al thousands of dollars could be saved in a year The saving in liability insur ance alone would amount to a year according to the figures read by the mayor the present insurance were kept on the total amount spent by the town between October and October would be from to 9500 the mayor told council That is over two mills he said A comprehensive form of lia bility insurance at present car ried by the town costs 5055 a year A comprehensive plan of fered by the new company would cost 1657 according to the may or It just seems too good to turn down the mayor said He said the finance committee had also discovered a consider- PREMIER FROST TO VISIT KING TWP1 FOLLOW OLD TRAILS Premier Leslie Frost has a date with Reeve Elton Arm strong King township and will visit the township in the near future Mr Frost is anxious to follow the old River trails which the Indians and the first white settlers used to take furs and hides to and from the Lake York Trading post Reeve Armstrong says there are three could j AFTER Interest in Fairy Lake and a possible cleanup of the area near the Water St dam has been stir red up recently to the extent that one citizen offered a program It has been opinion of some citizens that a real place to swim could bo made at the pond if it were cleaned A former citizen now living in Toronto read an Era and Express story about the pond and the following this week J As for Fairy Lake it was ruin ed day they built the new dam it Is definitely lower than the former one Tho old one was built of heavy boards The boards were nailed to posts that were several feet apart and the boards wero tight together When the water too high for the surrounding land a row of boards taken off and returned when the level of next row was reached was and may yet bo a summer house on an island in the pond with a cute little bridge joining it to the old property of late Tom The Schmidts kept it in apple pie order It certainly was attract ive to look at FRIDAY OCT Le gion Ladies Auxiliary euchre and In the Newmarket Legion hall at pm Admis sion Refreshments SATURDAY OCT Bingo In Newmarket Town hall spon sored by St Johns church Jack pot Time pm games game MONDAY OCT Holland Landing Home and School meet ing Guest speaker Dr John Dales Film shown Time pm MONDAY OCT ScoutGuide Mothers auxiliary will meet in the Scout Hall pm Pupils of Mrs Eugene Cane will present concert Light refreshments Mothers of cubs brownies guides and scouts Invited to attend TUESDAY OCT County Nurses Assoc will hold its meet in tho basement of St Johns school at pm Dr will speak on Plans will bo discussed for civil defense classes for meeting York County Hospital Womens auxiliary Agricultural Board rooms St New market Fred will address mooting Civic Ad ministration Tea will be serv ed Public welcome WEDNESDAY OCT Thanks giving bingo sponsored by the Newmarket Veterans in Town at pm Attendonce prize Jackpot cards Admission 35c Jackpot free FRIDAY OCT Earl Hoy- wood and his Serenade Ranch Gang at Newmarket Arena sponsored by Newmarket Optim ists One hour and a half show plus three hours dancing com mencing at WEDNESDAY OCT Bingo at Legion hall Newmarket at pm 19 games jackpot Sharethewealth and door prize WEDNESDAY OCT pm Special Youth Rally one night only Eureka Jubilee Singers popular colored group plus Don Lonic outstanding high school speaker at Aurora Lions Hall and SAT OCT and At pm in the Newmarket Town Hall Gay Nineties Melodrama Lily The Felons Daughter Joint produc tion by Newmarket Dramatic Club and Newmarket Optimist Club WEDNESDAY OCT match to be held on farm of Geo Richardson lot con Whitchurch miles north of Vandorf on Don Mills Rd under auspices of North York Plow mens Ed Logan Pros J Harper Sec c2w40 WEDNESDAY OCT 15 John Clark will give illustrated talk on bulbs Newmarket Horticultural society Trinity United school room pm Light refreshments Public cordially invited to attend SUNDAY OCT Newmarket Archery Club third annual deer target shoot and draw at Glen ville field course 2 miles west of Yongo St Visitors anil specta tors welcome Time am to pm DANCING Mount Albert every Saturday night from A to pm to Norm Burling and his orchestra DANCING at every Fri day night from to am to Norm orches tra MONDAY OCT Towel tales in the town hall at pm sponsored by Seneca Dry Goods under auspices of Womens Insti tute Admission low one of these on- side of the township an other from to and King to Eaton Hall Lake The portages from stream to stream were the most difficult part of the journey The Ridges forms the watershed for water flowing to Lake Simcoe and on to Georgian Bay and those flow ing south through the branches of the Humber River to Lake Ontario One likely route the premier and reeve may follow would be course from Kinghorn and King north Part of the journey can be made on foot so it is likely that these gentlemen will take a full day to make the journey FAMILY LOSE HOME AS TRAILER BURNED SATURDAY NIGHT A flash fire started by an oil space heater caused extensive damage to the trailer home of Mr and Mrs John Riseborough King City last Saturday night Ralph Hunter a neighbor was the first to spot the flames and pouring from the vehicle Using a garden hose which was attached to the town water sup ply at the time he brought the blaze under control Mrs Cecil Walker telephoned fire chief George Brown who used a chemical extinguisher The roofing and some of the siding of the trailer had to be ripped apart to apply ex tinguisher The wall where the stove stood was badly burned and the ceiling was ready to fall apart Clothing and furni ture were scorched and ruined by oil fumes and water vehicle and contents are insur ed but there was no coverage on personal effects Mrs who Is King telephone operator was on duty at the time and Mr was in Aurora with the children John age 10 and Anne Arriving on the scene about minutes afterward Mr unlocked trailer door and clothing and bedding were removed The family stayed with their friends Mr and Mrs Bert Daley at Aurora and are now seeking a place to live They set up a trailer homo lost November because It was Impose to find other lodgings or a home in village Mrs Rise- boroughs position with the tele phone made it necessary for them to live in King City They came from England about two years ago and while accommo dation might be forthcoming it would mean the family would have to be separated unless rooms can be found able saving could be made workmens compensation An ex ample he mentioned was In pensaUon for the firemen Now paying for certain compen sation the town could have the same for he said There is too great a prospect ive saving for the finance com mittee to pass up this opportun ity for a change he said We have been told in the past that the high liability losses in New market causes high rates But we are told by the new company that this does not affect rates only if losses are high in the group of policy holders the comp any is with Mr Vale said The mayor said that no scien tific system had been applied in taking on town insurance in the past it has just been done around the council table ha said Whenever a building needs insurance or other needs arise Page Optimists Haywood Ranch Gang ToMivehowM Hosplllomes I- i EARL HAYWOOD The Newmarket Optimist club is presenting Earl Haywood and his Serenade Ranch Gang a western group which is well known as a recording band Tfce Haywood gang has a regu- feiradiopjrogram every Saturn night on the On Friday Oct the wes- will visit the home for the aged on St York County hospital and on Millard Ave to provide a short program of entertain ment At the arena Oct the Hay wood Ranch Gang will provide an hour and a half program starting at eight oclock After that there will be three hours of dancing Proceeds from the event for the Optimist club wilt go towards boys work Included in Earl Haywoods gang is an ace fiddler who won a Canadian championship a month ago for his fiddling art -V- Night classes will be continued again this year year the Era and Express published questionnaires to find out how many persons wanted to take classes in woodworking carpentry crafts or any other lines and there was a heavy response After the questionnaires were received groups met and plan ned classes according to their interests Instructors found locally and successful series of classes in carpentry crafts brick laying house build ing and sewing were carried on during the winter months It has been requested that an application form be published again this year to find out what response there would be for night classes A meeting of persons interested in night classes will be held at the high school auditorium next Tuesday nigh Oct Those interested in night classes are asked to fill in the form below and either take to meeting Tuesday night or if you cannot attend send it to Night Classes in care of the Era and Express Sharon has agreed to be chairman of the meeting on Tuesday night Tentative plans are to elect a Night Classes committee The committee may look into further possibilities of instruction and investigate possibilities of re ceiving grants from the depart ment of education to sponsor some night class work instruc tion or facilities In filling out the form below it is requested that the first choice of subjects or courses you ore interested in be listed also the second choice your name address and phone num ber i j- I Am Interested In Night Classes FIRST CHOICE SECOND CHOICE MY NAME ADDRESS PHONE NO MWH t Coupon To Night Oases Era and Express j l rvw j

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