a fr Wow Km Oct IMS King City And District MR Laura hours of to by King township constables Arthur Moody and Bill Davis who op erated the speed trap The pen alty is per mile over the vil lage speed limit plus costs take was enough for a village said Constable Moody despite the adequate number of warning signs The operation of the speed itip will be a very frequent occurence the township council states We intend to stay with it until speeders de cide it is time to quit trying to outdo the traffic laws Con stable Davis said The worst offenders are found at on provincial high way No There the rate is anywhere from to 60 miles ft hour outlay of will be this year to meet insur ance premium on King City works the con- tents of the and the village trailer and equipment Estimates Of rates by an auditor to vll- trustees have been Three groups covering a year period have a pre of and the oneyear group has The policies fire theft malicious darn- fge windstorm public liability and property damage caused by part of the waterworks sys tem Trustees agreed to have the township of King endorse Its policy to cover protection for tillage firemen When the amount of the cost westerly lions were presented to village trustees by the contractor they decided that he be asked for an Itemized account and the ap proval of the engineer be Improve School Entrance Dr If chairman of fi trustee board requested Village to correct the main entrance to King City school because the township council had removed a previous conduit between the roadway end the sidewalk The com missioners approved a resolution that the township authorities be requested to place a conduit and fill without charge to the village or 2 on the basis of Dr offer to provide gravel from his farm pit free of charge said the removal of the culvert had left a dangerous depression irked Annoyed to the point of ex asperation by what was termed management on the part of King township council King City village trustors are protest ing against two unprotected building excavations on the side of Dew street The have no cement footings are filled with feet of water and heavy clay and axe a con stant source of worry to mothers who fear the worst when their children are out of sight Six children live In spite of repeated appeals to township authorities nothing has been done to correct the situ ation chairman Crawford Wells stated I think it shows very poor management on the part of council and the reeve We have begged them time after time to look after the matter He said this has been going on for near ly three years Two of the mo thers have approached council personally and all three have several times asked the trustees for help Trustees says they have no authority themselves to take Steps to fill in the cellars and apparently persuasion lias failed with the owners They do not hold the building inspector re sponsible ftpeeders Summoned Ten motorists are receiving summonses for exceeding the speed limit within the village of King City Their rates of speed were clocked on a given last week between the a Wild Raspberries I Mr Kerr picked a half cup of wild rasp berries which he found in a fence row on his farm on Sept 24 Fractures Elbow Albert last week suffered a brok en elbow while helping his son remove the screening from a deep well on his farm long pole being used to pry up the screen was dislodged by a chain in the well causing it to spring right arm into a position where he could not free it from the pressure of the pole Mr will be unable to use his arm for some time Collect Auction For their first fundraising venture King City Lions will collect all donations of produce apples vegetables and other saleable articles prior to their big auction sale on Tuesday Oct at pm in King Memorial Park when Atkinson will be auctioneer There will be lucky draws for turkeys and a refreshment booth Proceeds will be used for Lions community activities King City and surrounding district Is re quested to assist generously Jack will sale clerk J C Dew is president and the committee Is headed by A Wilson with George Har vey Jennings A J Gor don and J Service Ernie CUnnlns mail carrier of rural route No has contracted to truck firstclass mail and newspapers to King post office Which arrives at Oak St by truck from To ronto postal office at am and commenced on Wednesday Oct I The mail is ready for distri bution at the local office by As a faster service there is some advantage to the post office staff and couriers Other mail and parcels come to King by Express and on regu lar morning and evening Irani Temporary changes are also being established to collect the mail for express Mr Bob OHeilley handle the mail bags for Frank who re tired from this service on Sept although Mr is carrying on until Saturday Mr is also taking deliv eries on rural route to replace Mr who has consented to help In the distribution work in the post office for a while Mr Is also operating his own route It Project at Seta King City public school board has purchased a strip projector for use in the school at a cost percent which will be reimbursed by a grant on equipment from the department of education The purpose the investment is to facilitate the teachers in prelecting sub matter to the as they move along The by a script to describe the pic tures as they more along The board hopes this move is a pre- to a movie projector said Dr J board chairman who is donating a film dealing with China Public Speaking The preliminary public speak contest for pupils of grades and of King township public schools is scheduled for Oct 15 at Kettleby United church hall If on Oct when the names of the contestants are forwarded to Mr Wallace Bennett of New the previous day The farewell token was the gift of her King City neighbors and the presenta tion was made by Mrs Gordon Tetley Mrs and Mrs Jock Thompson received the guests Mrs and Mrs Irving Scott served the refreshments for a very enjoyable afternoon Lawrence and her daughter Mrs Ha were at the home of Mrs ft for a few days last week Louis Mclnnis Owen Sound Is spending this week with her niece Mrs at the Baptist manse With Rev Mr alley they motored to Uxbridge on Monday visit his son Wilbur Smalley a school teacher 3 -O- Mr and Mrs Fred Dent enter tained friends at a dinner party on Sunday evening to celebrate their silver wedding anniversary which came on Sept Pres ent were Mr arid Mrs Henderson Concord Bill Black- more and his fiancee Miss Jean Scotland school president of the Grew Toronto and Miss Norma teachers association it is Wells King City Mrs Mac Hamilton Maple called during the Miss Grew is remaining with Mrs Dent for a days this Is- from 4975 Extra pants FREE with every tailored to measure salt Hand by the House of Stone FOR A TIME ONLY PHILLIPS Economy STORE Opposite- Phono there are too many for one con test two semifinals will be held Each school is limited to two contestants The winners of inspectorate will compete against those of in spectorate at Aurora Win orators will then contest in the York County competition at the county chambers Toronto when the county council is in session Afterwards a larger area competition will be con ducted followed by the provin cial competition at the Ontario Education Association conven tion Impromptu speeches will be conducted on each occasion when the orators are given a choice of one of three subjects with time allotted to give thought to the subject For the King township con test teachers are asked to sub mit impromptu subjects and a donation of each school board for the prizes Fair fail fair be held on Friday arid Saturday Oct park Friday is preparation day when exhibits of fruits vegetables flowers domestic science art childrens work Is placed hall Saturday will be the big day for the many classes of livestock calf club competition harness racing rid ing and jumping competition midway school parade contest etc This year two extra classes are listed one in horses and other for Foil An gus cattle Satyatioh Army band feature the day followed by a in the hall in the evening it Is sponsored by Agricultural Sot School On the evenings of jft and cooking school will be conducted on of King United With each night featuring special trend fine cooking and baking on the There will be prizes of various kinds in and Wells On Sunday bet communion week until her city apartment is ready She- is an Ha Before her she intends flying to Eng land to visit her people- The fashion show in and Wells hall on Wednes day night Oct under the auspices of King City show the latest styles in child rens ladies and wear Business firms of Newmarket will be responsible for the ex hibits which modelled by local school children and ladies Newmarket will bring its own male In addition there will be a minute talk and demonstration on interior decorating and a lucky prize of a blouse will be given away of Bread The loaf of bread which rep resents the of life at Harvest vices at All- Saints Anglican church every year has been made by the family since the baked the bread for eight years and after her death in her Mrs- Geo has continued loaf she made for last Sundays service was made by 12 inch pan and had a golden brown color matching of the wheat heads in the decorated cross made by her husband- Dew accomplished her ambition she fed deer- in Algonquin ate bread from her hand as she in the car father John was driving arid J wife son John and motor ed to pes Joachims Quebec to spend the weekend William her i Impressive Services Impressive services were held at All Saints Anglican church last Sunday In celebration of the season which was emphasised by Archdeacon of season In the general fund there Is raised from the summer carnival and member ship fees and monthly draws at regular meetings Expendi tures have been to the K A operating fund fruit bas kets and flowers to sick mem bers a gift of a spoon and fork to each new baby born to aux iliary mothers Mrs Arthur Fleet president and the execu tive are highly appreciative of the response the com munity and outside districts dur ing the Eastern Under the chairmanship of Mrs Ivan Mrs Scott Mrs Shropshire and Mrs Grant a group representing the Aloha chapter of the Eastern Star arranged a euchre at Ridge Inn Mrs Williams won a basket of peaches and Jennings a basket of grapes Mr and Mrs Shropshire had the nearest wedding anniversary Sept Afterwards refreshments served Mrs A J Gordon and Mrs Williams members of the Queen City Chapter Eastern Star Or der attended a the Walker House Toronto oil Sept in connection with the Grand Chapter meeting in convention city Dr Campbell McKay and fam ily expect to move to their new home- ribar Maple which is pro vided for the doctor as veterin arian of Maple Cattle Breeders Assoc The house they have oc cupied will be taken oyer by Mr and Mrs Gordon arid two sons who have been living in the Anglican rectory Mrs feymorid was cre ated a life member of mana Auxiliary of the Church of England in Canada by All Saints A of she is the president In an impressive ceremony performed by Mrs C vely second vicepresi dent of Toronto diocese Mrs Burt received llie beautiful gold anil scroll and also Roman gold pin bearing the Biblical passage The love of Christ us The life certifi cate was 0 gift from Mrs family on her wedding in loving of years faithful service as a member The presentations made a J the regular meeting of the A at Kingcrafts Group ReElects Executive For Coming Year The proposal of the nominat ing committee headed by Mrs Baxter to retain the pres ent executive of Kingcrafts for the coming year was mously adopted by the member ship with expressions of appre ciation by Mrs Baxter for the excellence of their leadership Lady is the president Mrs John Grew first vicepros Mrs Geoffrey second vicepres Mrs B Johnston sec Mrs If Bryan and Mrs Johnston corr sec Conveners will be appointed later Kingcrafts Invest of its sale fund in a short term bond a view to later es tablishing a kiln for pottery craft Apart from the sale in take each who sold her work received percent on her sales I The annual meeting will be service be Observed each the Venerable A- the churches of Las and King United church On Thursday Oct King United church meeting of tlie will be held in he church When Mrs president i of Centre will speak Mrs George Robertson To ronto A Presbytery gave an informative on the work done by the Victor if Toronto for unmarried mothers and their babies She guest speaker at the Iff A of King United church at the home of Mrs If King donated to the cause and members brought numerous gifts for babies arid for other uses In the home Robertson also sang a solo The chairman was Mrs Mrs Gor don On became a member of the auxiliary on that occasion Andrews Anniversary Mrs and her sister Mrs James have been vljli Andrews Pres byterian church at Strange for more than 60 years In fact- since the were smgjj the home of their James will ha among those the anniversary services on Sunday Oct of Toronto be gyeH King ciioir wilt at lite morning service and music be pro vided at the at by Mr Floyd Davis of Wil- lias icordial invitation to join the congrega tion on that A J rge representation King township attended the- Jot- opening of Aurora district high school Friday evening when platform giienti Miri Armstrong also in the auditorium guest section Jennings and his wife Council lor RuHStii Snider arid Mrs Bol der Harold Rose town- fliii clerk and his wife At the homo of Srffonllo met under whom the rector Rev Mr Micheil previously served as curate The Archdeason stressed God is last to receive gratitude and thanks choir under the direction of Don sang the anthem To God The Mighty At the even service Rev pry Abotty the preacher The decorations of All Saints this spe cial Sunday Were beautiful Willi irich color of autumn flowers awl vegetables gropes and apples making a suitable tribute In the eh a altar six bouquets of pastel pink gladioli and pure white Easier lilies gifts of Stanley Wat son In garden are flourishing largo the ceiling was formed of wheat heads and the rich red innHntain ash berry Sheaves wheals group ings- of vegetables lovely autumn grapes apples formed of the Scones we have seen Barley sprays marked Sumac Treat for Cubs On Sept and Mi first King Cnb Pack with P I 1 Miss fedord- a friend of enjoyed the ScutU Johnny ftTalkie Jim Long- Ron Cairns Rickey Charles Shields and John motori J to the by Mrs Mi meetings will start more and are needed ImniedJatelyU Auxiliary branch had a very to pre- mm rally New- lit It The sum of Which Burt was pre siding at the home of Mrs Harry on Sept 18 was completely taken by sur prise when Mrs Sniyely announced the ceremony Present to see the ceremonial presentation were Mr Mrs Richard Can her daughter her children Mr Ter ence Burt of Toronto her son and his wife were unable to wit ness the scene Rev spoke on behalf of branch When Burt first became associated with the work of the Womans Auxiliary she became a member of St branch During that time she was treas urer for six years and president for one year She then became the charter treasurer of St auxiliary Toronto for the next five years- Later when the Burls moved to Kin City she entered the auxiliary here and has been representative to diocesan board for the past seven years She was vlce- for two years and is In her year as president of the organization Miss and Mrs p are also life When The Corn Ripe corn hot dogs and coffee were served buffet style It was quite cold and the huge bonfire very to the adults and four children As the fire burned jo embers there suddehiy appeared a ghostly figure It was Old who had come back from Spider Island to haunt the party makers David- son arid her little sister Heather were very skeptical of the trfbot J When they found it was Grandma they Mrs Folliott was Old Meg of the Spi der Island play put on by King years ago Ma an interesting story of his native Denmark it an old torn still there Every year in June when the spring grain is coming through and the seeds are planted bonfires arc lit by every farmer on St Hants night to drive away the evil spir it that might come to destroy Jthe banish families have as they gather about the on traditionai spirit dispelling night You can see the glow of fire everywhere on that Jin fie and his wife Vera were among those to joy ihe party Leonard and his wife Beverley fcame from Weston with Harold and his wife Vat Mr Jim and his son were on hand Travis Robinsdh of who is visiting ills sister Mrs Don Lalhg at Kirighorn there the- Ivan jasper came Miss Florence of Wes ton and Mrs Gladys Parker help ed their prepare the event- held on Oct at Mrs Dentons 3rd line Associate members will be notified by card of this special meeting Annual reports must be in the hands of secretary by Oct Applications for working funds up to per craft group must be forwarded to the treasurer immediately The work sate in June also helps to provide this advantage On Nov at the regular monthly meeting at Mrs Beat- tys St a sale of handi crafts among members will bo held all articles to handed In by Nov Reports of group conveners looked excellent at start of the fall season The weavers will have Mrs Heron as their teacher The leather group will have Mrs Beth Anderson as teacher while the experienced members of the will teach the Gratitude was extend ed to those who gave leather In struction last term Mrs Mrs Ivan Specht and Miss Ella The ruggers are thrilled with the spe cial wool they will use on their special nig project The wool musi be washed and dyed be fore using The are organized both at King and Sympathy was expressed for Mrs Canaries Johnston and fam ily bereaved in the tragic death of her son Geoffrey Mention made- for the return to health of Mrs Phair who in hospital was welcomed as a new active member of King crafts and the names of several others were sponsored with re- tractive or associate mem bership Gilday a new resident of con was a wel come- Visitor of Kingcrafts AUCTION King City Lions Club KINO MEMORIAL PARK Tuesday Oct at pm Potatoes apples vegetables furniture and other saleable articles Proceeds for Community Work Refreshment Booth- Auctioneer Atkinson Clerk Lion Jack J at PRACTICE KING 132 A sure sign of the approaching fall season roasts there them King legion and auxiliary held a roast Aug list 1 in A Ia Art Fleet auxiliary president ami Mrs Campbell the secreiary fireplace from cement blocks Covered with a grate it an excellent cook were and children on hand for the fun and singsongs On Friday night Aug a fire could lie seen in liar fold where a family group friends and enjoyed a couple hours of fun They had arranged a long table lit by an old lamp and boiled Co tula I us and best were 16 and John White oh Saturday evening when and A WHUp held bpen house The happy couple were with lovely gift of money by the neighbors and friends of the intinity Mrs Herbert Oliver spent the weekend hi Detroit visiting Mr Mrs J of Stratford Sunday with their daughter Mrs Clayton and family Wesley United church held its rally day services last with the children of the School which was en- OH YOUR OLD TIRE WHEN YOU INSTAU School inking part by everyone The story was presented by a group of the young people Wesley church annual roast last Thursday night on Mr was a good ami of liii the cool windy weather will celebrate tfieii on Wednesday i Nov SUPER LASTICS if ply ply ply ply 157104 ply LIST ALLOW 1090 OUR PRICK SNO AND MUD TIRES ply naslipne direplaying has been traced iMiefc almost to ihe history nod there were even HI thul era loaded iliee have in the ruins of TIRE store r HANDS SERVICE TREADS WORN OFF MY TIRES YET THE SIDEWALLS ARE GOOD AS NEW SEEMS A SHAME TO YOU PONT HAVE T0 A GOODYEAR FACTORYAPPROVED REDVP GIVES YOU A BRAND NEW TREAD rnfawJ for Mrs Maiilo from Ilia funrt with delphinium will ho will he blue for the loh room Jut how home there o fllllnKi There anil Dr end llio child- mi hand to I run Clayton and David moved carry for most of the coming AND THAT MEANS PI ENTY OF EXTRA MILEAGE AND SAFETY FROM WUR PRESENT SOUNDS LIKE A THANKS EAR factoryApproved RECAPS fi v lit