Newmarket Era and Express, 2 Oct 1952, p. 2

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Pages from the Editors Notebook This is the lost page of the editors notebook by this edi tor anyway It is difficult to write because It means saying goodbye to the many grand friends have had in our work here A newspaper is the of many hands Era and Express has been particu larly fortunate in Its friends and well always be grateful tor that friendship Well miss the close associa tion between writer and reader which is so much a part of a small town paper That inti macy has a tempering effect upon the wilder flights of the writers imagination It is one thing to draw bead upon the mayor from the security of the editors chair It is another thing to meet him ten minutes later on the street and hear his reasons for the faults we have just criticized Mayor Vale is very much one of those we will miss have disagreed often and there is no reason for him to look kindly upon us yd Mr Vale has al ways been gracious in his re lations with the press and of ten cooperative beyond the call of office Perhaps its his fathers influence Mr Vale reads the paper through and through and when he spots a typographical error or takes Issue with the use of a word he circles the offender and sends the clipping to us Weve had some rare discussions with him over morning coffee as a re sult but we have also noticed that whenever the going was rough Mr Vale had always a word of encouragement There are many like Mr Vale They were our severest critics yet they never failed to encourage and hearten with their support Well not forget their kindness paper has been particu larly blessed in its contributors We can never pay adequate tri bute to the correspondents There were times when their patience was strained when their news was reduced or of difficulties of finding space to put every thing in The communities they serve are fortunate Over the years there have From the Files of and 50 been many who have contribut ed weekly columns The Era and Express has a large num ber of columns for its size These contributors have had the widest in the ex pression of their opinions It was no rare to find one opinion on the editorial page the opposite in a column and a second columnist damn ing the other two Weve tried to encourage this variety of opinion and we think its been to the advantage of the paper and the readers We know its been to our personal advantage because it has brought us in touch with many friends wed not otherwise have The readers of a newspaper see the finished product few readers have any conception of the amount of work required to produce that printed page Let us assure those who have teased us about having noth ing to do from Friday to Wed nesday that there is no truth in it The work of producing next weeks paper begins as soon as the current issue is on the press The Era and Express used to be printed on a press which had grown so old in service that there were times when the fi nal printing run was completed with a welder standing by to repair the broken parts There are a good many employees of the Era and Express who were with us then and remain with us now when our equipment is so vastly improved Its a matter of pride that this should be so We have never worked before with such friendly cooperation and loy alty They have never been wanting in times of stress To them all say thank you for making our time here so pleas ant Our working life has been with words We have never found words inadequate before- And now in saying goodbye we find that there are no words to express the loss well feci nor the pleasure weve had in our time here Its been a good time well always treasure the memory of it Upmarket and pares Serving Newmarket Aurora and the rural districts of North York The Era The Express Herald Published every Thursday at 142 Main Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express limited Subscription for years for one year in advance Single copies are each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa JOHN A MEYER Managing JOHN E New CAROLINE iON Women GEORGE Snorts Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger IAWRENCE RACINE Job Printing and Production THE EDITORIAL PAGE PAGE TWO THURSDAY THE SECOND PAY OF OCTOBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO SKIT The residence of Mrs Bella on Prospect Ave has been bought by Mr Bernard There was quite a crowd at the of furniture on Thursday evening of last week and the sale was very satisfactory- Auctioneer Smith had number of good Jokes Mr Cane has sold his summer cottage known as Portsmouth on the Lake Shore road at Orchard Beach to Dr of Mr Collins is now wir ing It ready for two next sea son A freight car on the York radial jumped the track at Ave crossing on Monday noon The men were about an hour getting it on again Mr Hilton of Brad ford about years of age was run over by a load of oars one wiieel passing across cheat He was brought to York County hospital New market where he remained a few days and now recover ing at his homo It is expected that the new hospital will bo ready for occupation the first or second week in October The Farmers CoOperative is erecting a large warehouse at the rear of the More on Main St by feet two stories and a base- meat which will give oppor tunity to buy in carload lots and distribute to their patrons at the very lowest coat Work has commenced on the grounds and everything is ready to start on the founda tion THE OLD HOME TOWN OCTOBER 3 The president of the Metro politan assured this week that the first new car would be put Into requisition on Sat urday to bring up a party from Toronto to attend the Davis demonstration After that it will continue in service While operating a typesetting machine In the Express office on Wednesday afternoon Mr Percy had the index finger on his left had badly cut Owing to the limited supply of milk delivered at Newmar ket Cheese Factory last month the directors have conduced to close the factory on Monday for the present Mr Albert Thompsons new house is brick cladded masons are finishing the on Mr It Littles resi dence The carpenter are working on the roof at the editors residence- On Wednesday evening of last week as Mr Geo McDon ald was about to take the train for Toronto where he has ac cepted a position In Architect J is of flee he was presented with a beautiful gold ring on behalf of llie Citizens Band as a mark of appreciation and expression of good wishes George was taken completely by surprise Unmindful of the eighth commandment last Friday night somebody stole two bas kets of beautiful green gages from Mr garden Ho has decided to keep bull dog the future ft would serve somebody right if he had more than the seat of Ills pants torn out while engaged in such a mean trick By STANLEY LAST EDITORIAL This is the last editorial we will write for the Era and Express We are leaving shortly for Ottawa to do newspaper work there The prospects are exciting but we are learning now how difficult it is to say goodbye to a task which has been as rewarding as the editorship of the Era and Express has been for us We have many happy memories of the men and women we have met in our work of the undertakings attempted through the pages of the paper In our eight years and some months here we must have written a couple of million words Some were good and some were bad none we hope were indifferent There were a few of which we were very proud It has been work which has required of us the most we could give and our pleasure in it was accordingly great The Era and Express has received many honors In three years six trophies have been awarded the paper five of them for excellence of its editorial page We are proud of this recognition from our contempor aries More satisfying has been the recognition given the editorial page by its readers Our editorials have not always been popular They have not always been consistent nor have our conclusions always been correct We have never pretended to What we have written was written with an honesty of purpose Our purpose was to criticize that which we believed wrong and to encourage that which we be lieved right There were many who disagreed with our definition of right and wrong but well always treasure the respectful hearing we were given no matter how strong the disagreement We would acknowledge too a debt of long standing to the owner of the Era and Express Col P for the complete freedom lie permitted us There were many times when the opinions expressed in this page were hi conflict with his never once did lie suggest a restriction or limit upon our writing or attempt to in fluence our opinion What we wrote was our own that it should be so is a tribute to him and for us it meant a relationship between editor and publisher which we have valued highly To our successor Mr Jack we extend our best wishes to those who have followed this page our sense of loss that so pleasant an association must end J A M FIRST EDITORIAL In accepting the managing editorship of the New market Era anil Express we must admit that we do so humbly The newspaper is years old this year We are conscious of the tradition which is behind it While editors have come and gone the venerable Era and Express as the Globe and Mail called it a couple of years ago has served Newmarket and district faith fully for a long time We are most conscious of the fact that this tradi tion of community service carries on no matter who is the editor We admit that the personality at the editor show itself particularly through the editorial page arid we agree with the retiring editor who last week the editorial page remains an expression of opinion no more no less and it is completely foolish to advance any other claim on its behalf paper goes into some j000homes and is by thousands more people Many interests opinions religions and causes are represented by those thousands of readers They are the ones whom this newspaper serves This newspaper provides the means for indi viduals to express- their own opinions It is a mirror of community life opinion social events municipal activ ities accidents births deaths marriages festivities religious activities education and so on Considering all this a new editor taking over feels less important Mis work is just part of a function which has going oh for years lie may keep up the standards of the newspaper improve them or he may fall to do either As we said editors come and go but the Era ami Express carries on its job of serving its readers We have been with the newspaper over five years We are not a stranger either to the newspaper or to Newmarket Having attended school for three years at Pickering College and having taken training at the army camp during the war wo feel that Newmarket almost home town We to the newspaper five years ago a green spring shoot We have gained much in experience and our familiarity with the paper its staff and the people of Newmarket and district gives us a feeling of confi dence on the occasion of becoming the new editor We would like to make use of this opportunity to thank Mr John Meyer the retiring managing editor for His guidance during the past five years We learned much through his patient instruction and his advice Most of our knowledge of newspaper work came through him The opinions of the retiring editor not the voice of the people were challenged often but we are of the opinion that his editorial efforts and his support of causes were made and given in the best interests of the Community In his eight years as editor he has made a great contribution to the Era and Express the com munity and district We wish him well on his departure We hope that he will find success in his future undertakings PRICE OF PROGRESS The improvements to Yonge St and the intersec tion of Davis Dr and Yonge are necessary to remove a hazard which has too long existed How unfortunate however to see the wholesale destruction of the trees which lined the highway to permit the widening Pro gress extracts a high cost in wayside beauty The highway is pleasant to drive upon the road is smooth the grades easy the curves long But for all of these engineering accomplishments the new highway still retains a hazard boredom There is nothing along its sterile length to warm the eye and intrigue the riders attention Now Yonge St will be the same One of the pleas ures of that highway were its trees and although the department of highways does its best to conceal the scars of construction with sod and shrub and a tree- planting program it will be years yet before the im proved section will have any attraction beyond its safety and never again will it have the charm it poss essed before its renovation BETTER EATING The Financial Post Gloomy old Mr back in the 1820s said that population growth was outstripping the increase in the means of subsistence He would have been quite amazed at what has happened in Canada in the past years In 1951 the average Canadian consumed about percent more food than he did in According to a Department of Agriculture study the actual per capita spending on food increased by percent the food price index went up by percent In food the Canadian is getting more quantity and better quality The housewife complains about high food prices But if Canadians were content to live on the same quan tity and the same quality food as each one had 1935 and there is no reason why should because some people were hungry in it could be bought for percent of the income available for spending rather than the percent it now gobbles up Mere is another interesting fact In the theory of consumer behavior it is assumed that as income increas es the percent of it which goes for necessities like food shelter clothing etc declines There is only so much food one can so many shoos one can wear etc But if true for an individual that premise may not hold for a whole population at all at least over a few years time It is possible to double or triple a mans income in a very short time But such sharp changes arc improbable for a whole populations income The increase- m loin income for a country is a much more gradual process And there is ample time for new pro ducts and appetites to catch the consumers Al though higher notional income may mean that some peoplo spend a smaller proportion of their incomes on necessities are always lower income groups who with more money at their disposal will spend on necessities Hence over periods of a few years or even over a generation the food business and other items classed as necessities of life will probably continue lake about the same percentage of Canadian consumers incomes The key to the selling program of other goods is to consumers that they arc just as necessary and desirable as food The start if the tenant not the of the people the infringement on their right their agent In i not the function of the state to the direction of on individual choice Your favorite correspondent is busy this week What with this changeover in the top brass its been pretty hectic am feeling like a schizophrenic with two bosses one leaving and another taking over I dont know whos what and whats where and this mad house is getting me down v Slim into the office hear the man said Slim Yes mean leaving I no mood for conversation There was a moments si lence Whos over asked Slim Junior Junior Yes Har Oh shut said har Guess you will be neck now what that you and junior shall say didnt always see eye to eye Shut up I said Sorta been about job too eh said Slim Prald junior might get sore sometime and fire you eh he taunted Junior mean the boss and I know where we stand I said Were aloof of one an other Hes aloof and Im aloof Just let him try and dic tate to me though freedom of the press and all that If he does Ill expose him Well said Slim with a sardonic look I wish you a sweet time bad the old boy is leav ing though I always thought he was pretty tolerant to put up with the likes of you around here Well cry yes it too bad and it will leave a very deep impression on this I said Naturally we had our differences at times but I am sure- the old boss realized what an asset my writings have been to this newspaper You mean that ten people read your column and you figure that you have increased the circulation that much shut up I said Say said SHm Junior was think in that maybe you should make a speech on the departure of the old boss and the arrival of the haw one Now Ive got a barrel of fresh apple cider down to the shack Why dont you and the boys the old boss and junior come down and well toast out the old boss and toast in the new one Well just do that to night So it was that Racoon the foreman the printer Kusterd the Ole Al bert the pressman and all the others gathered together week and said farewell to the old boss It was a charming gathering We sang the old songs invented new ones and one of the ap prentices took the lid off the cider barrel and fell in while looking at his reflection Racoon the foreman who is the jumpiest person in the plant fell asleep in the middle of the old songs As the dawn crept out of the night we wan dered along our ways home tired though happy and a love ly time was had by alt The Top Six by Dairy Farmer We went to a real Fall Fair the other day a fair which is largely still unspoiled by other things so prominent at fairs these days As we were saying this was a fall fair with lots of livestock races and a parade on a beautiful sunny fall day It was also a very well organ ized fair where you saw a man with a directors badge he was hard at work at something The different breeds of livestock were judg ed without a hitch and every aspect of this show had the ear marks of being a community effort and the success of it was pleasing to all Here we also saw our first boys and girls lamb club show ing their animals The calf club boys and girls showed their calves in a separate class with their own respective breed and then showed them together for showmanship As we were looking at the crowds so obviously in a holi day mood and people visiting and talking we couldnt help thinking of some of the things that we dont like closer to home First the creeping com mercialism which forgets year after year what backbone of the fair should be namely a good livestock show At the fair we were at the four dairy breeds were shown in four adjoining rings Now there are few people who like a particular breed so much more than an other that they will not look at anything else We believe however that the average fair goer a farmer or retired fanner likes to watch cattle being judged Now ob viously at a small fair some classes ore good at some breeds others at another breed We think that the idea of ad joining rings Is a good one We feel that at some of our fairs at least too much being sacrificed to concessions adver tising anything under sun livestock and other purely farm interests are being shoved aside The fair is becoming a carnival and a sate of tickets oh cars We wish that some of thedirectors would go and visit these small er fairs and learn over again what makes a fall fair a fall fair There is one more thing a real beef if there ever was one The health regulations for all class A and B fairs has been really tightened up and so it should be for the good of all However we feel that it is senseless to write if nobody is going to bother to en force them As they stand to day they arent worth the paper they are written on We know of several cases where a man got away without the necessary papers Now it involves a certain risk to test for a fair a bad test and the animal can be branded We either have to abide by this all of us or forget about it If the doesnt want to be ruthless and step on toes let them ask the government ser vice to do the checking All this Isnt as serious a com plaint as we have concerning matter which has nothing to do with fairs This is the lime of the year when beet pulp is of fered on the market This year it is offered for almost more than last year We under stand that the sugar beet crop has been the best In years We realize that some of the cost has gone up but we are convin ced that the real reason for this enormous increase in price is the old bugbear the distribution system The crop is sold to large brok ers who sell it to wholesalers and large mills who sell it to the local mills who sell it to farmer This is just too stupid for words and puts this very convenient feed out of reach of many What is more the crop of all the factories is offered at the same price which too say the least smells We wish the federation would take not of this we think they would have a good case to fight TICKET FOR SPEEDING A

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