Newmarket Era and Express, 2 Oct 1952, p. 4

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FOR IAJJ LOTS FOR ROOK frame house with at tached convenience Im mediate Apply Timothy St house brick veneer poultry and barn acre of land creek running through Write Lome Par MX box Albert CASH give of with all conveni ence only Write Box Newmarket house and sun porch modern floor con- Apply Andrew St Newmarket house on Stanley Newmarket Phone Newmarket NEW broomed bungalow oil heated hardwood In front rooms nice lawn lot Wx20y Priced right for quick sale Mur ray Baker phone Newmar ket ROOM house in Holland Land- in Apply Milliard Hoi- land Landing If AMICUS FOR SALi ijCfTS now lolling for attractive on sur veyed subdivision excellent drainage ft and ft front ages of lot thousand so minute drive from Newmarket on Sharon highway Elgin Evan 1 ket phone CHOICE building lot on and Bolton Ave Newmarket Willi phone BUILDING lot at One lot approximately On Ave south of Newmarket cemetery Terms Ap- ply Mr John Walsh Vincent St phone Newmarket BOYS blue tweed suit long and short pants size Cub outfit size Evening dress net over mauve taffeta Size suitable for bridesmaid Phone Newmarket crlw40 TAILORED suit navy size Dressmakers suit blue size Brown fox fur Main St phone New- market TULIPS TULIPS EXTRA large heavy bulbs All color separated or mixed Rea son for selling no room Phone 738J or apply Main St New market Rates CLASSIFIED Two cents want ffhiwi of for w Half la repeated on wee nt a if to within Gaming two a wort minimum tent Price repeated on week Sal the firs week for each 22 HELP WANTS FARM ITEMS at paid week of n oenti lor toertion cents a line for week of Randall Holland Landing phone Newmarket HOUSE Apply A PROFESSIONAL man requires house or selfcontained apart ment on lease References sup plied Write Era and Express box Newmarket ROOM and board all convenien ces Will accept pensioners Phone Queensville HOUSE to rent A small cot- for permanent in Newmarket or vicinity preerr Write Mrs New- market RENT SHOP suitable for shoerepair in building Mount Al bert No opposition Roy phone Mount Albert FARM FOR SALE farm Small soft wood bush frame house bank ham henhouse Imple ment shed Hydro Buildings in good condition miles from Newmarket road Near church and school Good down payment- Write Era and Ex press box ESTATE FOR 2 PARTLY furnished rooms housekeeping privileges Phone Newmarket 4ROOM flat in brick house un furnished on St Apply Mrs Arthur Holly Holland Landing PLEASANT downstairs rooms centrally located good basement Available October Apply Timothy St phone Newmarket ACHES Block basement with sub floor and hydro Also other material for complet ing house Phone New market LARGE bedsitting room Grill privileges Apply St N Apt Aurora MODERN furnished or unfur nished rooms In new bungalow Housekeeping facilities Business couple Apply Prospect St Newmarket front bedroom grill privileges suitable for or air Reasonable Phone Newmarket 1 ROOM for two girls to to- aether Phone Mw Newmar ket c2w 4 sec floor heated hotwater and electricity supplied laundry tubs hardwood floors Corner Park and Victoria No children Phone 725j Newmarket iy ACRES pasture and bush with creek acre workable mile to highway Phono owner Newmarket WANTED TO RENT OAK cabinet with glass doors lots of drawer space chairs Apply Simcoe St phone Newmarket 2w39 BOYS figure skates black size Girls figure skates white size Practically new Phone Newmarket 3PIECE chesterfield suite very good condition tapestry cover ing of wear left in this one a bargain at 2PTECE chesterfield suite small size rep covering fair condi tion 3PIECE chesterfield suite pc wine blue tapestry fine for recreation room solid quarter cut oak dining room suite with carved claw feet excellent condition those who appreciate antiques of rare beauty should see this one complete NEW CLEAR OUTS pair Kroehler half sofas in dork red frieze brand new but discontinued line regular 24800 to be sold at 3500 discount suite brand new in Weave Ratine save on this one at BEDROOM SUITES BE SURE and see our hew ship ment of bedroom suites featur ing grey elm light and dark wal nut blonde birch butt walnut and limed oak many of these suites are featuring the new style bookcase beds Priced from UP Please compare our prices with Toronto stores before you buy Free delivery any where in Ontario CAU fiMARKt J SPACE heater large size gal oil tank Wood and coal cook- stove Old kitchen cabinet Phono Newmarket PAIR mens all rubber high size tan 5 eye let top lacing Grey wool gabardine size 3 Pair childs rubbers black size Phone Newmarket or with Tour Into left vat The En St Newmarket t In Mr phone ipl the of Mndrn md home in North York ROUTE driver for beverage tmok Write Bra and Express box Newmarket AGENTS DOOR to door salesmen wanted to sell our wellknown and guaranteed products including cosmetics ciilinarics medicines tea coffee etc Large discount Splendid vacant territories In your neighborhood Unlimited in come for the ambitious person No risk Very little capital need Particulars St Hubert Montraal j WOMAN to help general housekeeping Modern home on Era and box 210 Newmarket clw40 ARTICLES FOR SALE FIXTURES FITTINGS BOY or girl may have donkey to ride In return for winter care Inexpensive to keep but must have shelter and good treatment Apply Era and Express box 206 PIGS Number of chunks and suckers Merrill Johnson lot con East Sharon phone Queensville 20401 yvclw40 36 WEANED pigs reasonable La Rue Haulage Miami Beach or 7 WANTED Horse for mink feed Highest paid Rex Smith Queens- phone collect Horses for mink Will call for with truck Good cash price or write PO box AND AMBULANCE SERVICE phone REGISTERED and vaccina ted regis tered Hereford feiill It ftionths registered Hereford bull COMPLETE bathroom fixtures BATH or BASIN CLOSET Powder room white or color with chromed fit tings KITCHEN SINKS white or color chromed fittings and KITCHEN SINK CABINETS for porcelain enamel drain board tops or plastic tops FURNACES coal and oil gravity or condltioning with controls and replacing for furnaces FITTINGS and pipe in copper- cast iron black and galvanized steel Laundry tubs shower cabinets electric ranges re frigerators pressure systems oil burners FREE Write or visit our new modern showrooms We deliver you pay for no freight V JOHNSON PLUMBING SUP PLIES STREETSVILLE QUEBEC heater large size Small Quebec heater Phone Newmarket after SIMMONS bed 34 size springs and springfilled mattress Sim mons studio couch maroon Both in good condition Reason ably priced Phone New market quickly Re read this add then gallop down to Cliff Its value so tell your friends and spread the good news Why do more men and boys prefer to shop at r AT pure altwool combination under wear Shirts and drawers For people troubled with rheumatism and arthritis Why suffer pain for a few dollars c4w40 SALES OPENING Are you looking something better Do you wish to increase Hereford heifers your income We havofagood PRODUCE CHOICE young roasting chick ens Phone Newmarket TURKEYS for Thanksgiving quality Apply John Howard phone Sutton 2W40 MILK fed roasting chickens for Thanksgiving Place your orders now Phone Newmarket WANTED TO BUY FOLDING baby carriage wine Phone w ELECTRIC refrigerator in order Phone or ap ply Davis SCRAP steel tin or metal City prices paid You deliver or we pick up Northern Steel and Metal Co Davis Dr New market- opening for a man or woman full time or parttime to sell na tionally advertised Pro ducts in Newmarket No experi ence or Investment necessary we help you get started Write immediately to Ranger The j Company 350 St St Montreal FEMALE HELP WANTED Your spare time agree ably and profitably employed by taking orders for lingerie and hosiery for ladies men children and babies also bedding Nothing easier with our magnif icently illustrated catalogue with colors containing about sup erior quality garments all with samples of our materials All is a value of being loaned to you free Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded Fast delivery Genets commission bonuses gifts etc We are positively the ones who give the most to their Rep resentatives and stilt offer the lowest selling prices Join bur satisfied Representatives by writing immediately JOUR LINGERIE Inc Iberville St Montreal Davidson DIRECTORS MAIN STREET JERSEY cow years old bred heifer calf 3tf months old Phone Newmarket PUREBRED Suffolk shearling bucks Buck lambs Ewes and ewe lambs Marsh New market 3w39 CHUNKS clean and healthy approximately to Phone Newmarket GREY gelding bay mare Both weighing over 1600 lbs Phone Mount Albert REGISTERED Ayrshire heifer calf months old Apply J Pearson Phone Mount Al bert HORSES under 9 years horse years and months Fritz Zephyr phone Mount Albert EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World MAIN NEWMARKET Era and Express classifieds bring results S Flower Shop Member Florists Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parti of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A Main St Phone Attend One of These i TRAILER FOR SALE Millard Avenue each having A room 3piece bath and full basement to Main Street tenanted down or Cedar Brae with and workable bal ance bush and pasture hydro I pasties gale Will exchange for mall house in Newmarket down OARAGE in central location Phone Newmarket between am and pm APARTMENT FOR RENT J apartment at Cedar Valley hydro hardwood floors monthly Bus service daily I Mount Albert 2W11ESL car trailer nearly new Phone Newmarket QUEBEC heater Phone Newmarket station wagon coat fleece lined Phone Aurora ciw40 electric 4- excellent condition Give away price Phone Aurora Mans bicycle as new Smith A3 St Newmar ket RROKKIt f v j APARTMENT WANTED or ROOM apartment unfur nished by Dutch family with baby In exchange for domestic help Write Era and Express box Newmarket AURORA VKRV ranch type home In new residential area large living room with fireplace modern kitchen tile floor piece bath and bath bedrooms finished recreation room oil heating attached full price- Terms SHARON bouse on one acre Large rooms piece bath oil heating double garage nice lawns and garden In outstand ing view of surrounding country full We have many more to chose from GORDON AURORA ARTICLES FOR SALE TURriEDround 1 verandah posts approximately tt Screen door storm Apply to Niagar St Newmarket PAIR girls white figure skates and boots size winter outfit velvet trim size 46 Price lift Phone Newmarket ONE large size- Quebec Apply lit Preset New- market Reduced to clear Portable and console models Singer Machine Co Main St phone IMS el baby carriage Elec tric In good condition Reasonable Phone New market BEDROOM suite waalilng machine- reasonable occasional chairs Newmarket 4WHEEL trailer lb tire platform Arnold Bros 2 lw40 usdcars luxe coach miles 530 Own er driven Phone Newmar ket clw40 VB Chesterfield suites expertly re built and recovered Free esti mates free pickup and delivery AH work approved by of workmanship guaran teed DYERS UPRIGHT piano in good Reasonable 81th or Queen St 2 PAIR girls figure skates size and In good Phono RED Mercury convertible mileage beautiful condi tion Never had a dent or scratch Enquire Texaco Station dodge Custom fluid drive upholstery air- conditioning Perfect throughout 31000 miles Apply New- Cole Cotter St market NEW gauge shotgun 2 shells for gun and bicycle new tires light wn ooii and other raj piano and stool drophead sewing cedar chest 1 walnut dresser and wash stand marble tops china stand Royal walnut carved centre able and stool childs 1130 Aurora or Queens- ville CHOICE building Jots and Maple Streets Sewer and Water Phone 45 Newmarket RUGS Save up to percent New rugs from old rugs woollens and clothing Reversible seamless hick Made In latest color tones Phone New- market VKNtmAN blinds aluminum or steel for oil styles of windows Klrseh drain tracks rape anna rand pin etc and installations apply Ontario St PO box New- Newmarket or apply Nornian Rush Main North CI REeSPREAD FROM FACTOR YOU price In Canada Otis bedspread is fiiUy covered with baby chenille no sheeting show tug First quality It comes In all colors single or double with either or solid raised centre patterns At only each COD plus postage moneyback guarantee Order one you will order more TOWN TRY MFC Box Montreal Quebec wool coat col size Phono New market burner rnnuetteTa years old electric washing thine Phono Newmar ket if SOLID oak dining room suite 0 choirs huffet and table Phone Newmarket machine several childs rockers and wagon and tricycle large old chest drawers swinging mirror- mirrors fire bosketscreen and dogs china cabinet largo and small dining tables round and square studio couch hall mahogany Quebec heaters rocking chairs radios gramophone All kinds of china glass brass linen etc Fred Hirst phono Queens- vllfe STATION MEECURY heater first class condition 1050 or closest offer Queen St or phone Newmarket 1940 panel Brakes and motor good Urea Would suit contractor or farmer cash Phone 1034r New market WANTED TRANSPORTATION wanted to Avenue and Davenport days weekly Leaving Newmar ket at approximately am Returning at pm Phone Newmarket I I I OFFICE executive wishes daily commutation to Toronto Hours to unlay 0 to October 2 Contact Mr son Midway Local GIRLS AND MEN Preferably some with cars to arrange pool APPLY BY PHONE OR IN PERSON TO FULLER Plant Superintendent HOLLAND RIVER GARDEN CO LTD BRADFORD PHONE BRADFORD and LADIES desire work at home No typing Write Era and Ex- press box MIDDLEAGED Jdeairca light housekeeping position Good home Apply Mrs Stone- MoUht Albert phone MIDDLEaged lady desires in good Christian home town preferred Phone Newmarket mm 9tam BOOKKEEPER fully experienc ed requires position in town Write PO box Newmarket lw4l SUNDAY OCTOBER THE GOSPEL TABERNACLE Associated Gospel Churches of Canada Millard Pastor REV A YIELDING Pianist MISS VIOLET CURTIS 930 Bible School for all ages ll the pastors subject 2nd Timothy Communion service pm the pastors subject must I do to be SPECIAL Due to the crowds the Crusaders will again meet in the Town Hall I Friday at FREE METHODIST CHURCH HOLT Rev Casement Pastor District Quarterly Meeting October to FRIDAY Lyons pm A J 800 pm Warren Saturday am- Confer -reiice- 200 pm Bull pm business meeting V Rally Sunday Love Feast 1045 a 1130 School pm P Ellis pm King WEDNESDAY OCT a S the TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev J Aiken Organistv Norman am World Communion The peace which the world cannot take away THE SUNDAY SCHOOL The Senior school Nursery Beginners and Primary pm Evening worship The marks of a Christian You will be welcome at Trinity MOUNT ALBERT BAPTIST CHURCH custom made cover bedspreads Venetian blinds Malennl Klracb Pin on lining weights lanes etc For Information or appointment Richard cat Main Si phone Free figure ikatlng outfit Norge space heater good boots In condition Phone lo6w2l condition Apply market N Newmarket At Mon madotb- suits sole continues tra pnt All boys suiti sharply reduced for quick sale Extra only ciost Its AT suit values for the smaller man Its day only Mens suit prices slashed for quick cash sale Values up to Young mens nil covert cloth won stcct suits sizes to sale No refunds No lay Each- sale- Is final Al terations will can extra Thrifty people will grab up values TRANSPORTATION TO downtown Toronto Newmarket am leaving Toronto pm bate model ear Gun accommodate two Phone 1322w Newmarket HELP BOOKKEEPER wanted Male or female In Aurora Must bo capable of taking charge of office and able to typo Write Era and Express box clw40 TO carrots Opportunity to make to per day Marsh Co Ltd phono Are you thinking of tiling your kitchen or bathroom floor If so call Newmarket for free estimates for rubber mastic and plastic wall tile J and Son Andrew St Now market UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered In any fabric Apply Ken Sargent St or phone New- market WE are now equipped to Install septic tanks for restricted area For prices and Informa tion call Murray Raker phone Eagle St- Newmarket WANT your radio repaired In i hurry and guaranteed Phone New given Made- kitchen cabinets Art King lliMlNtS FOR SAU garden tractor 12 hp complete with plow cul tivator discs furrow opener and cash Gill Sharon CHRISTIAN Main Street Newmarket Minister Rev Fred Organist Mrs Eugene Cane am Communion Service Mr and Mrs Arthur soon to leave for the missionary field In South America will be a part of this service 230 pm Sunday school Evening gospel service Wed pm Prayer meeting All welcome Street 11 Meeting for Worship Come and meet with us AM welcome Thursday Oct 2 at Monthly Meeting CHURCH OP Rev Sidney InterimPastor Bright brief summertime continue under the mini- PASTOR of the Maple Hill Baptist Church J A cordial to all THE OP Cowl Mission Marie St corner of Arthur St Pastor Win Laurence Evan 10 am Sunday school Morning worship All Welcome SIR Newmarket Rev P Meredith MlnlaUr Herman Mas Divine worship pm Sunday school pm Evening Service As the summer draws to a close we resume our evening set vice and extend a cordial come to all METHODIST Pastor am Rally Day in the Sun day School attendance contest between Red and Blue teams come and see who wins It am Rev Stevens pm Evangelistic Rally Hear Rev Stevens In his message Prayer Meeting Thurs Oct at Minister Rev A JlUK Greenwood It am Devotional service pm Evangelistic service Wed pin Prayer meeting pan Junior meeting 8 pm meeting All are welcome I SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Newmarket Major Laura Collins Lieut Phyllis Canavan Sunday am Holiness meeting pm Sunday school pm Gospel USE THE CLASSIFIED PAGE THAT THE MOST j 1 J

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