t T jr Oct 1MI Hasketts Hub hope of nailing provincial honors on the soft- ball front were swept into the dustbin Saturday a hunch about how wed be focussing the spotlight senior ladies and passing on congratulatory sagesto Coach Charlie VanZant Earlby But as you can see BUI VanZant was lost to the t hunches dont always pay Our gals lost two in Pew Saturday and away went for honors on a provincial level As Coach VanZant it up Well never closer and not make it Certainly looking at it from this ingle in need of revision New market had to play five games on the road and only had three at home It just doesnt figure and making the VanZant troops play two away from home a doubleheader at that in the finals was the crowning insult The the or doesnt ask their mens teams to take that kind of pun ishment In competition there are no doubleheaders and theres always a toss for the third and deciding game If the teams dont agree on a toss then a neutral diamond is selected In this instance your para graphed figures the third game should have been played on neutral site say a date agreeable to both clubs Its certainly a point for Coach Van to carry to board come next general meeting Now dont get us wrong were not offering any alibis for the ladies they dont require any They knocked off some smart ball teams to reach the finals namely BowmanvJile and Lind say and were convinced if the third game had gone to a neutral ball yard the tale we had to tell would have been entirely differ ent- i Were not taking anything away from Midland Monarch they won on merits and the lo cal lassies were first over to wring the hand of the cham pions y Fans were mesmerized pas teurized and homogenized day when the big news cam that the town league season had folded as their one and only pitcher team Town leaguers have blown hot and cold this- and the leagues has been marked by squabbles pro- tests and bickering over player rights fecertalrdy stronger setup will have to be forged for other year if the league is to continue This corner for one would hate to see it fold in fact its a necessity if a large number of strapping chappies are going id get in some evening exercises- good deal of chatter going the rounds at present that the Hub will have one strong team and let it go at that next season That of course means outside competition league officials tK open for a Hub entry this sea son No doubt the opening will still be taking time from his scooting jaunts says Aurora a big team next providing theres op position around and about Theres possible way of Keeping the town league alive and thats by developing an in terlocking schedule with the league Heres how might work Say we- three teams here they play each team the circuit athome and Games count as losses or wins as the case may be in each to keep the interest fired up leaguers would stage their own series likewise then an over all set for the combined league iwqutd mean some travell ing for the local nines Simcoe league- teams might go for the idea of- game under the lights now and Certainly judg ing from interleague exhibition exchanges this season the teams are about on a par Anyhow its something during the long winter even Qmm Takes Antra Picked by most to take the Aurora town league crown Queen City Storage made the gucsspcrts look good as they came through with a 62 win over Ditch Diggers Wednesday to wrap up the title in the fourth game of their best of five final set fireworks in the third after the teams had trade singly innings potent poking outfield the on tKS tingle and aw Andy lumber Sniblls to stocfe the gtimi flharp of pace southw of did rest fece Diggers had to be content with six backs to the wall made a valiant but futile stab to get back the ball game in the of the fifth ft got- them as Ray White arid Howard Timbers came up swinging be fore Stunden knocked the rally head Don shot home with the Queen City Storages first frame run hit Grant Dawson got the go home the Diggers matching bit infield shots by Earl and Tracy rager Mickey Sutton Diggers came up with a well pitched effort and except for that bad third innings went along pitch for pitch with pitch Diggers Were first over to congratulate the new champs coach Norm Mathews and man ager Cliff Chapman Four Andy Jr Don Jack Andrews and Jimmy Emmons of this years championship crew helped the Merchants win the title last season J Queen City Storage Hol J Andrews Suttdh J Em mons A Castle bitch Diggers Dawson Wright White Stephenson it Timbers Sut ton AWARD Ken Pickering Third Star Ten you and truly think are agreed that Ron Ren ter and Ken were the stars of the ZephyrMeant finale Who star number three Maybe Horner Harold Watts Arnold they paced the hitters with Rival and Joe Case maybe They both handled their assignments in pie order rrtups Kelly Harry Zephyr Blues Nail Third Simcoe Pennant To Masthead thcll and id Theatre bundle of Joy Bines out- field Fred Spear trotted out his S senior gridiron force for inspection Wednesday in an exhibition fray with Lou Laniers Pickering College Firsts Though the absorbed a lacing and company can draw some consolation from the fact that this class is one of the best the col legians have produced in several semesters Pickering looking super sharp on the offensive slashed through the light line for a halftime majority before market found the J answer to their smooth operating ground and aerial offensive settled down to play steady foot ball in the second half arid shut down Pickerings id a single major bulwarking strongly twice held the striking at the yard line in the locals nearest approach to breaking into the scoring column I Bob King was Pickerings scoring star crossing the New market line for two touchdowns Dave Stewart struck for TO and had four converts for a nine point afternoon First half by John Sharp and Bill and Jim Smarts single built Pickerings halftime edge Bill Bannisters ground gain ing runs Taylor Gunch Gil berts tackling and Shi Clairs line play featured on the side of the ledger Gil bert W Bannister Beckett Morton p Dick A A Sinclair Talc VanZant J A Perks A Horner Carter Groves v NEWMARKET CONTINUOUS NIGHTLY FROM PM THRU SAT MATINEE SAT Play for the Davis cups em blematic of intermediate tennis supremacy at the Newmarket courts was completed last Maureen West and coming racquet defeated Pat Cock to walk off with the girls singles title Charlie staged a fighting comeback to outlast Bales to take down the honors in the boys vision Both winners were pre sented with the Davis cups at the conclusion of the tourna ment by trophy donor Keith Davis In the junior girls tourney Mary Vole defeated Betsy Bell lo win the title David Rhodes won over John to annex the boys divi sion crown The tournaments concluded a busy and successful teenage tennis promotion pro gram at the local courts Boasting a that was well sprinkled with Lake coe sof tbal I league stacs Sutton Greensox steamrolled to a W- win Little Britain BiUei birds Saturday afternoon in Sutton to capture their second straight county baseball I championship Sutton sluggers I swinging from the boot tops teed oft on three Little Britain for hits drew on a masterful sixhit ten strike out pitching effort frpm ace righthander Geo Holborii Keith Dunn lashed out for four hits triple double arid two singles John kicked in with two doubles and a single and Tommy fugitive from the Keswick flock got into the big hit act with a triple double and single to spark the Sutton assault Othir league stars prominent afield and at bat in the triumph were Don Cameron Willow Beach first- Bob Pollock Keswick and outfielder Wil low Beach Earlier in theseason Keswick Bon ftovve Claude Pollock and Willow Beachs Ted Anderson appeared in the Sutton line-up- as the swept aside ail opposition on their way to the title Taylor Hare Trivelt Cameron J Matt Pollock J Weir tripped Mount Mon day to collect their third straight Lake league flag That win following on heels of Fridays triumph sot the Stan Cook trophy on the Blues trophy shelf for another term A team thai Wont ho lid said and so Blues they proved themselves worthy crown- by- rolling the last two games of the showdown set to cop the verdict v Plaudits too ore Case his scrappy Mount band for making the final series one the fans will remember for years to come Mount to stay alive and prolong the set shot off the mark with a first ramV counter oi Bob Badger walked aboard coasted home when Ken Pickering lost a low throw Blues fired a- tying salvo in the following chapter as Don Hewlett hit pay dirt Harry shot the works in the third Horner Har old Watts and Ken Mitchell strung base hits and that cou pled with Geo Greens loft had the in the drivers KenIit- chell saw his defenses crumple the fifth Dave Couch losing Clark Arnolds chop and Elmo Paisley didnt get on his horse quick enough to haul down Pick erings drive Pickerings blow finished a two run homer and Blues were leaders when Ron singled and completed the rounds as Dave Couch tried to find the handle on Harry hotshot scooter Those Upset Ken Mit- and it was ail iup with Mount in the seventh as johnny Meyers and Clark Arnold spark ed it tworun insurance rally Mounttes had a runner aboard in the fifth and two in the seventh as- Horner found Ron for Mounts fifth hit and Doiig Simpson drew a pass but it no runs and curtains for the as Ken Mitchell rapped out pitcher to first Ron Kester fired a fivehitter Ken Mit chell gave lip ten Errors five no the ties Horner paired singles to pace Mount and it was one each to Ha WattsKen Mit- Newmarket fiedmeh will write finish to a success ful- first year season with a ban quet Friday Oct Executive and members the team met last to hear a financial report on the past seasons opera tion- Despite heavy expenses of starting team scratch treasurer Torn ted the ended with over in the kitty The executive and team on -recqrd- with a thank you to all the fans who supported aided the making the i4iJ return of intermediate baseball Once upon a time as all good successful venture Theres PINE ORCHARD ZEPHYR Story held from last week BRADFORD Fight pictures heavyweight championship of the world Jersey Joe Rocky TO SATURDAY in Technicolor Denver and Rio OBrien Pitt v In Color Sound Aflckey stories start good little and good little girls Walked quietly and sedately through the school hal Is life past couple of years thats jail- been changed Now more than junior will he galloping the hall on yard dash Or soaring over a for practice for the annual track and field inept The prac tices are over now this noon and tomorrow Friday of comes main event the public schools track- flfid field meet It goes at on both and is being held at the school field welcome sigh has been hoisted for all parents to attend by Principal if A Jackson and his staff Better be and see approximately young tod dlers to eighth graders go out after points and ACADEMY AWARDS BEST DJRECtOR OF THE YEAR BEST ACTOR OF THE YEAR MONDAY TO Knlertalnment Sudden Joan lark Parlance Okinawa Pat OBrien 1 v w V6 Is photo night FIRST ana Flooding ivwlli get underway Oct IS at arena Arena Stun Smith Ice should bo available by pel 10 the arena will he open to prac tice sessions from then on local A OJIA entry will probably their first workout Plans for a banner Intermedin ate season are ApproxlmfcIy players are expected to on hand for the try Out- Harry Morrison has coach All of Inst team will available for duty Including Ah and Jack Andrews Coach Morrison aU has throe or our outstanding lined up to bolster the cam and It should nit odd up to a hustling hockey machine to represent the Hub in race little doubt that hardball variety will be back big ger and better thaVi season and already three town merchants have Indicated an in sponsoring the team in ld3 the election of officers for will be hold after banquet Oct Weather permitting the may hook a couple Saturday afternoon exhibition games over the next couple of Weeks to conclude Ihcir act season- lite last the final and decid ing game between Pine Orchard and Zephyr Blues in their Lake Softball League semi final series will be played under the Newmarket Pair Grounds lights tomorrow Friday evening starting at pm Faithful fol lowers of both teams can hardly iwlicve their hopefuls have been battling nearly a month to pro duce a Count however shows thats a fact teaons have met eight makes nine Blues have won two Pine Orchard two one was a tie one stopped and two darkness league officials head by President Ken announce that the league fin als winners and Mount Albert will under Newmarket lights on Monday and Wednes day of next Should rain In tor ford with Fridays deciding tilt will be played Monday here big Irfii ft In nut Iho with three Arnnld out of hitting two doublet and vet eran campaigner Johnny Meyer added fuel to two J K3liy catch and strike pitch to tno gattopirig catchei featured Mount out ho back to pull in two hit Mitt and rated for a running League proxy Ken it official with his pres entation of the Stan tro phy to captain a Leafing back to Fridays cleared the track for Zephyr to spill Mount Albert try belting a tower ing circuit clout a mate aboard In- the toni the eighth to crack a stalemate As usual Mount were on the wrong topi a double and one horner a Blues edge Horner double and single and consecutive by Harold Watts Doug Simp- 1 son Keri Mitchell and Charlie Green furnished Mount with a lead in the fifth as they went for a three run bundle in the fourth and four in the fifth Zephyr retaliated with two in the fifthon Don Hewletts double and squared It in the following panel as Alan squirted a bunt fair and drew transportation home on Clark Arnold and Ron singles Tension rode on every pitch af ter the Mountics had gone down in order in the eighth Then the blow that killed fa ther Charlie Green lost Ken Pickerings and Ron kicked the door ajar for with homer Ron Kes- batted and pitched the Blues home in pitching ball and driving in four i as KestcVs chief aiders were Ken Pickering with a four run show and Don Hew lett who cashed three runs with a double Horner topped the Mount hit list with three Char- He Green came up with two and it was one each for Bob Badger Hal Watts Doug Simpson and Ken Mitchell Zephyr Meyers Arnold K Pickering Kes Hewlett A Lockie B S Mount Albert Badger Watts Simpson K Mitchell Green Green Paisley Case Couch A Case to fteaw will start wsisJofis next Got in Aurora arena working ftT Hunts initial practice is tut All signed anyone In Die Junior age bracket to try out the team is naked to report Bring fun equipment and a- hotkey stick adds Manager mm fit VALUE HI MUM AND DAD Purchase wool navy blue English Gabardine top coat or raincoat fully satin lined for boys and girls to 998 SMALL BOYS GABARDINE Long pants and flannels to la years r- IN TUNE WITH Casual autumn- tone jackets See also page On the baseball front Legion conquerors of het went on to toko the Soutti in I straight games with Stroud The vaunted wore match tot southern winners missing pitching arm of Danny now in Toronto Was their in other Aurora Legion took the district midget honors and with and by Aurora Hires In the not lob distant fu ture Sutton rnshlfts out of i young club In row win hon ors for the second time toyed with opposition from- hilltop find of the year In the circuit Kejth Johnny Tom wero the big stickers of series Too Sutton didnt enter series as they rated Charlie has his Bradford lacrosse team out In front of tho Sroun roundrobin Bo Keep your fin gers crossed Its a tough go t-i- In Professional Wrestling at t fv A I -w- at Morrisons every 1oAiighiVVttcI Wrestling show and another a week hence will complete the run of grunt and at the this fall Headlining tonights assault on sanity will be another of those actionproducing tidbits a three man team match which will send the St goodie- goodie boys Garner Jumping Joe Greenfield and Hill CI hi into action against the varmint threesome of Gory Tony and other round out Last -Thurs- provided sonic of best ring faction of the and had the fans on the increase by the way up on their seals like mad As recently lis couple of weeks ago Garner the of sordid St mixed It with Johnny outside the ropes to of the deal bill wasnt lot ond accepted Mr to get thin the ring and- that grudge innth bust Thursdays cur After chewing each others ear off trying assorted hair tugs and Garner smeared his referee opponent in two straight heats prevailed in tho team match as Jumping Joe Greenfield and his helper Hill got Into high gear to pin down rough and nasty and Tony NIGHT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE WATCH FOR POSTERS ARENA NOTICE Looks like a busy winter ahead advertising space for sale in the Arena Apply Stan Smith Mgr and Ms SERENADE RANCH f m m RECORDING AND RADIO ARTISTS OCT 10 1 hour program 3 hows Sponsored by tfw i ft i