J J- WHAT JUS SAYING Aurora News Page Ontario Premier J G SINCLAIR Editor to this major event in the life of the Era and Express lit other columns of this weeks to review detail the Meyer and iQgiiWsUt the a singularly close From start to finish the official proceedings- of opening the new Aurora District High School were carried through with a distinction that befitted the historic occasion It was a truly historic occasion and there was a great audience to acclaim it at the head of which was the Prime Minister of Ontario himself the Hon Leslie Frost There could be no prouder man among the mated at than the chair man of the High School Board Williams who has seen his dreams come true We recall an afternoon in the spring of when Dr Williams unfolded to us plans of the which had been in his mind for some years- On Friday night September just after the Premier of Ontario with his right arm around Williams shoulder declared the new Aurora District High School officially opened The dream had become a reality It was a night and it was a grand affair thor enjoyed by all who shared in It It Is a lovely school It has cost a lot of money but the goods are there to justify the ex pense It must be one of the best in Canada It has added greatly to the prestige of Aurora It Is a credential for Aurora and district which In cludes the townships of King and Whitchurch vc On A Nate All the speeches were oh high note- It would be invidious on our part to single address es for special mention when alt of them had an Individual dis flavor There was shoal of gay wit in the remarks erf Mr Adams as there was deep sobriety of the Rev these admirable Ingredients Ml the address of Welcome by chairman Dr Williams wit sobriety and humor Jit the remarks of van who performed the task of the guest speaker of evening Dr Leslie Frost Ontario premier Alt such qualities were in the speech of and and the of his former domino and of the school Knowles For Mr KnowJ this was a occasions an occasion climaxing his nearly years supervision as principal National pride was evinced iif the words of Lt Col J head as he presented tfie flag to the school a gift accept most graciously by Major Johnson There was charm and exalta tion in the renditions choir under the Mr Harris a national and spiritual uplift which found i ready and generous response from deeply appreciative listen- era The four numbers sung by the choir gave a choral vintage to the evenings eloquence n Mdxtmv- The premier spoke for half ah hour was a fascinating exper ience for all those who had the pleasure of hearing it The pre mier ha an easy somewhat pa ternal style of delivery which Is fluent and colorful in quality He had throughout his address very attentive audience Towards the end of the Mr dealt with the limited potentialities of Canada emphasizing the good fortune en joyed by Canadians of the pres time and the abundant prom ise of the future As far as the younger of his listeners were con cerned a highlight of his clos ing remarks was the promise that Friday October would holiday for all the schools to mark the occasion they cel ebrating It was a fine speech for on historic event A Meyer is with great regret are parting company with bur business colleague and personal friend Mr John A Meyer who for over eight years has filled the position of managing editor of the Era and Express Mr Meyer has resigned from tho paper to take a position in a pub- lie relations capacity at Ottawa will find a refer- space of many Ideal few years the majority resident in Aurora of John Meyer our necessarily be more we first began write for the Era and Express it was almost nec essary for us to exchange dtjCtions we were scarcely Mown to each other During the months especially we each other in intimate mental sense where formalities give place to frank The longer we come to know John Meyer the peater has grown our regard him- moment therefore we only bring to say how sorry that the Sfiikjimih this newspaper has him find to wish him success In a new career When we sorted but our data we and put on th record that his many thous ands reader Kim by together wo hope with accompanying picture For shall allow him to for himself in the editorial he fe we believe writing for the present issue -t- Editor WHITEtAW Select Cards St j WILDS News vie Aurora Mr Meyer has been succeeded who number years has iieh of Era and pbrlod of our know Mr fetKeiht of personal friend ship in aviator issue We propose picture man who now and Express chair by- famous editors of the past Mr has spent five years paper and is there- informed on its its business and its readerservice activities He takes over when the at a eaJtpoint in Its circulation- history but which the evidence goes to show will be greatly expanded In this belief and ending our futtirowriteup ittho hew managing editor wc wish Mr every success in the position ho now Having already been asked what changes these events might have Aurora News Page our replete none whatever except in one important particular namely that we shall presently be expanding our Aurora adver tising and job printing facilities Aa far Policy is concerned Continue to operate Aurora News Page as an independent and unshackled editorial and news service for Aurora and district fill other words wo shall carry hitherto plus business ex- iJJA lawn Tournament following were winners at the Trebles at Aurora on Saturday Sept First prize with 6 points went to- George skip Cliff Bernar do and Sinclair Second prize points to Charles Fry skip and Charles Copland and third prize 38 points to Elgin of vilic tea Sfrhe winners in the draw wore Mrs Moo Aurora first prize one set of bowls and second prize It Gage Kingston Ontario one or bow and third prize Emerson Dale Bee- ton a bowling measure Irwin Watts made the At the Tottenham tournament held on Wednesday Charles Fry skip and William Morris secured second prize- In the mens doubled Congratula tions to oil winners mentioned f-V- lively Picture I brown dogs In the front scat of a cor parked on Main St on Sat day morning last In front of I John drug store Mr our to them and they looked a lovely picture sitting straight up looking ahead iwy were the property of Mr farmer of Whit- church township who out from Old Country four years are a fine breed of dogs intelligent and handsome and reliable caretak er HALL AURORA TELEPHONE 56J PAGE NINE THURSDAY THE DAY OF OCTOBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO EDITORIALS ONE BOARD TOO MANY There is one board top many in Aurora The redundance is arena board It should pass out of existence and be replaced by the Recreation Commission This is a live energetic body It meets twice monthly and its members are keen on the ball Their activities are well publicized for the reason that they welcome the services of the If the arena were supervised by the Recreation Commission provincial grants would become available which are not open to the arena board sound argument for a necessary change Another that instead of a lukewarm languid supervision of arena affairs there would be enthusiasm and- progress laments of Too Late Recreatibh Commission would if its past history is any guidance give to arena affairs the dynamic injection they so badly This suggestion is not a new one We made it in these columns some twelve months ago Our under standing is that the relevant bylaw would permit of such a change That such a change has become more and more imperative is constantly ma manifest Its the same old story said Councillor Cotbett at the last meeting of council They wait until the fall until they ask for something that should have been done in the spring Arena business could be revived But not by a board whose epitaph could appropriately read Too Late Its members should retire and make way for more energetic and progressive successors SANCTUARY IN CANADA- Some weeks ago there came to council a slim youth of apparent German nationality of an age from to lie came to obtain a licence which as the facts revealed he did not need for the small trading activities he proposed to pursue He had respect for the laws of his adopted country and was anxious to observe them When the facts were explained to him he bowed politely to the mayor and council expressed his thanks smiled went his way The thought occurred to us that but for a meg alomaniac named Hitler this German youth would have grown up a worthy citizen in his native land- His courteous forthright manner and his respect for law all these suggested that he will become a good Canadian citizen He was an offshoot presumably of the mad Hitler regime a youth who had sought sanctuary in Canada where civilized freedom prevails v There is something profoundly pathetic in the ex odus from the once great country that Hitler and his crazy satellites ruined The impact of that disordered ferocious mind will be felt by generations still unborn Those generations of the future have no control over the forces that rent country they will inherit The casualties resulting from the brief but terrible reign of Hitler did not cease with his melodramatic suicide Hitler casualties arc in Canada and in many other parts of the earth in search of a belter and a more com pas- workhvV That is pathetic enough But there is a deeper pathos in the knowledge that the land of Mozart Bee- Goethe and Schiller is now partly invaded by the Mongolian hordes from the east whose bloodthirsty doctrines the civilized western nations are resolved on keeping in check and finally extirpating It is the choice between freedom and barbaric slavery POINTS OF ViEwt jt i An old resident of Aurora to us time ago that he wouldnt mind if the town remained less as it is for rest of his time Since he is a man of middle age that could mean a long time Ho wasnt concerned so much with the quantity as he the quality of J Two of the leading business men on Main street told us a they business already ami werent expansion latter tovim would mean not less but higher taxes Anyrconsiderable increase of business would mean larger overhead and general operating costs and in the end the benefits would not justify inter- in imprqy rather r a in prpinoUng tlie ibwiK does not necessarily mean progress ftnd a better that individual or can satisfactorily subsist lis has been described as a f -js- in decline there is no middle course i There Is a difference between slowly do t growlh plenty of ijj tied of Aurora that suddenly overloads itself is analogous to a student who crams in rttfttUiy for an examination Both expose themselves to the dangor of an During the course of the past century Aurora has enjoyed an orderly and steady of progress and Is toay a town of and quality Wo think that the points of view of the and the business we have quoted deserve careful thought COUNCIL SIDEIIGHTS Charging That Promises Had Not Been Kept Councillors Request Return Of Sponsors Reeve for one hour at the last meet ing of council prior to tjie mayors appearance at oclock his absence being caused by earlier important business Once before during the period of the mayors summer Vacation the reeve presided over council and as we said at that t hie did the job successfully KNOW YOUR MERCHANTS Doug Harrison One of the youngest business But beneath this men in Aurora Mr Douglas likeable exterior are other has experienced very great ties of strong determination and success in the six years he has the will to succeed Add to these J We mention this matter Jo draw attention to the fact that with these two exceptions Mayor Rose has attended all meetings of council throughout 1952 One of arguments used against him during the election campaign was that the unexpected demands made on him as a medical man would mean that council business would be interrupted by com ings and goings arising out of these uncertainties Nothing like that has happen ed Mayor Rose has been regular attendance all coun cil meetings and stayed there often until near midnight and once or twice beyond that hour seeing business through With few exceptions business has started promptly at the hour of eight in deference to what the mayor once described as of a late start Nor must wc overlook the generally unfailing punctuality of members of council and the regularity of their attendance It is a pleasure for us to put it on the record that the 1952 council as with its predecessor has maintained punctuality and regularity Without tiony we can say from our ex perience that the town council gives lead to other organiz ations in town for good keeping in starting business and regularity of attendance Complaints -A- Mayor Rose took over while council was listening to- an of ficial of the North York Hu mane Society outlining his un derstanding of dog control The official was a- pleasant young man who stated tharhis activi ties in this area had begun on August only Complaints of council could not therefore be justly directed at him But he did hear the complaints One of of them fell from the lips of the mayor who declared that he had seen no improvement in the matter of dogs running loose and that his own garbage tins had continued to be ran sacked as though no dog control were in effect Members of council were equally at what amounted to a charge that town money was being wasted on the contract Councillors J Murray and Ralph Tucker took the logical stand that the delegation who came to council and persuaded it to enter into the contract with the North York Humane society and Mrs Fielding should come back to council provide it with reasons why the contract they recommended and secured on behalf of the society and which had not been fulfilled appears to be reasonable That being so it hoped they will accede to the request The town should not have to pay money for a service that was promised but hot performed Successful Delegation Mr Larry Rubin was chief spokesman for a twoman dele gation composed of himself and Mr Marshall represent ing the retail committee of the board trade They were present to appeal for some fi nancial assistance t help brighten up the town at the Christmas festival and help blisiness Both Were very worthy objectives Three years ago when we first started to write in Aurora Mr Rubin was one of our earliest and enthusiastic supporters and did not hide the fact Not that he necessarily agreed with everything or even most of what we wrote But he was good enough to say that we gave readers something to think over and that was encourage ment enough for us If a writer can provide something for people to think over he is at least doing something worth while Thought is the first in centive to action At the last council meeting Mr Rubin gave members some thing to think over They did their thinking quickly and ac cepted his recommendations to brighten up the town at Christ mas You may be sure the job well done and that Au rora will exhibit a more attrac tive Main street face than it has ever known iu its history No Money Spent Councillor Murray chair man of the sports and publicity committee was allocated a bud get bag of 600 for such useful town purposes as he and his committee might determine Being three frugal fellows Mur ray and Tucker they had spent none of the money So it was easy to allocate of it for the purpose recommended Rubin That sum will not cover the costs of decorating the which will be boosted from other contributors listened to Mr Larry Ru bins 10 address to council with much pleasure He always knows what he wants and never strays away from the should again come to council point in question He Is a good a and explain the alleged failure The delegation consisted of Col Dana and Mrs As the published records of the delegations arguments would show when they came to council on the evening of Mori- day June Col and Mrs Fielding a- or never attitude stated that a decision one way or the other be made that night Reeve Cook arid Councillors Davis and Murray especially wanted the matter delayed for council to No was to bo permitted for thinking It oyer I A- decision it was stated had to lie made that night Consequently a de cision was madoiThose support ing with the North Humane society were Mayor Rose DeputyReeve Murray and Jones King and Tucker Oppos ing the ore Reeve and Councillors Davis and Murray of Contract obvious that further I on pari of the North York society will have to bo presented- to council and assurances provided that for remainder of contract its will guaranteed provides a reason for the re demption of monies for purposes stipulated but not per formed the mayor and members of council wore unani mous on failure of con tract made withthe North York the request that Col speaker with an incisive clear- cut use of words He puts an argument over easily and con- with no Suggestion of ramming it down anybodys throat His stylo persuasive and compelling Had he not been a successful grocer we think he would have proved himself a successful lawyer He thinks along legal lines We are believers in Christmas and all that it stands for This newspaper will be happy to as sist the Board of Trade In any Us to brightens up Aurora for the Christmas festival been operating the Aurora dairy To undertake a venture of such a character at the early age of is exceptional Special per sonal qualities provide the expla nation Doug Harrison is a young man of a modest and unaffected a capacity for long hours of hard work and the explanation of his success is apparent He started from scratch and owes his present success to his own efforts plus another influ ence That influence he has Col gtrtiersHof a book ore the inside margins Jot pages where they bound together V- V I- for Friendly Personal At JOHN DRUG STORE St jjj Aurora telephone 7r It A Habit Meet Your Friends At Store Two Graduate Pharmacists St Aurora Tel Tel St Monday Friday Doors Open First Show at Saturday Doom Open First Show at Matinee Saturday at pm Friday and Saturday October 34 Tin Saga of a Perilous Journey Passage TECHNICOLOR WEST bt I rem I Marad ttTURf HALF WIT DlsiMy elk Mm by TECHNICOLOR Monday and Tuesday October The Picture You Have Asked For Wednesday and Thursday FEATURE NO I wo I NO Adult Entertainment Next Attraction A Laugh A Minute With MARTIN AND LEWIS in JUMPING SOON SINGING IN THIS RAIN TUB AFRICAN SON OF BOB HOPE LOVKLY TJ LOOK AT Make a date for the double feature SUSPENSE SOON iiSdT