Newmarket Era and Express, 9 Oct 1952, p. 1

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jflfa A A t PAGE Second Section Number of Copies Printed This Week 4500 SERVING NEWMARKET AURORA Art HE RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK YEAH YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY OCTOBER SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH j v Accident Causes Death Injury family Of Former or An automobile accident near on Sat urday night caused serious injury to one Newmarket resident and the death to two members of the family of a former mayor of Newmarket Killed In a headon crash were the Ontario Milk board His Mr Albert Gore Bay granddaughter was riding on the her granddaughter Jane months Mrs Floss Currey termlaw of Mrs James Sutherland Prospect feSf Newmarket suffered broken Albert mayor of New- years ago was the river of one car He was not injured One passen ger In the other cor of Kirkland lake was killed and others were Injured Also injured in the car were Mrs John mother of Jane Mrs Albert wife of the judge died while being removed to North Bay hospital Jane died Sunday morning In hospital cars were wrecked who arrived after the accident said it was a miracle anyone survived Judge is chairman of WESTERN SHOW Hospital and doctors bills as a result of Injuries put the New market senior ladies Softball team in the red this past season To raise and offset expen ses the team is presenting a western show at the arena Tues day night with Lee and Cooper as stars Coach Charles VanZant says it will be best old time show ever to appear In Newmarket See Sports Page knee of her grandmother on the front seat beside the judge Mrs Currey was born at Keswick Mrs Floss Currey who lives with Mrs Sutherland in New market was on a holiday visit The accident occurred while the were on their way to the city SEEK BUILDING RESTRICTIONS IN M AREA A petition signed by peo ple in the VLA subdivision asking for building restrictions in the area of St was presented to council Mon day The petition asked that the area be kept exclusively for residential purposes and that such a bylav be passed A delegation asked that town- owned lots adjacent to the sub division be restricted for houses only The delegation said that a request for purchase of a town- owned lot had been made to council for the purpose of build ing a small church The delegation said residents were not opposed to a church but that they would like to see a building with standards equal to the residence in the area Council did not oppose the peti tion Paper Crowded Seek Earlier A number of articles sent to the Era and Express by correspondents and contrib utors had to be omitted in this weeks publication The large demand for advertising space caused a shortage of space In spite of the fact- that a page paper is being pub lished A general to permit earlier press runs also caused certain changes in layout plans We hope that readers contribu tors and advertisers will bear with us until the best pos sible plant routines are worked out To facilitate in the produc tion of the best type of pub lication we ask contributors and correspondents to send in copy as soon as possible We are asking display adver tisers to have copy ready as early as possible not later than noon on Tuesday of each week With Monday of next week a holiday a special request being made for early ma terial Editor Classes Crowded Lift Time Individual Attention Attention was called to the crowded classrooms in the New market public schools in a re port by the supervising princi pal A Jackson at the boards October meeting Mr Jackson listed nine classes with to pupils in them The number in these rooms is too great for the teachers It unsatisfactory as far as the pupils are concerned said Mr Jackson Several pupils have come into the schools since Sep tember bringing the total en rollment to Of these are children who have never at tended public school before Mr Jackson said teachers can give or no individual at tention when their classes are so large The discipline problems with or children in grade are quite numerous The grade classes are too large much too large for effi cient work In lower grades where children are learning to read it is impossible for them to receive the individual atten tion they require In some of these classes it would take minutes from a halfday to give each pupil only two minutes reading practice YORK NURSES MEETING HELD The fall meeting of the York County Nurses Association was held in the Prince Charles school Newmarket on Tuesday Oct Miss Bertha Tunney presided The guest speaker Dr Dr was introduced to the meeting by Miss Grace Sut ton He gave a talk on leuke mia Miss Kay McMillan moved the vote of thanks to the speaker following the discussion period Plans were laid for a sixweek course in civil defence for nurses It is being organized by the public health nurse Miss The next meet ing of the York County Nurses Association will be in December f ead w r i te arc always bat tha mutt ba editor i iZw A editor The article in this weeks Era What a Teacher Expects of invites a reply If you this reply worthy of you have permission to use as you see fit As children wend their way daily to school parents are deep grateful for all efforts by teachers in their childrens behalf The greatest need day by day In the eyes of parents is that their children will have teach ers with cheerful personalities Often a child will come home and remark Teach er is in a good mood today An other day when asked how school is going will come the Is nothing but old Parents know full well that there are day at school as in the home when everything seems to go wrong A teachers patience and forbearance ore quite often taxed to the break ing point A cheerful person ality maintained even under the most adverse conditions will in the end best In Over an extender period of time teacher will demand by her own personality the co operation obedience and integ rity of her pupil SIii these days when the cost Of Hying is so high teachers must cooperate with parents in keeping the cost of current school supplies to a minimum Parents are experiencing much difficulty in the week- to meet essential costs than one parent has been lally embarrassed I sWSV we as parents will do our utmost to foot the bill This correspondent can quote an when his child came home the opening of school with a lengthy list of books that must be purchased One book op that list costing over was purchased and was never mud during the entire school term That same text is now obsolete and might as well be thrown in the garbage Parents on the whole do not object to punishment cither cor poral or any other form admin istered to their children if their children deserve punishment All we ask is that care bo ex ercised In verifying beyond a doubt exactly who should be punished Teachers and parents are mutually not Infallible No thing defeats a childs respect for cither teacher or parent more completely than to receive undeserving punishment If punishment must be admin istered let it be done quickly without prolonging the childs fear of what Is going to happen to him fear of pend ing punishment can destroy a childs appetite and undermine his health to a degree that may retard scholastic progress expect Die teachers of their children to provide In school an atmosphere of cheer ful and happiness where child can work and piny with other children and know no of injustice or unfairness Wo as parents strive to dis charge our parental responsibili ties Our success as guardians of is by nature In di rect proportion to the ability of teachers to understand children and their problems Yours truly Children -7- FRIDAY Andy says his glory bound squad will work out again tomorrow Friday evening at the Aurora ice emporium Prac tice time is chimes All play ers already signed and any wish ing to try out with the team are asked to be on hand Fur ther workouts will be scheduled for early next week says Dr heads up the executive of the Aurora junior club this season Doug Clark is secretarytreasurer Jimmy Wil son honorary president Andy manager and Charlie coach i- RALLY DAY RECORD Sunday school rally days are among special activities at New market and district churches these days The Free Methodist church set a record last Sunday with attending for exceeding the number expected The school into teams Reds and Blues to see which team could bring the largest attendance George was captain of the Reds who had a majority of Elsie Gibbons was captain of the Blue team HUNTER TRAILS Thanksgiving Field Day the Hunter Trails races and de monstration hunt will bo held by Toronto end York Hunt it Beverley Farm Yonge St on Oct and will provide a un ique and sporting day for riders and spectators Full dress hunting attire will honor the Hunt although it is not com pulsory The demonstration hunt is Important feature of the day im HOSPITAL MEDICAL PAEDIJRICWINSft At the September meeting of York County hospital med ical staff a recommendation was approved to go to the hospital board for a new paediatrics whig on the hospital The one prob lem was to staff the the staff members felt Kooming in nursery is being carried out at the hospital now Mothers look after their at the bedside Advantages arc that new mothers learn how to take care of newborn babies he- fore they leave hospital Nurses also plan to start classes the care of babies staff also discussed poss ibilities of acquiring a part time pathologist Dr and Hut chins were speakers at the meeting RESUMES PRACTICE Marian J doctor of resumed practice at Flight Cadet Lawrence climbs from the cockpit of a T33 jet aircraft at Station Flight Cadet ODon born and raised in Newmarket attended the Stuart Scott school He is the son of Mr St Catharines and a nephew of Mr and Mrs Chart Holmes Hamilton formerly of Newmarket He had the highest marks in his pilot graduation class won the J Junior Pilots Challenge trophy Discuss Acci For Pupils Of Schools An accident fund in the New market public schools was dis cussed at the October meeting of the board of school trustees Larry bell presented a report on a similar system in operation at the high school It was decided that a form be sent to the parents des cribing the plan The fund would would be set up to meet with ex penses when accidents occur on school property on regular school days Each pupil would pay cents a year towards the plan If there is insufficient interest among the parents of children at tending the public schools the plan will not be put into effect The amount receivable in the event of an accident to pay doc tor dentist xray or hospital fees would be determined by the number of participants in the accident fund plan EVENTS FRIDAY OCT 10 Dance in SUNDAY OCT Newmarket Holland Landing Community Memorial hall pm George Mitchells orchestra Everybody welcome Come and have a good time Admission clw4I FRIDAY OCT- Earl and his Serenade Ranch Gang at Newmarket Arena sponsored by Newmarket Optim ists One hour and a half show plus three hours dancing com mencing at pm c4w38 SATURDAY OCT Figure and hockey skate exchange arena to pm under auspices Newmarket Figure Skating club Mark skates with name size price Club retains cents on each sole DONT forget I Harness races at Beach Race Track Thanksgiving Day Oct pm TUESDAY OCT The Red Cross will quilt and sew at Trin ity United church from oclock until Lunch served at a nominal fee Those wishing knit for the Red Cross may ob tain yarn that day If to come for all day would glad to you either afternoon or morning clw4I WEDNESDAY OCT A presentation arid dance will be Archery Club third annual deer target shoot and draw at vilie field course 2 miles west of St Visitors and specta tors welcome Time am to 5 pm rv MONDAY OCT Civil do- fence lectures for nurses Agricultural Board room Weekly for six weeks Register with Miss Mary Osborne clw41 THURSDAY OCT Oppor tunity sale good used clothing while elephants Market place Town Hall Under auspices Home and School assoc iation pm A MONDAY OCT Square dance in Aurora Lions Club Sponsored by Aurora Square Dance Club Music and callers by the winners of the square dance competition at this years exhibition Admission clw4l THURSDAY OCT bingo in Aurora Lions Club Hall spon sored by the Ontario Hospital Time pm cards 50c 20 games 2 specials Share-Hie- wealth and door prize c2w41 FRIDAY OCT 31 and MONDAY NOV Canada Packers Food clinic will present a cooking held in Kctleby hall at school under the auspices York for Mr and Mrs Ray Rogers County Hospital Womens orchestra Admission WEDNESDAY OCT 158 pm Special Youth Rally one night only Eureka Jubilee Singers colored group plus Don outstanding high school speaker at Aurora Lions Hall FALL Rexoll I cent Sale October at The Rest Drug Store in Newmarket and SAT OCT At pm In the Newmarket Town Hall Nineties Melodrama Lily The Felons Daughter Joint produc tion by Newmarket Dramatic Club and Newmarket Optimist Club WEDNESDAY OCT Plow ing match to ho hold on the farm of Geo Richardson lot con Whitchurch miles north of Vnndorf on Don Mills under auspices of North Plow mens Ed Logan J Harper Sec WEDNESDAY OCT Clark will illustrated talk on bulbs Newmarket Horticultural society Trinity United school room 8 pm Light refreshments Public cordially invited to attend FRIDAY OCT in St Johns school the aus pices of Catholic Womens League Time pm Ad mission Refreshments and door K Town Hall Valu able prizes- Ticket sale limited Admission NOVEMBER 3 and Monday and Tuesday Robin Cook ing School Lions Hall Aurora at fl pm Sponsored by Our Lady of Grace church Lucky draws and door prizes Admis sion Tickets on sale now c4w4t WEDNESDAY NOV Hope A Annual bazaar and supper in Sharon Hall Time oclock Adults Children elw4 THURSDAY NOV fl Chicken Pally supper from to pm Under the auspices of the Aid of St Pauls Anglican church Newmarket In the Parish Hall Admission FRIDAY NOV Fourth An nual Community auspice Newmarket Handcraft Group Town Hall to pm Reserve the date FRIDAY St Pauls Parochial annual Christ mas leu bazaar in the parish halt Newmarket WANT to reduce that waist lino Why not do some howling Kvery Saturday night is open howling night the North Alloys DANCING at Mount Albert every Saturday night from to to Norm his orchestra Bus King NEW FIRE HALL NEAR COMPLETION SEEK FURNITURE The new town fire hall is Hear ing completion Firemen are appealing for any odd pieces of furniture which may be used in the second floor quarters tables chairs chesterfields radio and piano A proposal was sent to town council for a policy on rental rev enues from the second floor rooms The firemen proposed that half the revenue go to the brigade half to the town Firemen complained that there were no electrical wall plugs in the new building on the second floor Councillor Lome Paynter said There was short sighted- ness on the part of someone The architect knew that there was to bo a kitchen upstairs Persons wishing to make dona tions are asked to call Charles Simmons or Fred They will arrange to have all donations picked up AYERS TELLS OF TRIP TO WEST AND ALASKA At the October 1 meeting of the Womens Association Trin ity United church Newmarket Miss Ayers gave an in teresting talk on her trip to Alaska last summer Miss Ayers president of the Newmar ket Business and Professional Womens club attended the and P Federation convention in Vancouver in July and travelled to Alaska on a postconvention tour Miss Ayers trip took her as far north as She travelled by boat train and bus While in Port Rupert Miss was entertained by Mrs Harney the former Gladys of Newmar ket Miss Ayers described the scen ery totem poles and other high lights of her western tour She visited many business establish ments and canning factories Miss Ayers said that the salmon is packed raw in the cans seal ed and then baked in huge ovens Mrs M presided over the meeting and introduced the speaker Mrs Harry Hooker moved a vote of thanks A tem perance paper was presented by Miss Starr The evening closed with a social hour Engineers Conduct Fairy Lake Survey ForCleanup Plan in conservation and popular demands for cleaning up Fairy Lake in Newmarket and a recreation pond in Aurora arc coming closer together Already surveys are being made in both towns to find out what can be done to create beauty spots and useful centres MRS MEET The recently formed OptMrs club of Newmarket a ladies aux iliary of the Optimist club held its first dinner meeting at the King George hotel on Monday evening The president Mrs Lilian Warner presided over the meeting After the business meet ing the joined a meet ing of the dramatic club in the town hall to see a film on the production of a play ST PAULS CHURCH- ORGANIZATIONS All the organizations of St Pauls Anglican church com menced work for the season this week The evening branch of the met at the rectory for their opening business and devotional monthly meeting on Monday evening while the af ternoon branch held a meeting in the chapel At both meetings the rector Rev J Rhodes commenced a new series of addresses on the new study book Thine is the Glory for each group The Parochial Guild held its opening meeting on Tuesday evening at the homo of Mrs J Hiller Davis The Roys Clubs held its opening meetings of the season also the Junior Roys on Wednesday evening and the Senior Roys will hold their tomorrow Friday The Junior Girls Auxiliary will also hold their opening meeting of the season at to morrow in the parish Next Sunday Rev Cannon Jacques director of public edu cation for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind will Ik guest preacher at the morning service Mr student of College has con sented to take Mr place as superintendent of the senior Sunday school Mr Lo thian and family have moved to Oak Ridges POPULATION According to the Went assessment roll official population now stands at an increase of over last years figure Assessment this year amounts to a net 4 The Upper Holland River Con servation Authority held its first tour of the Holland River water shed yesterday afternoon land banquet at the King George hotel last night Members of the authority its advisory board municipal council representa tives and farmers with officials of the conservation branch pro vincial department of planning and development toured the area by bus A survey of Fairy New market and an area in the southwest part of Aurora is be ing conducted by conservation engineers The purpose of the engineering survey is to find out how Fairy Lake can be made into a beauty spot and a suit able place for recreation A clean pond in Aurora with suit able depth for swimming is also being planned Chairman of the conservation authority Arthur Evans also announced that trees will be planted next year on pro perty on the side of Fairy Lake owned by the Office Spe cialty Mfg Co Mr Evans said that Manning president of the company had offered use of the land for tree planting Guest speaker at the banquet was Kourtright a Toronto businessman and conservation specialist who is president and originator of the Sportsmans Show He told of the wide spread destruction of forests in Ontario loss in soil fertility and its serious effects on the econ omy of the province There are only years left for lumbering of white pine un less a program of replanting for mm I OPTION ON EAGLE PROPERTY EXPIRES An option on townowned property on Eagle St between the Armitage Heights subdivision and Eagle St has expired According to the property com mittee the option had been taken by Tom at a meeting this summer for the purpose of build ing a large Boll Telephone Co garage Although the option has expired the company itself is interested in the prop erly according to Mayor Vale Before the option had been taken the property committee of council hod planned to sell the property as individual building lots sustained yield is started ho said He decried the shameful lack of proper forestry water and wildlife practices In On- J Taylor of the Kilbour En gineering company explained the survey of Fairy Lake and its purposes The town engineer told us the background of Fairy Lake As I understand it there is a wide public approval to make the lake beauty spot and recreation area Through the survey we can estimate the quantities of silt on the bottom of lake and record the depth of water A purpose in view is to remove the silt and build up an entrance or strip of grass on the cast bank next to the railway tracks The lake would be narrowed and deepened causing increased water velocity which would keep the lake clean from algae and undesirable plant growth he said In Aurora three to five acres of nice water with a good flow now exist We will carry out a survey on the ground and see what effect a dam would have to deepen water to a useful depth for recreation purposes Mr Taylor said Frank Newmarket who is interested in the fate of Fairy Lake suggested raising the level of the dam I am not in favor of decreasing the area of the lake he said One of the first things we should do is to contact all the Interested parties before we do anything said Mr Taylor One farmer said that Fairy Lake level never was so high Contrary to statements by old timers that the old dam was higher than the present one he said the river level on his farm south of Fairy Lake never was higher Dr VanNostrand a farm own er near said that after all Newmarket and Aurora could do little about the volume of water in their rivers We farmers around Creek are the custodians of the water which supplies your Fairy Lake and your pond In Aurora he said He said that conservation practices in Whitchurch would have much to do with water levels in the watershed Local residents interested In a Fairy Lake cleanup attending the banquet were impressed by the interest in the authority Several said there Is hope for Fairy Lake yet Night Classes Regisbtttfon At High School NextTue A meeting to discuss night classes was held at Newmarket high school auditorium on Tues day night Arrangements will be made for night classes at the high school for typing millinery woodwork and If the demand is sufficient Registration Tuesday night the high school auditorium at pm Mr J W Lockhart principal of the high school said that the high school vocational wing fa cilities would be available for night classes Department of education grants under the high school scheme will pay per cent of the costs of classes if there are ten people or more in each class Community Programs 33 I branch sponsored by the De partment Education will pay all costs for classes organized by a community group Under this scheme ten persons per class are also required Vv The Community Programs branch also supplied books if classes are started in English for New Canadians y Another meeting on night classes will bo held for registra tion and any further planning on classes form below is being tinned for tho convenience night classes committee whicfjig will help moke arrangements for further classes Those are asked to fill form and mail Classes in care of tho Era and Am FIRST SECOND CHOICE ADDRESS NO Return Ml tf Coupon

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